March 24, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E447 PERSONAL EXPLANATION these communities still face and the opportuni- issues which I believe Congress must address ties we have to address them. for both Filipino veterans and our Filipino- HON. BEN CHANDLER First let us remember that the relationship American community at large. One is vet- between the Philippines and our United States OF KENTUCKY erans’ benefits and the other is immigration. has never been stronger. Our modern-day VETERANS BENEFITS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bond began after the 1898 Spanish American We know that in 1941, President Franklin Wednesday, March 24, 2004 War, continued through the commonwealth Delano Roosevelt made a promise to the Mr. CHANDLER. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall period into 1946, and strengthened when the members of the Philippine Army and the Phil- Vote No. 75, on the motion to suspend the independent Republic of the Philippines came ippine Scouts who had fought and would fight rules and pass, as amended, the Cowlitz In- into existence on July 4th of that year. For for the Allies in World War II. Because they dian Tribe Distribution of Judgment Funds Act, nearly 40 years, from 1907 to 1946, the Phil- had made and would make the same sac- I placed my card in the machine and for some ippines in fact was represented in the U.S. rifices as U.S. servicemembers, President reason my vote was not registered. Had my Congress through nearly 15 different resident Roosevelt promised that they would receive vote been recorded, I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ commissioners. Currently, we have a Filipino- the same veteran’s benefits as those received American, Congressman BOBBY SCOTT, rep- f by American veterans. resenting the 3rd District of Virginia. And one However, in the spring of 1946, just one ORGAN DONATION AND RECOVERY year ago, I was proud to be a charter member year after the death of our 32nd President, the IMPROVEMENT ACT of the Congressional Philippines Caucus, United States Congress went back on its which today boasts over seventy members. promise. And that injustice stands uncorrected SPEECH OF Apart from the Philippines’ continuing vital from that day to this, as these veterans pass role in U.S. national security and economic in- increasingly from this earth along with their HON. ERIC CANTOR terests in the Asia-Pacific region, our country comrades-in-arms. OF VIRGINIA also has a special relationship with the people Last year, we did make some measure of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the Philippines. Many have migrated to the progress by enacting into law H.R. 2297, leg- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 United States, in particular my home state of islation increasing VA benefits for U.S. resi- Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Hawaii, which commemorates the 100th anni- dent Filipino veterans and making New Phil- support of the Organ Donation and Recovery versary of our first Filipino immigrants in 2006. ippine Scouts living in the U.S. eligible for bur- In fact, there are now nearly 2.5 million Fili- Improvement Act (H.R. 3926). ial in VA national cemeteries. The House also pino-Americans, with significant populations in With the number of individuals who need passed H.R. 2357, which would provide VA California, Hawaii, Illinois, New York, New Jer- organ donations far exceeding the number of nursing home and medical services to Com- sey, Washington, Texas, and Florida. In Ha- available donors, it is imperative that we ad- monwealth Army veterans and New Philippine waii alone there are nearly 300,000 Filipino- dress this situation. This bill will help increase Scouts residing in the U.S., assuming they- Americans, including roughly 140,000 in my organ donations and recovery rates by pro- meet the same eligibility requirements as U.S. Second Congressional District, the largest viding grants for organ donation projects. This veterans. number of any congressional district in our But this is clearly not enough. That is why bill also improves and strengthens the organ country. I am a cosponsor of H.R. 677, the Filipino Vet- procurement process. In addition, it supports This community’s contributions just in Ha- erans Equity Act, which will deem all members individuals who make living donations by reim- waii are notable, in all facets of our society, of the Philippine Scouts and Philippine Army bursing expenses incurred when making their from politics to business, from teaching to as qualified to receive the full benefits denied donation. sports and movie stars, you name it. Former them nearly six decades ago. The United Network of Organ Sharing Hawaii Governor Ben Cayetano was the first As Secretary of Veterans’ Affairs Anthony J. (UNOS) is based in Richmond, Virginia and Filipino-American governor ever elected in the Principi wrote: ‘‘The United States is indebted serves as the clearinghouse for organ dona- United States; our state legislature today has to Filipino veterans, whose heroism and self- tions. On a daily basis, those who work at 12 members: 6 senators and 6 representa- sacrifice helped allies emerge victorious from UNOS perform crucial work that helps save tives. Angela Baraquio became Miss America World War II.’’ As we all know, our Filipino lives. They help give the gift of life. I am grate- in 2001. We had Ben Agbayani in professional World War II veterans are entering the sunset ful to them and all they do. baseball and Tia Carrera in Hollywood. And let years of their lives. I implore my colleagues to This bill gives hope to those who des- us not forget native daughters Jasmine Trias get this bill out of committee and bring it to the perately need new organs. I believe that hope and Camile Velasco, two of just twelve of floor for a vote this year. goes a long way when you are facing tough 2004’s American Idol final contestants. IMMIGRATION situations. I admire the courage of those pa- But perhaps the most vital and painful con- Our country has benefited from the fruits of tiently waiting for organ donations. They are tribution of Filipinos to our country was the a century-plus influx of Filipinos as new and an inspiration to us all. service, and sacrifice, of our Filipino veterans, productive citizens, and we can and should I thank my friend MICHAEL BILIRAKIS for his who fought alongside our troops in World War continue this rich heritage. However, our over- leadership on this important legislation, and I II. Their heroic efforts were indispensable to all immigration policy has fallen particularly urge its passage. the liberation of the Philippines led by General harshly and unfairly on legitimate Filipino im- f MacArthur and thus to Allied success in that migration of late. great conflagration, and earned them a place For example, in 1990, we provided a waiver EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR OUR in legend at the same table as, for example, from certain naturalization requirements for Fil- FILIPINO-AMERICAN COMMUNITY our Japanese-Americans’ 100th Infantry Bat- ipino veterans, and many thereafter became AND FOR FILIPINO VETERANS talion/442nd Regimental Combat Team. proud citizens our country. But a huge gap ON FILIPINO VETERANS ACTION Therefore, the contribution of the American was created when we did not also permit nat- DAY Coalition for Filipino Veterans to designate uralization of the sons and daughters of these today as Filipino Veterans Action Day is in- same veterans. HON. ED CASE valuable to assuring that we never forget. These are real-life issues, for the stories of OF HAWAII There have been similar efforts in Hawaii from families who have waited years to be reunited IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES community leaders like Hawaii State Rep- are heartbreaking. For example, a veteran and Wednesday, March 24, 2004 resentative Jun Abinsay, Joe Gonzales and his wife living in Hawaii filed immigration peti- Artemio Caleda, former and new presidents, tions for two of their six adult children; they Mr. CASE. Mr. Speaker, and colleagues, respectively, of the World War II Fil-Am Vets have waited over ten years for a visa to be good evening, aloha and mabuhay! I rise to- and Ladies Auxilliary Hawaii Chapter, and Do- issued to either. Another veteran petitioned night, on this occasion of national Filipino Vet- mingo Los Banos, a Sergeant with the 1st Fili- successfully for his wife’s immigration visa, but erans Action Day, to express my strong and pino Infantry Regiment, U.S. Army, who later has not been as successful with the applica- affectionate support for our great Filipino- worked collaboratively with many others in Ha- tions for their five adult children. Again, this American community, as well as for our hon- waii and the mainland in molding that great family has been holding on for ten years with ored Filipino veterans, both here and in the documentary on the Filipino veterans: ‘‘An Un- the hope that they will one day live in the U.S. Philippines, who are so well represented by told Triumph.’’ as a complete family. the American Council on Filipino Veterans, Let me turn now from what has been to H.R. 3587, a bill I introduced in November and to highlight just some of the challenges what needs to be. Specifically, there are two of last year, would provide these sons and VerDate jul 14 2003 04:57 Mar 25, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A24MR8.046 E24PT1.
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