A Chalfhinn Glen, Kenmore, Old Well In, ...75 Abbotsford, Notes On

A Chalfhinn Glen, Kenmore, Old Well In, ...75 Abbotsford, Notes On

INDEX A Chalfhinn Glen, Kenmore, Old Well mathen, Oyne; Leochel; Leslie, in, .......5 7 . Mains of; Logie; Longcairn, New- Abbotsford, Notes on a Portrait at, . 224 hills ; Mains, Boyndlie; Menie, Bel- Aberoromby, Hon. James, Speaker's Chair helvie ; Mills, Upper, Crathes ; Mony- of, ........ 11/. musk ; Newpark, Parkhill; Newton ; —— Lord, Death of, ...... 3 Pitcaple; Pitflchie Hill; Rayne; —— —— Obituary Notice of, .... 4 Koseburn, Wester, Dess; Scudarg; Aberdeen, Cathedra Monymus, of l kPrea - Shevado; Skatebrae, Badenscoth; bend of the, ...... 44 Sken eSkene; , Easter; Skene's Wood, —— Dunnydronishil (Tillydrone),..4 4 . Fintray; Strichen; Templand, Auch- —— Gavin Dunbar, Bishop of, ... 45 terless; Tillyching, Lumphanan; —— John, Bishop of, ..... 41 Tombeg, Monymusk; Waulkmill, —— —— Elphinstone, Canon of, . f.n. 46 New Machar; Wellside, Auchleven ; Aberdeenshire, Agriculture in B'ormer Whitecross, Little, Chapel of Garioch; Time , ......sin . 128/. Whitehills, Mains of; Whitelums, —— Long Cairns and other Prehistoric Gartly; Woodhead, Comer s; Wood- Monuments in, ..... 21 side of Meikle Clinterty. —— Mustard Mill from, (donation) 13 Abergaldie Scottisd ol n Birke (a h, Th , of s . .12 . —8 —. Whin-mill . , sin Dance), ......0 16 . See also Abersnithack; Alford; Bal- Abersnithack, Aberdeenshire, Site of Old bridie; Balnagowan, Aboyne; Balna- Church of St Finan at, . 34 kelly, Cushnie ; Balvack, Monymusk; —— Ston Monymusn ei k Church, . 64/ . Bandodle, Midmar; Behenties, North, Accounts, Wardrobe Edwarf o , Conr fo . d-I Leochel Cushnie; Berryhill, Memsie; struction of Bridge over Clyde and Blackhillock, Fyvie; Blairbowie, Road up to Bothwell Castle, . 168 Chapel of Garioch; Bogancloch, Acharn, 6 Kenmore7 . ,. Ol d. Wel , at l Ehynie; Bogenjohn, Strichen; Bog- Ach-na-Cille, Oibmore, Knapdale, Argyll, side, Premnay; Brackla; Brank- Monuments at, ..... 148 holm, Lumphanan; Bransbog; Adam Jamesr Si , , present Tally-sticka s 4 15 . , Broomend, Kintore; Broomhill, Agnew, Sir Andrew N., presents a Stone Upper; Burrels, Premnay; Castle froHammee mAx Lochnawd 6 ran 19 . , Eraser; Comers; Cunningar Wood, Agriculture, Early, in Aberdeenshire,. 128/. Cluny Castl eElric; k Hill, Newhills; Ainslie: see Aynisle. Essie; Fetternear, Hill of; Frosty Aleckich (Remony Hill), Kenmore, Perth- Nib; Gight, Braes of; Glack of shire, Stone Circle on the Farm of, . 77 Essie; Glack f Culmellieo s ; Glen- Alexande Housd . 166-an Coucy f . eo r7II . , kindy House; Hil f Marcuso l , Dyce; Alexande Islayf ro , Admira8 10 Islese th . f ,o l Inverebrie, Waterside of; Inver- Alford, Aberdeenshire, Church of St nochty ; Keig; Kildrummy Castle; Andrew, bestowed on Monymusk, . 41 Kildrummy" Quarries; Kindrochit; Altonburn, Roxburghshire, ancient home Kirkton of Tyrie; Knowhead, Pit- Keise oth f , .....7 9 . 296 INDEX. 297 Amphitheatre, Edinburgh, Silver Pas, sto Arrow-heads :— (purchase). ...... Ill Flint:— An Tiobairt Po.rtbanee se : . from Blackhillock, Fyvie4 20 shaftn i , . , Ancrum Mains, Roxburghshire, Chipped „ Carn Glas, Kilcoy, (donation1 7 . ) Stone Implements from, ..9 2 . „ Craigscorry, Beauly (calcined), . 205 Anderson, Alexander Button, elected, . 153 „ Gorten Bay, ..... 106 o UnrecordeTw n o , d—G. —. S Rev . R . ,, Queena, Birsay, Orkney, (dona- Crosses in Wigtownshire, . 162 tion) ...... 12 Angus, Earls of, acquire Bothwell 1 Castle17 . , Iron, from . Gorte8 106 . 10 ,n Bay . , —— Janet (Jonet), daughter of Archibald, Attonburn, Roxburghshire, Ancient Burial- Ear 7 Feoroul, 9 lof . e grante. , dto ground of Mow, near, . •. 97 Anniversary Meeting, ..... 1 Atzensone, Patrick, M.A., Notary, Clerf ko Antonine Wall, Further Discoveriee th n so the Diocese of Glasgow, . 101-2 Line o0 f the27 , . ... Auchnagarron, Rosskeen, Ross-shire, Flat —— —— The Structure of the Vallum, . 281 Bronz frome 4 eAx 1 , (purchase . ) Antony, Mark, Coi , fronof m Rough Castle Auld Wife's ' AproStaneso ' fu n , Place- Fort, .......6 28 . name, ....... 198 Arbroath, Forfarshire, Bernard de Linton, Aumbry, Monymusk House, . 47/. Abbot of, ....... 39 Auquhollie, Kincardineshire, Inscribed and —— —— Dice Box and Dice of Wood, home- Sculptured Stone at, .... 257 made, from, ...... 110 Avuo, Soothsayer, ..... 5 26126 , Arbuckle3 , Alexande . , Deat W. , . hof rG —— Philology of the Name, . 263, 265 Archers, Wagen Bothweli , of s l Castle, Axes:— 1311-12, ......9 16 . Bronze:— Architectural Histor f Bothwelyo l Castle, —— flanged, Hoard , ...sof 6 25 . The, ........ 165 from Perthshire4 , 23 (purchase) . Historical Data, . ... .167 ,, Pirnhill, Arran, ...4 25 . Architectural Survey, .... 171 „ Tilliery . Hill, Kinross-shire, Conclusions, ....... 189 (donation) ..... 11 Ardeer Sands, Ayrshire, Stone Implement —— flat:—. from, .......3 3 . from Auchnagarron, Rosskeen, Ross- Argiles Bouling Green Argyle'e se : s Bowl- shire, (purchase) ... 14 ling Green. ,, Brockhillstone, Dunscore, (dona- Argyle's Bowlin gScottisd Greeol n (a nh . tion.23 ). .-4 . Dance), ....... 160 probably from Ross-shire, (purchase)4 1 . Argyll e Ach-na-Cillese : , Oibmore, Knap- —— socketed:— dale ; Barnakill; Campbeltown: fro Eildoe mth n Hills, (purchase4 1 . ) Cauna; Clanamacrie, Glen Lonain; „ Perthshire, (purchase). 234 Gigh a; Gorte ; Kilmun y Ba n ; Muc- „ Pitcaple Castle, .... 210 kairn ; Oibmore; Tiree. „ Wester Ord, ..... 113-4 Armlets:— Locality unknown5 , 23 (purchase . ) —— Bronze Penannular, from Early Iron Stone:— Age Buria t Blacknesla s Castle, 116, 118-9 from Ehenside Tarn, Cumberland, (in —— —— ——from Brae Gightf so , (donation5 15 ) wooden haft) ...0 2 . —— —— —— „ Wester Ord, . 113^1 ,, He win, Costa, Evie, Orkney, Arms, Coats of: see Heraldry. (purchase) ..... 14 Arms and Armour:—Dog Lock, Variations ,, Kilpatrick Moor, Arran, (in of the, foun Scottisn do h Firearmf so wooden haft) .... 254 the Seventeent1 21 . h Century . , ,, Lochnaw, Wigtownshire, (dona- Arran, Recent Discoverie , sin .. 2 25 . tion) .....6 19 . —— Scribings resembling Oga n Cavmi e ,, North Mavine, Shetland, (dona- in, . ... .269 tion . ) ....4 23 . See also Carmahome; Kilpatrick Moor; ,, Solway Moss, (in wooden haft) . 20 rirnmill. used by the Sirionos Indians, . 232 298 INDEX. PAGE Aynisle, John Dolphynstonf o , 0 . 10 < . , Berwickshire, Notes on a Group of Chipped Ayrshire : see Ardeer Sands ; Guninghame- Stone Implements from Roxburgh- head ; Irvine. shire and, ... i ... 29 See also Bemersyd e; Burnmout h; Dry - burgh ;• Gordon ; Longformacus. Badges, Silver, of Edinburgh Skating Beveridge, James, elected, ...9 10 . Society, (purchase)..... Ill Bible, with Arms and Initials of Charles Balbridie, Aberdeenshire,0 Whin-mil14 . , at l II., at Monymusk Church, ... 66 Ball, Stone, Carved, from Balnasume, Birks of Abergaldie, The, (an old Scottish west of Lawers, Perthshire, (pur- Dance), ....... 160 chase) ....... Ill Bisset, Alexande elected, rM. , ..2 . Ballista Balls, from Cro8 y28 Hil . l Fort . , Bjarni Orkneye se : , Bisho. pof Balnagowan, Aboyne, Aberdeenshire, Long Black Isle, Ross-shire, Pan-pipes from the, Cairn at, ....... 26 (donation). .....9 10 . Balnakelly, Cushnie, Aberdeenshire, Whin- Blackhillock, Fyvie, Aberdeenshire, Flint mill at, ....... 139 Arrow-head in Shaft from, . 204 Balnasume, west of Lawers, Perthshire, Blackness Castle, Linlithgowshire, Early Carved Stone Ball from, . ... Ill Iron Age Burial at, .... 116 Bal-na-tiobairt, Village formerly on Farm Elizabet— — —— —h— Cunninghamr o e of Portbane6 7 , Kenmore . .. Fullarton imprisoned in, ... 124 Balvack, Monymusk, Aberdeenshire, Site Blade, Bronze, from Cambusbarron, Stir- Mary't oS f s Orator , yat ..3 4 . lingshire, ......8 20 . Bandodle, Midmar, Aberdeenshire, Whin- —— —— from Craigscorry5 20 . , . Beauly . , mill at, . 138 Blairbowie, Chapel of Garioch, Aberdeen- Banffshire, Long Cairn in, .... 24 shire, Whin-mill at, .... 132 See also Forglen; Longman Hill, Gamrie. Blanefleld, Stirlingshire, St Kessog's Well Baptismal Bowl, Silver t a Monymus, k at, ........ 147 Church, ....... 66 Bleaton, Easter, Blackwater, Glenshee, Bar of Lead inscribed with Roman Letters, Forfarshire, Whetstone from, (dona- from Kirkintilloch, ...2 29 . tion) ........ 74 Barmore, Kirkcowan, Wigtownshire, Cross- Bog, David, Edinburgh, Silver Spoon made slab near, ....... 164 by, ......:.4 1 . Barnakill, Argyll, Burial Cairn and Hut- —— —— —— Mark of...... 127 . .14 . 8 . circl . e near . , Bogancloeh, Parish of Rhynie, Aberdeen- —— —— Cross-slab near,..... 147 shire, Note on a Primitive Weapon Bathget Bogs or Peas Straw (an old Scot- Toolr o , fashioned byflxinga Stonn ei . .16 . 1 . tish . Dance) . , Woodea n Shaft8 ,1 foun Mosa n , i d sat Battle Sit Gorten ei n Bay, Kentra, Ardna- Bogenjohn, Strichen, Aberdeenshire, Re- murchan, ......5 10 . mains of Whin-mill at, .... 141 Baxter, Rev. Professor J. H., elected, . 196 Bogside, Premnay, Aberdeenshire, Whin- Beads:— mill at, . r . '•'"-. ' 135 Glass:— Bolivia, Stone Axe used by the'Sirionos from Gorten Bay, .... 8 106 10 ''°;,. ' 2 . '-'.23 " . Indian. , sin „ Holy Well, Inschadney, Ken- Bone, Object of, Indeterminate, from more, (donation) . 77, 110 Eriskay, Outer Hebrides, (donation) . 13 Behenties, North, Leochel Cushnie, Aber- —— Splinter, Pointed and Cut, found at deenshire, Whin-mill formerly at, . 141 Freswick Links, Caithness, . 94 Bell PortraiWaltea r n ,D o , Abbotst rL. ta - See also Borer; Staff; Whorl. ford, .;...... 224 Books, Donations and Purchases of, Bemersyde, Berwickshire, Stone Imple- 15, 18, 74, 111, 113, 157, 197, 235 ments from, .....9 2 . Borer, Bone, from Freswick Links, . 154

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