One Section Judged as VILAS COUNTY Wisconsin’s Wisconsin Newspaper Association 2011 and 2013 NEWS-REVIEW Large Weekly Division EAGLE RIVER, WI 54521 • (715) 479-4421 • vcnewsreview.com $1.50 VOL. 130, NO. 49 All print subscriptions include free online edition WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17, 2016 Vilas project put on hold for new vote Plan came up short of three-fourths vote ___________ BY ANTHONY DREW NEWS CORRESPONDENT ___________ Vilas County officials were fore failed to meet the re- informed by their bond coun- quired majority vote of ap- sel last week that a recent proval by one vote, according resolution by the county to the bond counsel. board to borrow up to $10.8 The project itself remains million for a courthouse ex- approved and design work pansion actually failed to continues at present, accord- meet the required three- ing to Vilas County Clerk fourths majority vote. Dave Alleman. The Vilas County Board “Obviously, if the board met Jan. 25 and authorized fails to approve the borrowing the borrowing resolution with resolution, the future of the a 15-4 roll call vote. However, project would be in jeopardy,” the county has been informed he said. “Vilas County would that state statute requires a still need to pay for any ser- three-fourths majority calcu- vices received up until the lated using all 21 members of time any decision was made the board — not just those to suspend the project.” present at the meeting — The Vilas County Finance and anyone absent must & Budget Committee plans to count as a “no” vote. resubmit the borrowing reso- County board Supervisors lution for possible action be- BLIZZARD BLAST — The Walt Maciag and Vernon fore the county board at its Conover Town Park was full of ac- Wiggenhauser were absent next meeting Tuesday, Feb. tivity Saturday as the third annual from the meeting, effectively 23. Blizzard Blast was held. Some of changing what the board had “Design work has already the events included recliner races considered a 15-4 vote to a 15- on the ice, snowshoe softball and 6 vote. The resolution there- To VILAS, Pg. 2 ice bowling. The event was a fundraiser for fire and emergency medical services departments at Conover, Phelps and Land O’ Lakes. See story and more pho- Sports Arena repairs tos on Page 7. —Staff Photos By GARY RIDDERBUSCH could hit $1.7 million ___________ BY GARY RIDDERBUSCH NEWS-REVIEW EDITOR ___________ While the historic Eagle crosspiece in the roof’s south River Sports Arena roof sys- end that appeared to be weak tem has temporarily been and the Dome was temporar- mended, the Eagle River ily closed last winter until a Recreation Association structural engineer looked at (ERRA) is eyeing permanent the problem. repairs that could total $1.7 Since that time, an ERRA million. Board committee has further Three ERRA representa- looked into the situation and tives met with Eagle River they now believe the 80-year- area business leaders last Fri- old roof is in need of some ma- day afternoon to tell them jor repairs and general their plight. renovation. The ERRA Board learned “The initial idea is to put a last winter that the “Dome” steel skeleton on the inside to roof structure was in need of support the Dome roof,” said repair. A temporary fix that Snedden. cost about $40,000 was made Other repairs being con- before the hockey season got sidered would be renovation underway last fall, but more to the restrooms, locker work is needed, according to rooms, lobby and parking lot. ERRA Vice President Larry For now, the Dome is use- Snedden. able, but will likely be shut He said ERRA Board members noticed a wooden To DOME, Pg. 4 Conover Lions to host Winter Frolic Saturday The Conover Lions Club of the sled hill by the Conover will host the 57th annual Sno-Buddies Snowmobile Winter Frolic this Saturday, Club trail groomer. Feb. 20, from 11 a.m. to 3 There will be lights on the p.m., at Conover Town Park, sledding hill, glow sticks for located one block east of the youths, s’mores and a bon- Highway 45 on Highway K. fire. The event will feature sled Food and beverages will be races down the big hill on the sold by Lions Club members south end of the park and a at the park’s indoor shelter. many raffles with prizes do- There will be free parking. nated by area businesses. Proceeds raised by the Li- The races for children will ons Club will go to many area begin at 4 p.m. and will fea- and international causes, in- ture awards for winners in a cluding Camp Rosholt, in variety of age groups. Rosholt, for the blind and Participants are welcome deaf. to take their own sleds, tubes, For more information saucers and toboggans. Chil- about the Conover Winter dren will be towed to the top Frolic, call (715) 350-2043. INSIDE THIS ISSUE ‘Annie’ draws big crowds n Northland Pines stu- dents performed the musical “Annie” in three packed shows. Pg. 13 BIKINI RUN — Despite cold temperatures Saturday, the St. Ger- raise money for breast cancer research and support. See story and main Radar Run attracted nearly two dozen bikini-clad women to more photos on Page 3. —Photo By Dean S. Acheson 2 WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17 , 2016 VILAS COUNTY NEWS-REVIEW/THE THREE LAKES NEWS WEATHER NEWS CORNER Note: Precipitation amounts are recorded at 8 a.m. for the previous 24 hours. LAST SEVEN DAYS ONE YEAR AGO Hi Lo Prec. Hi Lo Prec. Wed., Feb. 10 ............8 2 .6S Tues., Feb. 10 ...........25 12 None Thurs., Feb. 11 ........15 -7 Tr. S Wed., Feb. 11............23 3 1.8S Fri., Feb. 12 ...............9 -6 None Thurs., Feb. 12............9 -11 Tr. S Sat., Feb. 13..............9 -15 None Fri., Feb. 13...............16 -7 None Sun., Feb. 14...........22 -22 None Sat., Feb. 14..............10 -12 1S Mon., Feb. 15 ..........22 13 1.2S Sun., Feb. 15...............8 -17 None Tues., Feb. 16..........32 1 1.8S Mon., Feb. 16............12 3 None The average daily high at this time last year for the next LAST YEAR seven days was 6, while the average overnight low was - 16. There was snow on two days totaling 2 inches. Days precipitation recorded since Jan. 1, 2016, 30 days; COMPARISON 2015, 21 days. Average high of past 30 days, 2016, 23; 2015, 18. Aver- age low of past 30 days, 2016, 7; 2015, 6. SNOW With 12 inches of snow on the ground, snowmo- ’14-'15 '15-'16 CONDITIONS bile and cross-country ski Snowy days 58 50 Inches to date 75.6 38.75 trails remain in very good Ground cover 14" 12" condition, though warmer temps are in the forecast this week. Ice conditions continue to improve due to cold tempera- STREAMS tures the past week. Anglers are reminded the game fish- AND LAKES ing season runs through Sunday, March 6. FIVE-DAY OUTLOOK Wednesday: Mostly sunny, a bit cooler and less windy. High: 21º Low: 1º Thursday: Mostly sunny skies with above average temperatures. COLD-WEATHER BLAZE — High: 30º Low: 27º Crews from Conover, Land O’ Friday: Rain mixed with freezing rain, sleet and snow developing. Lakes, Phelps and Eagle River High: 40º Low: 30º fire departments battled a mid- Saturday: Mostly cloudy conditions with light southwest winds. day blaze Feb. 10 on Highway High: 37º Low: 24º 45 just south of Conover. At Sunday: Increasing cloudiness with a few flurries by evening. 1:33 p.m the Vilas County Sher- High: 34º Low: 18º iff’s Department Dispatch Cen- ter received a wireless 911 call (PORTIONS OF THE WEATHER CORNER ARE THROUGH THE COURTESY OF DARYL reporting a structure fire at RUTKOWSKI, EAGLE RIVER and NEWSWATCH 12 WEATHER FORECASTER WREN CLAIR.) 3650 Highway 45. The caller in- dicated their house was on fire, but no one was inside. Assist- ing fire crews on the scene FROM PAGE 1 were Conover Rescue, We En- Vilas: ergies and the Vilas County Sheriff’s Department. The begun on the building project approximately $1.3 million, cause of the fire is unknown at and Vilas County has been in- which is equivalent to the this time and there were no in- formed by the architects that county’s debt service pay- juries reported. the estimated project cost can ments for the past decade but —Staff Photos be reduced by an additional which is nearly paid off. By DOUG ETTEN $800,000 with certain refine- “Because our long-term ments to the conceptual debt is nearly extinguished, plan,” said Allman. “Thus, the this long-term issue will not resubmitted borrowing reso- have a large negative annual lution will be in the amount of effect on the taxpayers of Vi- $10 million.” las County,” it noted on the Although nobody knows memo. “The interest cost to for sure what will happen borrow is estimated to be be- with the vote Feb. 23, Alle- tween 2.33% and 2.87%, mak- man said he thinks the bor- ing this an excellent time to rowing resolution will be invest in infrastructure needs approved. at the court.” With the anticipated proj - “It is pure speculation, but ect cost reduced by $800,000, I believe the board will vote to the mill rate could be slightly approve the borrowing,” he lower than 19 cents. said. The anticipated timetable Voting against the project from the design firm Potter Jan. 25 were Vice Chairman Lawson of Madison includes Mark Rogacki and Supervi- design development from sors Erv Teichmiller, Ken An- April 2016 to July 2016; con- derson and Wally Beversdorf.
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