Publication of the Association of Hebrew Catholics No. 79, Winter 2004 TheThe HebrewHebrew CatholicCatholic “And so all Israel shall be saved” (Romans 11:26) Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews Christ the King Church, Ann Arbor, Michigan Association of Hebrew Catholics ~ International The Association of Hebrew Catholics aims at ending the alienation Founder of Catholics of Jewish origin and background from their historical Elias Friedman, O.C.D., 1916-1999 heritage, by the formation of a Hebrew Catholic Community juridi- Spiritual Advisor cally approved by the Holy See. Msgr. Robert Silverman (United States) The kerygma of the AHC announces that the divine plan of salvation President has entered the phase of the Apostasy of the Gentiles, prophesied by David Moss (United States) Our Lord and St. Paul, and of which the Return of the Jews to the Secretary Holy Land is a corollary. Andrew Sholl (Australia) Advisory Board Msgr. William A. Carew (Canada) “Consider the primary aim of the group to be, Nick Healy (United States) not the conversion of the Jews but the creation of Association of Hebrew Catholics ~ United States a new Hebrew Catholic community life and spirit, David Moss, President an alternative society to the old.” Kathleen Moss, Secretary A counsel from Elias Friedman, O.C.D. David Moss, (Acting) Treasurer The Association of Hebrew Catholics (United States) is a non-profit corpora- The Association of Hebrew Catholics is under the patronage of tion registered in the state of New York and Michigan. All contributions are Our Lady of the Miracle tax deductible in accordance with §501(c)(3) of the IRS code. (who in the Church of St. Andrea della Fratte in Rome, Please send correspondence and contributions to: on 20 January 1842, converted Alphonse Ratisbonne) Association of Hebrew Catholics and Australia: 25 Rossiter St, Cranbrook Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) Queensland 4814, Australia Ph: 61 7 4723-7658 • Fx: 61 7-4773-3477 Miriam, Our Lady of the Miracle, pray for us! New Zealand: 31 Alexander Ave, Torbay Auckland 10, New Zealand Saint Edith Stein, pray for us! Ph: 9-473-9392 What They Have Said United States PO Box 980280 ““If the church today is not missionary, it is fatally destined to become & all others Ypsilanti MI 48198, U.S. Ph: 734-480-4242 • Fx: 734-480-8990 co-responsible for the progressive disappearance of the Christian faith.” E-mail: [email protected] Cardinal Camillo Ruini, Vicar for Rome” Email discussion group: [email protected] vuvh oaç tçv LËrç Website: http://www.hebrewcatholic.org The Hebrew Catholic (ISSN 1547-4666) is published (Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai) quarterly. Contributions to cover our production and Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord postage costs for one year, for issues mailed from the U.S, are shown below. Write to addresses above for issues mailed in those countries. Contributions above our costs provide the funds needed for our work. News and Notes ............................................................................... 3 (All remittances must be in U.S. funds) Letters .............................................................................................. 4 US & Canada $15; Other Countries: $25 President’s Memo ............................................................................ 6 American Express, Discover, MasterCard & Visa accepted Stories from Eretz Yisrael, A Hebrew Catholic Sabra .................... 8 © Association of Hebrew Catholics, 2004 A Hebrew Catholic Bishop of Jerusalem ........................................ 9 Anything in The Hebrew Catholic may be reprinted, Arab Patriarch Sabbah Has An Auxiliary, Sandro Magister ........... 9 except: It Only Hurts When I Stop Laughing, Marilyn Prever.................. 11 1. articles for which we have obtained permission, as indicated in the article’s credits, A Light Touch: Tradition ............................................................... 14 2. articles which will not be printed in their com- Fr. Augustine-Marie of the Blessed Sacrament, OCD................... 15 plete and unedited form. For these, we must Fr. James of St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, OCD approve the edited version. AHC Havurah of Moncton, N.B., Fr. Donald Arsenault .............. 16 Credits for the article must include the name and issue number of our publication - The Hebrew Israel Explained to the Nuns of a Contemplative Order ............... 17 Catholic - and the U.S. address of the AHC. Daniel Rondineau, Translated by Arnold Linker, Ph.D. Send a copy of the publication with the reprinted AHC E-mail Discussion Group ..................................................... 18 article to the AHC at its U.S. address. The Sacred Bridge, Rev. Samuel F. Weber, OSB ............................ 23 The views expressed in the published articles are Salvation is From the Jews, Roy Schoeman .................................. 24 those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the AHC. Review by Ronda Chervin, Ph.D. Jews’ Role in Christ’s First and Second Coming .......................... 25 Zenit interview of Roy Schoeman Friends 9/11, Ken Gaertner ........................................................... 28 2 The Hebrew Catholic, No. 79, Winter 2004 For the present, I am slowly working to place all the material we have, including all back issues of The Hebrew News and Notes Catholic, on this site. Eventually, I hope our site will serve as an interactive forum to connect and support our mem- About this issue bers, supporters and havurot. Again, it has been more than six months since we mailed We would like to list our havurot on the web site. If you our last issue, #78. And again, I apologize. For our new are part of a havurah, or are willing to start one, please subscribers, while we strive to be a quarterly, please be send us contact info and we will include you on this list. assured that you will receive all four issues of your sub- Wanted: Hebrew Catholic Response to “Passion” scription, though they be late. Many of you are probably aware of the controversy Our primary effort during this period has been the surrounding Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ. The discernment of where we were going to relocate. In the controversy has involved Christians, Jews and others. President’s Memo, you will find the surprising results. There was also a response by some Hebrew Christians on About our cover the “Jews for Jesus” web site. We very much appreciate the crucifix that blesses our Since this movie is Catholic in its underlying theology, parish. It seemed to be very appropriate for Lent, for the we would love to produce an issue providing our perspec- arrival of Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ, and as tive. If you are Hebrew Catholic and have seen this movie, an exclamation of what we believe. we would be happy to consider including your reactions in the next issue (#80) of The Hebrew Catholic. “The Hebrew Catholic” ISSN 1547-4666 If you wish to contribute your thoughts, please do so as Based upon issue #77, the National Serials Data Program soon as possible. We hope to begin the next issue by the of the Library of Congress has just assigned an Interna- end of April. tional Standard Serial Number (ISSN) to The Hebrew Catholic. This number is an internationally accepted Wanted: participants in a conversation regarding eight-digit number which serves as a brief, unique, and the future of the AHC - return card unambiguous identifier for serials. The ISSN will appear There have been many changes in the Church since Fr. in the masthead on page 2. Friedman launched the AHC and since his book, Jew- The ISSN will ensure that scholars, researchers, abstract- ish Identity, was published. In the last decade, we have ers, and librarians throughout the world can accurately explored many of the paths indicated by Father and have identify, cite, and order The Hebrew Catholic. learned much. We have made many contacts in the Church, and many AHC co-sponsors course at Ave Maria College agree with our desire to preserve the calling and heritage Dr. Calvert Shenk, Organist and Director of Music at of the People Israel within the Church. Sacred Heart Seminary in Detroit, will teach a short sum- We have the beginning of a public voice in The Hebrew mer course at Ave Maria College in Ypsilanti. The course Catholic, on our web site, and in our email discussion will be held in the Academic Building, Room 107, from group. We are just in the beginning, as well, of establish- 9am-12 Noon on three consecutive Saturdays: July 10, ing havurot. 17, and 24. The registration deadline is June 25, 2004; fee However, all that the AHC could undertake and ac- is $45 , Please call the Ave Maria College Receptionist, complish remains a promise for future fulfillment. Most 1-734-337-4110, for more information. of those who support our work are spread throughout the Course Title: “Chanting the Word of God: from Syna- U.S. and other countries. All administrative work, produc- gogue to Ecclesia.” tion of The Hebrew Catholic, book sales, etc. is done by Course Description: There has been much speculation two people in Ypsilanti. about possible connections between ancient Hebrew To advance our work, we will need more people to help liturgical chant and the origins of Gregorian plainsong. chart our course, more people helping to make it happen. We will explore common musical elements and look for If you are interested in the future of the AHC and fundamental relationships between the two genres. wish to participate in a discussion that can help shape that future, please return the enclosed card with your Our web site - Wanted: Havurah contact contact info, including your email address if you have In the last issue, we noted that we had recently estab- one. lished our web site and store. Since that issue, we have We expect to begin the conversation in June and we will been getting a steady stream of visitors and book orders contact all those who volunteer to participate before then.
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