ETH NOMU $ 10 LOGY JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR ETHNOMUSICOLOGY NOW INDEX VOLUMES I-X 1953-1966 Society for Ethnomusicology , University of Illinois Press are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Ethnomusicology www.jstor.org SOCIETY FOR ETHNOMUSICOLOGY, INC. Board of Directors President: Mantle Hood, Institute of Ethnomusicology, University of Califor- nia, Los Angeles, California 90024 Past President: David P. McAllester, Laboratory of Ethnomusicology, Wes- leyan University, Middletown, Connecticut 06457 First Vice-President: Klaus Wachsmann, Institute of Ethnomusicology, Uni- versity of California, Los Angeles, California 90024 Second Vice-President: Gertrude P. Kurath, Dance Research Center, 1125 Spring Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103 Secretary: Theodore C. Grame, Dept. of Music, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520 Treasurer: William P. Malm, School of Music, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105 Directors-at-large: Nicholas M. England, Dept. of Music, Columbia Univer- sity, New York, New York 10027; J. H. Kwabena Nketia, Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana. Council: Term ending 1967: Robert A. Black, Rose Brandel, K. P. Etzkorn, Frank J. Gillis, Theodore C. Grame, Mieczyslaw Kolinski, Jan LaRue, Alan Lomax, George List, David P. McAllester, Roxane McCollester, Norma McLeod, Wil- liam P. Malm, Wilton Mason, Nadia Chilkovsky Nahumck, Bruno Nettl, Sirvart Poladian, Gustave Reese, Barbara B. Smith, Klaus Wachsmann. Term ending 1968: Willem Adriaansz, William K.Archer, Samuel P. Bayard, Judith O. Beck- er, Viktor M. Beliaev, David L. Burrows, Dieter Christensen, Zygmunt Estrei- cher, Edith Gerson-Kiwi, Charles Haywood, K. G. Izikowitz, Shigeo Kishibe, Barbara L. Krader, Juana de Laban, Jose Maceda, J. H. Kwabena Nketia, Claude V. Palisca, Laurence E.R. Picken, Charles Seeger, George P. Springer, Erich Stockmann, TrMn van KhZ, Tanjore Viswanathan. Term ending 1969: Isabel Aretz, Ann Briegleb, Robert E. Brown, Gilbert Chase, Sam Chianis, Daniel J. Crowley, Ernest Emsheimer, Nicholas England, Hormoz Farhat, Robert Gar- fias, Mantle Hood, Walter Kaufmann, Israel J. Katz, Fumio Koizumi, Rae Kor- son, Boris A. Kremenliev, Gertrude P. Kurath, William Lichtenwanger, Alan P. Merriam, Leonard Meyer, Herbert Pepper, Harold S. Powers, Luis F. Ram6n y Rivera, Willard Rhodes, Johanna Spector, Harold Spivacke, Oliver Strunk, Darius L. Thieme, John Ward, Richard A. Waterman. Editorial Staff: Frank J. Gillis, Editor, Archives of Traditional Music, 013 Max- well Hall, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47401; Associate Editors: Gertrude P. Kurath, Dance Editor, Dance Research Center, 1125 Spring Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103; Willem Adriaansz, Book Review Editor, School of Music, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98105; Don L. Roberts, Record Review Editor, Fine Arts Library, University of New Mex- ico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106; Editor, Special Series: David P. McAllester, Laboratory of Ethnomusicology, Wesleyan University, Middle- town, Connecticut 06457; Editor, SEM Newsletter: Robert A. Black, Depart- ment of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53211. Editorial Board: John Ward, Chairman (Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A.); Victor M. Beliaev (Moscow, U.S.S.R.); Dieter Christensen (Berlin, Germany); Zygmunt Estreicher (Neuchatel, Switzerland); Edith Gerson-Kiwi (Jerusalem, Israel); Shigeo Kishibe (Tokyo, Japan); Barbara Krader (Syracuse, New York, U.S.A.); Jose Maceda (Quezon City, The Philippines); Alan P. Merriam (Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A.); Bruno Nettl (Urbana, Illinois, U.S.A.); J. H. Kwabena Nketia (Legon, Ghana); Claude Palisca (New Haven, Conn., U.S.A.); Laurence E. R. Pick- en (Cambridge, England); Trah van Kh$ (Vitry-sur-Seine, France); Tanjore Vis- wanathan (Madras, India); Klaus Wachsmann (Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.). Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 56-12963 Copyright ? 1967 by The Society for Ethnomusicology ETHN OMU IKOLOGY JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR ETHNOMUSICOLOGY INDEX Volumes I - X 1953 - 1966 Published for the Society for Ethnomusicology by the WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY PRESS Middletown, Connecticut 1967 TABLE OF CONTENTS PrefacePreface ....... .............................. .i.i.i. .. 1.. Index to Authors, Titles, and Subjects of Articles and Miscellaneous Contri- butions .................................. ...... ...... Index to Authors, Titles, and Reviewers of BooksBooks ............................................17 17 Index to Editors or Collectors, Titles, and Reviewers ofof PhonographPhonograph RecordsRecords . .. ....................... .. .. .. ... 36 36 Index toto EditorsEditors oror Collectors, Collectors, Titles, Titles, and Reviewers of Films ............ 42 Vv PREFACE This decennial index is a guide to the contents of the Journal from the first ETHNO-MUSICOLOGY NEWSLETTER through the Sep- tember 1966 issue of ETHNOMUSICOLOGY. It is divided into four parts: the first is an author, title and subject approach to all arti- cles, brief contributions, reports and other miscellany appearing within the main body of each issue; the remaining three parts are indexes to the book, record and film reviews. Departments such as "Notes and News" and "Exchanges" have not been indexed in detail; however, biographical data, obituaries, news of meetings and other activities of the Society and its chapters have been culled from these departments and from other parts of the Journal and have been included. Comments, additions and corrections to previously published matter have also been indexed and are in- cluded under the author and title entries. The arrangement for the four separate indexes is generally al- phabetical. All listings under personal names, however, are given chronologically, that is, the contributions of or references pertaining to an individual are listed as they appeared in the issues of the Journal, from the earlier to the later volumes. In the review in- dexes works by an individual are listed before his or her reviews of other publications. The NEWSLETTER appeared in eleven issues, designated as Vol- ume I, as follows: No. 1 - December 1953 No. 7 - April 1956 2 - August 1954 8 - September 1956 3 - December 1954 9 - January 1957 4 - April 1955 10 - May 1957 5 - September 1955 11 - September 1957 6 - January 1956 Volume II began in January 1958, and since that time there have been three numbers per volume issued each year in January, May and September. Editors for the first ten volumes were: 1953-1958 ALAN P. MERRIAM Vol. I, No. 1 - Vol. II, No. 3 1959-1962 DAVID P. McALLESTER Vol. III, No. 1 - Vol. VI, No. 1 1962-1966 BRUNO NETTL Vol. VI, No. 2 - Vol. X, No. 2 1966- FRANK J. GILLIS Vol. X, No. 3 - Others who have served the Journal as Associate Editors or in other capacities have been: iii University of Illinois Press , Society for Ethnomusicology are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Ethnomusicology www.jstor.org iv PREFACE ROXANE C. McCOLLESTER 1957-1960 RICHARD A. WATERMAN 1962-1966 GERTRUDE P. KURATH 1958- DARIUS L. THIEME 1964 T. GERALD DYAR 1959-1964 VADA EASTER BUTCHER 1965 BARBARA L. KRADER 1961-1962 WILLIAM KAY ARCHER 1966 ROBERT E. BROWN 1962 I should like to gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Janette Boothby, of Wesleyan University, not only for her contribution to this decennial index, but for the important role she has played for many years in the compilation of the annual indexes. Acknowledgment is also made to Claudia Fruit and Monica Wirt for valuable assistance rendered in the final preparation of the index. F.J.G. INDEX TO AUTHORS, TITLES, AND SUBJECTS OF ARTICLES AND MISCELLANEOUS CONTRIBUTIONS "An Acculturative Continuum for Negro 8(3):298-99, 9(1):55, 9(2):158, 9(3):306, Folk Song in the United States," by Ed 10(2):210-11, 10(3):329-31 Cray, 5(1):10-15 "Andre Schaeffner" (Special Bibliography), Africa: comp. by Barbara L. Krader, 2(1):27-34 bibliography of dance films, 7(1):46; "An Annotated Bibliography of Theses and Current Bibliography, 1(1):5-7, 1(2):15- Dissertations in Ethnomusicology and 16, 1(3):7-8, 1(5):7-10, 1(6):20-22, 1(8): Folk Music Accepted at American Uni- 11, 1(9):19-20, 1(10):22-23, 1(11):20-21, versities," by Alan P. Merriam, 4(1):21- 2(2):71-72, 2(3):117-18, 3(1):22-23, 3(2): 39, correction, 4(2):iv 80-81, 4(2):84, 5(1):52, 5(2):133, 5(3): "An Annotated Bibliography of Theses and 220, 6(1):30, 6(2):127-28, 6(3):215-16, Dissertations in Ethnomusicology and 7(1):47-48, 7(2):128, 8(1):63-64, 8(2): Folk Music, Supplement I," by Frank J. 172-74, 8(3):297-98, 9(1):54-55, 9(2): Gillis, 6(3):191-214 157-58, 9(3):305-06, 10(2):208-10, 10(3): Anthropological view, of the purposes of 329 ethnomusicology, 7(3):206-24 Africa, Central, types of melodic move- "An Apache Fiddle," by David P. McAlles- ment in, 6(2):75-87 ter, 1(8):1-5 "The African Hemiola Style," by Rose "Appendix: Design and Construction of Brandel, 3(3):106-17, correction, 4(1): Filter and Gated Pulse Generator," by iv Bernard Seymour (appended to "Pre-In- African music, problems of meaning in, strumental Scales," by Catherine J. El- 6(1):1-7; research in, 7(3):266-71 lis), 9(2):137-44 "The African Music Society," by Hugh "Araucanian Indian Instruments," by Juan Tracey, 1(11):16-18 A. Orrego-Salas, 10(1):48-57 Africanisms controversy, 7(2):83-87 ARCHER, WILLIAM KAY, "On the Ecology "Africa's New Traditional Dance," by Jud- of Music," 8(1):28-33; biog. note on, 8(1):91 ith Lynne Hanna, 9(1):13-21 ARETZ, ISABEL, "Notes on Ethnomusicol- Afro-American music, 1(8):28-31, 2(3): ogy in Venezuela," transl. by Gilbert 112-15, 5(1):10-15, 7(2):83-87 Chase, 10(1):77-79; "Carlos Vega, 1898- Afro-Uruguayan folklore, dramatic dance 1966," 10(3):318-21 from, 6(3):164-75 Arizona, seventh-century flutes from, 5(3): "Alan Lomax and American Folksong" 184-86 (Review Essay), by David P.
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