RESOURCE BULLETIN Fall 2015 V o l ume 3 1 : : Numb e r 1 endered erspectives Gon InternationalP Development Gree ngs from the Center for Gender in Global Context (GenCen) at Michigan State University, the host center for the Gender, Development, and Globaliza on (GDG) Program, IN THIS ISSUE formerly the Women and Interna onal Development (WID) Program! Articles . 1 We welcome our new Managing Editor of the GPID Working Papers, Jessica O . Jessica is a doctoral student in the Department of Anthropology here at MSU. We also welcome our Audiovisuals . 3 new undergraduate interns Clare O’Kane, Duncan Tarr, and Marisa Meyerson and thank our Monographs and Technical depar ng undergraduate interns Shivani Pandya and Marie Rose, who graduated May 2015. Reports . .5 We have two new Directors of the Gender, Jus ce, and Environmental Change (GJEC) Periodicals . 12 program: Wynne Wright and Lucero Radonic. Thank you to Maureen McDonough, who is re ring a er direc ng the GJEC program for many years. The GJEC Program is also hos ng a Books. 14 new Brown Bag series. This year’s lineup includes current fellows, alumni, and two visi ng Study Opportunities. 17 speakers who will share their research and ideas with the public. Grants and Fellowships . 18 Our new LGBTQ and Sexuality Studies Undergraduate Minor is offi cially open as of Fall 2015, and we already have 51 students enrolled! Conferences. .20 We have published a new GPID Working Paper, #307: “Compe ng Gender Perspec ves Calls for Papers. 21 in Security Sector Reforms,” by Sabine Mannitz, Peace Research Ins tute Frankfurt, and Stephanie Reckhaus, German Federal Enterprise for Interna onal Coopera on. Online Resources . .23 We currently have the following tles available for book review and are in the process of Book Review . .26 reques ng more. If you have a par cular tle that you would like requested, let us know! *Economies of Violence: Transna onal Feminism, Postsocialism, and the Poli cs of Sex Traffi cking. *Under Development: Gender *When Care Work Goes Global: Loca ng the Social Rela ons of Domes c Work We encourage submissions and sugges ons from our readers and invite authors and publishers to submit relevant ar cles and books for inclusion Execu ve Editor: Anne Ferguson, PhD in future issues. We especially invite graduate students, Managing Editor: Sabrina Perlman, MA scholars, and professionals to review a newly published book Editorial Assistants: Clare O’Kane rela ng to gender and interna onal development. If you are Shivani Pandya Edited by: Galena Os pow interested in reviewing a book, please contact us at bulle [email protected]. We hope you enjoy the Fall 2015 issue of the GPID Bulle n! AArticlesrticles Annals of the New York Academy of survey data, and limited policy-driven period, when wage increases are Sciences experimenta on. Closing these gaps largely responsible for the increase Volume 1331, 2014 is essen al to strengthening the in inequality, Pike y shows how “Agriculture and Nutri on in India: agriculture sector’s contribu on to patrimonial capitalists appropriated Mapping Evidence to Pathways,” by reducing undernutri on. a growing share of social wealth. Suneetha Kadiyala, Jody Harris, Derek A feminist economics perspec ve Headey, Sivan Yosef and Stuart Gillespie, Bri sh Journal of Sociology would enrich Pike y’s analysis in two pp. 43-56. In India, progress against Volume 65, Issue 4, 2014 main ways. First, by paying greater undernutri on has been slow. Given “Gendering Inequality, a Note on a en on to the processes and social its importance for income genera on, Pike y’s Capital in the Twenty-First norms through which inequali es are improving diets, care prac ces, and Century,” by Diane Perrons, pp. produced and jus fi ed and second, by maternal health, the agriculture sector 667-677. Thomas Pike y’s Capital in highligh ng the ways in which inequality plays an important role in accelera ng the Twenty-First Century is remarkable is experienced diff erently depending the reduc on in undernutri on. This for moving inequality to mainstream not only on class, but also on other paper comprehensively maps exis ng debate through detailed analysis of aspects of iden ty including gender. evidence along agriculture–nutri on longitudinal sta s cs by advoca ng This approach also suggests that it is pathways in India and assesses both an interdisciplinary perspec ve and necessary to supplement the ex-post the quality and coverage of the exis ng wri ng in a wi y and accessible style. redistribu ve policies recommended by literature. The authors present a With reference to the post-1970 Pike y: a global wealth tax and more conceptual framework steeply progressive income tax, delinea ng six key with ex-ante measures to stop pathways between the rise in wage inequality in the agriculture and nutri on. fi rst place, especially by bridging Three pathways pertain the huge gulf that exists between to the nutri onal impacts those who care for people and of farm produc on, farm those who manage money. incomes, and food prices. The other three pertain Development and Change to agriculture–gender Volume 46, Issue 1, 2015 linkages. The literature “Modernity and Matrifocality: suggests that Indian The Feminiza on of Kinship?,” agriculture has a range by Cecile Jackson, pp. 1-24. The of important infl uences extensive analy cal focus on how on nutri on. Agriculture gender rela ons in working lives, seems to infl uence diets employment, educa on, poli cal even when controlling engagement, and public life for income, and rela ve change under modernity needs food prices could partly to be extended to a considera on explain observed dietary of the ways in which kinship changes in recent and relatedness have also been decades. The evidence changing. This ar cle argues that on agriculture–gender relatedness under modernity linkages to nutri on tends towards matrifocality. This is rela vely weak. is explored through looking at Sizeable knowledge gaps broad pa erns of social change remain. The root causes in kinship prac ces across a of these gaps include range of socie es experiencing an interdisciplinary transi ons towards moderni es disconnect between over the past fi y years, and at nutri on and agricultural how state and NGO development economics, a related and social protec on programs problem of inadequate contribute to this matrifocal turn. 1 Interna onal Migra on Review community empowerment approaches s gmas, discrimina on, and violence. Volume 48, Issue 4, 2014 for addressing HIV in sex workers. Furthermore, social and poli cal change “Gender Diff erences in the Role It presents a systema c review and are needed regarding the recogni on of Migrant Networks: Comparing meta-analysis of the eff ec veness of sex work as work, both globally Congolese and Senegalese Migra on of community empowerment in sex and locally, to encourage increased Flows,” by Sorana Toma and Sophie workers in low-income and middle- support for community empowerment Vause, pp. 972-997. This paper uses income countries. Community responses to HIV. recent longitudinal data collected within empowerment-based approaches to the Migra on between Africa and addressing HIV among sex workers were “Human Rights Viola ons against Europe (MAFE) project to inves gate signifi cantly associated with reduc ons Sex Workers: Burden and Eff ect on gender diff erences in the role of migrant in HIV and other sexually transmi ed HIV,” by Michele R Decker et al., pp. networks in interna onal mobility. It infec ons, and with increases in 186-199. This review of more than compares Congolese and Senegalese consistent condom use with all clients. 800 studies reports on the burden migra on streams to examine how Despite the promise of a community- and HIV implica ons of human rights the interplay between viola ons against sex workers. gender and networks Widespread abuses of human varies across contexts rights are perpetrated by of origin. It goes beyond both state and non-state previous studies by actors, which directly and considering the case of indirectly increase HIV spousal reunifi ca on suscep bility, and undermine alongside other forms of eff ec ve HIV-preven on migra on, separa ng the and interven on eff orts. role of the migrant spouse Abuses occur across all from other network policy regimes, although es, as failing to do so most profoundly where sex overes mates the role work is criminalized through of migrant networks in puni ve law. Protec on of female mobility. It shows sex workers is essen al to that Senegalese women respect, protect, and meet are more likely than men their human rights, and to to rely on geographically improve their health and concentrated networks, wellbeing. Research fi ndings composed of close kin affi rm the value of rights- and established abroad based HIV responses for sex for a long me. Gender workers, and underscore the diff erences are much obliga on of states to uphold less pronounced in the the rights of this marginalized Congolese case, which popula on. we relate to the more rigid patriarchal norms in Studies in Family Planning Senegal, restric ng female Volume 45, Issue 4, 2014 autonomy both in terms “HIV Status, Gender, and of mobility and economic Marriage Dynamics among ac vity. Adults in Rural Malawi,” by Philip Anglewicz and The Lancet George Reniers, pp. 415-428. Volume 385, 2015 Awareness of and responses “A Community Empowerment empowerment approach, we iden fi ed to HIV health risks stemming from Approach to the HIV Response formidable structural barriers to rela ons between sexual partners have Among Sex Workers: Eff ec veness, implementa on and scale-up at various been well documented in Sub-Saharan Challenges, and Considera ons for levels.
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