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European fairythe redefined for tale Basile excess, baroque and wit, spirited fantasy, vertiginous by marked stories “With Italian poet. fairy fifteen cycle of the A fantastical from talesseventeenth-century BYCARMELOLETTERE ILLUSTRATIONS FOREWORD BYJACKZIPES WITHANINTRODUCTIONANDNOTESBYNANCYL.CANEPA TRANSLATED ofTales The Tale BASILE GIAMBATTISTA •978-0-14-139511-1 •$16.00 •512PAGES PENGUIN CLASSICSPAPERBACK the and novella England,” of “History Freindship,” and “Love including all juvenilia, her habits—collects spelling quirky her delightful, with sketches—complete and stories early Austen’s of This edition EDITED WITHANINTRODUCTIONANDNOTESBYCHRISTINEALEXANDER Love andFreindship: JANE AUSTEN •978-0-14-310824-5 •$17.00 •336PAGES PENGUIN CLASSICSPAPERBACK called a21st-century of the author by introduction an features edition centennial deluxe This all convention. of radical his Collegequestioning to Wood Clongowes at Man Young novels, Joyce’s of approachable most and shortest, first, The BYROMANMURADOV COVER ILLUSTRATED NOTES BYSEAMUSDEANE FOREWORD BYKARLOVEKNAUSGAARD DELUXE CENTENNIALEDITION Man A PortraitoftheArtistasaYoung JAMES JOYCE •978-0-14-310769-9$15.00 •128PAGES PENGUIN CLASSICSPAPERBACK aking. becomes and bandits robber of agroup whomagical joins boy Hoodof a story classic: Robin the Korean quintessential of the translation definitive A new, INTRODUCTION ANDNOTESBYMINSOOKANG The StoryofHongGildong MINSOO KANG, portrays the Dublin upbringing of Stephen Dedalus from his youthful days days youthful his Dedalus from Stephen of upbringing the Dublin portrays explores themes of community, ostracism, sin, guilt, and vengeance. In this In vengeance. and sin,guilt, ostracism, community, of themes explores Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man asaYoung Artist the of Portrait Lady Susan Lady translator . And Other Youthful Writings And OtherYouthful The Tale of Tales Tale of The and ensures that this collection that ensures and . My Struggle My A Portrait of the Artist asa Artist the of A Portrait , which has been, which has NEWNEW TITLES TITLES • •HIGH HIGH SCHOOL SCHOOL LITERATURE LITERATURE & FICTION& FICTION NEWNEW TITLES TITLES • •HIGH HIGH SCHOOL SCHOOL LITERATURE LITERATURE & FICTION& FICTION MINSOOMINSOO KANG, KANG, translator translator RAJIARAJIA HASSIB HASSIB PENGUIN PUBLISHING GROUP TheThe Story Story of Hongof Hong Gildong Gildong NEWNEW TITLES TITLES IN IN In theIn the Language Language of Miraclesof Miracles INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION AND ANDNOTES NOTES BY MINSOO BY MINSOO KANG KANG PAID PAID Presort Std Presort Std A mesmerizingA mesmerizingAcademic debut debut novel novel about about Marketingan Egyptian an Egyptian American American Department family family pushed pushed to the to brink the brink by by Presort Std U.S. Postage U.S. Postage A new,A definitivenew, definitive translation translation of the ofquintessential the quintessential Korean Korean classic: classic: the Robinthe RobinHood Hoodstory storyof a of a Permit No. 169 Permit No. 169 tragedytragedy and mental and mental illness. illness. Staten Island, NY Staten Island, NY magicalmagical boy who boy joinswho joinsa group a group of robber of robber bandits bandits and becomes and becomes a king. a king. “A gripping...exposé“A gripping...exposé375 about Hudson about being being Muslim Muslim Street in post-9/11 in post-9/11 America….But America….But it’s also it’s aalso universal, a universal, U.S. Postage PENGUINPENGUIN CLASSICS CLASSICS PAPERBACK PAPERBACK • 128 •PAGES 128 PAGES • 978-0-14-310769-9 • 978-0-14-310769-9 • $15.00 • $15.00 LITERATURELITERATURE & & FICTION FICTION multi-generational,multi-generational,New immigrant York, immigrant tale. NY tale.The 10014-3657 Theold-world, old-world, Egyptian Egyptian grandmother’s grandmother’s bungled bungled English,English, her prayers her prayers and incense, and incense, rub against rub against her American-born, her American-born, tech-savvy tech-savvy grandchildren’s grandchildren’s JAMESJAMES JOYCE JOYCE bungledbungled Arabic Arabic and Western and Western music....[A] music....[A] reminder reminder that nothat matter no matter our ethnicity our ethnicity or creed, or creed, PAID FORFOR HIGH HIGH SCHOOL SCHOOL CLASSES CLASSES we allwe long all forlong acceptance.”—Marie for acceptance.”—Marie Manilla, Manilla, author author of The of ThePatron Patron Saint Saintof Ugly of Ugly A PortraitA Portrait of theof the Artist Artist as aas Young a Young Man Man PENGUINPENGUIN PAPERBACK PAPERBACK • 288 •PAGES 288 PAGES • 978-0-14-310915-0 • 978-0-14-310915-0 • $16.00 • $16.00 Staten Island, NY DELUXEDELUXE CENTENNIAL CENTENNIAL EDITION EDITION Permit No. 169 FOREWORDFOREWORD BY KARL BY KARL OVE KNAUSGAARDOVE KNAUSGAARD 20162016 CELESTECELESTE NG NG NOTESNOTES BY SEAMUS BY SEAMUS DEANE DEANE COVERCOVER ILLUSTRATED ILLUSTRATED BY ROMAN BY ROMAN MURADOV MURADOV EverythingEverything I Never I Never Told Told You You The Thefirst, first,shortest, shortest, and andmost approachablemost approachable of Joyce’s of Joyce’s novels, Anovels, Portrait A Portrait of the of Artist the Artist as a as a WhenWhen the 16-year-old the 16-year-old daughter daughter of a Chinese of a Chinese American American family family living living in 1970s in 1970s small-town small-town YoungYoung Man Manportrays portrays the Dublin the Dublin upbringing upbringing of Stephen of Stephen Dedalus Dedalus from fromhis youthful his youthful days days Ohio Ohiois found is found dead, dead, the delicate the delicate balancing balancing act that act has that kept has thekept family the family together together tumbles tumbles into into at Clongowesat Clongowes Wood Wood College College to his to radical his radical questioning questioning of all of convention. all convention. This This deluxe deluxe chaos,chaos, forcing forcing them them to confront to confront long-held long-held secrets. secrets. This Thismoving moving story storyof family, of family, history, history, and and centennialcentennial edition edition features features an introduction an introduction by the by author the author of My of Struggle My Struggle, which, which has been has been the meaningthe meaning of home of home explores explores cultural cultural divisions divisions and familial and familial rifts. rifts. calledcalled a 21st-century a 21st-century Portrait Portrait of the of Artist the Artist as a Young as a Young Man .Man . “A subtle“A subtle meditation meditation on gender, on gender, race and race the and weight the weight of one of generation’s one generation’s unfulfilled unfulfilled ambitions ambitions PENGUINPENGUIN CLASSICS CLASSICS PAPERBACK PAPERBACK • 336 •PAGES 336 PAGES • 978-0-14-310824-5 • 978-0-14-310824-5 • $17.00 • $17.00 uponupon the shoulders—and the shoulders—and in the in heads—of the heads—of the next.”— the next.”—San FranciscoSan Francisco Chronicle Chronicle PENGUINPENGUIN PAPERBACK PAPERBACK • 320 •PAGES 320 PAGES • 978-0-14-312755-0 • 978-0-14-312755-0 • $16.00 • $16.00 JANEJANE AUSTEN AUSTEN LoveLove and and Freindship: Freindship: And AndOther Other Youthful Youthful Writings Writings PATRICIAPATRICIA PARK PARK EDITEDEDITED WITH WITH AN INTRODUCTION AN INTRODUCTION AND ANDNOTES NOTES BY CHRISTINE BY CHRISTINE ALEXANDER ALEXANDER PENGUIN PUBLISHING GROUP Academic Marketing Department PENGUIN PUBLISHING GROUP 375 Hudson Street Academic Marketing Department NY 10014-3657 New York, 375 Hudson Street NY 10014-3657 New York, Re ReJane Jane This Thisedition edition of Austen’s of Austen’s early earlystories stories and sketches—completeand sketches—complete with herwith delightful,her delightful, quirky quirky spellingspelling habits—collects habits—collects all her all juvenilia,her juvenilia, including including “Love “Love and Freindship,”and Freindship,” “History “History of of JourneyingJourneying from fromQueens Queens to Brooklyn to Brooklyn to Seoul, to Seoul, this contemporarythis contemporary retelling retelling of Jane of EyreJane Eyre England,”England,” and the and novella the novella Lady LadySusan Susan. from fromKorean-American Korean-American debut debut novelist novelist Patricia Patricia Park exploresPark explores the search the search for self-acceptance for self-acceptance PENGUINPENGUIN CLASSICS CLASSICS PAPERBACK PAPERBACK • 512 •PAGES 512 PAGES • 978-0-14-139511-1 • 978-0-14-139511-1 • $16.00 • $16.00 and loveand andlove the and struggle the struggle to find to finda balance a balance between between two cultures.two cultures. “Park“Park uses... uses...Jane EyreJane asEyre a template as a template to examine to examine very modernvery modern concepts: concepts: questions questions of identity of identity and love,and culturelove, culture and conscience, and conscience, even eventhe hardships the hardships of immigration.”—
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