Wil liam Raspbe rry hono red as newest Lovej oy Fello w By SUZANNE SKINNER Raspberr y tined for a life of violence. ASST.BUSINYESS MANAGER claims Raspberry then mentioned die that alt hou gh the second article and described how it Does the media concentrate on the brought hope to the people, showing negative news? What role will news- media must print them that there is a way to dean up papers play in the 21st century? What the negative news , the city. Raspberry claims that role does the media have in the polit- although the media must print the ical world? Should the media effect the y should look negative news, they should look sodety? Top journalists answered all harder for positive harder for positive stories as well. of these questions Friday. Storin, Lipinski, and Pederson Colby held its annual Lovejoy stories as well. focused on how the media , covers Convocation on Friday. For the past politics. With topics ranging from 47 years, Colby has honored a jour- ly, important events often go unre- Jesse Ventura to Watergate, many issues were broug nalist, whom they consider to live up ported because they are not contro- ht up in the panel discussion. The to Elijah Parish Lovejoy . legacy. A versial. While he defended the journalists agreed that it is the media' Colby graduate, Lovejoy is consid- media, claiming that controversy is s duty to cover politics, but in recent , ered to be one of the first martyrs to news and that is often what the pub- years public press. interest in politics has waned. the freedom of the lic wants to read, he admitted that was given to According to Li inski, in recent This year the award sometimes the media overlooks the p berry, a columnist for years the trend has been for journal- William Rasp good. the WashingtonPost , whose column ists to express opinion as fact, He went on to explain that he feels is nationally syndicated. To celebrate Because the public looks at all media the media should have a good impact the event, a panel discussion was as the same, they feel that all the on society. He gave an example of held in the Robins Room of Robert's newspapers have less credibility, hot Union. In attendance were Ann two stories centering on Northeast just the ones, who made the mistakes. Washington D.C, one of the poorest Marie Lipinski, managing editor for A question was also raised about the the Chicago Tribune, and Matthew V. sections in the city. One article was a public's increasing boredom with Storin, editor of the Boston Globe, two part series describing two boys' newspapers. According to Storin, and Rena Pederson of the Dallas transformation from ordinary chil- because there is no real crisis occur- Morning News. dren to killers. The other highlighted ring, people are just not as interested The three top editors explained a group of people, who fought in politics. what they believed the media's role against the drugs, violence, and Although public interest is wan- in the 20th century would be and poverty in their neighborhood. ing, both Storin and Lipinski agree then answered student, faculty, and Although the people were surround- that the media will continue to cover Waterville citizen's questions. Later ed by despair, they tried to build a politics because it is their duty as in the day, Raspberry gave a speech, community. Both articles printed journalists. They hope that with the in which he discussed various topics facts. But only one provided inspira- rise of third party candidates, such as concerning how the media covers the tion, while the other criticized. Ventura, that public interest will be news. He claimed it is already apparent sparked. All in all Pederson, Storin, Raspberry, Storin, Lipinski, and Northeast D.C. is full of crime and LipLnski, and Raspberry believe that Pederson discussed their concerns hatred. Although interesting, the arti- although die media needs to improve with the way the media impacts the cle portraying the two boys was not its coverage of the news, it is doing a --= ptiblic. In his speech, Raspberry beneficial. In fact, supposedly after good job and will continue to do so 7 PHOTO COURTESY COMMUNICATIONS explained how the media often con- the article was printed, a youth orga- into the 21st century. The press has yiilliatnRasp berry speaks at a reception Friday in the Page Commons Room before giving the annual centrates on the negative news. nization in the inner city lost much of always and will continue to have a il: Lovejoy' Convocation Address in Lorimer Chapel. According to Raspberry, journal- its support because people felt it was major impact on the political world ists love controversy and consequent- hopeless and the children were des- and society in general. Confusion reigns m/^ BBA^^s By MEGHANN FOYE is wrestling to define the Council. According to minutes Who should^o^ decide the NEWS EDITOR issues of the Pugh Center and of the meeting, "By-laws 99-03 PCA representative's role in issues of minority affairs. and 99-04 would be repealed. Student Activities? According This separation has become These by-laws grant the PCA to Kenya Sanders '00, the cur- Confusion and debate in increasingly convoluted with representative to a permanent rent PCA representative, it the past year over multicultur- the role of the Pugh Center invitation and give the rep a should be up to the members al affairs has proven that it is Alliance representative. right to make motions. of the Pugh Center to deter- not a black and white issue. In Kenya Sanders '00, is the Motion two at the Nov. 9 mine the functions of the PCA a recommendation from the current PCA representative, meeting would replace the By- rep. task force on race and racism, and was a member of last laws with a new By-law insti- "Whatever direction the members supported the cre- spring's task force on race and tuting the PCA representative PCA rep goes, it should be ini- ation of a racial minority racism. In an effort to attain a as a formal chair. This chair tiated by the PCA, not SGA," affairs representative. In vote at Presidents' Council, would attend all meetings of Sanders said. spring meetings of Presidents' she collected over 200 votes to Presidents' Council, all SGA However, other members of council- however the position create a referendum to stu- Executive Board meetings, SGA, such as SGA President of the Pugh Center Alliance dents to grant her the right. and provide a formal report at Benjamin Humphreys stated representative was created to A t a Nov. 9 meeting, how- Presidents' Council meetings. otherwise at the Nov. 9 meet- give voice to members of the ever Jeffery Bears, president of According to the SGA consti- ing of Presidents' Council. Colby community who were Mary Low moved to repeal tution, this chair would not 'Tt is not the job of the Pugh KELLY MARTIN / THE COLBY ECHO supposedly being overlooked. the extended invitation tp the have the power to vote or Dorm presidents debate whether or not to allow the PCA representative to become Currently Presidents' Council PCA rep to sit on Presidents' introduce motions. See PCA, continued on page 5 a voting member of Presidents' Council. Lone speaker delive rs direct hit MAYHEM: b_ii___&§iM Consipracy theorist offers al ternative theories on JFK assassination Colby Improv does ^^^^^^ H' ' _¦¦___ By JONATHA N shown to the public until 1975, 12 what they do best. _________________ H ¦ l' years after the assassination, but THE GREATEST _____________________' vJP^t__Pb" «• ¦ ^_¦ SILBERSTEI N-LOEB ' contained the best footage of the (_ _ ASST. NEWS EDITOR CONTROVERSY OVER 5SM*MJ u* mW$P M actual murder. The greatest controversy over THE ASSASSINATION IN See page 9 D__^__ ____________ r Watching slow motion video ^ 1 the assassination in Gordon's mind y. : ' '>' ' : tape of ohn F. Kennedy's assassina- GORDON'S MIND WAS -BB B^^^^^^B' - *' ' J e b ^ tion, his head exploding all over was not so much th num er of shots that were fired , but from NOT SO MUCH THE Jacqueline Kennedy' i s , s p nk dre s where those shots came, Gordon may not be the first choice on peo- NUMBER OF SHOTS , e ple's list of things to do on a played the footage from th il i i d THAT WERE FIRED; Shakespeare opens in Thursday night. Nonetheless, Zapruder f m n slow mot on an the intensel high resolut ion to show ^^^^^ HBf §j ^^ H turnout for Dr. Gordon's lec- y BUT FROM WHERE Runnals this week- Jack the audience where the bullets hit ^^ H ^^ HH j ^^ H ture on the JFK assassination was ¦ tremendous. Kenne dy and the order in which THOSE SHOTS CAME. they were fired. __^__^__^__^__^H_I__^__I Gor don, coined "America's fore- - Gordon also referred to the med- most conspiracy theor ist," present- president's head, This claim ^^^ H ^^ H i i COMMUNICATIONS of the jj ^^ H ed his theories on the events sur- cal records from the exam ners at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, where Dr, Jack Cordon supports the allegations brought rounding the John F. Kennedy against Oswald. Other evidence Assassination in the Kenned y was first taken, and then ~~1 SSSEb ^ ' Page those from Bethesda Naval Medical Gordon was quick to point out shows that the president was, shot Commons Room on Nov. 11, MP3'S: Center, Gordon pointed out the that if Bethesda was right, and the in the r ight, front portion of his ^ A graduate of Hamilton , ' College reports from these two hospitals president had been shot from head and that the bullet exited Colby students take ' Gordon has devoted himself to the |33_^8_Hj Iak were in direct contradiction.
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