To: Members of the Development Management Professor Steven Broomhead Committee Chief Executive Councillors: Chair – J Grime Town Hall P Carey, G Friend, B Maher, T McCarthy, L Sankey Street Morgan, K Mundry, R Purnell, S Wright, J Warrington Wheeler, B Barr, S Parish. WA1 1UH 22 September 2020 Development Management Committee Wednesday, 30 September 2020, 6.00pm Venue – This meeting will take place remotely in accordance with the Coronavirus Act 2020 - Section 78 Members of the public can view this meeting by visiting www.warrington.gov.uk/committees Agenda prepared by Jennie Cordwell, Senior Democratic Services Officer – Telephone: (01925) 442139 E-mail: [email protected] A G E N D A Part 1 Items during the consideration of which the meeting is expected to be open to members of the public (including the press) subject to any statutory right of exclusion. Item 1. Apologies for Absence To record any apologies received. 2. Code of Conduct - Declarations of Interest Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 1 Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest which they have in any item of business on the agenda no later than when the item is reached. Item Page No. 3. Minutes 4 To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 2nd September 2020 as a correct record. 4. Planning Applications 21 Report of the Director of Growth 2018/32247 - FORMER PARKSIDE COLLIERY TO THE EAST OF THE 23 A49, WINWICK ROAD, NEWTON-LE- WILLOWS, WA12 8DB 2020/36900 - WARRINGTON ROAD, HATTON, WARRINGTON 285 2020/37026 – BRIDGE FARM, DAM LANE, RIXTON WITH 307 GLAZEBROOK, WARRINGTON, WA3 6LE 2020/36842 – ARLEY LANDFILL SITE, FORREST WAY, 330 WARRINGTON, WA4 6YZ 5. Appeal Decisions Summary 351 Report of the Director of Growth Part 2 Items of a “confidential or other special nature” during which it is likely that the meeting will not be open to the public and press as there would be a disclosure of exempt information as defined in Section 100I of the Local Government Act 1972. Nil 2 Agenda Item 3 DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 2 September 2020 Present: Councillor J Grime (Chairman) Councillors P Carey, K Mundry, L, Morgan, G Friend, B Barr, S Parish, and T Jennings (substitute for S Wright) This meeting was held remotely in accordance with the Coronavirus Act 2020 – Section 78 DM188 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from Councillors T McCarthy, S Wright and B Maher. DM189 Code of Conduct – Declarations of Interest Councillor Minute Reason Action B Barr DM194 Former Member of Remained in the Helena Housing meeting and took Board who part in discussions previously managed and vote the site S Parish DM192 & DM193 Ward Member for Stood down from area, also had the committee and previous contact took no part in the with applicant for discussions or votes community use of site and also corresponded with objectors T Jennings DM194 Member of the Stood down from Torus 62 Board the committee and took no part in the discussions or vote 3 Agenda Item 3 DM190 Minutes Resolved, That the minutes of the meeting held on 12 August 2020 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman, subject to the following amendment; DM179 – Code of Conduct – Declaration of Interest S Parish DM182 & 183 Member Omega Remained in the Partnership Liaison meeting and took Committee part in discussions and vote DM191 Planning Applications Resolved, That Pursuant to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (As Amended) the applications for permission to develop land be considered and dealt with in the manner agreed. DM192 2020/36670 - GULLIVERS WORLD THEME PARK, SHACKLETON CLOSE, BURTONWOOD AND WESTBROOK, WARRINGTON, WA5 9YZ - Full Planning (Major) - Construction of welcome suite / staff headquarters (300sq.m), pet resort (500sq.m), spa (258sq.m) and facilities building (300sq.m), provision of covered cycle storage (sheffield racks) and change of use to camping/touring caravan site; siting of 5no. double-unit static caravans to form group accommodation; and change of use of existing forestry management building to store/workshop (216sq.m) together with erection of fencing, ground works, provision of hard surfaces and parking areas, drainage infrastructure, hard and soft landscaping and excavation of surface water attenuation pond The Director of Growth submitted the above report with a recommendation for approval subject to conditions. Members noted the content of the update report. Members received a further 5 written representations against the application which are detailed as follows; (1) The pet centre includes stables. Horses should not be permitted as they may attempt to bolt when scared by noise. They would injure themselves, and this facility should be denied. 4 Agenda Item 3 (2) Kennels are notorious for being very noisy as dogs will naturally bark at levels between 90 and 100dB. This is why they are always placed away from residential areas. With 67 holiday chalets and a “tranquillity” spa only metres away, the kennels will cause unacceptable noise levels to guests in the park, and also to local residents. It is noted that the report from WBC Environmental Health (noise) has been included in the conditions imposed on the site. (3) The layout of the pet centre shows kennels approximately 6ft x 4ft, with no account of different dog sizes. There will be no exercise area other than one outside the kennels. Dogs will be imprisoned and will bark to be let out. (4) The inclusion of 114 car parking spaces and a range of buildings will have a severe effect on the runoff of rainwater, which is presently taken up by the land and it’s trees before it drains into the watercourse. Petrol interceptors will be essential across the various car park locations, but these are not mentioned. (5) Cheshire Wildlife Trust objections have not been taken into account, and Woodland Trust objections have not been fully answered. Those organisations have not been given the opportunity to disagree with the report, and approval should be withheld until they have the opportunity to respond. (6) The report sees no problem with the additional transport needs, when viewed in isolation. However the existing Cromwell Avenue congestion is already aggravated by new housing estates approved by WBC. There has to be a point where non- essential traffic should be restricted to avoid total gridlock. (7) The retention pond is no longer as stated in the drainage report, as size has been changed but no calculations of capacity have been given to show the retention capability. (8) I object in principle to the applications as being unsuited to the area, and unwanted by large numbers of local residents who have taken time to object formally to the plans. The case officer’s report merely lists the objections as one-liners without any attempt to justify whether that are material or not. It is recognised that many of our objections have been addressed by the imposition of conditions, but approval is still recommended rather than rejection pending resubmission. He proposes approval despite the level of local opposition. The Committee should consider the views of their own constituents, rather than approving a dubious plan, with many inconsistencies, which favours the developer whose contribution to rates is a small percentage of rates paid by residents. These applications should be rejected, with instructions to the applicant to review his entire proposal, and submit a plan which is consistent in itself, and complies with all regulations. (9) I would like to object to this development as it will destroy ancient parts of woodland and also put extra strain on the roads in the area which are too busy anyway. (10) Planning Application Form - Form requires the following information to be provided: 7. Materials - Does the proposed development require any materials to be used? Yes - Please provide a description of existing and proposed materials and finishes to be used (including type, colour and name for each material): For Roofs, Walls, Windows and Doors the stock answers is: “See Plans and Planning, Design and Access Statement” - I have examined the Drawings and the Design and Access Statement and cannot find any of the information promised by this submitted form. (11) There is no Planning Condition in regarding this, even house extensions require this information. This provides Gulliver’s World with the ability to do as they please. 5 Agenda Item 3 (12) This Planning Permission cannot be granted based on this Report. Documents Supplied with the Application in March 2020 - Five documents were supplied with the Application which show an intent to deceive in my opinion. Geo-environmental report (Phase I)-Clarke Bond-WB04362 This document was written by a person who has lied about Professional Qualifications. I do not believe that Gulliver’s World were aware of this. Geo-environmental report (Phase II)-Egniol-OS7057. This document does not relate to the Application site and is irrelevant. Himalayan Balsam Management Document was written for different site but has been submitted (verbatim) for this site – It says, “areas of infestation are not directly affected by the development proposals”, which is patently not true – refer Rachel Hacking Report June 2020, which says HB is 80% of ground area = over 20,000 sq metres affected. Document irrelevant – but the Planning Condition requires its use. WBC HB condition is in my objection to 2020/36760 document. Biodiversity Enhancement Scheme- Rachel Hacking Ecology Document written for another site but has been submitted (verbatim) for this site except that the last page which shows the site plan was removed. Document irrelevant. Arboricultural Method Statement while a method is required, a tree survey is required in accordance with L5 of the Warrington Borough Council - Planning Validation Checklist.
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