ot · tiom r -_ ris -i ,er USEI ·,s I ANUAL January 2018 No. 150-704-00 F Table of Contents Introduction 1 0.sCfiption 1 Calibration 3 Installation 6 Installation in Hazardous Locations 8 Specific Conditions of Use 8 Maintenance& Troubleshooting 11 Moore Industries"STAR" Center has a wide variety of quaJity instrumentation in stock and ready to sh ip. • Signal Transmitters 4S�LIVERY • TemperatureTransm itters • P/1 and1 /PConverters • Isolators and Converters • Indicators and Displays • AlannTrips • Integrators and Totalizers • Power Transducers l06$0�CIO!ll.,...1 • Instrument Power Suppl es �llldkt� S..,wcll,, C.bN Ill�U.SA. i ltt18 181 8'11,7111 • TIii! 8S-JSt.i • Racks, Rails and Enclosures TOLL FREE F� :(,18)891•2' 1• 1-800-999-2900 OONt<et�WS(l'Ul.VEOA Mostinstruments can be customized Un'ei!dK ifiodOffl , uo,,,,.co...,,.� AoJo• , °'-"r to meet yoor needs. Even then, you·n W. &u.-RH1f).201J,UriWld'°"dom T-0'2li0SI •... • Ttlc 87&67 never have to wa t more than a few days. 080FREE0 52510PHONE7 FAX:0:53� i ...,.... 008TOLL 261928 mEE Page1 PTX Introduction Tht HP•Style PTX. Thisstyt& oCunit SI inlended10 runotlon as a modutarrep&aoomenl In appllcations Moore ndustflos'IOOP-PQWe<ed Poteot ometer where conduitand encfO-Sures may already be in l l place.when a specialenclosur e s n()11&qui -ed,or In Transmll1er,the PTX, Is a devioeused to convert i s1andard,thr ee-w re potentlomttor(poQ nput 0 appllcatlons where the OIN•sty le unit 1$not otherwise i i 1 appropriate, pl'0p011i0nal current output. l s atsoavall ab e mounted in a separate,dQme<I, This manual contains allof the intotmatiO,nnttded 1 0 l i l ca ibrate, CIS*'att,and ma nta n lhePTX. 1 also exploslonproof enclosure.secured Inside withspr� l i i 1 clips; no drilling lapp ng s requ red. Otherrif· includes a brief description ofthe uni! and itsc.apa· o, i I i biti es and oplk)ns, a llstlngof unitspecificat ons, slons h:WG h;a,ctwsre lor surface mounl and retay i i tractt nsianattons. and an overviewo4 Moort lnct.,strles' unlldata 1 lraeklngsystem and labeling. Tho DIN·stYIJOPTX. This stylesoaps onto G· IYP8 AA awe,ndixa.t lht tnd� lhe manualprovides th9 DIN rails(0 1N EN50035), II ii mostOlte n usedIn applicalions ,e� rng a large nurrt>e,of unitsIn a tionnatlon reql.A'edtOJ ln st.aling NPTX in haJard· l l ouse nv rontl'ltf'IIS.Such inStaH atlon$ requre one ot relatlvefy smal space. TeSl jadl.$o n thet,o nt panel i i allow tor basicfuncliOn Check$ wtlhOOI having to lht availab&el nt.rlnsic SafetyI (S) options.de scribed la1e<. remove the PTX lrom the processl oop, I.Nherethey appea,a, '9lt1 figur.s,or "NOT ES'"art Table 1 IISlsthe performanceand operat10na1 speclfl. cations k>rMoo re ndustr os'PTX. Flgvre 1 shows uS6d to draw attef'lliOnto ptaetioe s thal could olhef­ l i wiSer esul In lnoonvenienoesto the user. "WARN· the relationship betweenthe power souroe usedi n a PTX ai,s:lliea ion andthe unit's loadcapab INGS"po int out practices that,u.-U avoic5td, could l ility, resultin pe rsonal injury, Controls and Indicators Description Labeled pots 10 oontrOI unit zero andspa n are locatedon he front pane o1both the DN-andHP· The PTX transrrittor is ava ab&t n e ther ! l I il I i a DIN-style, stylo PTX. The CalibrationSectio n Of th s manual or Moore rd.tstres hOCMy·p.,ckhOus (HP) ng. n i l i ' l de&CflbeshOw these poiscan be adjusted. Sc:,ecll'l­ measures variablereSiSUve l'l)UIby oon,parfno Input l catiOns tor adjuslabllityappea r in table 1, millivolt$wlh 1ht drop across an Internal, precision voltagedMder. IIprovides co nstant voltage ox:cila· tlon lo a Slandard, 3-wire pot,and OUtpulS a p,opor· tlonaS4-20 °'1 ()..50 mA current based on the pors Options r pos n t accepts� from any 100 0 wipe itio . I 1 The follow SI provides an oveNlewof someof 10,000n. 3-w ,e pot. ingli i the PTX options. Comp&ele Information on mour¥ing The unil IS IOOp-powe reCI(12·42 Vdc-). Some S harttNam andfunclion& I options, or curr80lfyavai­ I n optionsreq.ii re 12�24 or 12-28 Vdcpower ng. Re:tet able certllicatio s and approvals isavalab le trom i yQUr Moore nd.JstriesSalos ROPf0$0nlatlve.Usef'S 10 th&l nS1ala!ionSection of this manuatfor inlonna­ l tiooon unie 9Ctriealcon noeliOns. may also contactthe factory Clite,ctly at 1--800-999- l 2900 in U.S.A.the 1"Navai1'ble hOus lng styles ro r the PTX, the HP-or DIN-style,aflon:I theuse, with a widevatiely of IS(X)o,mon- IntrinsicSalety. Unhs equippedw llh n mounthgoptions. I n addition to lh8 Sland·ak>neunil. optionssuch as tSB and ISC are rna ufac:tureo acoord ng 0 the specificationsof thit'di)anycenlfy rq mounthghardwar e options nclude tl3"0&$l o,use l 1 l wih reay track Of surfacemount, exp osiOnptOOt agencies lo meet vamusteQJitemen ts 10f lntrlnsl· l l n r en n n enclosures and NEMA bOxes. consultwhh you r cally safe flsta11ati on i haza (IOus viro me ts. , r r Moore nc:klstrics'Sa e$ RepresenlaJlvefo r more Refe 10 lhtPTX d�l{ISheet. o consult the lactory l l lor nlo,tmalion on currenl IS oertif cali0n$, informauonoo ava�e1 mounlfnghardwa re options. i i Page2 PIX no,- 1. PTXPatformaf'IC6 and Oparatlonal Spec{fica6ons Ch1ractertsUc: SpectrJcaUons lnpYt te ki poientlome,1-rtatedf rom 0·100O to0-10,000a Sen.«Current; l mA,, maximum n n-..m ftan9e:M i imums,�nIs 15%0, v-.i•.pot Malll o'™'t lor � 18 (t00%• -0%')-10% • polva lue output Feic.Ory-.ML 4-20 mA 01 10-50m A,acco rdingID ou sllomor spocilicmionill limo or otdor Limit ng: ,.20mA units rnc.d 0 30mA maxltnl.lTI i 1 1 . 10-som A 1,W!h&fm l� 1065 fflA, tnaxlmum , 12-42 Vd o .... Some IS optionsrequire other pow9r r.i�.Refer to �or <XltliUIIwllh your Moor• fndustlios'l Sa esRopte:Mn lilllv•l or (letah,, Maximu m: Unl e3n slJSIUIup to 80 Vdo wlhioutdarn ag ci o p Control• Z.ro: Labsledpot n front p,;,M,Ipn,v idos adjustmcinlID O"- ofou! pt.Cs an, 11()%., with O"-l'lput Z.ro Rang• : Min1nwm zeroIs 15%Cf inputpot varuo Span: Labo lod poton flQnlpanel .clji..1, full«* 10 100% Plorformanoe Accuracy: i-0.1% ottplVI , ltldudlng lntarly at'ld 1tp&atabifty Load Capebllity: Saer-.;w• l LoopLoad tUn• Voflege) EH•ct: :t0.002'%span oC 1)61VOlt el\tlnge,as m.asured'at theinpu l tarmilals A,,..,._.T emper•twe Effect: .t0.01%oi span po,• F ch ange Env1ronmeniaJ A� Amb ent �allngTem p era1u,. Rango: -29 lo82 (--20ID 1so •F i •c ) Rat ng i HP.atyto : Appwlm.i el)' 141.8 g (5 Ol) Welg:11 ! O N aty e: App10xima,8'y22 4 g {7,SIOZ) I • l NOT ES: 1. Consultyour Moore Industrias' $"" Rop,ettnlllllve lor InformationCt'I 81)41(:IIM!tlliof'lt. Pflc lng,and availabiity oi oplions. or PTX outJne<flll'let1sbne. 2. Rotor tothe Instal lationS.CC1on t RFOption - RadiOFrllQUOllcy and Elec.tromagnetlc untt Data Tracklng- ModCIJSOflal NumbOr. Mooro lntorlerence(RFVEMI) Filtering. F1Jielf:dterm na s nlorma!ion on i l Industr ies keeps a record ol pr oduct l andcue provid0$ 50 V/meter. abc:.0.1% of full· overy un s Th s recordIs keyed o it sold or er vioed. i t sca e span,When H1ed aocotd ng 10 PMC SAMA l I i I.he unl model and �l'iOl ,.,.rr(lers. SUtfldard33. 1, On DIN·$1)11e PTX's..IOOk l ()tthe modeland st.ria l RTB Opflon- Removeable TerminalBIOCk. Pt0vides nulTber& on one o thehous n side pane s. The l i g l or unn rep1a,Cemen1without w ring d soonnect. on t i i label HP·Slyle units i$ found c,1th0ron thounit J>Wlieableto 0/l'ktyteon,y. PTX� beck or front paneJ. Page 3 P1TX 2400 ----..-----.------,-----.---- �::!l:IO l-----------�-----1-..;,..._---+------...111"-- '2000 1----"-----li-----t....&,,..__ ...a..,,6..__ The e-xa"l)le on'Ll'lo following page '5how.sa tvpt:al Calibration Prx m::idei numbor, breaking out ils�tq 1leltb for lustratbn purposes. Actor kl lh8 example In Prior 10 5hlpmen1, every P1X is m·u ly tes.1ed IO enrure deeil)l'lnt,ing1 the model n�r on your unil. ,compliancewith Moore lndustrles· slr1d Cl,.JaliLy oontfol ,guidelines. ee1·01,e ns1all3llori, �·over. your H sol'Yice a6i&is1ance Is ever floctuirodl. m.ae e na1e or unH(s) :smuld be bench �ed In orderto sol and 11'16 unit. model 1a1�er 1:1e,or-e contacting Lhe factory. wrir)r Lhe desired operamlng levels.. 1For rast:Ht as.sistence. �ls.o note 100 IJf'lil t.oriaJ nul'l1'0r, job 1a1n1Jer, and llrJe purCM$ ord'et mr.JEBr This procedure should be oonal!docJ in anonvwo.n­ l.ffido, whic:.h it waS :shtppea. TlliS lntormatiOn assls1s mont considered awropriete •or general lest� 04 lh rac:,o,y tepresenJetlve n p110viding )'OU with �he olcu::tronic atu:I pnel!lmatic equipment It Is recom­ MS-wors you need a� ei1ilcienl'.tyas po:s.sil1e. rnoncted lha11he pl'Dcedure5 In lhls :s.ealon no, be carried Otl'I In the IT-e.ld.
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