FREE Since 1992 HHoorrssee RReevviieeww Annual Summer Horse Camps Issue VOL. 29 • NO. 9 The Mid-South Equine Newsmagazine Since 1992 MAY 2019 2. May, 2019 • ©Mid-South Horse Review • www.midsouthhorsereview.com ON THe C OveR : uSa’s Boyd martin and tsetserleg placed second in the Horse Review may 2019 land rover Kentucky three-Day event and earned the land rover/uSef CCi5* eventing national Championship. Equus Charta, LLC ContentS • v ol . 29 • n o. 9 (photo courtesy US Equestrian ) article p. 16 Copyright 2019 Celebrating Moms on May 12th! 6220 Greenlee #4 p.o. Box 594 arlington, tn 38002-0594 901-867-1755 PUbLiSHeR & e DiTOR : Tom & Dr. Nancy brannon STAFF : Andrea Gilbert WebSiTe : www.midsouthhorsereview.com e- MAiLS : midsouthhorsereview@ yahoo.com [email protected] Carissa Ramsdell sent some lovely photos of the horses at the Middle Tennessee Small Fry trail rider at the March To Pony Club Mini Trials. ( photo by Carissa Lynn Photography ) Article p. 14 The Arch QH Show. Article p. 29 ARTiCLeS & PHOTOS (photo by Nancy Brannon ) WeLCOMeD: we welcome contributions features from writers and horse people, : but cannot guarantee Summer HorSe CampS 6 publication or return of KentuCKy 3-D ay event 16 manuscripts or photos. Bill piCKett roDeo 22 reproduction of editorial CmSa C HampionSHipS 26 content, photographs or advertising is strictly marCH to tHe arCH 29 prohibited without written permission of the publisher. events • shows : eDiTORiAL POLiCY: DreSSaGe & e ventinG 14 the opinions expressed in articles HunterS /J umperS 17 do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policy of the younG riDerS 20 Mid-South Horse Review . DrivinG 21 Susan Davidoff and Permanent Wave, Low Child/Adult Am. Jumper champion expressions of differing opinions at WTHJA Springtime in Dixie. ( photo by Tommy Brannon ) Article p. 17 CowBoyS & C owGirlS 22 through letters or manuscript raCinG 31 submissions are welcome. DeADLiNe for JUNe issue: MAY 24 departments : BooK & a rt nooK 4 MSHR eNviRONMeNTAL STATeMeNT HorSe HealtH Care 10 the Mid-South Horse Review strives to Greener paStureS 32 lighten our environmental footprint. we reuse, ClaSSifieDS 35 recycle, compost, and seek the most environ - mentally friendly processes and materials for Bulletin BoarD 36-37 our newsmagazine. printed on recycled con - CalenDar of eventS 38-39 tent newsprint with soy ink and no binding, the mSHr is 100% recyclable. our printer strives to be environmentally benign with recycling, using eco-friendly We greatly THANK all contributors printmaking inks and solvents, and no press - to this issue and to our advertisers who room voCs (volatile organic compounds). make this publication possible! Please patronize our advertisers and SUbSCRiPTiONS to the Cowgirls and Cowboys competed at the CMSA National Championships in Tu - let them know that you appreciate their Mid-South Horse Review are nica, MS. ( photo by Nancy Brannon ) Article p. 26 support of the Mid-South Horse Review . available by first class mail for $35 annually. To subscribe, send payment to: PLeASe LiKe US ON FACebOOK deadline : for June P.O. box 594, Arlington TN AT THe MiD -S OUTH HORSe RevieW 38002-0594 issue : MAY 24 at 5 pm Phone: (901) 867-1755 FiND MUCH MORe ON FACebOOK & OUR WebSiTe : www.midsouthhorsereview.com www.midsouthhorsereview.com • ©Mid-South Horse Review • May 2019 3. 4. May, 2019 • ©Mid-South Horse Review • www.midsouthhorsereview. com Book & art nook Thelwell’s Pony Panorama Horse Fun Review by Nancy Brannon Review by Nancy Brannon i can’t think of a more appropriate book another book that is perfect for summer for summer horse camps, or a more fun horse camps is Summer Fun: Facts and book to read! when i got word from re - activities for horse-crazy kids . it’s a new becca at trafalgar Square Books that this release from trafalgar Square books, by one was coming, i was thrilled with antic - Gudrun Braun and anne Scheller, with art ipation at revisiting those wonderful, hi - by anika Hage. even the cover says, larious thelwell cartoons! trafalgar “open if you’re wild about Horses!” Square has put together a classic collec - the main character is “maxi” or max - tion, which includes Gymkhana , Thelwell imilane, a horse-crazy young girl who is Goes West , and Penelope . So, there’s the “tour guide,” so to speak, through the something here for both english and west - multiple topics included in this book. She ern riders. first introduces the reader to Hobbit, the when my daughter (a member of u.S. pony she gets to ride at the barn where she pony Club) was growing up with ponies takes lessons. then it’s on to introducing and horses, i made sure to introduce her to the reader to the various equestrian sports. as handling the horse on the ground. try the thelwell books. we both had hours throughout the book there are short ar - some schooling figures, such as figure and hours of fun with thelwell cartoons, ticles on a variety of topics, such as her tle girl), the pinto, the appaloosa, the mor - eight and change rein across the arena di - and i even had a framed collection of first riding lesson, “horse scent,” and what gan and palomino. in “Quick on the agonal. once you’ve mastered flat work, thelwell cartoons to decorate her room. happens if you fall off in a riding lesson. Drawl,” there are cartoon illustrations of you may move on to jumping, which in - following the 1953 publication of there are lots activities to do, like keep - tender foot, side kicks, and the lone cludes an explanation of types of jumps British artist norman thelwell’s first pony ing a pony diary, making a colorful tote stranger (complete with skunk on horse - and how to ride a jumping course. cartoon, his name became synonymous bag, making picture frames and luck back). Stable management is an essential part worldwide with images of little girls and catchers out of used horse shoes. there are one of my favorites is the pony bracing of horse care, as is knowing about all the fat hairy ponies – up to all kinds of antics. tips on how to draw horses and how to with all four legs against the trailer, while types of food a horse needs. He found his true comic niche with pony make horse jewelry and horse treats. child is trying to push the pony into the most important for the summer are the Club girls and their comic ponies, a sub - the book is also instructive, explaining horse trailer: “you’ll never get me into one sections on riding Camp, playing games ject for which he became best-known. about the types of horses, horse breeds, of those things!” on horseback, and a story about horse thelwell’s Gymkhana was originally parts of the horse, coat colors, foals, a the final section is Penelope (originally camping. published in 1979 and includes hilarious horse’s life stages, how horses communi - published in 1972), which includes an - there are tips of taking riding tests and cartoons that reflect the basic instruction cate, and horses’ gaits. Do you understand other hilarious trying to get the pony in the horsemanship tests. there’s a section about horses and ponies that beginning your horse? the reader is also introduced trailer cartoon, this time with penelope on about preparing to go off to the horse pony Clubbers might learn, starting with to the horse’s life in the pasture, with an the pony, who is being pushed by two show, which includes braiding the mane points of a horse – including “breaking explanation of poisonous and safe vegeta - grown-ups: “i’ll be glad when she gets in - (and possibly the child’s own hair). point” and “point of no return.” apropos tion, cleaning up manure, and fence patrol. terested in boys.” this is a good section ultimately maxi gets to her favorite for may, there’s a section “a Day at the then it’s on to grooming, explaining for horse campers, with scenes from the part – a Horse of your own, whether buy - races,” with fat ponies and children the grooming tools used and how to groom “riding school” and lots of activities that ing or leasing a horse. dressed as jockeys. a horse. kids will be doing at camps. the book Horse Fun is a great summer reading Thelwell Goes West (originally pub - there’s instruction on saddles and tack - ends, appropriately, with a cartoon of child and activity book for horse-crazy kids ages lished in 1975) has all the usual pony an - ing up, and mounting the horse and learn - and pony riding away and a sign on the 6 to 12, especially those attending summer tics, but with cowboys and cowgirls. there ing a balanced seat. pony’s tail: “if you can read this notice, horse camps. narrative children’s books, are cartoons about the mustang, the Quar - Giving the ads is prerequisite to riding, you’ll probably get kicked.” picture books, study aids, and teaching ter Horse, the Bronco (who bucks while and riding in a group is explained, as well there’s so much to enjoy here, you materials. sticking out his tongue at a taken-aback lit - won’t want to put it down. http://www.fergusthehorse.com/#shop www.midsouthhorsereview.com • ©Mid-South Horse Review • May, 2019 5. Hidden History of Horse LLaakkeellaanndd LLeeaatthheerrwwoorrkkss Racing in Kentucky 10305 monroe road | lakeland, tn Review by Nancy Brannon pation these highly cell: 901-484-5727 | shop: 901-290-5726 skilled jockeys came to www.l akeland leatherWorks .com Horse racing and the dominate the sport of Commonwealth of Kentucky thoroughbred racing are synonymous, and may is and were very success - unique gifts for mom from Lakeland Leatherworks the appropriate month to read ful riders.
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