¦i- II. P. Whitney. ; »Sail Tnesriay rlv'ed: lsabel C Harrte. Norfolk for Brinr- MARRIAGES Payne Whim.-'., ¦ tternately. i Marine «1 Washington' Bremen. 0:30 AM t0:00 AM gor; W M Robert-, (Mr). New York for Rev. A. B. / ..: -i Parrsboro, N New M Luther KountM ! Note Reports Tivlves. Crlatöb»!.« 8:00 AM I 3:00 M H; Capo i.vor (Br), Now Blackwell, COOK.-LKftHKR.On November John N. Wim-, opening nli*lu Haven for Herring Cove. N S; Stewart T liTeresa I*,, l^t Occupant K. s even Nail Wednesday Halter (Br). for Parrsboro. N S. Leshsr. daughter of Mrs. A. Harkneas, Harding r»' \nednosdays, THF TIDES to Mr. J. Mis. Th(>ii'.;i'i F i!ven tnatlna'es. rtoohambeaU, Havn»... 8:09 AM 12:00 M First Woman To Be lusher, Fahys Cook, at to» Rykn, wat-i. ow waler Prowbyterlan Rye, N. ".» M ft Jam«« (3 Hiwrton. High Vedie' Liverpool. »:00 AM 12 00 M Church. Y. For Some i AM I'M A,M I'M Belvedere, Trieste.10:30 AM 2:00 I'M GRANtl üdMIoi.nKllS Given World Ports Opero TIBMS Bandy Hook. i'i'At l3:tlD 01 f:3S Anierlcnn Legion» Rio Foreign Is Dead DEATHS Th« Benjamin Sohmil íot Oírla, ThuYs- Oov¿rnor'» 'Island, 1:4.1 1:61 T:Dß 1:2» »I* Janolr».10 :.10 AM 2:00 Pit Arrivals From New York Ordained, Hell Cate.1 :i II :58 t 10 t:3B Himno. Trinidad. 9:a» Ail 1 :00 I'M \üi, i .-»ml GIBRALTAR. NOV 4¦-Steamer tttsVick WKKR-On Friday. November 4. Boxes This Year FrankeitthtUer Georg« i WlmW ul Sen To-dnv Tungus. Turki Isle.... 7:8t» A»M II :00 AM Grange ( »tr) Sarah Adelaide inee i»m. Wireless --.- Frankenthalér, odd Mnmluyv. By ¡.«.«in.« Huvana 12:00 M Last of Frost), ir>a»>w of Theresa, ItOTTKHI'AM, Nov 3.Steamer William Survivor Famous the late Charlen <! -lïenrj Dodg« t.'slabrook, .ven Mon- North <jJ Sandy Hook: Dlmishlng west fsom. Cas* Baker. In her «2d and nbr'.mvvBi «'¡nils und tali »v,...... r , Hall Thursday vear. Funeral services at her late ANTWFRP, Nov 3.Steamer Fuscrn of Susan »44. Frost red. Hund*. Hook to ll.it im:" Mod. inte vari¬ I'M* Carroll, Hamburg,. 8.00AM '.2 00 M Dawn. Suffrage Group rience, av.. Richmond Hin, oa Come About Be¬ Radio Station able winds and 11 - wentln K AM 2:00 I'M Monday afternoon at S o'clock. Changes Big Opened Alexander, Piraeus..10r4ö LAS PALRIAS. Nov 3 -Stéámer Cabo B. at tlftttcrai to Ifirldu Straits: Moderato Oarrloh fast le, capo Creux Anthony Expires BAYLY. Daniel Young, on October cause of Absence of at Rook Point, L. I., Sends variable wtndd Rtid fall Wieathor, i>'-.tnrh- I Town .11:00 AM 2:00 PM (Span), lf>21. It the home of his 2JL Regu¬ ance ovor of Sanio. 9:80 AM *, :00 PM CHRISTIANIA. Nov 1.Steamer Par Her Home in "New daughter. SteJlJ of marked Intcnaltj ihij Gulf Curveito, ginisf lord ' Jersey! B. Tank, Chatham. N. Y. and in President's Si «wren ce mot Ina eastward \'lrglnlnn. San Kran... - no I'M Nor) lars, Some Cases Message to M LIBAU, Nov Steamer Beionla 'Han).' BEAL.Suddenly, at Balmvin«. Wem Gulf; Moderato, variable wine«. Mary, Domingo City. 8:.**0 AM 1U:00 M N. Y on Newbtirgb, . S Dollar, San 1'iviio. -. 8:00 I'M BBTR01CN, Oct 31.Steamer N. Nov. 15..The Rev. November 6. 1«21. Ott Account of Twenty eight Countries mostly southeast ana soütn; cloudy, prwn- (Vor). TopBdilsfJord ELIZABETH, J., Louise Bell, widow of the Ele*nor Mourning over Hunt» Mail». I* «'0 AM 12:00 laie at,,-, occasional rains w-t poatton. :.«uii, M Dr. Antoinette Brown said R. in her Wjthai» ten and Windward Passages: London, Nov r, -Steamer Malpe (Br). Biackwell, Heal, »2d year. Funeral serv» l.'i-rjjihemi Sail Friday MANCHKS'TF.R. KoV 4 Si cam-is [{ ,i Il .1 le«-» will be held at her late Moil-mie to fresh norm ana non honst lamba (.in; to have been the first woman minister The Homostead. residencia« »New Radio Era Is wind«, .mo-', ill) fair wckthar Starnngerfjortl. Hergen 1:80 AM 2 oo m Nj-pvíal-in (Br). Balmviile. N. Y.. oj Marshall Fields Usted .Milan»«, «'clon.11:00 AM 2.00 PM for to.be ordained in the United States and Monday, November 7, at 2:3n p. m. in. Begun l*i Ins Departures New XorU terment In Cedar Hill -a* Freflerlk Hendrik, PF.RIM, Nov the last survivor of the woman Cemetery. Arrived Cupe llayll. 1:00 AM 4.Steamer Kntghl Term famous BEDELL.Rayner M., of 20 North Yesterday plut- (Bit ifrdm Colombo». tain ave., Moan, Will Have of United State.«- Null S*lur<ln.r HAMBURG. Nov ;i Si -amer stiff rage "group of Susan B. Anthony,! Montclalr, N, J-, »on of They die Henry [Supremacy .lohn Blumer (Not*, si John, N I!. Nov .Mount Clin¬ lot« Kdwln F. arfd Caroline L tfrtt ",; to Atlantic Fruit Co In ballant, Piar Rotterdam, Rotterdam.'8:3*" AM 12:00 M. ton. «lied early to-day ut the home of her Mountainside Bedell, a« P. Davisons' Share in No. in the Commercial Field R. :«o am 2:00 I'M GOTHENBURG, n 31.Steamer Mor¬ Hospital, Saturday aft,-»v. I:. N Stockholm,Gothenburg,10 avia noon. November 6. 1021. Notice Wast Curtith. London Ocl 13; A II Bull Potomac, Bremen. 8 00 AM 13 00 M Bridge. daughter, Mrs. Samuel T. Jones, here. hereafter. of funerif 21 on "Parterre Row" Seenii"- Assured fov Test with nirtv*, Pier 27. Bklyir. I'ibila, Hamburg. M 0«) AM 12:00 M B0RB1SAUX, Oci Ï9.Steamer PipesTone For the last nineteen Mrs. Black- Joseph Seep, Nordenham Ocl 21; m Scythla, Liverpool. 8.30AM r. oo M Í ounty, years BROWS-»Vovumber 4. 1521. Mary L in Fletcher» U D, lloni .it r. "oitsianl Ino- ST MICHAELS. Nov 4.Steamer Roma well had been widow of the late Dr. Louis R. B^ Radio Roben Hague ballast; (Fr) (from pastor emeritus of All at th» residence of her Brow¿ A number of changes arc noted in rentrai, the largest and most Hobojtan, pie. "¡flO AM :ni) PM Lisbon)! R. son. Dr. Ptanliw the official efficient wireless station in the world, Edward !¦ Doheny IM. Tampico Ocl !0; Re «I'ltalla. Naples..»,. 8":31) AM 12:00 M FA VA'.., Nov 4.Steamer Sao Vicente j Souls' Unitarian Church of Elizabeth. Brown. 440 North Broad st., EIIhm* list, of boxhoiders ¡or the to Petroleum Co with crude oil; »Stephen, Itlo de Janeiro 7:00 AM It :00 AM (Port). beth, N. J. Funeral private. formally whs opened at 3 o'clock yes- Mqxlcab Rio de Nov Mrs. Blackwell was born in Henri- sea- ; anchored off ToinPklnavllle, s I, Curve»«., »Tanelrb 8:00 AM 12:00 M oLAScow.' 6-r-*Steamei Cameronlá B'-KCHLKR.Rose Klein, Metropolitan Opera House for the iorday afternoon at Rock Point, L, [., Oct 27; W C (Itr). M. J. beloved wlf, .. ton which Edward L Doheny ir. Tampico ¡(Jenoral Onrgas, etta, N. Y. in 1825. When she applied Bu<-cbler and devoted mother opens a week from to-mor¬ when a message from President Har¬ to Mexican Petroleum c> wi;h crude oil; Cristobal. 12:30 PM r,:00 PM Lisbon, Nov 3.-Steamer San Francisco. Richard. Paul and Marion. Friday. of row. was sent to anchored otr Tompklnsvllle, s l Poll.» Rico. San Juan. 8:80 AM 12:00 Ai HONG KONG, Nov 4.Steamer City of for admission to Oberlin Theological vcmber 4. at her home, 754 No» Death and mourning have elim¬ ding twenty-eight different Xolia, Curacao. d'SOAM Afiélalo.- Clinton av., countries. Manchuria, Hamburg Ocl 20; to Amer- 12:00 M (Br). Seminary her application was Hrldgeport, Conn. Funeral services inated several prominent families The lean Line iviih 177 lirai, 217 second, 2"* Pastores, Pt Union«... «loo AM I :00 PM SOUTHAMPTON, Nov 5- -A mitanla (Br). strongly her late resldenc«', Sunday, November at importance of this station isthat iliird (laH.s puss, malls arid nuise; Pier Carrillo, Kingston. a;U0 AM 12:00 M. contested by the members of the fac- at 2:*i0 p. m. H, which for several years have it is. in a Vlnton j figured way, to give the United 59, N R. County, Trini¬ COMPSON.On November 4. conspicuously as attendants .States the radio Montana. London* Ocl 24; to Allanlio dad .ii -do AM 0:00 PM Maritime ulty because of her sex. Her parents wife of the late 1Í21. Hattie, regular supremacy of the Line with ¡>. N It. Vaque, Ran Domingo 9':00 A'M .«10 I'M Miscellany Angus F. Compson. Fa« world. It means Transport mdae; I'fi-r urged her to up a for the neral servie»» will be he|(j at during the opera season and as occu¬ direct communication Kit!« Alexander (Mr), Constantinople Edith, San Juan..- 12:00 M PORTLAND, Ore, Nov G The West give study residence. 51* hnr )ttf, with all the commercial na- 10, 14. Piraeus 1: to N' A w'llifaro, San Francisco- Islets arrived from Puget Sound to load ministry, but she matricu- Chestnut St.. Roselle, N. pants of boxes which have been identi¬ Philip Nelson, Wednesdays leading Oct Smvrna 12:00 M nimber for persisted, on Sunday. November 6. at 3 Jy The Ftnoh School, FrldayB. tions, which, as Owen D, chair- Galanos * '«'o with 120 Aral, 25*9 aecond, Portland, Me.
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