shouldalso send their documentation to Guy McCaskie,Secretary, EO. Box275, SanDiego CA 91933. Banded birds on El. should be cred- Middle ited to PointReyes Bird Observatory,those handedat Big Sur R. mouth to Big Sur OrnithologyLab of the VentanaWilderness Pacific Coast Society, LOONSTHROUGH FRIGATEBIRDS A Yellow-billedLoon was 100 m offWestport, Mendocino17 Aug (PE •GMcC, •RJK,ph. DWN etal.). Of 70 prior Californiarecords, George•• onlytwo occurredbetween Jun and Aug. All sevenprior. pelagic records of StreakedShear- waterwere from Monterey Bay (there is also an •:E• •Re•, odd inland record),so 2 farthern. werea sur- prise:9.6 km w. of Westport, Mendocino 17Aug OLD,?GMcC, •RJK, ph. DWN, ph. B. L. Sulli- ßChico van), and at CordellBank, Marin 29 Sop ) FortBragge • Sacrarnebtb (SNGH etal.). This was the first fall to have multiplerecords (3 additionalbirds occurred PointAren n •Z" W adf•gyes •;L.TAHOE offs. California),but dates were generally con- • •Sa,.t=,•RosaeSacramento sistentwith previousoccurrences (7 Sop-9 BodegaBay• "•' •.Mono Oct). As mentionedin previousRegional reports,Manx Shearwaters are now considered ...... SanFrancisco•.•Oakla9d ßModesto' annualin smallnumbersß This species occurs ß ' ß v•_z' •½banjoaquin throughoutthe year, but the majority of records are from fall. One was near shore at Ft. Montereybanzauruz, Bat2 ,•ß •'.;. Fresnoß'Ca•., , Bragg,Mendocino 16 Aug OLD, ?GMcC,M. Monter;½•Salinasa•= NP SanMiguel), and severalwere reported from •' Sequoia BigSur•.• , Np ' MontereyBay Cm. oh.), as is thenorm. Storm- TulareLake petrelnumbers have been relatively low for the • •Basin DavidsonSea•ount pastseveral years, the large flocks that form in MontereyBay and morerecently off Cordell Bankbeing largely absent. However, a large ScottB. Terrill &Thomas P.Ryan itingfrom the Farallones, Peter Pyle group was encounteredon a 2 Soptrip to ummarizedthelandbird migration as CordellBank, Marin including30 Wilson's, (LoonstoFrigatebirds, Laridsto Akids) "avery poor year for easternwarblers 300 Fork-tailed,2 Leach's,3000-4000 Ashy, 20 H.T.Harvey &•ssociates but a typicallygood year for variety."He might Black, and one Least (RS, SBT etal.). An 3150Almaden Expressway, Suite145 havebeen speaking for the entire coasdine. Gen- unidentifiedfrigatebird was seenflying off erallydear and sunnyweather early in the EaglePt., S.E 20 Sop(JND, ASH). SanJose, California 95118 periodmay have encouraged many migrants to ([email protected]) overfly the Region, but therewere still lots of HERONSTHROUGH DUCK5 interesnngbirds aroundß No fewerthan eight LeastBitterns at the CosumnesR.P., Sacramento ([email protected]) birds rated "boldfacing • this season, including 15Aug (JTr) and at ClearLake S.E, Lake 4 Sep multipleStreaked Shearwaters, the returmng (JRW)were the only ones reported this season. MichaelM.Rogers Common Greenshank, Alder Flycatcher, Ruby- Theonly Little Blue Heron was an imm. at Rod- (HeronstoShorebirds) throated Hummingbird, and, bestof all, the manSlough 14 Sep(JRW), the 2nd for Lake. 499 NovatoAvenue Region'sfirst Little Bunting. We wouldlike to Onlyfive Cattle Egret reports were received and thankDon Roborson for hissix years of assem- fourof theminvolved single birds. This is well Sunnyvale,California 94086 blingthe landbirdssection of the reportand bdow totals from recent falls. White-faced Ibis ([email protected])turning all of oursections into a coherentprod- had their "bestfall influx ever"to SantaCruz, uct, a time-consumingtask in sucha heavily- with up to 30 birdspresent at HarkinsSlough StevenA. 61over bin:ledregion. His expertise will be raissed.The 11 Aug--30 Sop.A similartotal was reported secondhalf of the landbirds will henceforth be in fromseveral locations in Monterey10 Aug--F} (DovestoWrentit) thecapaNe hands of LukeCole. Sep,likely involving some of the samebirds. 6526Conestoga Lane Surprisingly,other coastal reports were limited, Abbreviations: C.B.R.C. (California Bird with 2 birdsin Mendocino2•19 Aug(Cheryl Dublin,California 94568 RecordsCommittee); C.V. (CentralValley); Heinecken,GEC) and a singlebird in Santa ([email protected])C.P (County Park); El. (SoutheastFarallon I., Clara 11-12Oct (JeffWall, PennyHowell). A San Francisco),N.S. (NationalSeashore); R.P lingeringibis was near San Lucas, Monterey 4- DonRoborson (River Preserve);R.S. (RegionalShoreline); 30 Nov (J&HBa). S.B. (StateBeach); S.E (San Francisco);S.R. Greater White-fronted Geese reached the (•rashersto Finches) (StateReserve); W.A. (Wildlife Area). coast in record numbers. Humboldt had its 282Grove Acre Avenue "largestflight ever recorded" with at least16 PacificGrove, California 93950 Reportsof exceptionalvagrants submitted flocksof 30-300+birds, mostly heading s. or withoutdocumentation are normally not pub- se. 20-22 Sep(fide SWH). A countof 70 in ([email protected]) lished. Observerswishing C.B.R.C.review neighboringTrinity 22 Ocl wasa recordhigh 112 NORTH AMERICAN BIRD count (TWL). Flocks of 60+ in Sonoma5 Oct placeSwainson• Hawks included Humboldt• SAG), and Calaveras•first at CamancheRes. (DN), 24 at Pt.Reyes, Marin 28 Sep(RS), 60+ 4th at theArcata Bottoms 21 Sep(tJTz, Anna 15 Sep (JCS et al., undocumented).A fall in S.E26 Nov(PSa), 39 at El. 11Oct (fide PP), Clark),juvs. over the Marin Headlands, Marin recordof 6 in SantaCruz 19 Aug•8 Oct (m. 80 in SanMateo 5 Oct (MerryHaveman), 27 in 19Sep & 2 Oct(Tim Behr), in SanCarlos, San ob.) includedthe latestcounty record on the SantaCruz (DVP, Matt Brady), 24 in SanBenito Mateo 19 Oct (RSTh), and 2 birds in Santa last date. Another was at 3180 m elevation at Cruzat Soqueland Capitola 30 Aug RaeLakes, Fresno 14 Aug(CHw, Rosie Beach). and 4 Sep, respectively(both A WanderingTattler made it to MonoL., Mono DLSu). An ad. Zone-tailedHawk in 24 Aug (ph. PaulMcFarland). An impressive thelower Carmel Valley 3 Nov---4 total of 3 Upland Sandpiperswas reported • Dec (•Mike Tyner,•CHo, •DR et fromEl. 17-26Aug (D. Gardneret al.). Mar- al.) was Montereyh2nd and the bled Godwitsat ProsserCreek Res.,Nevada 6 Region's3rd. SantaCruz experi- Sep(TEa) and CamancheRes., Calaveras 15 enced "Merlin overload," with a Sep(JCS et al.) wereapparently both county record-breaking77 reportsbegin- firsts but undocumented. ning17Sep. InlandBlack Turnstones included one pho- Coastal Sandhill Cranes tographednear Dayton,Butte 15 Aug (ph. includeda flybyat Arcata,Hum- ?BobFlores, Mike Skram) and 4 at Clear Lake ThisStreaked Shearwater, one of two found in the Region this season, boldt28 Nov (SWH,BCa), a long- S.E5-6 Sep(DvW, Brian Woodward; Lake• 2nd wasphotographed 10km west of Westport, Mondodno County on staying"Greater" at the Garcia record).Inland Sanderlings (all juvs.) included 17August 2002. Photoõra#h byBrian L.Sullivan. RiverFlats, Mendocino 15--30 Nov the 2nd and 3rd for Placer near Lincoln 17-18 (RS, m. ob.), and a county-first Aug (EP) and at Lake Forest9 Sep (WRi), 12 Oct (MJM), and 45+ in Monterey24 Sep "Lesser"at the samelocation 26 Nov (JLx). respectively,and the first for Amadorat (RF) wereall examplesof thiswidespread and Other coastal cranes were San Mateo birds at CamancheRes. 23 Sep (TS). Semipalmated sustainedmovement. A juv.Emperor Goose at MossBeach 6 Sep(RSTh) and Afio Nuevo S.R. Sandpiperswere well reported, with at least43 RodmanSlough 29 Sep--7 Nov ($Darlene 2 Oct (GJS),4 at SodaL., SantaCruz 2 Oct birdsin 15inland and coastal counties 1 Aug-- Hecomovich,Jeanerie Knight, $JRW, ph., m. (CGE), and flocks of 13 and 8 birds in 19 Sep. Over 160 Baird'sSandpipers were ob.)was the first for Lake. A carefullystudied terey2-3 Oct (LoisGoldfrank et al., Bryan foundin 19 counties1 Aug•6 Oct,with a late swanat Lower KlamathN.W.R., Siskiyou 30 Largay).Inland, 3 at CrowleyL., Mono29 Sep bird at ShastaValley W.A., Siskiyou15 Nov Nov (iRE), thoughtbe a hybridWhooper x (PJM)constituted only the 2nd recordsince (RE).Sacramento's first Sharp-tailed Sandpiper TundraSwan, might have been from the hybrid the 1950s for the Mono Basin. wasat CosunmesR.E 12 Oct (JTr).The only familyseen here two years earlier. Notable among Pacific Golden-Plover otherswere in Humboldtat theMad R. estuary EurasianWigeon are ra_relyreported in reportswas an imm. wintering near the Stevens 13 Sep(Peter Walsh) and at theEel River W.A. Mono;an ad. maleat CrowleyL. 14 Sepwas Cr. mouth 1-30 Nov+ (WGB, MMR, m. ob.), 4 Oct (KI). perhapsonly the 2nd ever OLD). Four Tufted the first to winter in Santa Clara since 1970. A Nine Stilt Sandpipersincluded a likely Duckswere reported: one at the O'NeillFore- SemipalmatedPlover at SaltSpring Valley Res. returningwintering bird at theMerced N.W.R., bay,Merced 19 Oct (ADeM);an ad.male at L. 17Aug (JSL, JCS) was a firstfor Calaveras. Two Merced22 Nov (ADeM,ph. JHG). FourBuff- Mendocino,Mendocino 1 Nov (GEC); a female Black-necked Stilts at Prosser Creek Res. 10 breastedSandpipers were found: lower Eel R., at RedwoodShores, San Mateo 15 Nov+ (RSTh, Sep(EP) providedthe 2nd record for Nevada. Humboldt9 Sep (SMcA); Ft. Bragg,Mendocino m. ob.);and a maleat FosterCity, San Mateo 23 An ad.Common Greenshank, likely last year• 22-23Aug (DT, GEC); Abbotts Lagoon, Marin Nov+(RSTh). A maleHarlequin Duck at Coy- juv. birdreturning, spent 18-25 Oct at Klopp 3-14Sep (CCb, SNGH); and Yolds first at Davis otePt., San Mateo 6 Aug--10 Nov (RSTh,m. L., Arcata, Humboldt(Paul Lohse, tDFx, m. 2 Sep(JKn). A recordnumber of Ruffs(up to ob.) wasunusual for S.EBay, especially as it ob.). SolitarySandpipers were well reported, 13) movedthrough Humboldt 4 Aug--13 Nov; mayhave summered locally. Surf Scoters
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