I'PS i-e< r:- 1c-:-~G C~.IB No 102~-{..:_' :ti (1\ov 2-66) United States Department of the Interior Natior,al Park Service National Register of Historic Places Registration Form This rorrr. ;s icr use 1n nominating or requestlng determinations or eligibility ror individual properties or districts. See ins!ruciions in Guidelines !or Complstinq Natic.nai.C1egister Forms (National P.egis!er Bulletin 16). Complete each :tern by 111arY.ing "x" in the apprcpt"icle ~ox or by er.tering the r€'<1~Jes:ed information. lr an item does not apply to the property being documented, enter ·'N/A" ror "not applicablu." For functions, siyles, mat8ridi':i, CJIIJ a:8c.s vf signi;i,:anc&, 8nl;;;r Of'l!y tl;8 cateqories ii'ld suhcate']ories listt:<J in thu :n~ir,.:cdons. F o, .:;ao.tional 0p·ac9 ·.1se r.:or.ti;~ue.:ion .c.i·;oets (F~r.rr. I ()-900a;. ·r vpe all entries. ------·-------------------------- 1. Name of Property !:!J.:'J.~-.!:i_c n arr~E c v e Park -1IT~ic15l$tr i c t ---------------~~~------------------·_-_-_-_ ~==~~--···~-----------~ other names/site number ------------· ------------------------.. - ------------- 2. Location Bounded roug[l.l_y_J2y rfurdock Ave.; Evelyn Fl.;- Ha~.on Ave I; ~oocll.ar.;d R~l. :. ~~reet & _:~umber Canter b.lJ...:c_y__ Ln, : Cr.a r .1J2t.t.e_S_t_.._;_Hillsj de__s_t__._ · . Jif~~: f~r ~E_IIcatlo.!2_ _______ ~ ~l~~-!~w:: _ Asheville ____________ _ _JN]~~y _____________ _ -~~_?te No:r-r.h Carolina ~ode NC county Buncombe ··code 021 zio cod_~_2_8_8.Ql, 28804 (see cont~.nuatiQE sheet for all properties includeQl_____ _: ________· ____ 3. Classification Ownership of Property Category of Property Number of Reso'urces within Property W privcte D building(s) Contributing Noncontributing [i] puolic-local . GJ d_istrict }~_ ·-5 6 __ buildings [] publ:c-State Osite _______ sites [J publi::-Feder?.l []structure ____ structures []object _____ objeet3 __lLz_ __ _56__ Total f'-'Ewle of :-elate0 multip;t.:- property listing: Number of contributir.g resource-s prev!ous,ly N}_!:_ ____ ________ .. ___ ----·---- ___ --· ···- ---·· ·- _ _____ li;;lt;d iwrhp, i'i=:ltio:·,;_.: Ht:hltS\(-:Jr· ____ .. ) ___ ·····-··-- __ ______________________\.:...:...::::•lill~arn Jennings B:!:"van Hou9e ___ ~· State/Federai Agency Certification I ------ __ .:.....c___ ---- --~-----; , /\s th-9 designated authcrity under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended: I 11ereby certify that this 1 l CXJ ncmination D request for determination of eligibility meets the documentation standards for 1egistering properties in the ! 'I Nationai~e· ter of His~·laces n<!_.,meets the procedural and professional requiiements set forth in 36 CFR Par1 60. , !n ts does not meet the National Register criteria. []See r.ontinuatio'l sheet. 1 rnA qp· · }• the~op ~me LJ ,, __ filJ_ /ri&_d_~ ~~- . ·. _2--!3..:8J______ 1! Signature of certif) ing official · Date I I s,-.,;~raFt~.,~~~ia~d ~~~.~rvation Officer ----- _I I . ------· -----------------------·-··, ; In my opinion, the property 0 rreets 0 does not rneet the National Register criteria. [J See continuation sheet. ! I Sig;o\J;e oi-;;~~l'r.entin-g-;;~lhe;-,;;;;;;;- . ------.-;-- · Dat-;------·------- ! I I , ----·---------- I --______________________ .. ___________ ! -·-------·--------------- 5. Na tiona I Park Service Cenification I, heu;by, certify \hat this prcperty is: r--, 1.. _ ••• ! ents~ed in th8 National i~e.g1stur. []See CIJiltinualion sho<;!. [~J deter~:ned eligible for the National Register. LJ See continu2ticn shP.et. [J determined not eligible for Uw National Register. ~-j reinoved from the Nntionnl ile~ister. LJ othe:-, (explain:) _____________ _ Signat ~Jf e or the Ket: per Date of AUi•)ll NPS f()(m 10.900-41 OMS App·wal No 102~18 (&-U) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet . 2 1 Sect1on number ____ Page ___ Location: Street and Number District includes properties on the following streets: 107, 99, 89, 83, 73, 69, 63, 47, 33, 23, 11, 1, 36, 66, 82, 129, 124 Evelyn Place; 28, 20, 17, 19 Katherine Place; 60, 52, 42, 38, 36, 25, 37, 45, 51 Lawrence Place; 9 0 , 7 6 , 7 0 , 6 2 , 54 , 4 0 , 1 6 Gertrude P.l ace ; 1, 3, 5 Celia Place; 324, 304, 300, 248~252, 236, 317, 327, 333 Charlotte Street; ll·Bond Street; 1, 21, 23, 61, 69, 75, 85, 91, 103, 105, 121, 123, 127, 131, 152, 148, 142, 136, 134, 132, 130, 100, 96, 94, 90, 84, 74, 64, 62, 58, 52, 48, 42, 36-38, 8-10, 6, 4, 2 Edwin Place; 15, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37, 41 Lenox Street; 6, 10, 14 Lenox Court; 7, 11, 15, 19, 1-89, 191 Hurdock Avenue; 5, 7, 24, 12, 2 Kimberly Avenue; 15, 29, 41, 47, 53, 57, 63, 75, 81 Macon Avenue; 1, 5 Howland Road; 14, 16, 18, 36, 29 Ridgewood Place; 25, 50, 52, 54 Glendale Road; 58, 146, 128, 128~, 87, 65, 57, 43 Woodland Road; 35, 29, 21, 17 Oak Lane; 4 Canterbury Lane; 1, 17, 25, 55, 51, 65, 54, 52, 50, 48, 44, 42 Sunset Pkwy. 6. Function or Use ' Historic. FunQtions (entElr categories from i[lstructions) urrent Ftunctions renter c_ptegories from instructions) Domest1c: S1ngle Dwelllng Bames 1c: ~1ng1.e uwe11.1ng . Domestic: Multiple dwelling Domestic: Multiple Dwelling 7. Description Architectural Classification Materials (enter categories from instructions) (enter categories from instructions) foundation brick Colonial Revival walls brick Bungalow/Craftsman stucco Tudor Revival roof asphalt other "\vood stone Describe present and historic physical appearance. see continuation sheets [X] See continuation sheet United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet ~ 1 ~3ection nurr~ber _____ '_____ Page ----~--- IN'TRODUCTION This nomination contains the first two phases of the develcpment of the Grove Park suburb in Asheville, North Carolina. Grove Park was such a successful development in its early years that it -grew beyond ~he o~iginal 1908-1913 and 1914·platted areas east and·vest of Charlotte Street to the north along the major artery of Kimberly Avenue- during the 1920's and 1930's. The later development of the suburb also_has significant streetscapes and period style houses whic~:are distinct from the post World War II residential ~evelop~ent of As~eville around it, and is eligibl€ for the National Register. It is pLanned to expand the Grove Park'Historic District to include these later .. Kimberly Lands" at a future time. The 1908-191_3 and 1914 phases of Grove Park, laid out by landscape desig·ner Chauncey Beadle, have curvilinear streets·, la-r~:;e tree canopies, stone retaining walls, and a grand entry park. Arc,hite~;tu..r..al .styles r~prese_nted. jn_cl.ude CoJ.Dnial Revi'Ia.l: T!..10.c.r R-2'li v·al, Bungalow I American Four·sq'uare I Shingle I N'eo-Classical r Prairie, Georgian Revival, Italian Renaissance, Chateauesque, and Queen ~nne. The district includes 156 princ~pal buildings, all but a handfui of which are single family houses. They are located on beautifully landscaped lots with an average size of one-third to one-half acre. 112 of these buildings are Contributing, and 44 are Non·-con t r i but in g . In addition , the non~ in ate d are a con t a ins 7 2 · outbuildings; 6 o Contributing and 12 Non-contributing. Only 25% of the total number of buildings are Non-contributing, indicating that the district retains a strong historic character. THE LANDSCAPE OF GROVE PARK flanning_ E. W. Grove wanted his Grove P~rk,' like every other real estate venture he engaged in, in Asheville, to be innovative and exciting. Some. of his other endeavors in Asheville such as the Grove Arcade, and. the Battery Park Hot e 1 were on .the cut t i n g e.d g e of des i g n a !l d planning, changing tJ1e face of downtown Aaheville forever. Whereas Montford (1890-1925) ~ad been a,streetcar suburb, Grove took up sante o~ the ::-_; cre(:!t,.cc:'lr 1 1r.es in· :'lis new -developme!lt and re.placGd them "Vv~ i th an autoway. This fascination with the auto is clearly obvious in the system of alleyways present throughout the neighborhood, almost all of which were indicated on the original plats. ( 1908, 1913, and 1914). One and two story garages, many of them incorporating architectural detailing similar to the main house they served, were located along these alley~ays for the utmost in convenience for the residents. OMB ApprovAl No IJh-<XJIB United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet 7 2 Section number ___ Page ____ The street layout itself in the Grove Par1< development, as mentioned earlier, broke all earlier patterns in Asheville. Chauncey Beadle of the .Biltmore House began laying out curving streets under canopies of trees, sidewalks, and stone retaining walls almost immediately after Grove bought the first piece of land for Grove Park in .1908, and later, ca. 1914, the grassy, tree-lined median on Sunset Parkway. The grand entry park on Charlott~ Street with its stone shelters, open grassy field, and large deciduous trees was a hallmark not only of the Grove~ Park neighborhood,. :but of the "Olmstedian" landscape philosophy in general. 'Olmsted, known as the "father of Landscape Architecture", was an avid proponent of the naturalistic style of landscaping which stemmed from the romantic /English landscapes of the 18th century in Europe. This style of \landscaping including attention to the natural topography, parklike \settings including large canopies of trees and open spaces, use of \ I I I ~atural mater1als such as stone, and curvlng, sweep1ng street ,hayout.
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