Global humanitarian funding in 2008: Totals per appealing agency Report as of 28-September-2021 http://fts.unocha.org (Table ref: R31) Compiled by OCHA on the basis of information provided by donors and recipient organizations. Implementing agency Funding % of Grand Outstanding USD Total pledges USD World Food Programme 4,335,106,430 36.6% 427,542,729 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 1,006,677,386 8.5% 10,518,162 United Nations Children's Fund 654,969,563 5.5% 3,767,953 United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine 574,385,782 4.8% 0 Refugees in the Near East Bilateral (affected government) 558,626,445 4.7% 163,126,577 International Committee of the Red Cross 502,067,582 4.2% 846,831 Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 228,145,700 1.9% 4,791,045 Various Recipients (details not yet provided) 176,198,483 1.5% 151,479,290 CARE International 169,615,431 1.4% 0 Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs 166,700,543 1.4% 0 World Health Organization 154,862,211 1.3% 0 Save the Children 131,641,382 1.1% 0 NGOs (details not yet provided) 130,297,469 1.1% 2,381,390 International Organization for Migration 115,145,116 1.0% 3,740,388 United Nations Development Programme 111,402,476 0.9% 75,643 World Bank 102,688,091 0.9% 0 Consortium for Southern Africa Food Security 99,536,900 0.8% 0 Emergency (World Vision, CARE, CRS, & ADRA) Emergency Response Fund (OCHA) 91,975,343 0.8% 0 International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent 91,534,836 0.8% 2,692,327 Societies Red Crescent Society of the United Arab Emirates 91,361,007 0.8% 0 ACT Alliance 90,582,745 0.8% 113,000 Oxfam/Community Aid Abroad/Intermon/Novib 84,577,233 0.7% 0 Norwegian Refugee Council 78,691,493 0.7% 0 Action Contre la Faim 77,036,495 0.6% 218,659 Médecins sans Frontières 71,888,582 0.6% 0 United Nations Mine Action Service 60,811,737 0.5% 9,191,176 Netherlands Red Cross 59,609,673 0.5% 778,816 International Rescue Committee 57,504,550 0.5% 736,555 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit 56,654,381 0.5% 0 Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. (German Agro Action) 54,857,766 0.5% 0 Norwegian Red Cross 53,692,904 0.5% 0 Danish Refugee Council 52,485,687 0.4% 0 World Vision International 50,963,965 0.4% 1,000,000 Medical Emergency Relief International 47,066,505 0.4% 0 Norwegian People's Aid 46,321,516 0.4% 0 Caritas Germany (DCV) 45,151,096 0.4% 0 Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock 43,000,000 0.4% 0 Afghanistan Common Humanitarian Fund 38,352,634 0.3% 0 Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development 34,277,520 0.3% 218,659 Concern Worldwide 34,139,550 0.3% 0 United Nations Population Fund 33,722,111 0.3% 0 Catholic Relief Services 33,083,043 0.3% 0 GOAL 32,254,838 0.3% 0 Solidarités International 29,487,405 0.2% 437,318 Mercy Corps 28,375,523 0.2% 0 Adventist Development and Relief Agency 27,556,975 0.2% 0 International Medical Corps 26,123,629 0.2% 0 Central Emergency Response Fund 25,710,194 0.2% 1,000 Cooperazione Internazionale - COOPI 24,146,669 0.2% 0 MEDAIR 22,779,407 0.2% 0 Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights 22,400,776 0.2% 0 TEARFUND 20,124,004 0.2% 0 Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development 19,750,000 0.2% 0 Afghanistan Danish Red Cross 19,461,784 0.2% 0 Swiss Development Cooperation/Swiss Humanitarian Aid 19,305,009 0.2% 0 Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) 19,221,305 0.2% 0 Cooperative Housing Foundation International 18,989,503 0.2% 0 UN Agencies (details not yet provided) 18,804,121 0.2% 3,807,268 United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN- 18,399,424 0.2% 0 HABITAT) Premiere Urgence 17,050,111 0.1% 0 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural 16,965,716 0.1% 0 Organization German Red Cross 15,960,053 0.1% 0 Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V. 13,776,414 0.1% 0 UN Agencies and NGOs (details not yet provided) 13,095,949 0.1% 1,146,961,619 Associazione Volontari per il Servizio Internazionale 13,077,539 0.1% 0 Swedish Red Cross 13,040,297 0.1% 0 NGO Consortium 12,478,460 0.1% 0 International Strategy for Disaster Reduction 12,103,760 0.1% 0 HALO Trust 12,097,016 0.1% 0 Médecins du Monde 11,843,779 0.1% 0 ZOA 11,825,168 0.1% 0 Islamic Relief Worldwide 10,195,279 0.1% 0 Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development Aid 10,098,475 0.1% 0 Handicap International 10,055,163 0.1% 0 Japanese NGOs 9,783,682 0.1% 0 American Refugee Committee 9,732,235 0.1% 0 Private (individuals & organisations) 9,496,390 0.1% 0 Air Serv International 9,462,953 0.1% 948,180 Food for the Hungry International 9,032,768 0.1% 0 United States of America 8,874,594 0.1% 0 Malteser International 7,954,659 0.1% 0 International Resources Group 7,740,139 0.1% 0 French Red Cross 7,464,421 0.1% 0 Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland e.V 6,881,509 0.1% 153,000 Trocaire 6,794,365 0.1% 0 Norwegian Aid Committee 6,732,259 0.1% 0 ActionAid 6,515,107 0.1% 0 Vétérinaire sans Frontieres 6,483,593 0.1% 0 ERF Recipients 6,442,423 0.1% 0 Samaritan's Purse 6,396,949 0.1% 0 International Relief and Development 6,245,252 0.1% 0 Cooperazione E Sviluppo - CESVI 6,220,145 0.1% 0 Enfants du Monde - Droits de l'Homme 6,177,644 0.1% 0 Terre des Hommes International 6,108,743 0.1% 0 Medico International 6,051,960 0.1% 0 United Nations Joint Logistics Centre 5,877,452 0.0% 0 Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter 5,592,952 0.0% 0 Stichting Vluchteling 5,587,599 0.0% 0 World Concern 5,254,689 0.0% 0 Triangle 5,116,413 0.0% 0 United Nations Humanitarian Response Depot 5,009,234 0.0% 0 World Vision Sudan 4,717,897 0.0% 0 Aide Médicale Internationale 4,473,098 0.0% 0 International Trust Fund for Demining and Victim 4,428,732 0.0% 0 Assistance Proximity Designs (formerly International Development 4,357,243 0.0% 0 Enterprises) Humedica 4,343,011 0.0% 0 INTERMON 4,312,635 0.0% 0 Belgian Red Cross 4,181,437 0.0% 0 UN Agencies, NGOs and/or Red Cross (details not yet 4,073,078 0.0% 3,800,000 provided) Danish De-mining Group 3,983,652 0.0% 0 Finnish Red Cross 3,955,261 0.0% 0 Johanniter Unfallhilfe e.V. 3,891,285 0.0% 0 Comitato Internationale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli 3,887,165 0.0% 0 ACT Alliance / Christian Aid 3,667,924 0.0% 0 IDE Myanmar 3,653,702 0.0% 0 Direct Relief 3,575,000 0.0% 0 United Nations Humanitarian Air Service 3,372,572 0.0% 0 PMU-Interlife 3,288,062 0.0% 0 Pact Inc. 3,270,000 0.0% 0 Internews Europe 3,262,635 0.0% 0 Tromso Center for Mine Damages 3,212,923 0.0% 0 MEMISA - Action médicale missionnaire 3,169,794 0.0% 0 Africare 3,168,638 0.0% 0 International Labour Organization 3,164,202 0.0% 0 Resident Coordinators Support Office 3,103,475 0.0% 0 Horn Relief 3,094,907 0.0% 0 Italy 3,025,719 0.0% 0 NOOR Dubai 3,017,419 0.0% 0 Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund 3,000,000 0.0% 0 Citizens Network for Foreign Affairs 2,899,999 0.0% 0 Plan International 2,894,695 0.0% 0 Development Initiatives 2,853,092 0.0% 0 Comité d'Aide Médicale 2,847,791 0.0% 0 MADERA 2,842,976 0.0% 0 Midwest Canvas Corporation 2,834,025 0.0% 0 Helen Keller International 2,760,512 0.0% 0 Red Cross Society of China 2,734,352 0.0% 299,776 GAAC 2,673,023 0.0% 0 Muslim Aid 2,621,374 0.0% 0 United Nations Department of Safety and Security 2,595,478 0.0% 0 FONKOZE 2,566,691 0.0% 0 PTM - Paz y Tercer Mundo 2,562,225 0.0% 0 CARE Kenya 2,553,519 0.0% 0 Pharmaciens Sans Frontieres - Comite International 2,489,333 0.0% 0 Relief International 2,465,000 0.0% 0 International Aid 2,367,177 0.0% 0 Praktisk Solidarites 2,356,502 0.0% 0 Swiss Red Cross 2,345,600 0.0% 0 United Nations Office for Project Services 2,312,155 0.0% 0 OIKOS - Intercooperação e Desenvolvimento 2,303,644 0.0% 0 Responsive 2,242,610 0.0% 0 World Relief 2,200,496 0.0% 0 We Effect 2,194,536 0.0% 0 The Asia Foundation 2,173,160 0.0% 0 Comitato Collaborazione Medica 2,167,250 0.0% 0 Multi-Donor Fund Facility for Disaster Recovery- 2,157,165 0.0% 0 Indonesia American Red Cross 2,068,468 0.0% 0 Technisches Hilfswerk (THW) 1,992,599 0.0% 0 Mission Ost - DNK 1,974,634 0.0% 0 Mines Advisory Group 1,974,398 0.0% 0 China Association for NGO Cooperation 1,956,542 0.0% 0 Christian Children's Fund 1,904,591 0.0% 0 Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims 1,896,853 0.0% 0 Mennonite Central Committee 1,874,709 0.0% 0 Canadian Red Cross Society 1,863,109 0.0% 0 Catholic Agency for Overseas Development 1,862,457 0.0% 0 Triangle Génération Humanitaire 1,854,546 0.0% 0 Kenyan Red Cross Society 1,810,161 0.0% 40,000 Uganda Red Cross Society 1,767,892 0.0% 0 AMURT (Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team) 1,743,610 0.0% 0 (Switzerland) Right to Play 1,707,128 0.0% 0 InWent 1,701,297 0.0% 0 FORUT 1,700,809 0.0% 0 IBIS 1,674,032 0.0% 0 CRIC - Centro Regionale di Intervento per la 1,670,287 0.0% 0 Cooperazione Comitato di Coordinamento delle Organizzazione per il 1,639,497 0.0% 0 Servizio Volontario Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining 1,630,329 0.0% 0 Médecins sans Frontières - Norway 1,626,075 0.0% 0 Fida 1,616,545 0.0% 0 BBC World Service Trust 1,604,448 0.0% 0 Philippine Red Cross 1,602,900 0.0% 0 Belgian First Aid and Support Team 1,557,632 0.0% 0 Afghan Reconstruction Trust Fund 1,555,210 0.0% 0 HealthNet International Transcultural Psychosocial 1,547,738 0.0% 0 Organisation Fondation Suisse pour le Déminage 1,527,532 0.0% 0 International Campaign to Ban Landmines 1,523,136 0.0% 0 OXFAM Netherlands (NOVIB) 1,513,541 0.0% 0 Shelter for Life 1,499,993 0.0% 0 Aga Khan Foundation 1,489,947 0.0% 0 Asamblea De Cooperacion Por La Paz 1,480,298 0.0% 0 Swedish Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in 1,451,613 0.0% 0 Palestine and Israel De Norske Pinsemenigheters Ytremisjon 1,450,570 0.0% 0 Austrian Red Cross 1,433,638 0.0% 0 International Aid Services 1,421,252 0.0% 0 People in Need 1,395,953 0.0% 0 International Catholic Migration Commission 1,344,340 0.0% 0 STCH 1,311,049 0.0% 0 The Foundation for the Refugee Education Trust 1,279,799 0.0% 0 Aviation Sans Frontieres France 1,225,968 0.0% 0 Overseas Development Institute 1,216,466 0.0% 0 Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk 1,194,893 0.0% 0 Mentor Initiative 1,193,630 0.0% 0 Cluster Munition Coalition 1,192,617 0.0% 0 Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees 1,182,167 0.0% 0 Unity and Cooperation for the Development of People 1,166,542 0.0% 0 SOS Kinderdorf 1,164,295 0.0% 0 Deutsches Komitee fur Katastrophenvorsorge e.V.
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