■■ 'V I . ! i^r A UNTtVl^ EACH NUm r N m r WEEK^NTimCHRISTmAS -T AVratAOB DAILV OBCrpi^OKOM tm tin moK«k‘« f M ewwbw, IMC I > 5 , 8 3 6 V BMW tonigM, pre^^lnndag to . MMttlMr o f tin AndM rata Snndnyt alowly itatag tanqier- atafo. , , ., . MANCHESTER — A a X Y OP VILLAGE CHARM V0L^LV1~N0.68 I AdVMiMnK « i Ping* U ) MANCHESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19. 1936 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS GERMANSFACE CUBAN ARMY’S Gifts Rescued In Fatal Fire CLAIM CONVICT TOMORROW FOR THE BEST IN GIFT VALUES! CHINA SET FOR ACTION FOODSHORTAGE REVENUE BILL USED AIRPLANE DOUBLE STAMPS Give A AS IN W M TIME B R lN ^ C p iS IN I M C A P E ^ Pmctical ACIAINST CHANG; REBS GIVEN WITH CASH Hand Made L Ration Cards Issued on Fats So^r Taxfor Rni^ District Lifer Taken to Town to Visit SALES SATURDAY I and Wheat W ill i t Gone Schools Goes to Gome:^ a Dentist M erely Walks MUST RELEASE CAPTIVE by April; Eden Fonts to Batista Is likely to Fori^ Away from His Prison Nanking GoTenunent Snd” CANDLEWICK ,4 „ „ ^Armament As Bar to Aid. Guard. Fog Halts Insurgent LADIES HANDBAGS Cotton Dresses BEDSPREAD 54.98 denly Changes Its Tactics In the new Top Han­ A splendid showing Including dle, and envelope styles, our Nelly Don, Hubrite, and Toilet Goods Berlin, Dec. 19— (A P ) — Oer- Havims, Dec., 19.— (A P )—The Pottsvllle, Pa.. Dec. 19.— (A P )— with inside slpper. Col­ Shelling Of Madrid $1.00, $1.95, $2-95 L’Alglon styles. Sizes 14-50. Coty Set with insny stood face to face today with Cuban sugar tax bill which the Police of nine slates bunted todgy toIssneUltiinatnin;IfGen. ors: Black, Brown, Navy. Ofie of Its gravest food shortages In Bath Salijs ......... .$2.25 army political faction seeks to use for Joseph j. Bruno, who. serving a years. The nation has come so as a lever to oust President Miguel Madrid, Dec. 19.— (A P )—A Com-A Outside toe city, toe government Chiang Is Not Freed To* close to depleting Its resources, both life sentence for murder In the Face Powder with munlst demand for a "real single forces renewed their efforts to * cut of money and of food, that officials Mariano Gomes was on its way to KelS3rres election eve massacre ot Toilet Water ......... $2.25 command” of Madrid’s defense through toe Fascist rear guard near bavs exj^esssd fear they would be him today after passage In an up­ 1934, walked away from a Schuyl­ found favor today with all leading Aranjuez and aoutbeaat of Toledo. morrow, Expedition WiD $ 1.98 St. Denis S e t s ..........$1.0U able to find nr adequate . solution roarious congressional session. kill county prison guard. ttr a crisis they expect by ApriL Pennsylvania officials, on per­ members of the Popular Front. North ana east of Madrid, the In­ Coty Bath Powder . $1.00 The adherents of tbe nation’s mil­ A t the same time Premier Fran- Come To Hale’s for Your Z^ •••■ • A chain of adverse fln u d a l clr- itary "strong man." Col. Fulgencio sonal orders from Governor George surgent troops pushed forward sev­ Attack Sianfn; Earlier in Gemay Bath Powder, $1.00 *• eumstances, experts pointed out, has H. Earle, began an immediate In­ daco Largo Caballero banned eral miles north of Guadalajara to Batlata, chief of the Cuban army, Christmas merrymaking at the Bath Salts hi fancy jars, - t * " * •• created a vicious circle^ in which drove the measure through tbe vestigation, prefaced by the charge seeking to arc toe capital from the Day Three Days’ Grace XMAS prospective plans for’ averting the of Attorney General Cnarles J. front and served noUct that militia­ west, north'and east. assorted shapes, 25c-50c ea. House of Representatives In two men who have been leaving the lines erisla would ^unge the relcb Into votes each by 106 to 43. Marglottl that the escape "was ac­ The war ministry announced addi­ Five persons were'killed by tha fire that routed them from their and going home for dinner would other acute problems. complished through a well planned tional Information It received re­ The first vote was on the bill as a home in New York, yet these giris escaped not only with their lives bs disciplined. Had Been Given Young HOSIERY THe stringencies Imposed on Ger­ whole and the second passed it but one saved her pet dog and the other the gatfy wrapped Christ­ con^lracy of certain public offl- ported toe Insurgent cruiser. IDspana Featuring well known $3.98 man boueebolds in preserving There was general Insistence that Patterns paragraph by paragraph, thus send­ mas g ift packages she guards so jealously. The blazs started when cl Is and others.” fired seven shots near toe U. 8. gun­ brandy In Ringless, Sheer "ridiculous decentralization schemea dwindling food eupplles were dis­ ing It directly to Gomez for the a noomer in- the big brown stone b ouse fell asleep while qmoklng a Bruno, former Republican leader boat Erie Friday before toe Amen- Marshal to Decide. Chiffon and Service Weight. All-over diamond and closed yesterday by the Issuance of such as self-appointed Independent signature be baa declared he would dgaretto. ta the hilltop mining town of oan vessel waa recognised. dot pattern on ebambray ratlpa cards for butter and lard. Jufitas” must cease. It was not Agtu|5»»e:)to Under new orders allowances of " " Faoe linpMciiinmt'''' be appointed to the single command. ministry said, ahow^ tqa BIrle was Visit our Handkerchief Booth. Ladles’ Best Large center pattern tf Gomez should veto the bill, slbly to go (AP)—-The Nankinc govern- Quality Handkerchiefs. A ll hand work. fats wiU be prorated according to Morning fog halted bitter night anchored at Musel when toe .Eapana and border design oh supporters of BaUsla vowed they Irving parked bis car. Bruno never ment, suddenly swiiehtag White and street shades. c ea. the sise of families. Purchases will fighting In the University City sec­ hove into sight and fired sheila from Gotham 79c chambray background. would move to impeach him for in­ showed up at tbe office. taetioB atntaet yabellioas Mar- 25 be limited to 80 per cent of October POPE’S ILLNESS STARTS tion of Madrid and near the Ban Its '80.5 gunk^ r One shot. It was re­ ofaal Chong Rsueb-Iiaiir, order- terference with le ^ la tiv e acts. Bruno, a former Schuylkill coun­ Red, green, gold, peach, orchid, blue, brown, and mat, brown consumption each' month, starting Fernando bridge In the western part ported fall 800 yards from the Erie •d tonight that pnttltive mlH- . T, Gomez gave as ■his reason for his ty detective, was convicted on each Gordon 79c and gold. Outsize, 97x105", January 1. of tbe besieged capital. while the otoete itruek the Musel tary operattons against SlanM Agricultural estimates agreed promised veto hlh belief that the of three charges of murder In the hUla. rebel heodqnarteni bq re npened bill, by providing funds for army- Kelayres "massacre” in which five Gunflring ceaaed gradually after Other Candlewick Spreads— $1.98 to $10.00. that Germany must increase wheat TALK ABOUT SUCCESSOR insurgents shelled government posi­ A fter toe Erie hoisted (be Ameri­ tomorrow nnlase OenerallsstaM . Importations after having reduced taught schools, would be the means D' mocratic paraders were slain can fiag and cleared bar decks for Chiang Knl-Sliek Is telensed. ^ No-Mend $1.00 of educating young Cubans in, the His brother Philip, also reedved a tions Intermittently throughout the them in 1935 to 160,000 tons as night. action, toe war n)talstiy said, the ”Tlia government's panlttvn a-- Our Fourth Shipment com pai^ with 005,000 tons the year “Fascist manner.” life term and three other kinsmen Espana turned and steamed away ezpedltlon, bombing operotlona-jM Such an.eventuality Batista, the were sentenced to prison for short­ Tbe Inclement weather also stop­ before. ^ Pontiff’s Condition Remains ped hostilities near Pozuelo. "hastily.” nnd any other form o f attack to tk - SWEATERS Candlewick. By April, aooordtng to eeti- "father” of the plan, has denied, as- PHANTOM ‘EMPIRE’ er periods.' deemed neoeeeory, roceinmeno-JT m atn considered r^able, the sertlm. the army would be placed In Critiial; Three Princes of Left On Plane tag Snaday morning. If the gen- and SKIRTS Bath Mat and Reti^’B wheat reserves win have control of tbe schools only, to Insure Two. reports today offered the emUselmo Is not relMsed beforo iMssn exhausted. But, advised ex­ greater pedagogic effidepey. possibility that Bruno had left then,” aepokeoman aanonneed. ^ We have just added the popular BASIS WAS ^ 2 5 0 perts of the ndnlstry o f economics, The bill, providing for a nine-cent Pottsvllle In an airnlane and was Three more days o t grace ta ^ Tyrolean model to our line. No Lid Cover Sets the Chnrch Mentioned As food purchases would drain Ger­ tax on d a ^ bag of sugar, would well-supplied with cosh. MORE MEN JOIN HUNT which to end the rebellion and girl or woman's wardrobe la com­ many's last gold reserves. l alenac General Chiang had ^ plete without one or more seta of give the army an estimated revenue Prison Ward.sn Herbert Qosalln Feelers have been put out for eco­ of 51,500,(X)0 annually to open and Likely to Succeed Him. said Bruno bad received “ thousands earlier been awarded by olDetato. Piccary Pigskin Gloves theae garments.
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