THE HUNTER COLLEGE ALUMNI NEWS Puhlisher! Monthly from October to June, inclusive, at 49 East 65th St., New York 21, N. Y., by the Alumni Association of Hunter College of the City of New York Second Class Mail Privileges Authorized at New York, N. Y. Price $2.00 a Year, or 20% of the Annual Dues. VOL. LXII JUNE, 1957 No.6 FROM OUR PRESIDENT thing one has left after one has forgotten This has been for me the most rewarding of what one learned". She urged an attitude of the three years that it has been my privilege pride in the College and loyalty to it on the to serve as President of your Association. part of all Hunter graduates; and in conclu­ For the first time in years we have attacked sion, after confiding that the next day was systematically the problem of correcting the her birthday, she said, "In my wildest dreams files of all the 50,000 graduates of our Col­ I could not have imagined a gift as wonderful lege. As a result of the work which has been as this. With a very full heart and very great done in the Alumni office during this last year humility, I thank you." we now have more than 14,000 corrected Mrs_ Rose Golomb for the Nominating names and addresses of Hunter graduates_ Committee presented the slate of candidates These corrected ,files will be the basis of a for the Board of Directors (already published greatly intensified membership campaign to be in the NEWS for February), all of whom were waged during the new fiscal year beginning elected unanimously_ June 1, 1957. After the introduction of Dean Kathryn You, every member of this Association, can Hopwood, President George N_ Shuster playa part in this campaign_ How? By help­ brought greetings to the Alumni. He told of ing to bring the rest of our files up-to-date. two important events at the College: the The more corrected names and addresses we establishment of the Louise Draddy Memprial have, the more appeals for membership can Lectures, for which a substantial sum of money be sent out. By volunteering to work on your has already been collected; and the award, at own class list and by helping with any of the the Honors Convocation held the previous day, other chores in the office, you can have a share of the President's Medal for distinguished serv­ in making next year's campaign an over­ ice to the College to our generous alumna whelming success. Evelyn Picker. He ended by thanking Mrs. Nothing would please me more than to turn Abrams for all she has attempted to do for over to my successor, in May 1958, an active Alumni membership. membership far exceeding any in the past. It There followed a scene from Act III of Jules will also be very gratifying to me to hand Massenet's Werther, admirably presented by over to my successor ' a reorganized Office two students of the Opera Workshop, Janet which will make her task easier than mine Seymour as Charlotte and Patricia Underwood has been. as Sophie, under the guidance of Madame I wish to express my thanks to the Officers, Rose Landver, Stage Director, and Mr. Wil­ members of the Board of Directors, the Execu­ liam Tarrasch, Music Director. Mr. Tarrasch tive Council, Chairmen of committees, and played the accompaniment. the Alumni who have cooperated with me. In A group of nine students from the Modern particular, I want to thank Shirley Graf, our Dance Club of the College next gave an im­ Executive Secretary, for her arduous labours pressive demonstration of modern dance tech­ on our behalf_ nique, after which their trainer, Miss Lida May you all have a very enjoyable summer. Whitesel of the College staff, herself performed FRANCES ROTH ABRAMS an original dance composition. For these two numbers the accompanist was Miss Sarah SPRING REUNION Malament. The Alumni gathered in the Hunter Col­ An opportunity for audience participation lege Playhouse on the evening of May 16 for \ was then provided in the form of a jolly orig­ their annual meeting. inal round led in infectiously lively style by Mrs. Frances Abrams, in a review of the two former Sing Leaders, Alumni Vice-Presi­ year's achievements, summarized the work of dent Beatrice Kohn Weinberg and Alumni the various committees and thanked the re­ Director Augusta Truell Wollheim. tiring members of the Board of Directors. Then in jolly mood, with class banners gayly She then read a citation of Irene Brandon waving, all mounted to the North Lounge to Graff, 1898, who for a period of over sixty partake of delicious refreshments, served from years, begun while she was still an under­ tables bright with flower decorations provided graduate, has been serving the Alumni, by the courtesy of the Chapters. notably as President of the Associate Alumnae Heartiest thanks for the success of the oc­ for three terms, and as Chairman of our Com­ casion are owed to the able Reunion Chair­ mittee on Lenox Hill for many years. In re­ man, Professor Josephine Burke, and her sponse Mrs. Graff, to whom this well-merited faithful committee, consisting of Mrs. Cigal, distinction came as a complete surprise, spoke Mrs. Davidson, Mrs. Mallamud, Mrs_ Mend­ extemporaneously and excellently. She ex­ low, Mrs. Schechter, Mrs. Weinberg, and Mrs. pressed deep gratitude to the alma mater for Wollheim. A special wo:-J of 2;Jprcciation must its gift of education, and in this connection be offered Mr. Joseph London for valuable quoted a definition of education as "every- technical assistance_ E.A.H. 2 THE HUNTER COLLEGE ALUMNI NEWS CITATION FOR MRS. GRAFF the Committee on the Alumnae Breakfast, now known as the College Birthday Luncheon; and Whereas, Irene Brandon Graff served with great success as Chairman of the Committee on the Annual Meeting and Spring Reunion for many years; and Whereas, Irene Brandon Graff served as a member of numerous other committees of the Alumni Association of Hunter College, work­ ing steadily for the success of these many ac­ tivities all through the sixty years of her membership in the Alumni Association of Hunter College; anp Whereas, Irene Brandon Graff has served continuously as President of the Class of 1898 and has led .. her class in a great variety of projects; and Whereas, Irene Brandon Graff served with great distinction as President of the Alumni Association of Hunter College during three Whereas, Irene Brandon Graff has bee~ a terms of office and led the Association in loyal member, an untiring worker, and an in­ notable service to the College; and spiring leader of the Alumni Association of Whereas, Irene Brandon Graff, by her gra­ Hunter College during the sixty years since ciousness and kindliness and her great wisdom her graduation in 1898; and and tact, has shed an ennobling influence on Whereas, Irene Brandon Graff has been the growth of the Alumni Association of associated since her undergraduate days with Hunter College during the six decades of her the Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association, participation in all the affairs of the Alumni formerly known as the Normal College Alum­ Association of Hunter College; nae Settlement; and Now, therefore, be it Whereas, Irene Brandon Graff, as Student Resolved, that the Board of Directors of the Worker, as Committee Member, and later for Alumni Association of Hunter College hereby many years until the present time as Chairman express, on behalf of the Alumni Association of the Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association of Hunter College and all the members thereof, Committee of the Alumni Association of their great appreciation for her services and Hunter College, has organized, year after year, their heartfelt thanks to Irene Brandon Graff, nota'ble projects to raise funds for the Settle­ and be it further ment; and Resolved, that the Board of Directors of the Whereas, Irene Brandon Graff has served Alumni Association of Hunter College hereby as member of the Board of Directors of the express their pleasure that, as a former Presi­ Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association for dent of the Association, and as the Chairman many years as the distinguished representative of the Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association of the Alumni Association of Hunter College; Committee of Hunter College, she will continue and to serve Hunter College, its alumni, and the Whereas, Irene Brandon Graff, as Chairman community; and be it further of the Alice Rich Northrop Memorial Camp Resolved, that these resolutions be spread of the Alumni Association of Hunter College, upon the minutes of the Board of Directors of worked zealously for the development of the the Alumni Association of Hunter College ; Camp in its early days; and and that a copy be sent to Irene Brandon Graff Whereas, Irene Brandon Graff served very in the name of the Alumni Association of successfully for eight years as Chairman of Hunter College and all the members thereof. 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