O -V4 3 CD Call Made m o o j Z -si t/> o <: - i n» -D CD 23 rr 35 CD For CCD /ing as Human in La 'an his Volunteers tlishing 16 arti- Religious Education Sunday: Archbishop James V. Casey appealed y Eve- to the laity of the archdiocese this week Priest, October 1 to volunteer as teachers for the Confra­ ternity of Christian Doctrine religion class­ arried.” Dear Family in Christ: m C5 es. I c blished For over nineteen centuries, the JO IX The Archbishop, in a pastoral letter ChuTch has lingered lovin gly over scheduling the special observance of next Christ’s tribute to the child: "Suffer little Sunday, Oct. 1., as "Religious Education children to come unto Me and forbid Sunday,” said "hundreds of teachers” are them not, for of such is the kingdom of needed to teach CCD classes for the more God.” The implications of this tribute than 50,000 Catholic children attending 4 0 - should be recognized particularly by par­ m E. ents and all who have the care of the public schools in the archdiocese. ae was child. In the present world scene, with its ests of strong emphasis on freedom and change, HE SAID TH E observance was being n the we must examine carefully what spiritual made to provide "an opportunity to re­ af his direction we are giving to our children so examine our present efibrts in providing pricst- that they will be prepared to fulfill their adequate religious training for all Catho­ Official Schedule lic youth.” )riests future moral responsibilities to God and Thursday, September 28, 7:30 p.m. — "The ideal instrument for fulfilling :ession to their fellowmen. Census and Education Study Meeting, this objective remains the Catholic bedrat It is for this reason that I am asking Christ the King Gymnasium, Denver. p cele- our priests, religious and laity to set School,” he wrote. " ... It is, therefore, aside this day, October 1, as Religious obvious that parents may not neglect the Sunday, October 1, 8:00 a.m. ^ St. M i­ Education Sunday. It gives us an oppor­ opportunity of sending their children to chael’s Police Guild Communion tunity to re-examine our present efforts Catholic schools wherever they are avail­ Breakfast, St. Francis/ de Sales in providing adequate religious training able. Church, Denver, Pontifical Low Mass. for all Catholic youth. The Fathers of the "A t the same time, we know that in 4 p.m. — Religious Education Sun­ II Vatican Council declared: many areas such schools are not avail­ day, St. John the Evangelist Church, able; and accordingly all of us need to Denver, Concelebratod Mass work together to compensate through the "Since every Christian has become Tuesday, October 3, 4 .p.m. — Holy Fami­ development of a strong and vigorous a new creature by rebirth from water Visitors From Mexico ly Church. Meeker. Confirmation program of religious education under the and the Holy Spirit, so that he may be 7:30 p.m. — ^t. Michael Church, auspices of the Confraternity of Christian Three Mexican Archbishops visited Denver last week to confer with called what he truly is, a child of Craig, Confirmation God, he is entitled to a Christian edu­ Doctrine. members of "Los Amigos Las Montanas," a group of Denver college and cation. Such an education does not "While the quality of such religious seminary students who worked on a social action project in Soto La Mari­ Wednesday, October 4. 11 a.m. — Holy merely strive to foster in the human education in the past has been good, na, Mexico, this past summer. Shown with Archbishop James V. Casey of Name Church, Steamboat Springs, person a physical maturity but rather much remains to be done if we are to Denver in his home are, left to right. Archbishop Arturo Szymanski of San Confirmation its principal aims are these: That as provide our young people the type of reli- Andres Tuxtla, Vera Cruz; Archbishop Ernesto Corripio of Oaxaca, Mexico; 4 p.m. — St. P eter Church. Krem- >45 the baptized person is gradually intro­ (Turn to Page 5) and Archbishop J. Guadalupe Padilla of Vera Cruz. mling. Confirmation duced into a knowledge of the mys­ tery of salvation, he may daily grow more conscious of the gift of faith 4ES which he has received; that he may K c e lle n t learn to adore God the Father in spir­ r y t h in g 4 p a y . it and in truth, especially through ) c a s h . liturgical worship; that he may grow into manhood according to the mature measure of Christ and devote himself denvicr. catholic to the upbuilding of the Mystical Body." The ideal instrument for fulfilling this objective remains the Catholic school. The TER Vatican Council speaks concisely and di­ la y s a rectly o f the responsibility o f parents in >498 this matter when it emphasizes the duty ation which they have " . to entrust their c o m - children to Catholic schools when and COLORADO'S LARGEST WEEKLY d by where this is possible; to support such l a n g c schools to the extent of their ability and to work with them for the welfare of THURSDAY, SEPT. 28, 1967 their children.” It is therefore obvious VOL. LXll No. 8 that parents may not neglect the oppor­ tunity o f sending their children to Catho­ lic schools wherever they are available. A t the same time, we know that in Cardinal O’Boyle Firm many areas such schools are not avail­ able; and accordingly all o f us need to work together to compensate through the On Liturgy ""Experiment’ development of a strong and vigorous program of religious education under the Washington — Taking a firm stand may make their requests to the Liturgi­ against 'arbitrary adjusting and experi­ auspices of the Confraternity of Christian cal commission.” menting with the Church’s liturgy,” Car­ • Rectors, chaplains, and superiors Doctrine. While the quality of such reli­ dinal Patrick O’Boyje issued eight direc­ gious instruction in the past has been should exercise prudence in permitting tives to guide pastors and priests of the good, much remains to be done if we are use of their churches or chapels for the Washington archdiocese. to provide our young people the type of celebration of Mass "for externs. ’ When One directive declared: religious formation which they need to­ such permission is given to a group not a "A priest who is unwilling to con­ day. What was adequate ten years ago part of his community, the rector, chap­ form unfailingly to the Church’s litur­ may not be adequate now. lain, or superior should see that the ap­ gical norms is understood to relin­ It is my hope that we will be able to propriate representative of the group quish ipso facto the faculty granted to strengthen this program by providing communicates the name of the priest who him to celebrate Mass in this specialized training in the field of cate- will be the celebrant to Monsignor E. diocese." chetics to many more of our priests, reli­ Robert Arthur, chairman, Liturgical gious women and laity. They will be commission, at least three days before the needed for teacher training centers and (See related story about planned celebration takes place. adult education classes so essential for petition protesting Cardinal O’Boyle’s • "Without the explicit prior approval religious education. Religion merits to be leUer on Page 14.) ______ ________ of the Commission on Sacred Music, per­ taught at least with the same competency cussion instruments, electronically ampli­ The other directives outlined by Cardi­ of personnel and adequacy o f materials as fied string instruments, and any other nal O’Boyle in a letter to all pastors and instrument with similar association, are any secular subject. priests in the archdiocese specify: The heart of this letter is an earnest not to be used before, during, or following celebration of the liturgy.” call to our laity to respond to the request • In all celebrations of the liturgy Cardinal O’Boyle reminded priests that of your pastors and priests to take the each priest "will avoid any kind o f per­ r sonal innovation in formula, text, rite, Pope Paul V I has expressed his deep an­ teacher training courses and to become xiety over arbitrary exp>eriments with the Aiming for That Diploma actively involved in the holy work of gestures, place o f celebration, vestments, liturgy. The Cardinal added: teaching religion. Large numbers of com­ and the like.” "In some instances the unauthorized Tutor John Maes, like the other volunteers working in St. Elizabeth's petent and dedicated lay teachers are • "Every pastor, rector, chaplain, and innovations have been almost unbeliev­ adult education program, devotes two evenings a week to helping persons needed to assist in this apostolate. I am superior has the personal {‘esponsibility to able.” in the high school diploma program. Maes and student Mrs. Teresa Ro­ told that more than 50,000 Catholic insure that in churches and chapels un­ The high promise of authentic liturgi- mero work together on a mathematics problem in a spirit of determination and youngsters are this year attending our der his care, each celebration of the litur­ (Turn to Page 2) friendship. (See Section 2, P a g e 1) public schools; and we need hundreds o f gy conforms to the will o f the Church as teachers to pass on to them the traditions that will is expressed in the conciliar o f our faith.
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