January 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S255 a word about our long-term debt. I was Among those who lost their lives There are so many stories of courage immensely gratified the President took were 9-year-old Christina-Taylor and bravery associated with this ac- a firm position to defend Social Secu- Green, Dorothy Morris, Judge John tion. The quick reaction of our police rity. We who are familiar with the ac- Roll, Phyllis Schneck, Dorwan Stod- and other first responders was remark- tual facts know that Social Security dard, and Gabriel Matthew Zimmer- able, not to mention the incredible and has never contributed a dime to our man. extremely rapid care provided by the deficit, never contributed a dime to our Christina-Taylor Green was the 9- doctors and nurses and caregivers in debt, and that it is solvent for more year-old daughter of John and Roxanna Tucson. So in this great tragedy that than a quarter century ahead of us. It Green. She was born on September 11, has taken place, we can be comforted is not an immediate problem, and with 2001. She was a third grader, with an with the knowledge that our citizens very small adjustments it can be never avid interest in government, who was reacted in the way that Americans do— a problem. recently elected to the student council with heroism, with courage, and with In States such as Rhode Island and at Mesa Verde Elementary School. sacrifice. New York, and I suspect Arizona as Dorothy Morris was 76 years old. She I think it is entirely appropriate that well, we have people who count on So- attended the January 8 event with this resolution be passed as one of the cial Security. Social Security gives us George, her husband of over 50 years, first acts of the new 112th Congress of freedom. Social Security gives our sen- with whom she had two daughters and the Senate and House. I wish to thank iors freedom from want and freedom who was also critically injured as he all Americans for their concern, their from fear. It gives them freedom from tried to shield her from the shooting. prayers and the sympathy and support privation and freedom from poverty. It John Roll, whom I will talk about they have extended not only to the vic- gives the younger generation freedom later on, is a Pennsylvania native who tims and their families but also to the to pursue their own dreams, knowing was 63 years old. He began his profes- people of Arizona. There will be discussion for weeks their parents will have a dignified old sional career as a bailiff in 1972. He was and months ahead as to how it was pos- age because of Social Security, and appointed to the Federal bench in 1991 sible for this event to take place. I they can take risks and seek opportu- and became a chief judge for the Dis- don’t pretend to know all the answers. nities they would never otherwise be trict of Arizona in 2006. He was a de- It was clearly a deranged individual, an able to take if they knew they were the voted husband to his wife Maureen, fa- individual who perhaps we could argue, only support for their parents in their ther to his three sons, and grandfather while I can’t say for certain, his men- old age, if the only thing that stood be- to five grandchildren. He heroically at- tempted to shield Ron Barber from ad- tal illness should have been brought to tween their parents and penury was the attention of the proper authorities. them. Thankfully, Social Security ditional gunfire. Phyllis Schneck, the proud mother of We do have a law that provides for such gives that liberty to young people an action in the State of Arizona. At across this country, as well as the free- three and grandmother of seven and great-grandmother, from New Jersey the same time, the question needs to be dom it gives to old people. So I am de- asked: The actions that we now have lighted he took this stand and that So- and spending the winter in Arizona, was a 79-year-old church volunteer and become very aware of, was the possi- cial Security will not be improperly bility of those actions brought to the New York Giants fan. thrown under the bus of the important attention of the proper people so they debt and deficit reduction work we Dorwan Stoddard, a 76-year-old re- tired construction worker and volun- could take action? need to do. The fact is it happened. The fact is teer at the Mountain Avenue Church of With that, I will yield. I see, again, we who are elected representatives will Christ, is credited with shielding his Senator MCCAIN on the Senate floor. continue to have contact with our con- wife Mavy, a long-time friend whom he He is a distinguished Senator and a stituents. We will do so and not be de- great friend, and I do not want to take married while they were in their six- terred by the actions of this deranged time from him. ties and who was also injured in the individual. We cannot allow the actions I yield the floor. shooting. of a deranged individual to prevent us Gabriel Matthew Zimmerman was 30 f from interacting, in a fundamental years old, engaged to be married, and way, with our constituents. They de- CONCLUSION OF MORNING served as director of community out- BUSINESS serve it. I am confident we will be able reach to Representative GABRIELLE to continue the practice of townhall The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- GIFFORDS and was a social worker be- meetings, ‘‘Congress on Your Corner,’’ pore. Morning business is closed. fore serving with Representative GIF- the kinds of activities that are, in f FORDS. some ways, not entirely unique to the We all know GABRIELLE GIFFORDS United States of America but certainly HONORING THE VICTIMS AND HE- was the target of the attack and was ROES OF THE SHOOTING ON JAN- are not practiced in most parts of the critically injured. Overnight, we re- world. UARY 8, 2011, IN TUCSON, ARI- ceived extremely good news in that her ZONA So we are encouraged by the news condition has been upgraded from crit- concerning GABRIELLE GIFFORDS and The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ical to good. That is incredible news we will harbor the hope and pray that pore. Under the previous order, the and is heartening to all of us. she will return to her duties in the Senate will proceed to the consider- Thirteen others were also wounded in Congress, representing the people of ation of S. Res. 14, which the clerk will the shooting, including Ron Barber and southern Arizona. We pray for the fam- report. Pamela Simon, who were both staffers ily of Judge John Roll and those others The legislative clerk read as follows: to Representative GIFFORDS, and sev- who gave their lives. Senator KYL and A resolution (S. Res. 14) honoring the vic- eral individuals, including Patricia I attended the various memorial serv- tims and heroes of the shooting on January Maisch, Army COL Bill Badger, retired, ices and events surrounding this trag- 8, 2011, in Tucson, Arizona. was also wounded in the shooting. edy in Tucson and we come away obvi- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Roger Sulzgeber, Joseph Zimudie, Dan- ously with deep sorrow over the event, pore. The Senator from Arizona. iel Hernandez, Jr., Anna Ballis and Dr. yet at the same time with a great deal Mr. MCCAIN. Madam President, this Steven Rayle helped apprehend the of pride and appreciation for our fellow resolution states that we honor the gunman and assist the injured, thereby citizens in Arizona and in Tucson who victims and heroes of the shooting on risking their lives for the safety of oth- have reacted in a heroic and giving and January 8, 2011, in Tucson, AZ. As we ers. loving and sharing fashion. all know, and the Nation and the world Some of the actions that took place So I guess we will be voting on this knows, on January 8, a gunman opened during this tragedy have been carried issue sometime this afternoon, and I fire at a ‘‘Congress on Your Corner’’ extensively in the media. The reaction know other colleagues will be speaking event hosted by Representative of the people of Tucson and in Arizona on behalf of this resolution. GABRIELLE GIFFORDS in Tucson, AZ, to this tragedy has been incredibly up- (The remarks of Mr. MCCAIN per- killing 6 and wounding 13 others. lifting and encouraging to all of us. taining to the introduction of S. 188 are VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:30 Jan 27, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G26JA6.008 S26JAPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with SENATE S256 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 26, 2011 printed in today’s RECORD under sionals who worked wonders to save Even former Vice President Dick ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and her life and to heal those who were Cheney, a hunter, and an outspoken Joint Resolutions.’’) hurt. We are grateful to the first re- second amendment rights advocate, Mr. MCCAIN. Madam President, I sponders and ordinary citizens who has said in his words, ‘‘maybe it is ap- suggest the absence of a quorum, with acted with such extraordinary courage propriate’’ to reinstate the ban on the time being charged to both sides. to help the victims, tackle the gun- high-capacity clips in the wake of the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- man, and prevent an even more dev- Tucson tragedy.
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