New Sound 57, I/2021 Sound Design is the New Score is dis- Article received on March 15th 2021 tinguished by an extraordinary level of Article accepted on April 27th 2021 methodological discernment, effective UDC 781(049.32) dramaturgical structure, holistic ap- proach to sound in film, and intimate knowledge of its subject matter. It consti- MARIJA PANTIć * tutes a valuable scholarly contribution in PhD candidate the field of film musicology, which makes University of Arts in Belgrade it suitable for specialized and wider read- Faculty of Music, Department of Musicology ing publics alike. Although the author corroborates her claims with an impres- sive number of examples from films and Blanka Bogunović, Sanela Nikolić appropriate theoretical-empirical evi- (Eds), Proceedings / The First dence, her conclusions might not be en- International Conference Psychology tirely acceptable to every reader, espe- and Music: Interdisciplinary Encounters th cially to composers of film music, who [24–26 October 2019, Belgrade]. might recognize in the monograph’s very Belgrade: Faculty of Music, University 1 title the danger facing their craft – when of Arts Belgrade, 2020. its role and significance are presented as nearly equal to those of the creative prac- tices of sound designers. Since Serbian Finally, the complex and dynamic inter- and regional musicology has so far disciplinary field of music psychology spawned a rather limited number of stud- received its first international conference ies concerning the musical aspects of in our country. It was held from October filmmaking, it would be extremely stim- 24 to 26 in Belgrade, under the title Psy- ulating if this monograph by Danijela chology and Music: Interdisciplinary En- Kulezic-Wilson were to be translated into counters (PAM-IE Belgrade 2019). The Serbian. We hope that this book will also organizer was the Faculty of Music in act as an incentive to Serbian publishers Belgrade, and the co-organizers were the and cultural institutions to support fur- Institute of Psychology of the Faculty of ther research in film music and sound, Philosophy in Belgrade and the Section and thus enrich Serbian scholarly musi- for Music Psychology of the Serbian Psy- cology with new applied insights in the chological Society. domain of cinematic art and audiovisual Ambitiously designed as an inclu- media. sive communication space for researchers * Author contact information: [email protected] 1 How to quote this volume: Bogunović, B. & Nikolić, S. (Eds) (2020). Proceedings of PAM-IE Belgrade 2019. Belgrade: Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade. 130 Reviews at different levels of experience and with Faculty of Music in Belgrade (hereinafter diverse methodological backgrounds, FMU), and contains the editor’s note, a this three-day conference offered a plat- list of members of the program and orga- form for exchanging ideas and network- nizing committee and 30 papers in Eng- ing on a broad (inter)disciplinary, geo- lish, arranged in 11 thematic units (in- graphical (18 countries from 4 cluding two thematic symposia), which continents), institutional (researchers follow the thematic units of the confer- and authors come both from different ence. The collection is dominated by re- faculties and institutes as well as associa- views of empirical research, including tions and specialised music schools) and several case studies. The Proceedings also expertise levels (from students and young contains theoretical interdisciplinary pa- researchers, through those more experi- pers, as well as studies that have uniquely enced, to leading authorities in this field and profoundly intertwoven different such as John Sloboda). disciplines with opposing epistemologies. In addition to their initiation and Musical development at the pre- encouragement of the conference and a school age represents the thematic start- series of lectures and workshops held in ing point of the collection and contains the pre-conference segment, as well as an overview of two empirical research several keynotes within the conference, studies. While Portuguese authors Caro- members of the European Society for the lina e Sá and Eduarda Carvalho reviewed Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM)2 their multiple case study of a transdisci- further contributed not only to the out- plinary nature, in which they investigated line of the conference, but also to that of the characteristics of a repertoire of lul- the published collection of papers, labies sung to pre-term infants in inten- through their participation in the Pro- sive care by their mothers, Marija Savić, gram Committee and the Abstract Re- Dubravka Stošić, and Nikola Goljović view Committee.3 presented the results of their research A collection of academic papers that examined the importance of music from this conference, edited by Dr. Sanela education of pre-school teachers and Nikolić and Dr. Blanka Bogunović, their performing competencies for suc- ESCOM representative for Serbia and cessful work on the development of chil- spiritus movens of the conference, was dren’s musical abilities in educational published in 2020, as an edition of the pre-school institutions. The second thematic circle of the collection, Musical Perception and Cogni- 2 John Sloboda, Richard Parncutt, Renee tion, consists of three texts. By analyzing Timmers and Jane Ginsborg. the use of different forms of pedal tone, 3 See the bilingual abstract booklet, which includes abstracts of the pre-conference pro- in selected examples of Western art music gram, four plenary presentations and 90 pa- of the XVIII and XIX centuries, Ida pers presented at the conference in 12 the- Vujović, from the perspective of expec- matic sessions, 2 thematic symposia and 13 tancy theory, constructed a new diction- poster presentations. ary for describing pedal tone and differ- 131 New Sound 57, I/2021 entiated pedal concept variants and their relationship between the perception of subtypes. Teodora Vuletić discussed idiosyncrasy of musical interpretation methodological problems that under- and the experience of the character of the mine the validity of tasks aimed at exam- work, by means of selected performances ining music conservation, giving the of Debussy’s Syrinx for solo flute. In their overview of a recent domestic pilot study, case study, Brazilian musicologists Maria and Blanka Bogunović, Ida Vujović and Bernadete Castelan Póvoas and Luís Ana Protulipac presented a detailed re- Claudio Barros investigated the effects of view of their research on reading strate- the implementation of movement cycles gies in singing and playing music stu- and anticipated gesture strategies to the dents, which contributes to the mutual integration of performers and the correlation of two music disciplines, ear optimization of music performance in training and vocal-instrumental learning. piano duos by Brazilian composers, Music, stress and performance anxi- whereas Tatjana Popović compared ex- ety is the title of the third thematic sec- pressive kinesthetic function in two se- tion, which consists of two papers. Psy- lected pianistic performances. chologists Anna Antonina Nogaj and Psychology and music education is Izabela Czarnecka from Kazimierz the title of the fifth problem section, Wielki University in Bydgoszcz searched, which comprises two papers. In their in their study, for differences in stress pilot research, Dejana Mutavdžin and management styles and social competen- Blanka Bogunović pointed out the differ- cies among classical and jazz musicians, ences in the educational preferences of while Miloš Zaktalik and Aleksandar musically gifted high school and univer- Kontić, a prolific interdisciplinary duo, sity students and laid the foundation for a integrated insights of musical analysis larger research that will have great peda- and psychoanalytic concepts in an origi- gogical significance. Vesna Rokvić, Majda nal way, examining the phenomenon of Marić, Danica Bajagić, et al. gave an over- stage anxiety among musicians. view of their empirical study, in which In the fourth thematic section of the the quality of inclusive education in collection, entitled Psychology of Musical music schools was examined. The find- Performance, there are four texts. As part ings of the study showed that (selected) of their case study, Croatian authors Val- specialised music schools have created a nea Žauhar, Aleksandra Matić, Ana favourable environment for the develop- Dražul and Igor Bajšanski investigated ment of inclusive practices, regarding the influence of the use of formal struc- both the quality of student support and ture, segmentation of form by the pianist, the partnerships with parents, but also re- as well as the influence of the technical vealed the need for support of a more complexity of the work on the process of successful integration of pupils with ad- memorizing contemporary music. The ditional support needs and their peers. musicologist Marija Tomić, a young re- The sixth section, Music and the searcher from FMU, searched in her em- Regulation of Affects, also contains two pirical study for answers concerning the articles. Scandinavian authors Margarida 132 Reviews Baltazar and Daniel Västfjäll have holisti- the results of their empirical study on the cally approached data sources in search influence of music as the dance accompa- of the qualities of music that is perceived niment on the perception of dance per- as relaxing. The article has a pioneering formance in classical ballet, hip-hop and character because
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