YOUTH ENGAGEMENT IN POLITICS: CASE STUDY ALBANIA by Emirjona Huti, BA Thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Science Department of Political Science and International Relations Epoka University July 2015 Approval Page Thesis Title : Youth Engagement in Politics: Case Study Albania Author : Emirjona Huti Qualification : Master of Science (MSc) Program : Political Science and International Relations Department : Political Science and International Relations Faculty : Economics and Administrative Sciences Thesis Date : July 2015 I certify that this thesis satisfies all the legal requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science (MSc). Assist. Prof. Dr. Salih Özcan Head of Department I certify that I have read this study that is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science (MSc). Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bekir Çinar Supervisor ii Exam Board of Thesis Thesis Title : Youth Engagement in Politics: Case Study Albania Author : Emirjona Huti Qualification : Master of Science (MSc) Date : July 2015 Members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bekir Çinar ……………………………… Assist. Prof. Dr. Salih Özcan ………………………………… Assist. Prof. Dr. Avdi Smajljaj………………………………… iii Abstract This research is about the Albanian youth and their engagement in Albanian politics. The significance of this study is to describe the forms that Albanian youth participation in politics and also to compare the Albanian youth engagement with the one of the Croatia. The main research question of this study is “how does Albanian youth engages in politics?” The significance of this study is to describe the forms that Albanian youth participates in politics and also comparing between one (of youth forum of the political parties, or directly an activist on a higher level; secondly is during election times by voting and convincing others to vote for their political parties; thirdly is in general, just following the latest developments in politics; and fourthly is engaging in “civic” duties. The results of the interviews made with 10 young people of each of four main political parties, respectively The Democratic Party, The Socialist Party, The Socialist Movement for Integration, and The New Democratic Spirit show that the Albanian youth is active in youth forums and the political parties that they are in represent their ideals. The study suggests that youth should be engaged more because they have potential and they have a vital importance in political decision making of Albania. Keywords: Youth, Political Participation, Political Party, Albania iv Abstrakti Ky studim është për rininë shqiptare dhe përfshirjen e tyre në politikën shqiptare. Rëndësia e këtij studimi është për të përshkruar mënyrat që rinia shqiptare përfshihet në politikë dhe gjithashtu për të krahasuar përfshirjen e rinisë shqiptare me atë kroate. Pyetja kryesore që do të ndiqet është “si përshihet rinia shqiptare në politikë?” Hipoteza e kërkimit është që rinia shqiptare merr pjesë në politikë duke pasur interesat e tyre personale. Nga gjetjet, kuptohet se rinia shqiptare merr pjesë në politikë në katër forma: fillimisht duke qenë anëtarë të forumeve rinore te partive politike ose direkt aktivë në një nivel më të lartë; së dyti gjatë kohës së votimeve duke votuar, së treti në përgjithësi duke ndjekur zhvillimet më të fundit të politikës dhe së katërti duke qënë pjesë e jetës civile. Nga rezultatet e intervistave te kryera tek dhjetë të rinj nga katër partitë kryesore politikë, respektivisht Partia Demkratike, Partia Socialiste, Lëvizja Socialiste për Integrim dhe Fryma e re Demokratike është se ata janë aktivë në forumet rinore dhe partia që ata bëjnë pjesë përfaqëson idealet e tyre. Studimi sugjeron se rinia duhet të përfshihet më shumë, sepse ata kanë potencial dhe kanë një rëndësi vitale në proçesin e vendimarrjes në Shqipëri. Fjalët kyce: Rini, Përfshirje Politike, Parti Politike,Shqipëri. v Dedication I would like to dedicate this thesis to my parents, including my brothers and grandparents, especially to my grandfather who passed away this year. My family has supported me in my educational life and every achievement done so far deserve a great thank to them. I am very grateful for their support and I truly love them. vi Acknowledgements I gratefully acknowledge Assoc. Prof .Dr. Bekir Çinar who helped me in every step of my thesis, and supported my ideas about it. I thank him for teaching me important things in university, work and life too. I owe my special thanks to all academic staff of the Department of Political Science and International Relations who gave lectures to me during my undergraduate and Master Degree studies at Epoka University. I would like to thank them for sharing their knowledge with us and for their fair evaluations. I would like to thank Assist Prof Dr. Salih Özcan, Assist. Prof. Dr. Avdi Smajljaj, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lisen Bashkurti, Niuton Mulleti, Reina Zenelaj Shehi, Matilda Likaj, Alban Tartari and Timothy Hagen. I thank my cousins Alba and Arjola who always believed in my skills and motivated me to work more. Others namely Elsa, Eridona, Velva and Ambra are my home mates. I would like to thank them for their support, help and encouragement that they gave me during my studies. Also they gave me a great help on the adoption of the real student life. I wish a lot of success in their studies and careers. I also would like to thank my best fellows Xheneta, Erisem, Orest and Samed who showed me what the true friendship is, during the last eight years and believed that I would succeed in my studies. During the last months of this year, a new group of friends influenced me positively including my brother Maris, my cousin Arjola, the brother and sister Eni and Era and also my friend Arbër. They really appreciated me and tried to get the best out of me. Last but not least, an important value had also my colleagues whom are my office mates, Erinda and Sonila, and as well as my other colleague Griselda. During the working period of four months as a research assistant at the Centre for European Studies, my colleagues were very friendly and supportive. vii Declaration Statement 1. The material included in this thesis has not been submitted wholly or in part for any academic award or qualification other than that for which it is now submitted. 2. The program of advanced study of which this thesis is part has consisted of: i) Research Methods course during the undergraduate study ii) I have neither given nor received, nor have I tolerated others’ use of unauthorized aid. Emirjona Huti June 2015 viii Table of Contents Exam Board of Thesis .................................................................................................. iii Abstract ........................................................................................................................ iv Abstrakti ........................................................................................................................ v Dedication .................................................................................................................... vi Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................... vii Declaration Statement ................................................................................................ viii Table of Contents ......................................................................................................... ix List of Table ................................................................................................................. xi List of Abbreviations ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.xii List of Publications by the Candidate ......................................................................... xiv 1 Chapter One ............................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Methodology ................................................................................................... 3 1.3 Literature Review ........................................................................................... 5 2 Chapter Two: The Approaches of Youth Engagement in Politics ....................... 10 2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 10 2.2 Historical Background .................................................................................. 10 2.3 Forms of Engagement ................................................................................... 12 2.3.1 General engagements ............................................................................ 12 2.3.2 Political Parties ..................................................................................... 16 2.3.3 Election Period ...................................................................................... 12 2.3.4 Engagement in Civic Life ...................................................................... 17 2.4 Conclusion .................................................................................................... 21 3 Chapter Three: Albanian Youth vs. Croatian Youth ............................................ 23 3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 23 3.2 Albania: Country Profile ..............................................................................
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