Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 20 NOVEMBER 1969 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 1662 Questions [ASSEMBLY] Questions THURSDAY, 20 NOVEMBER, 1969 ( 6) "The method of treating wastes to alleviate pollution is a matter for the Companies concerned. I am informed that Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. D. E. Nicholson, they are active in this matter and that the Murrumba) read prayers and took the chair Department of Local Government is assist­ at 11 a.m. ing them in regard thereto." QUESTIONS EsTABLISHMENT OF MINING MUSEUM WATER POLLUTION BY MILL EFFLUENT, Mr. Marginson, pursuant to notice, asked MACKAY AND SARINA DISTRICTS The Minister for Mines,- Mr. Casey, pursuant to notice, asked The In view of the changing methods in Minister for Local Government,- mining and in coal-mining in particular, ( 1) Has the construction of the effluent will he establish a mining museum, where ponds by Racecourse Mill overcome the a complete range of tools, lamps, equip­ pollution problem in Bakers Creek? ment and other items us·ed over the years can be preserved? (2) Is he aware of the similar but more serious pollution probJ.em being caused in Answer:- the Armstrong's Beach area near Sarin::. "The Queensland Museum has an Histori­ by Plane Creek Mill effluent and more so by that from the A.N.P.A. Distillery? cal and Technological Section, which includes some items of mining equipment. (3) Is he aware that from the air the It is considered appropriate that any water in the whole of Llewellyn Bay is collections of this nature should be handled black from the pollution caused by the by that institution." effluent? ( 4) When did officers of his Department JuRY SERVICE BY CoAL-MINERS last inspect the area a•nd what was the result of their findings? Mr. Marginson, pursuant to notice, asked The Minister for Justice,- (5) Has any recent action been taken ( 1) Has his attention been drawn to an bl:' (a) the companies concerned or (b) article appearing in a Brisbane Sunday h1s Department, to rectify this long­ newspaper on November ·16 headed 'Coal­ standing pmblem? miners won't sit on Juries, Wage loss is ( 6) Is there any reason, technical or too great."? otherwise, why this problem cannot be (2) Did he receive a telegram indicating rectified in a manner similar to that under­ that the coal-miners are deeply concerned t::.ken by the Racecourse Mill? ::.t the great wages loss being suffered by them when required to perform jury Answers:- service? ( 1 ) "The construction of the treatment ( 3) Will he take action to ensure that ponds by Racecourse Mill should alleviate all persons called for jury service are the pollution of Bakers Creek previously reimbursed at least by an amount equivalent caused by that Mill but water quality to their actual loss of wages whilst surveys in the Creek are being continued." performing such service? (2) "The Department of Local Govem­ ( 4) Did he state that jury service is ment is aware of pollution problems in the not an occupation for which one is paid Armstrong's Beach area. Investigations and that the allowance is merely for have already been and will continue to be out-of-pocket expenses? carried out by the Department with a view to the alleviation of the position." Answers:- ( I) "Yes." (3) "I am informed that observations from the air have not so far shown that (2) "Yes." the whole of Llewellyn Bay is black from (3 and 4) "Down the years in various pollution." countries jury service has been regarded ( 4) "Water quality surveys of Plane as a public duty which the individual citi­ Creek and Llewellyn Bay were last carried zen is called upon to perform infrequently. out on September 20, 1969. These surveys This principle has been always recognised showed that the dissolved oxygen level in in the fixing of allowance scales which Plane Creek was at an acceptable level were provided to obviate hardship in being at the mouth of the Creek but not in the obliged to perform this duty. Jury service vicinity of Bell's Creek. The surveys also is not regarded as an occupation. Even in showed that the dissolved oxygen level in recent years in England the Morris Com­ Llewellyn Bay was acceptable but not in mittee on Jury Service did not agree with Boundary Creek." those witnesses who urged that jurors should in future be paid a flat rate as if (5) "Yes." for a service rendered, regardless of Questions [20 NovEMBER] Questions 1663 whether any losses are incurred. Neverthe­ SEALING OF MOUNT !SA RAILWAY less, that Committee recommended the STATION GooDs YARD payment of allowances up to a certain maximum rate per day and intimated that Mr. Inch, pursuant to notice, asked The there was no entirely satisfactory solution Minister for Transport,- to the problem of overcoming alf hardship. ( 1) Have plans and specifications been People in high income brackets are called completed for the bitumen-surfacing of for jury service as frequently as people on the unloading area at the Mount Isa goods low incomes. Payment of different allow­ station and has finance been <!'!located for ances to different sections of the community the work? If so, when will work commence for a service which is not related to income and what is the estimated date of levels or job skills would be an undesirable approach to some form of compensation completion? for this public service." (2) If not, why have the assurances of the General Manager of the Northern Division of the Queensland Railways, as QUEENSLAND POLICEMAN'S MANUAL given to representatives of the business people of Mount Isa, firstly in 1968 amd ~1r. Bennett, pursuant to notice, asked The Minister for Works,- again in July of this year, not been complied with and the work undertaken? (1) When will Volume II of the Police Manual be completed and ready for Answer:- distribution? (1 and 2) "The work has been approved (2) Why is it not possible for legal men at a cost of $6,825. Every effort is being and other interested people in the made to have the work expedited." community to buy copies of the Manual? Answers:- SEALING OF TOWNSVILLE-MOUNT !SA ( 1) "The actual date cannot at present ROAD be determined, but it is anticipated that the revision of the Queensland Policeman's Mr. Inch, pursuant to notice, asked The Manual will be completed and Volume II Minister for Mines,- ready for distribution before the end of the ( 1) What length of sealed pavement current financial year." has been constructed on the Townsville­ (2) "The Manual is for Police use only." Mount Isa road during each of the last five years? (2) What length is still unconstructed STRENGTH OF POLICE FORCE; INCREASE to sealed pavement sta-ndard? IN CRIMINAL OFFENCES ( 3) What is the anticipated construction Mr. Bennett, pursuant to notice, asked rate for the next five years? The Minister for Works,- (1) In view of the record 12 · 36 per­ ( 4) When is it anticipated that the road centum increase in crime and the decrease will be completely bitumen surfaced? in the percentage of offences cleared up, what action is he taking to halt the increase Answers:- in crime in this State? ( 1) "Figures for each year are not (2) Is the small increase in police readily available, but 170 miles of sealed personnel, only eighty in 1968-69, con­ pavement have been constructed between sidered satisfactory? Townsville and Mount Isa in the last five years." ( 3) As it is obvious that the approved strength of 3,004 is hopelessly inadequate (2) "183 miles." to carry out police duties in the Sta-te, will ( 3 and 4) "The anticipated construction he have the approved strength increased rate for the next five years depends on the by 900? funds available and cannot at this stage be precisely determined. It should be Answers:- realised that major bridge works have yet ( 1) "The number of offences detected to be completed and represent major has increased correspondingly with increase improvements to this road as well as the in reported crime, and Police Force dis­ length of bitumen surfacing. Work is position and detection process are under currently in progress on bridges at the constant review to combat criminal Williams River, Sloans Creek and the activity." major project of a new bridge over the Burdekin River at Macrossan. A crossing (2) "Yes, having regard to existing of the Gilliat River is planned to start circumstances." next year. Prior to 19 57, there was little (3) "The strength of the Police Force construction between Charters Towers and is not hopelessly inadequate." Mount Isa." 1664 Questions [ASSEMBLY] Questions EXTENSION OF ELECTRIC POWER TO (2) Has full restitution been made in MAXWELTON AREA all instances? 1\fr. Lonergan, pursuant to notice, asked (3) Was a full investigation made into The Minister for Local Government,- all accounts held at Mount Garnet at the time the deficiency was discovered? ( 1) Will he take immediate action to ensure that poles are supplied for power ( 4) If so, what was the result and, if extensions to seven properties north of not, will he cause an investigation to be Maxwelton? made in order to reassure all Aborigines ( 2) Is he aware that hardship is being whose accounts were held at the Mount caused by the delay of these extensions? Garnet police station at that time? (3) Is he also aware that an amount Answers:- of $35,000 has been paid to T.R.E.B. for (1) "Four." the extension of these power lines? (2) "Yes.
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