Natural ARMOR Creature Armor Class Centaur AC 7* Dryad AC 7 & Fauns AC 8 Hsiao AC 5* Pooka AC 7 Sprite AC 8 Treant AC 2* Woodrake AC 2* (only in drake form) * These statistics are for mature normal monsters. Creature heroes below that level will have less formidable Armor Classes: young centaurs, AC 8; hsiao progress through AC 8, AC 7, and m AC 6 for the three stages before reaching normal monster level; treants and woodrakes pass through AC 8, AC 6, and AC 4. These reflect the maturation processes of the creatures; a mature [ream, tor example, hab tougher bark ihan a sapling. um Ability Scores DEX CON CHR W 8/18 3/18 3/16 (3/10) 3/18 5/18 3/18 3/18 3/18 12/18 8/18 5/18 3/15 3/18 3/18 3/18 9/18 5/16 3/18 9/18 3/16 3/18 3/18 5/18 8/18 3/18 3/18 3/18 13/18 3/16 3/18 3/13 8/18 3/18 6/18 3/18 3/16 13/18 3'18 3/18 Sample file WooDlaNO Spellcasteus SpRite Table 12: Sprite Level Advancement & Hit Dice Level AOvaNceMeNt Experience Hit Dice Table 8:—Woodland Spellcaster Extra Experience Level Points Normal Monster 0 Id4 Extra Experience Required 1 2,000 2d4 1,000 XP 2 4,000 3d4 2,000 XP 8,000 4d4 4,000 XP 16,000 5d4 8.000 XP 32,000 6d4 16,000 XP 64.000 7d4 32,000 XP 128.000 8d4 64.000 XP 250.000 9d4 130,000 XP 9 500,000 10d4 260,000 XP 10 800.000 10d4 + 1 ^ 200,000 XP for each subsequent level + 300,000 XP per level thetcaftet o:;~lwra^ + 1 hp per level thereafter .$ DRyaos Table 13: Sprite Spell Ability Table 3: Dryad Level Advancement, Hit Dice, & Spell Ability Sprite's Fairy Spells by Level Level 3 4 5 Experience Normal Level Points Hit Dice Monster -3000 Id8 1 1 Normal Monster 0 2d8 2 2 1 3,000 3 2 2 wB 9,000 3d8 4 2 3 21,000 5 2 2 1 4 45,000 4d8 6 2 2 2 5 95,000 7 2 2 2 1 6 190,000 5d8 8 3 2 2 2 380.000 •,-£,,,.,.. 8 680,000 6d8 10 3 3 2 2 9 980.000 11 3 3 3 2 10 ,,,, 1,280,000 7d8 12 4 3 3 2 11 1.58O.OOO 7d8+l 13 4 4 3 2 + 300,000 XP per level thereafter 14 4 4 3 J, + 1 hp per level thereafter 15 4 4 4 3 16 4 4 4 4 17 4 4 4 4 BROWN ie 18 4 4 4 4 Table 9: Brownie Level Advancement. Hit Dice, & hem Use 19 5 5 5 4 20 5 5 5 5 m Experience Hit Item Use (d%) 21 V :,;:)••• Level Points Dice F B 22 6 6 5 5 im -2.000 Id8 01-00 — 23 6 6 6 6 li Normal 24 6 6 6 6 itffl Monster 0 2d8 01-00 25 6 6 6 6 3d8 26 1 2,000 01-05 06-89 90-99 00 IJft... 2 4d8 27 :a..- 6,000 01-05 06-89 90-98 99-00 7 7 28 7 7 3 14,000 5d8 01-10 11-89 90-97 98-00 7 7 4 30,500 01-15 16-89 90-96 97-00 29 7 7 7 5 62,000 6d8 01-15 16-89 90-9Sample5 96-00 file30 6 125,000 7d8 01-20 21-89 90-94 95-00 31 8 250,000 8d8 01-20 21-89 90-93 94-00 32 01-25 26-89 90-92 93-00 33 500.000 9d8 9 8 8 01-25 26-89 90-91 92-00 34 9 800,000 10d8 9 9-9 8 10 1,100,000 10d8 2 01-30 31-89 90 91-00 35 36 9 9 9 9 + 300,000 XP per level thereafter 9 9 9 'I + 2 hp per level thereafter WooO IMP LepRecfjauN Table 10: Leprechaun Level Advancement, Hit Dice, & Spell Table 7:—Wood Imp Level Advancement & Hit Dice Ability Experience Experience Spells by Level Level Points Hit Dice Hit Points Normal Monster 0 Id4* Level Dice Notmal 1 800 2d4 Monster 0 1-2 hp — — — — — 2 1,600 3d4 1 2,000 3 3,200 3d4 2 4,000 2d4 4 6,400 4d4 3 8,000 3d4 5 12,800 5d4 4 16.000 4d4 6 6d4 25,000 5d4 50.000 7d4 5 32,000 6 64,000 6d4 100.000 8d4 130,000 7d4 200,000 9d4 8 260.000 8d4 360,000 10d4 •* •i*:* 9 520.000 9d4 520,000 10d4+2 10 780,000 9d4 + 160,000 XP per level thereafter 11 1,040.000 9d4 + 1 + 2 hp per level thereafter 12 1,300.000 9d4 + 2 + 260.000 XP per level thereafter * Note: According to the Creature Catalogue, normal monster + 1 hp per level thereafter wood imps have Vi HD (Id6 hit points). For simplicity, we are Maximum spell ability is that attained at 12th level. using the standard of Id4 ('/j HD) for creature heroes. This means that creature hero wood imps at "normal monster" level * Note: When leprechauns advance from normal monster to are slightly less than true normal monsters, but this is balanced 1st level, they gain an additional 1-2 hp—in effect a Id4 Hit Die by better attacks (since they are treated as full rather than half total. Any Constitution bonus or penalty ought to be applied to Hit Dire) both 1-2 hp rolls. Skills Table 18: Movement & Encumbrance Maximum Encumbrance (in en) Speed Brownie Centaur Dryad Faun Hsiao Leprechaun Pixie Pooka Sidhe Sprite Treant Wood Imp Woodrake' 0 1,201+ 8,001+ 2.401+ 1,801+ 501 + 101 + 201+ 2,401+2,401+ 151+ 10,001+ 201 + 3,001 + 15'(5') 1,200 8,000 2,400 1,800 500 100 200 2,400 2,400 150 10.000 200 3.000 30'(10') 800 7.500 1.600 1.500 350 50 150 1,600 1,600 75 5.000 150 2.750 60' (20') 600 6.000 1.200 1,200 200 20 75 1.200 1,200 25 2.000 75 1,500 90' (30') 400 4.000 800 900 100 25 800 800 25 750 120'(40') 200 3.000 400 600 400 400 i 500 150'(50') — 2.000 300 180' (60r) — 1.000 * In drake form; for elf and halfling form, use standard character encumbrance tables [Bisk Players Manual, p. 61) Table 18a: Movement & Encumbrace—Flying Maximum Encumbrance (in en) Speed Hsiao Pixie Sprite Woodrake' 0 301 + 41 + 31 + 601 + Table 15: Sidhe Level Advancemem & Hit Dice 15'(5') 300 40 30 600 Experience Warrior Rogue 30'(10') 250 35 25 200 Level Points Hit Dice Hit Dice 60' (20') 200 25 20 Normal 90' (30') 150 20 15 Monster 0 Id4 Id4 120' (40') 100 15 10 1 2,500 Id8» Id4* 150'(50') 75 10 5 2 5,000 2d8 2d4 180' (60') 50 5 3 3 10,000 3d8 3d4 210'(70') 20 4 20,000 4d8 4d4 * In drake form; for elf and halfling form, use standard character 5 40,000 5d8 5d4 encumbrance tables (Basic Players Manual, p. 61) 6 80,000 6d8 6d4 7 160.000 7d8 7d4 Note: Encumbered flyers (that is, those whose speed is less 8 320,000 8d8 8d4 than maximum) must rest their wings for one turn after every 9 620,000 9d8 9d4 <•<• lurns (it flun^ 10 920,000 9d8 + l 9d4 + l 11 1.220.000 9d8 + 1 + 290.000 XP per level thereafter Hsiao + 1 hp per level thereafter I Table 5: Hsiao Level Advancement, Hit Dice, & Spell Ability * Note: When warrior sidhe reach first level, they gain an Experience Hit Spelts by Level additional 1-4 hp—in effect a Id8 Hit Die total. Any Level Points Dice 2 3 4 5 Constitution bonus or penalty is applied to both 1-4 hp tolls. -8.000 Id8 Rogues gain no hit points for reaching 1st level. •6,000 2d8 -4,000 3d8 Table 16: Sidhe Spell Ability Notmal Monster 0 4d8 Sidhe's Fairy Spells by Level Level 1 8,000 5d8 Normal 2 24,000 6d8 Monster 3 7d8 56,000 1 4 8d8 Sample file 115.000 2 5 250,000 9d8 3 6 500,000 10d8 4 7 800.000 Ild8 5 8 1,100.000 12d8 9 1,400,000 13d8 6 10 1,700,000 14d8 7 11 2,000,000 15d8 8 12 2,300.000 15d8 + 9 10 + 300.000 XP per level thereafter 11 + 1 hp per level thereafter 12 Maximum spell ability is that gained at 1 lth level. 13 Experience Points Damage (Claw/Claw/Bite) 14 •8,000 1-2/1-2/1-2 15 •6,000 1-3/1-3/1-2 16 -4,000 1-4/1-4/1-3 17 0 or more 1-6/1-6/1-4 18 19 ^•^^^$ff«?&^§^^^ 20 21 22 Brownie: Dexterity 23 Centaur: Strength 24 Dryad: Wisdom and Charisma 25 Faun: Dexterity 26 Hsiao: Wisdom -_^. ._.....,.r__:_^ 27 Leprechaun: Intelligence and Dexterity 28 Pixie: Dexterity 29 Pooka: Wisdom 30 Sidhe: fighter/spellcaster, Strength and Intelligence; 31 thicf/spellcaster. Intelligence and Dexterity 32 Sprite: Intelligence and Dexterity 33 Treant: Constitution 34 Wood Imp: Dexterity 35 Woodrake: Intelligence and Dexterity 36 Sample file ^ ^ « ^^ Beunycneek / x , >- Key FaRMlaNfc (CleaR) QiaNt HOMG rnees RiveR/CueeWBRook > QooO Maqic PoiNt •CowN/SettlGMeNt ActiVG Hsiao fcal€: ON€ I}€X €QUalS 8 Mil€S «* Official DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® Game Supplement Tall Tales op tbe Wee Folk by John Nephew Table of Contents DM's Booklet Introduction 2 Creature Heroes 4 Woodland Spellcasters 20 The Fair Folk 23 Fairy-Charms 41 Skills 46 Equipment 49 The Woodland Realms 50 Personalities of the Forest 56 New Magic Items 60 DMing NPC Woodland Beings 61 Glossary 62 Bibliography 63 Index 64 Adventures Booklet Introduction 1 Woodland Adventures 1 AD&D® 2nd Edition Game Adaptation 5 "A Night Out on the Forest" 6 "The Hanging Hideout" 7 "Sith Bruaich" 9 "A Quiet Day Spent Fishing" Sample file 11 "Cattle of the March" 13 "A Blight on the Forest" 15 "The Lost Seneschal" 16 Woodland Player Creature Record Sheet 31 Sample Woodland Player Creature Record Sheet 32 Credits: ®1989 TSR, Inc.
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