USOO9440228B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.440,228 B2 H0s0no et al. (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 13, 2016 (54) PEROVSKITE OXIDE CONTAINING (58) Field of Classification Search HYDRIDE ION, AND METHOD FOR CPC ........................................................ BO1J 31 f(00 MANUFACTURING SAME See application file for complete search history. (75) Inventors: Hideo Hosono, Tokyo (JP); Hiroshi (56) References Cited Kageyama, Kyoto (JP); Yoji Kobayashi, Kyoto (JP); Mikio Takano, Kyoto (JP): Takeshi Yajima, Kyoto FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (JP) JP 2005-100978 A 4/2005 JP 2006-199578 A 8, 2006 (73) Assignee: JAPAN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AGENCY, (Continued) Kawaguchi-shi (JP) OTHER PUBLICATIONS (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Kobayashi et al(An oxyhydride of BaTiO3 exhibiting hydride patent is extended or adjusted under 35 exchange and electronic conductivity, Nature Materials, vol. 11, U.S.C. 154(b) by 245 days. (2012) pp. 507-511 published online on Apr. 15, 2012).* (21) Appl. No.: 14/130,184 (Continued) (22) PCT Filed: Jul. 5, 2012 Primary Examiner — Melvin C Mayes (86). PCT No.: PCT/UP2012/067.157 Assistant Examiner — Michael Forrest (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Westerman, Hattori, S 371 (c)(1), Daniels & Adrian, LLP (2), (4) Date: Dec. 30, 2013 (87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2013/008705 (57) ABSTRACT Problem Many oxide-ion conductors exhibit high func PCT Pub. Date: Jan. 17, 2013 tionality at high temperatures due to the large weight and (65) Prior Publication Data charge of oxide ions, and it has been difficult to achieve the functionality at low temperatures. US 2014/O128252 A1 May 8, 2014 Solution. A perovskite oxide having hydride ion conduc tivity, at least 1 at % of the oxide ions (O) contained in a (30) Foreign Application Priority Data titanium-containing perovskite oxide being Substituted with hydride ions (H). 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International Search Report, dated Oct. 2, 2012, corresponding application No. PCT/JP2012/067157. * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2016 Sheet 1 of 5 US 9,440.228 B2 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 450 400 350 s 300 i. 2 2. s 250 t s SR is: 200 SO 03 50 100 50 20 Time (min) U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2016 Sheet 2 of 5 US 9,440,228 B2 Fig. 3 28 ( 98 1 OO 28 () U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2016 Sheet 3 of 5 US 9,440,228 B2 Fig. 4 CaTi(OH), BaTi(OH), () OO 200 300 Temperature (K) Fig. 5 U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2016 Sheet 4 of 5 US 9,440.228 B2 Fig. 6 300 w w w a ww. Sr TiO, -li, 250-- - - - Sr., TiOH, St. { } . 2 O O 5 O Fig. 7 s isis. $$. U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2016 Sheet 5 of 5 US 9.440,228 B2 Fig. 8 2.5- A - : c 2.0- : r o 0.5, '' too o so too so soo Temperature (°C) US 9,440,228 B2 1. 2 PEROVSKITE OXDE CONTAINING which hydride ions are inserted into an oxide in an amount HYDRIDE ION, AND METHOD FOR exceeding the amount of oxygen defects are limited to only MANUFACTURING SAME a small number of Substances that use typical elements. Examples of such substances include LaHO (NPL 4) and TECHNICAL FIELD 12CaO.7AlO, (NPL 5 and PTL 4). In 2002, M. A. Hayward et al. succeeded in synthesizing The present invention relates to a titanium-containing a cobalt oxide-hydride containing hydride ions, perovskite oxide, in particular, a titanium-containing per LaSrCoO.H., (NPL 6). After that, in 2006, C. A. Bridges et ovskite oxide having hydride ion conductivity, a method for al. reported the diffusion phenomenon of hydride ions in the manufacturing the oxide, and the use of the oxide. 10 cobalt oxide LaSrCoO.H., (NPL 7). This indicates that hydride ions in the substance have mobility, but does not BACKGROUND ART indicate a chemical reaction with the ambient atmosphere For example, titanium-containing oxides having a per (e.g., gaseous phase). The ion conductivity is unknown. ovskite crystal structure or a layered perovskite crystal 15 Furthermore, R. M. Helps et al. reported a cobalt oxide structure, which are represented by MTiO, (M. represents hydride having a structure similar to that of the Substance, Ca, Ba, Mg, Sr., or Pb) and titanium-containing oxides in SrCo-OHols (NPL 8). These two Substances are the first which some of Tiatoms are substituted with at least one type examples in which a large amount of hydride ions were of Hf and Zr (PTL 1) (collectively referred to as "titanium taken into a transition metal oxide. containing perovskite oxides') have a considerably high PTL 1: Japanese Unexamined Patent Application Publica relative dielectric constant. Therefore, the titanium-contain tion No. 2006-199578 ing perovskite oxides have been eagerly studied for a long PTL 2: Japanese Patent No. 4374631 time as devices such as capacitor materials and dielectric PTL 3: Japanese Unexamined Patent Application Publica films and also in terms of applications to Substrate materials tion No. 2005-100.978 of other perovskite transition metal oxides and nonlinear 25 PTL 4: Japanese Patent No. 4219821 resistors. NPL 1: S. Ohkoshi et al., “Nature Chemistry’ 2, p. 539-545 In addition to the excellent characteristics, the fact that (2010) titanium is an element which has a low environmental load, NPL 2: W. Gong et al., “Journal of Solid State Chemistry” is safe for living bodies, and is abundant on the earth 90, p. 320-330 (1991) facilitates the use of titanium-containing perovskite oxides 30 NPL 3: S. Steinsvik et al., “Solid State Ionics' 143, p. for biocompatible materials and the industrial use of tita 103-116 (2001) nium-containing perovskite oxides for electronic materials, NPL 4: K. Hayashi et al., “Nature” 419, p.
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