St. Boniface Martyr Roman Catholic Church Established 1898 ~ Sea Cliff, New York Serving the people of God in Sea Cliff, Glen Head, Glenwood Landing, Glen Cove and surrounding communities. Reverend Kevin J. Dillon, Pastor We are a pilgrim people on a journey toward the Kingdom of God. Join us! Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: August 2, 2020 Parish Address: 145 Glen Avenue Sea Cliff, New York 11579 Phone: 516-676-0676; Fax: 516-674-6742 [email protected]; www.saintboniface.org www.facebook.com/StBonifaceMartyr/ Office Hours: 10am-2pm Monday - Friday; 9am-12pm Saturday. Church Hours: 8am-2:30pm Monday - Friday; 8am-6pm Saturday; 9am-1pm Sunday. Masses: 8am Monday through Saturday. Saturday 5pm; Sunday: 9am, 10:30am;12pm Confession: Saturday 4pm-4:45pm in the Parish Center. See page 2. Rosary Garden: Open daily dawn to dusk. St. Vincent de Paul Society: If you know of any parishioners needing assistance, please call Linda Zavaro at 516-676-0676 x124 and leave a message with contact information. A Vincentian will call them. Parish Outreach Pantry: If you know He said the blessing, broke the loaves, of any parishioners in need of food, please and gave them to the disciples, call Jody Fleischmann and David Meagher at who in turn gave them to the crowds. 516-676-0676 x125 and leave the person’s They all ate and were satisfied. name, address and number. Food will be Matthew 14:19c-20 delivered to them safely. 2 Monday, August 3 Liturgy Schedule Jer 28:1-17; Ps 119:29-102; Matt 4:4; Matt 14:22-36 8am Mass Intention: Anna May Moore 10:30am Sunday Mass at St. Boniface: Tuesday, August 4: St. John Vianney www.facebook.com/StBonifaceMartyr/ Jer 30:1-22; Ps 102:16-23; John 1:49; Matt 15:1-14 8am Mass Intention: Anna Ferguson Catholic Faith Network: CFNtv.org (On Demand and Live), Optimum 29/137, Verizon 296 Wednesday, August 5: St. Mary Major Dedication of Jer 31:1-7; Jer 31:10-13; Luke 7:16; Matt 15:21-28 Please Pray for our Deceased: William Katsikas 8am Mass Intention: Anniversary of Maureen (deceased) and Bob Murphy 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time: August 2, 2020 Thursday, August 6: Feast of The Transfiguration Isa 55:1-3; Ps 145:8-18; Rom 8:35-39; Mt 14:13-21 Dan 7:9-14; Ps 97:1-9; 2 Peter 1:16-19; Matt 17:1-9 8am Mass Intention: Joseph Caliolo 5pm Mass: Presider: Fr. Perera First Friday, August 7: St. Cajetan 9am Mass. Presider: Fr. Azubuike Nah 2:1-7; Deut 32:35-41; Matt 5:10; Matt 16:24-28 8am Mass Intention: Ralph Marra 10:30am Mass. Presider: Fr. Perera Intentions: William Katsikas, Jean-Baptiste Jasmin Saturday, August 8: St. Dominic Hab 1:12-2:4; Ps 9:8-13; 2 Tim 1:10; Matt 17:14-20 12pm Mass. Presider: Fr. Kevin 8am Mass Intention: Charles Gonder Intention: Parishioners Confession 4pm-4:45pm. Confessor: Fr. Perera Opening Hymn: Faith of Our Fathers 3 The LORD is just in all his ways Prayers & Readings and holy in all his works. The LORD is near to all who call upon him, to all who call upon him in truth. PRAYER TO ST. MICHAEL St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. R. The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers Be our defense against the wickedness and snares all our needs. of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts READING 2: Romans 8:35-39 by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, Brothers and sisters: What will separate us and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the from the love of Christ? Will anguish, or distress, world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or the sword? No, in all these things we conquer CONFITEOR overwhelmingly through him who loved us. I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, and sisters, that I have greatly sinned in my nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, thoughts and in my words, in what I have done nor future things, nor powers, nor height, and in what I have failed to do; through my fault, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able through my fault, through my most grievous fault; to separate us from the love of God in Christ therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Jesus our Lord. Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God. GOSPEL: Matthew 14:13-21 - © 2020 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. When Jesus heard of the death of John Used with permission. www.mycatholic.life the Baptist, he withdrew in a boat to a deserted place by himself. The crowds heard of this and READING 1: Isaiah 55:1-3 followed him on foot from their towns. Thus says the LORD: All you who are thirsty, When he disembarked and saw the vast crowd, come to the water! You who have no money, his heart was moved with pity for them, and he come, receive grain and eat; Come, without cured their sick. When it was evening, paying and without cost, drink wine and milk! the disciples approached him and said, “This is Why spend your money for what is not bread; a deserted place and it is already late; dismiss your wages for what fails to satisfy? Heed me, the crowds so that they can go to the villages and you shall eat well, you shall delight in rich and buy food for themselves.” Jesus said to them, fare. Come to me heedfully, listen, that you may “There is no need for them to go away; give them have life. I will renew with you the everlasting some food yourselves.” But they said to him, covenant, the benefits assured to David. “Five loaves and two fish are all we have here.” Then he said, “Bring them here to me, ” and he PSALM 145:8-18: R. The hand of the Lord ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass. feeds us; he answers all our needs. Taking the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, he said the blessing, broke The LORD is gracious and merciful, the loaves, and gave them to the disciples, who slow to anger and of great kindness. in turn gave them to the crowds. They all ate and The LORD is good to all were satisfied, and they picked up the fragments and compassionate toward all his works. left over—twelve wicker baskets full. Those who R. The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers ate were about five thousand men, not counting all our needs. women and children. The eyes of all look hopefully to you, - www.USCCB. All rights reserved. Used with permission. and you give them their food in due season; Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United you open your hand and satisfy States, second typical edition, Copyright © 2001, 1998, the desire of every living thing. 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain © 1968, 1981, 1997, International R. The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. all our needs. 4 Let Us Pray Stewardship For Our Deceased: William Katsikas Sunday Donations Thank you for your Stewardship Donation of $4770 For Our Sick and $219 for Maintenance & Repair. This week there Lucia Alonso, William Anderson, Brandon Arena, will be a second collection for Air Conditioning. Charlie Brackenridge, Richard Brown, Camille Costa, Month of July Faith Direct Donations Therese Curry, Carmela DelGaudio, Daniel Garcia, Stewardship: $13,577 (4 weeks) Gary Gullo, Mary Jo Hauser, Cecelia Hernandez, Maintenance & Repair: $943; One Time Gifts: $1,225 Sairah Khan, Abby Kolkhorst, Toni Lauria, 100 families now participating Georgia Leim, Bruce McGhee, Bobbi McDonald, ($3,347 per week for Faith Direct Stewardship) Janet McKinnon, Michelle Martone, Kenneth Moore, John Moran, Fr. Daniel Nash, Kim Occhiogrosso, St. Boniface Martyr Church is sustained by the John Orozco, Michelle Perone, Danielle Robinson, generosity of parishioners through time, talent and Tom Ryan, Jr., Abagail Salva, Pat Sawicki, treasure. For all that you do, thank you! Vincenza Scire, Anna Fiora Seda, Katrina Stern, Please support our advertisers who make this Sunday Steven Taibbi, Steven Tipton, Eric Tyrkko, bulletin possible. Glenn Van Pelt, Sr., Joe Vulpis, Lisa Vulpis, Scott Warner. Dear Parishioners, Requests for inclusion on the sick list must be made Thank you for your by an immediate family member through Fr. Kevin. generosity! For Our Military During the coronavirus Lieutenant Melissa Buffa & Lieutenant Travis Buffa lockdown our Sunday Lance CPL Matthew B. Christman collection averaged $2,500 Second Lieutenant Mario Coronel, US Army per week. Since public masses Second Lieutenant Matthew Coronel, US Army were reinstated, our Sunday Flight Lieutenant Joseph Doyle collections have greatly US Marine Lance CPO Philip W. Grella, III increased. Thank you! Many Jake A. Hojnowski, Sailor E-3, US Navy thanks also to those of you who continue to mail in your Lance CPL Gregory Knox envelopes and donations, and to those of you enrolled in Sgt. Christian Lada, US Army Faith Direct. Your contributions help to sustain Christian Pace Laderer, MMN3, US Navy St. Boniface Martyr Church. Private First Class Ignazio LaManna, US Army Can’t come to Church? Did you know that you may Private First Class Vincent S.
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