High use non- High use Items Room Section Quantity Comments expendable expendable 2-D apparatus 121 14 3 Acrylic paint 117 M0 >5 multiple colors Alcohol (isopropyl) 117 D2 6 rubbing alcohol A crocodile clip (also alligator clip or spring clip) is a simple mechanical device for creating a temporary electrical connection, and is named for its resemblance to an alligator's or Alligator clips 116 116-1-29 >10 crocodile's Jaws Aluminum foil 117 I1 1 x Aluminum mesh screens 121 40 >5 Aluminum pans 117 L2 15 baking pans x Aluminum trays 117 L2 >10 larger baking pans Ammonia 117 D5 2 Ammonia 120 3 1 Animal specimen displays 121 33 >20 Animal specimen displays 121 35 >20 Animal specimen displays 121 36 >20 Antacid (Alka-Seltzer) 117 D1 >50 x Antacid (liQuid) 117 D1 1 Antacid (milk of magnesia) 117 D1 1 Antacid (tablets) 117 D1 >100 Aprons 117 B1 >20 AQuariums 120A 3 Augers 120A 2 Awl punch 117 Tool cabinet 1 Baby oil 117 D1 2 Baby powder 117 D1 1 Baking pans 120 6 14 Baking powder 117 G3 6 10 oz containers Baking sheets 120 6 5 Baking soda (Sodium bicarbonate) 117 G3 3 450 g containers x full-alphabetized Page 1 High use non- High use Items Room Section Quantity Comments expendable expendable Baking soda (Sodium bicarbonate) 121 42 1 x Balance scales 120 10 14 Balloons 116 116-1-8 >50 x Balloons 117 B3 >20 x Balls (golf) 117 B7 x Balls (golf) 121 121-1-25-28 >10 Balls (large rubber play) 117 O0 5 large bouncing balls Balls (ping pong) 117 B7 x Balls (ping pong) 121 121-1-25-28 >20 x Balls (racQuet balls) 117 B7 x Balls (racQuet balls) 121 121-1-25-28 3 x Balls (rubber) 117 B7 x Balls (rubber) 121 121-1-25-28 >10 x Balls (styrofoam) 117 B0 >50 x Balls (styrofoam) 117 B7 x Balls (styrofoam) 121 121-1-25-28 >20 x Balls (super) 117 B7 x Balls (super) 121 121-1-25-28 >10 x Balls (tennis) 117 B7 x Balls (tennis) 121 121-1-25-28 >5 x Balls (wiffle) 117 B7 x Balls (wiffle) 121 121-1-25-28 >10 x Balls (wooden) 117 B7 x Balls (wooden) 121 121-1-25-28 >20 x Barometer 121 12 1 Base speaker 120A Cabinet 1 Batteries (303/357) 117 E2 >10 x Batteries (9V) 117 E2 >10 x Batteries (AA) 117 E2 >20 x Batteries (AAA) 117 E2 >10 x Batteries (C) 117 E2 >5 x full-alphabetized Page 2 High use non- High use Items Room Section Quantity Comments expendable expendable Batteries (D) 116 116-1-28 >20 x Batteries (D) 117 E2 >20 x Battery holders 117 E2 >20 Battery tester 117 E2 3 x BBs 117 Misc box >500 for BB gun Beakers (1000 ml) 121 2 3 x Beakers (150 ml) 121 2 6 x Beakers (250 ml) 121 2 21 x Beakers (400 ml) 121 2 5 x Beakers (500 ml) 121 2 2 x Beakers (600 ml) 121 2 6 x Beakers (misc sizes) 117 B2 >10 x Beans (miscellaneous) 117 F5 >10 bags dried beans - large lima, small lima, pinto Bell Jars 121 Front 6 Bicycle wheel (physics demo) 121 Front 1 Binder clips 117 A2 >50 multiple sizes x Binoculars 117 E0 7 Binoculars 121 32 2 Bird nests 121 36 1 Bird seed 117 C2 1 Black pepper (ground) 117 F4 1 Blackboard Optics 120A 1 Bleach 117 D5 1 Chlorine Bleach 120 3 4 Bleach 121 42 1 Blood pressure apparatus 121 12 3 Board games 120A >20 Tool cabinet - Screws Bolts (miscellaneous) 117 drawer Bowls (glass) 117 K2 11 full-alphabetized Page 3 High use non- High use Items Room Section Quantity Comments expendable expendable Bowls (paper) 117 H2 >50 x Bowls (plastic) 117 H2 >50 x Bowls (styrofoam) 117 H2 >50 x Box cutters 117 Tool cabinet Broom (hand held) 117 D5 4 Brownianscope 121 14 1 Brushes (cleaning) 121 7 21 laboratory brushes for cleaning - multiple types Bubbles (play) 117 M3 >20 play bubbles (kids) Buckets 117 L4 4 Buckets 120A 9 Bug Trap 120A 5 Bunsen burners 121 41 14 Burettes (volumetric) 121 Back >20 Butterfly nets 120A 1 C-clamp screw compressors 117 Tool cabinet 8 C-clamps 117 Tool cabinet >10 carpenter clamps Tool cabinet - Sandpaper Cable staples 117 Misc drawer >50 Cables 120A Cabinet >10 Cake nonpareils 117 F4 1 jimmies, sprinkles Cake pans (aluminum) 117 H2 12 Calculators 117 E1 17 x Calipers 116 116-1-20 5 Camera (KodakEasy Share digital) 117 Tech cabinet 4 x one box with eQuipment but no camera, one Camera (video - Flip) 117 Tech cabinet 6 camera not working (8 boxes total) Candles (birthday) 117 B3 >50 x Candles (birthday) 121 121-1-11 >20 x Candles (miscellaneous) 121 121-1-11 >5 x Candles (tea lights) 117 B3 >10 x full-alphabetized Page 4 High use non- High use Items Room Section Quantity Comments expendable expendable Candles (tea lights) 121 121-1-11 10 x Candy (Mentos) 117 F5 4 candy Car accessories (Pasco metal) 117 O2 6 Car accessories (wooden demonstration)117 O2 6 Carbon paper 117 A1 >10 Carpenter levels 117 Tool cabinet 3 bubble levels Cars (Pasco metal demonstration) 117 O2 3 red demonstration cars Cars (red plastic demonstration) 117 O2 11 x Cars (wooden demonstration) 117 O2 6 x Catapults and hex nuts 121 13 >10 Caulk gun 117 Tool cabinet 2 CDs (blank) 117 E2 >50 Centrifuge 120 10 1 Centrifuge tubes 120 10 22 Ceramic dishes 121 32 >5 Ceramic wire gauge 121 40 >5 Chalk (colored) 117 M3 >50 x Chalk (white) 117 M3 >10 x Charcoal 117 Cart 1 ~40 lb gravel size pieces Chart paper (black) 117 Front 1 large rolls mounted on wall at front of room x Chart paper (brown) 117 Front 1 large rolls mounted on wall at front of room x Chart paper (white) 117 Front 3 roll large rolls mounted on wall at front of room x Cheese cloth 116 116-1-2 1 roll fabric Cheese cloth 121 121-1-24 1 roll fabric Chemplates 120 9 40 Chimes 121 15 4 Chisel 117 Tool cabinet Chocolate flavoring 117 F4 1 Immitation chocolate flavor Cinnamon (ground) 117 F4 1 Clamps (buret) 121 39 >10 Clamps (carpenter) 117 Tool cabinet 4 carpenter clamps, C clamps full-alphabetized Page 5 High use non- High use Items Room Section Quantity Comments expendable expendable Clamps (chemistry) 121 39 >10 Clamps (miscellaneous) 117 Tool cabinet >5 Clamps (miscellaneous) 121 41 >5 Cleaner (all-purpose) 121 42 2 Cleaner (multipurpose) 117 D0 2 x Cleaner (spray - multipurpose) 117 D0 1 cleaning spray x Clipboards 117 A0 17 x Cloth bags 117 I4 4 Cloth pieces (miscellaneous) 116 116-1-2 >10 fabric Cloth pieces (miscellaneous) 121 121-1-24 >10 fabric Clothespins 116 116-1-3 >50 x Clothespins 117 B3 >20 x Clothespins 121 121-1-13 >50 x Cloves 117 F4 1 Cocoa 117 G0 5 Hershys cocoa unsweetened Cocoa mix 117 F3 4 Coconut (flaked, sweetened) 117 F5 1 bag Coffee Filter 117 B3 >20 x Coffee filters 116 116-1-1 >10 x Coffee filters 121 121-1-22 >10 x Color paddles 117 B6 >10 light demonstratin, thick plastic x light demonstrantions, thin colored clear plastic Color plastics 117 B6 >10 sheets Colorimeters 121 13 3 Combs 117 Misc box 15 Communication Module 121 12 >10 Compass (direction) 116 116-1-20 6 x Compass (direction) 117 B4 >10 x Compass (direction) 121 121-1-30 >20 x Compass (drawing) 116 116-1-20 >10 Computer monitors 120A Cabinet 2 full-alphabetized Page 6 High use non- High use Items Room Section Quantity Comments expendable expendable Computer mouse 117 Tech cabinet 6 Concave lenses 121 16 >10 Contractor bags 117 I3 >5 x Convex lenses 121 16 >10 Tool cabinet - Sandpaper Cork hole borers 117 Misc drawer Corn 117 C1 >10 field corn (on cob) Corn starch 117 G3 5 500 g containers x Corn syrup 117 G3 2 16 oz containers x Cotton balls 116 116-1-4 >50 x Cotton balls 117 B7 >100 x Cotton balls 121 121-1-22 >50 x Cotton swabs (Q-tip style) 117 H4 >50 x Counting Kit Elementary 117 B7 1 Craft beads (colored) 117 B7 >100 art beads Craft beads (colored) 117 B7 >100 art beads Crayons 116 116-1-13 >20 x Crayons 117 A4 >100 x Crayons 121 121-1-16 >20 x Cricket food 120A 2 Crow bar 117 Tool cabinet Cups (paper) 117 H1 >50 x Cups (plastic) 117 H1 >100 x Cups (styrofoam) 117 H0 >50 x Cutting tool (miscellaneous) 117 Tool cabinet Cylindrical plastic containers 117 L3 20 multiple sizes D-frame nets 120A 6 aquatic invertebrate sampling Date stamp 117 A5 1 Diapers 117 D3 >10 Dice 117 B6 >10 x full-alphabetized Page 7 High use non- High use Items Room Section Quantity Comments expendable expendable Digital microscope (Dino-lite) 117 E1 7 Digital microscope caddie kit 117 E1 5 measures DC/AC voltage, resistance, diode, continuity, capacitance, freQuency/duty cycle, temperature, DC/AC microampere, milliampere, Digital multimeter 117 E1 6 and ampere current Dish soap 117 D0 4 x Dissecting kit 117 B5 2 Dissecting kits 116 116-1-26 2 tweezers, probes Dissecting pans (metal) 116 116-1-26 14 Dissecting probes 117 B5 >5 Distilled water 117 D2 2 x Distilled water 121 42 1 x Dolomititc limestone 117 Cart 1 ~20 lb Dominoes 120A >10 Tool cabinet - Screws Door hinges 117 drawer Double buret holders 121 39 >10 Double burner electric stove top 120 8 4 Dowel rods (wood) 116 116-1-16 >20 wood dowel rods, multiple diameters Dowel rods (wood) 120A 5 Dried orange peel 117 F4 1 ground Drill bits 117 Tool cabinet Drinking bird motion demonstration 121 14 3 Dry erase boards 117 O1 >10 x Dry erase erasers 117 O1 >10 x Dry erase markers 117 O1 >10 x Dryer sheets 117 D3 >10 Dust mask 117 Tool cabinet 5 Dust pans 117 D5 4 full-alphabetized Page 8 High use non- High use Items Room Section Quantity Comments expendable expendable Ear plugs 117 Tool cabinet Easel pad paper 117 Front >5 pads 2.5'x2' white pads of paper Ecopower sterling engine kits 121 Front 1 Edible optics 121 13 1 Elasticity of gas apparatus 121 14 2 Electric pump 120A 1 for water Electrical switches (miscellaneous) 116 116-1-33 >20 Electricity measurer eQuipment 121 Front 1 Electromagnets and circuits kit 117 P1 1 Embroidery hoops 117 B7 12 Erasers (pencil) 117 A4 >50 x Etching tool 117 Tool cabinet 1 Extension cords 117 E5 >10 Eye Wash 121 37 2 bottle eye washers Eyedroppers 116 116-1-25
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