THELEAVEN.COM | VOL. 35, NO. 19 | DECEMBER 20, 2013 “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light” (Is 9:1). May Jesus Christ, the light which the darkness cannot overcome, bless you with the radiance of his loving countenance and grant you peace and joy this Christmastide. Having grown in our love for Jesus and our knowledge of the church during this Year of Faith, may we proclaim it with joy during the coming year! JOSEPH F. NAUMANN JAMES P. KELEHER Archbishop of Kansas City in Kansas Archbishop Emeritus of Kansas City in Kansas 2 archbishop THELEAVEN.COM | DECEMBER 20, 2013 DECEMBER 20, 2013 | THELEAVEN.COM sEcond front pagE 3 LIFE WIll BE VICTORIOUS Example of catholic Koreans is both beautiful and inspiring ecently, I had of all mankind and the Lord of all creation, how can you PERSON OF THE YEAR CALENDAR the privilege ask me to betray him? Even to make a in this world, anyone who ARCHBISHOP conveying pope’s ‘beautiful’ character artist’s goal for time cover R betrays his own father or NAUMANN pastoral visit to the mother will not be forgiven. By Sam Lucero All the more, may I never Catholic News Service St. Andrew Kim Ko- betray him who is the Father Dec. 21 Francis is third ARCHBISHOP Quo Vadis retreat rean Catholic Com- of us all.’ REEN BAY, Wis. pope to win JOSEPH F. NAUMANN “A generation later, Peter (CNS) — Chica- munity, which cel- Yu’s father, Augustine, firmly Dec. 22 go artist Jason Annual Catholic Radio Time’s honor declares: ‘Once having Seiler, who cre- ebrates Mass each Chiefs game By Carol Glatz known God, I cannot possi- ated the illustra- Catholic News Service Sunday in the old To my knowledge, bly betray him.’ Peter Cho tion of Pope Francis for Time Dec. 23 G Holy Trinity Church [Korea] is the only goes even further and says: Chancery staff Mass and magazine’s Person of the Year ATICAN CITY ‘Even supposing that one’s lunch cover, said his goal was to (CNS) — Pope in Lenexa. country where own father committed a convey his impression of the Francis is not crime, still one cannot dis- Dec. 24 pontiff as a genuine, compas- seeking fame The St. Andrew Kim the faith was own him as no longer being Christmas Eve Mass — sionate spiritual leader. Vor accolades, but being Chaplaincy is blessed to be one’s father. How then can 10 p.m., Cathedral of St. “My goal when painting named Time magazine’s led by Father Young Gil Joo introduced by I say that I do not know the Peter, Kansas City, Kan. him was to capture this man’s Person of the Year will from the Cheongju Dio- heavenly Lord Father who is character and essence,” he make him happy if it helps cese of South Korea, who is Koreans who so good?’ Dec. 25 said. “He is a beautiful person attract people to the hope assisted by a group of very “And what did the 17-year- Christmas Mass — 9:30 and I hope my painting cap- of the Gospel, said the dedicated lay leaders. encountered old Agatha Yi say when she a.m., Sacred Heart, Shaw- tured that.” Vatican spokesman. The Catholic Church in and her younger brother nee While Seiler is not Catho- “It’s a positive sign Korea has a very unique Christianity were falsely told that their lic, he said he has “great re- that one of the most pres- history. To my knowledge, parents had betrayed the Dec. 27 spect for who [Pope Francis] tigious recognitions in the it is the only country where elsewhere and faith? ‘Whether my parents Serra Mass and lunch — is and how he uses his influ- international press” goes the faith was introduced by betrayed or not is their affair. Ascension, Overland Park ence.” to a person who “pro- claims to the world spir- Koreans who encountered brought it back to As for us, we cannot betray “From what I have seen of itual, religious and moral Christianity elsewhere and the Lord of heaven whom we Vespers and dinner with Pope Francis, he seems real values and speaks effec- brought it back to their their homeland. have always served.’ Hearing seminarians and genuine,” added Seiler. tively in favor of peace homeland. Only after Cathol- this, six other adult Chris- “He does not abuse his pow- Dec. 30 and greater justice,” said icism was already estab- tians freely delivered them- er.” One Thing Remains eve- the spokesman, Jesuit Fa- lished with a vibrant believ- his inquiries eventually led selves to the magistrate to be ning of worship — Seiler made the comments ther Federico Lombardi. ing community, did Korean to his baptism. With new- martyred.” ReachKCK campus via email in response to ques- The choice of Pope Christians recruit missionary found faith, Yi returned to Finally, Pope John Paul tions from The Compass, Francis “is not surprising, priests to minister to them. Korea to pass on the faith by said: “The death of the mar- ARCHBISHOP newspaper of the Diocese given the wide appeal Christianity was intro- transporting texts across the tyrs is similar to the death of of Green Bay. The artist was and huge attention” to his duced into Korea as early closely guarded border and Christ on the cross, because, KELEHER born in Green Bay, where his pontificate so far, Father as the 16th century. Korean sharing his personal experi- like his, theirs has become grandmother, Julaine Seiler, Lombardi said in a written Dec. 21 intellectuals had a great in- ences. Soon after, many who statement Dec. 11, short- The Korean Catholic community in the beginning of new life. “Catholic Way” taping still lives. His parents, Lar- terest in “Western learning,” became believers crossed the archdiocese presented Arch- This new life was manifested ry and Debbie, and younger ly after Time announced it had named the pope for in part as a rejection of their over to China several times bishop Joseph F. Naumann with a not only in themselves — in Dec. 23 brother Jeremy and wife Ash- the annual feature. political domination by Chi- to grow in their faith under Madonna and Child with Korean those who underwent death Chancery staff Mass and ley all live in Laona, about 100 “Rarely has a new na and Japan. Beginning in dangerous conditions.” likenesses. for Christ — but it was also lunch miles north of Green Bay. the early part of 17th century, Missionaries were recruit- extended to others. The Seiler moved to Rice Lake player on the world stage captured so much atten- Korean diplomats brought ed and invited to come to blood of the martyrs is the Dec. 24 with his family around age 5 tion so quickly — young back from China many items Korea only after a decade of Korea. seed of Christians: This Mass — St. Agnes, Roeland and later to Eau Claire, where and old, faithful and of Western culture; among striving to live their Catholic In his homily at the can- phrase from the first centu- Park he graduated from Eau Claire these were Chinese transla- faith without the benefits onization on May 6, 1984, ries of Christianity is con- Memorial High School in cynical — as has Pope Francis,” Time said on its tions of Catholic doctrinal of ordained clergy. Eventu- Pope John Paul said: “They firmed before our eyes.” Dec. 25 1996. After high school, he website. “With a focus on books. One of these Catholic ally, the Korean Christians (the Korean martyrs) are The story of the be- Christmas Mass — Sis- studied fine art illustration compassion, the leader of doctrinal books was “The realized that they needed a your ancestors, according to ginning and growth of ters, Servants of Mary at the American Academy of CNS PHOTO/TIME INC., HANDOUT VIA REUTERS the Catholic Church has True Meaning of the Doc- the flesh, language and cul- priest to be able to partic- Catholicism in Korea is a Art in Chicago for two years. Chicago artist Jason Seiler created the illustration of Pope Francis for Time magazine’s Person of the Year cover. become a new voice of ture. At the same time, they trine of Heaven and Earth” ipate fully in the life of the remarkable one. The Cath- Seiler’s illustrations, paint- Pope Francis is the third pope to be named Time’s Person of the Year. conscience.” by Father Matteo Ricci, the church. In 1794, Father James are your fathers and mothers olic Church in Korea today and found its ultimate ex- ings and caricatures have Blessed John Paul II remarkable Jesuit missionary Chou, a Chinese priest, came in the faith, a faith to which is vibrant with more than pression with the sacrifice of graced the covers of dozens of was named Person of the to China. to Korea to minister to the they bore witness by the 5 million Catholics and an Jesus on Calvary. newspapers and magazines, asked if I would like to also five days to paint the cover.” “tons and tons of feedback” Year in 1994 and Blessed The fact that Korean Catholic community there. shedding of their blood.” abundance of priestly and Recounting the beautiful including Billboard, Rolling paint Pope Francis. I said, ‘Of According to Seiler, he did on his Time cover illustra- John XXIII in 1962. intellectuals were fascinat- After the initial openness The pope continued: religious vocations. history of Korean Catholi- Stone, The New Yorker, Der course.’ I had recently done a not know that his illustration tion. The pope “does not ed by Christianity and, in to the Catholic faith by the “From 13-year-old Peter Yu Although initially Koreans cism during this Christmas Spiegel, The New York Times drawing of Pope Francis for of Pope Francis would grace “It has been a little over- seek fame and success, particular, Catholicism made Korean dynasty, the Chris- to 72-year-old Mark Chong, were attracted to Cathol- season is a reminder of the and Business Week.
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