Eastern Illinois University The Keep September 2000 9-6-2000 Daily Eastern News: September 06, 2000 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2000_sep Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: September 06, 2000" (2000). September. 19. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2000_sep/19 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 2000 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in September by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Dail Wednesday Vol. 85 No. 13 September, 6, 2000 as e ws www.eiu.edu/- den "Tell the truth and don't be afraid."---------- News Features Sports Blair Hall parl<ing problems pre­ Drinking games aren't just Women's soccer team builds venting coal trucks from enter· fun and games for most to three-game win streak to ing the steam generating plant college students. open season. Story on Page 3 Story on Page 5 Story on Page 12 Faculty Senate Buscompa 's lawsuit on hold members voice concern with online classes By Shauna Gustafson Staff editor Faculty Senate members Tuesday debated the advantages and disadvantages of online class­ es. Senate member Gaty Canavez expressed concem over the com­ pensation a faculty member would receive if they were to create an online course. Other senate members voiced similar concems about the idea of online courses, stating their thoughts about making sure there is a quality control measure involved and questioning how online classes could be accredited. Another issue brought up was the ease with which students could cheat in online classes. Bailey Young, senate member, cited how the Illinois Board of Higher Education has vety strict mles for on-campus workings, but has not Eric Wolters I Assoc. Photo editor imposed the same for online cours­ es yet. Chris Hozjan, a junior graphic design major, walks by Suburban Express along Fourth Street. Suburban Express has filed a civil lawsuit against Eastern, which Some senate members were has temporarily been put on hold. concemed that students might move to only taking online classes, and not attending the traditional Suburban Express given 60 days to investigate university's practices universities any longer. "We have to not lose sight of the accusing the university of improp­ ,, ________________________ _ By Dar' Keith Lofton multi-cultural dimension of being Staff writer erly supporting this new company on campus," Young said. by selling tickets on campus and The Suburban Express is accusing the university of improp­ Senate member Bud Fischer A civil lawsuit filed by the placing propaganda on the univer­ erly supporting this new company by selling tickets and said he was concemed by the idea sity web site," Bilinsky said. Suburban Express bus company placing propaganda on the university Web site. of faculty being asked to create against Eastem has been temporar­ Suburban Express provided bus new online classes. He said the uni­ ily placed on hold, Assistant setv ice from Eastem to Champaign Matthew Bilinsky, versities should be concemed with Attomey General Matthew and Chicago suburbs on weekends. Assistant Attorney General how to make things work, not Bilinsky said. Suburban Express filed the law­ _________________________ ,, implementing online courses According to Bilinsky, who suit against Eastem on the grounds immediately, then doing the back­ that the university is using taxpay­ sonal reasons." continue the lawsuit," Kirchner represents the state of Illinois and, ground work. by extension, Eastem Illinois ers' money improperly, said attor­ The bus company presented said. "I have a real problem with the judge with accusations If no evidence has been found University, there was a contract ney Robert Kirchner, who is repre­ that," Fischer said. "I still think we regarding events that have within that time Eastem has the betv.•een the bus company and the senting Suburban Express. need to step back and decide what right to ask the court to " dismiss University. The contract, for an "According to law, you cannot allegedly happened in the past, we want to be." Bilinsky said. The judge gave the without prejudice," which would unknown reason, was tenninated use tax public funds for non-public Some senate members were and a. new contract was made purposes," Kirchner said. company 60 days to investigate if mean the case could be dismissed concemed students might not be and the bus company would not betv.•een Eastem and another com­ "Taxpayers work hard for their these practices are continuing. able to leam as well online. pany. money. Eastem does not have the " If these practices are still be able to file the same lawsuit, " The Suburban Express is right to use that money for per- going on we have the right to Bilinsky said. See ONLINE Page 9 Students violating the conduct code will pay Fines have replaced reprimands as most common way of dealing with offenders By Linhai Liew tions. Many of the restitutions at·e used in com­ given a vet·bal watning. Senior reporter bination. Thet-e is no progressive system whet-e by a A reprimand is a written watning in which a second or third-time violator gets a fixed pun­ Ify ou can't pay the fine, don't do the crime. violator is supposed to see the residence direc­ ishment; howevet·, the hall directors v.ill assess Fines replaced reprimands as the most com­ tor and sign a heat'ing waiver adtnitting guilt. the sevetity of the violation and act according­ mon method of dealing with student conduct The typical fine for excessive noise viola­ ly. code violations last yeat·. Last year, there were tion was $15 and the typical fine for underage "We don't deal with (violations) that happen 374 reprimattds and 427 fines. The avetage fine part two of a three-part series possession of alcohol was $50, according to in town. The penalties imposed by the town at-e was $34.62, the highest in 10 yeat'S. In 1992- Keith Kohanzo, head of the judicial affairs (ah-eady) pretty stiff;" said Kohanzo, adding 1993 the avetage fine was $16.29. The maxi­ mands at-e the most common fonn ofrestitution office. Howevet~ the respective hall directors that some campuses would rather have students mum fine was raised fi·om $50 to $200 this yeat· for violations. Other methods of restitution decide the atnount of the fine under the guide­ drunk on eatnpus than have them wandet'ing undet· the new student conduct code. include public setvice assignments, education­ lines set up through the housing office. at·ound dnmk in the community. The univet'Sity collected a total of $14,782 al paper assignments, t-efeiTals to alcohol and They also decide whethet· the student should from 427 fines last year. Fines and and repti- drug education programs and housing proba- be refen-ed to the housing office or simply be See PAY Page 9 2 Wednesday, September 6, 2000 camnus ________ 1!!!!!!1!111111~--..------iiiiiilllllllii--.- _t(eDailyEa sternNews Faitern Student senate to address parking three-day By Christine Demma Senate also will consider body president chooses. These News ~o~e1 cast Student government editor approval of a resolution to fmm a members must be approved by sen- I The Daily Eastern News is published daily, II Monday through Friday, in Charleston, Ill .• dur­ Constitutional Review Conunittee, ate and placed on the special elec- ing fall and spring semesters and twice weekly Student Senate tonight will hear Weyhaupt said. tion ballot in Fall 2000 to be voted during tile summer term except during school a proposal about underclassmen This conunittee would make on by the student body. vacations or examinations, by today S'Qv;N;< tile students of Eastern llinois parking from Assistant Chief recommendations for changes to In other business, senate will ---------""1...----, • Universlty. SUbscription price: Adam Due of the University Police the student body constitution for consider approving Heather Baker, $38 per semester, $1 6 for summer only, $68 all Department, said Adam Weyhaupt, senate approval. Forming this com- Catherine Baran, Justin year. The Daily Eastern News is a member of The Associated Press. Which is entitled to Student Senate speaker. mittee will better define some sec- Brinkmeyer, Katie Cox, Jeremy excklsive use of aDartic les appearing ® Senate will meet at 7 p.m. in the tions of the constitution that are Ewing, Saundra Foster, Hugh in tllis paper. The editorials on Page 4 represent the majority opinion of the Arcola/Tuscola Room of the unclear. O'Hara, Jon Ramsey and Kristin editorial board; all other opinion pieces Mrutin Luther King Jr. University The cmmnittee would consist of Rutter to the Student Action Team, are signed. The Daily Eastern News editorial Union. seven members, whom the student Weyhaupt said. and business offices are located i1 Buzzard Thursday Hall. Eastern lli nois University. Periodical postage paid at Charleston, IL 61920. ISSN 0894-1599. Printed by Eastern Illinois University. Charleston, IL 61920. Posbnaster. Send address changes to The Daily Eastern News Buzzard Hall Eastern Illinois UniVersity Charleston, IL 61920. Friday Newspaper staff Editor in chief .............................Ni cole Meinheit' Managing editor.. ...............................Kyle Bauer News editor .........................................Amy Thon· Associate news editor ....................Matt Neistien· Editorial page editor...... .................Chris Sievers· Activities editor ................................Jamie Moore Administration editor.... ............Josh Niziolkiewicz Campus editor ..........Mi chel e Jones City editor ...............................Shauna Gustafson P.Olice Student government editor .......Ch ristine Demma Features editor .................................Ju i e Bartlow Senior reporter ...................................linha i liew Photo editor. ........................................Sara Figiel Associate photo editor. ......................E ric Walters Sports editor... ..................................Kristin Rojek tilotter Associate sports editor .................................open Drug possession Verge editor ................................Sean Stangland Associate Verge editors ...................Matt Rennels Nicholas A.
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