Author: Barbara Kasl E-mail: [email protected] Khutala 5-Seam Mining Project: Mpumalanga Province Terrestrial Fauna Biodiversity Impact Assessment May 2021 Copyright is the exclusive property of the author. All rights reserved. This report or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express permission of the author except for the use of quotations properly cited and referenced. This document may not be modified other than by the author. Khutala 5-Seam Mining Project: Terrestrial Fauna Impact Assessment Report May 2021 Specialist Qualification & Declaration Barbara Kasl (CV summary attached as Appendix A): • Holds a PhD in Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences from the University of the Witwatersrand; • Is a registered SACNASP Professional Ecological and Environmental Scientist (Pr.Sci.Nat. Registration No.: 400257/09), with expertise in faunal ecology; and • Has been actively involved in the environmental consultancy field for over 13 years. I, Barbara Kasl, confirm that: • I act as independent consultant and specialist in the field of ecology and environmental sciences; • I have no vested interest in the project other than remuneration for work completed in terms of the Scope of Work; • I have presented the information in this report in line with the requirements of the Animal Species and Terrestrial Biodiversity Protocols as required under the National Environmental Management Act (107/1998) (NEMA) as far as these are relevant to the specific Scope of Work; • I have taken NEMA Principals into account as far as these are relevant to the Scope of Work; and • Information presented is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and correct within the restraints of stipulated limitations. 17-05-2021 i Khutala 5-Seam Mining Project: Terrestrial Fauna Impact Assessment Report May 2021 Acronyms ADU Animal Demographic Unit AI(S) Alien Invasive (Species) BGIS Biodiversity Geographic Information System CBA Critical Biodiversity Areas ESA Ecological Support Area IBA Important Bird Area IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature NEMA National Environment Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998) NFEPA National Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Area NPAES National Protected Area Expansion Strategy PA Protected Area PES Present Ecological State QDGS Quarter Degree Grid Square RIVCON River Condition RL Red-listed SABAP South African Bird Atlas Project SANBI South African National Biodiversity Institute SCC Species of Conservation Concern (specifically listed in the SANBI’s 2020 Species Guideline) SEI Site Ecological Importance SWSA Strategic Water Source Area TOP(S) Threatened or Protected (Species) UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization VMUS Virtual Museum ii Khutala 5-Seam Mining Project: Terrestrial Fauna Impact Assessment Report May 2021 Executive Summary General Introduction South32 SA Coal Holdings (Pty) Limited: South Africa Energy Coal (Hereafter referred as ‘SAEC’) intends to undertake the relevant environmental authorisation processes in order to develop the underground mining through a trial phase project to exploit the available 5 Seam coal in the mining rights area. These processes will involve the compilation of the S&EIR, Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) and a WULA for the proposed mining activities. The Colliery lies south-west of Ogies, within the Emalahleni Local Municipality, in the Nkangala District Municipality of Mpumalanga Province. The proposed 5 Seam Mining Project activities will be undertaken within the following farm portions: Portion 3 of the Farm Cologne 34 IS, Portion 35 of the Farm Leeuwfontein 219 IR, Portion 40 of the Farm Schoongezicht 218 IR and Remaining Extent of Portion 2, Portion 3, 6, 16, 17 and 18 of the Farm Zondagsvlei 9 IS and Remaining Extent of the Farm Kleinzuikerboschplaat 5 IS. Activities to be undertaken will involve the development and mining of the 5 Seam underground workings, construction of ventilation shaft, construction of the transfer chute from the existing conveyor belt, construction of a link road between Khutala Colliery and Klipspruit South (KPS/KHU Link Road), a coal stockpile area and associated water management infrastructure. The mine will use most of the existing infrastructure to support the proposed 5 Seam Mining Project. Site Characterisation The 5 Seam property boundary was assessed on the 25 November 2020 and the weather was sunny, warm and ideal for fauna surveys. The haul road area was surveyed on the 25 March 2021 on an overcast and cool day. The cool weather reduces faunal activity, particularly invertebrates and smaller vertebrates; although not ideal weather, it was deemed adequate in terms of surveying the modified areas proposed for the haul road. • The bulk of the site represents disturbed [alien invasive species (AIS), infrastructure] and (historically or currently) cultivated lands. • All areas designated as ‘other natural areas’ in the conservation plan represented grasslands, some historically disturbed grasslands or pastures (Disturbed Grasslands) and some indicating little to no direct historical disturbance (Grasslands). • All grassland units had patches of wetland vegetation, mostly disturbed and likely as a result of past land practices. These are not mapped but must be considered as additional habitat for fauna. The main riverine and wetland areas have been mapped as Moist Grasslands. • For the actual extent of the wetlands, the wetland report must be consulted. iii Khutala 5-Seam Mining Project: Terrestrial Fauna Impact Assessment Report May 2021 In terms of site findings the aquatic CBAs and associated wetland area and the aquatic ESAs and the connected farm dams, together with the connected, undisturbed terrestrial grassland provided the most significant fauna habitat in the survey area. Despite this, the site is isolated and severed from any natural ecological corridors in the greater area lowering the overall biodiversity value of the site in terms of terrestrial fauna. Animal Species The following is relevant in terms mammals: • The properties may support very limited TOP species, limited to protected and / or near threatened species. • Although endemic species are confirmed for the properties, none are restricted species and the area is not a central area of mammal endemism. In terms of birds: • The property provides habitat for a few TOP birds, predominantly aquatic and wetland species, but also a few grassland species, which are more likely to forage or temporarily utilise the area. • The site supports surface water resources and congregatory water birds may utilise the area during periods of good rainfall. • Although endemic species are confirmed for the properties, none are restricted species and the area is not a central area of avifaunal endemism. In terms of herpetofauna: • No significant TOP herpetofauna populations are expected on the property, limited to a protected and near threatened species. • None of the endemic species are restricted and the area is not considered important for herpetofauna endemism. In terms of invertebrates: • A single TOP spider was historically recorded in the QDGS and cannot be excluded from site. • No TOP invertebrates were noted on site. Terrestrial Biodiversity Table A summarises the terrestrial fauna biodiversity findings. Table A: Terrestrial fauna biodiversity features and impact statement summaries Aspect Fauna findings Ecological The main ecological process is the plant-based primary production of ‘food’ and through processes photosynthesis, which also utilises CO2 and releases O2, and forms the principal base of the food- chain in a terrestrial environment. Secondly, the associated contribution to the water cycle through evapotranspiration is also a significant ecological process provided by the plant life. Another important process is that of natural fires. As the natural fire cycles in South Africa’s grassland and savanna have already been impacted by humans, this is not evaluated further. Impact: No surface activities will result in the removal of undisturbed habitat and no significant impacts iv Khutala 5-Seam Mining Project: Terrestrial Fauna Impact Assessment Report May 2021 Aspect Fauna findings expected to the ecological processes on site. Ecological The site provides a mixture of grassland and agricultural habitats, including farm dams and drivers: wetland areas associated with the drainage lines and streams. The grassland and moist grassland climate habitats are the predominant natural habitats none of which are targeted for direct change, AIS development. Other than avifauna activity, fauna activity was quite limited with very few signs infestation & noted despite the short, open grasslands and sparse cover under most circumstances. habitat The site already supports AIS species very common and widespread in South Africa. changes. Impact: Surface activities will not impact significantly on natural habitats and no significant impacts are expected to faunal habitat and the existing faunal assemblages. Where activities occur near to moist grasslands, such as along the haul road, the activities must proceed in a manner that will not cause indirect impacts (such as siltation during rainfall events) to these wetlands. The development is not expected to significantly alter the AI species dynamics. Ecological No special or critical ecological services provided by fauna were identified for the area and were services largely related to the usual services provided by fauna (prey-base in food chain,
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