Volume: 4 Issue: 3 December 2011 Lehigh Valley Youth House By: Erynn Molettieri The mission of The Valley Youth therapy and recreational activities, as and coming together with family. That's House is to provide prevention and well as completes chores around the fa- the holiday ideal: celebrating with fam- intervention services, counseling, life cility. The Valley Youth House provides ily. Most of the kids at the Valley Youth skills, and behavioral health services many services for the youth at the shelter, House do not have family, so the staff to abused, neglected, and homeless including individual and group therapy, began the donation program to try to youth and their families…our programs parent counseling, volunteer service in make the holiday happier for the lonely foster positive growth by enabling at the community, medical/dental/eye care, youth. After all, everybody deserves a risk youth and their families to become and life skills education. bit of holiday cheer! Surprisingly, the healthy, productive, and responsible The Valley Youth House also runs an recent recession failed to affect dona- members of the community." annual gift-giving donation program. If tions to the shelters. In fact, donations The Valley Youth House is one of one participates in donating, he or she increased over the past few years. Last the 60 original runaway shelters in adopts a family or person in need and year, The Valley Youth House almost the United States. It has been around receives a small list of items the person succeeded in raising enough donated since 1973 and has housed over 17,000 or people would like for Christmas. The gifts for all of the families. These gener- youths and their families. The shelter people who participate in the program ous donations definitely epitomize the welcomes children, between the ages of go out, buy some of the items on the list, holiday spirit. 12 and 17, of all backgrounds, cultures, and drop them off at one of the shelters. Without the families willing to donate and income levels. Many of the resi- The gifts are then given to the adopted to the Valley Youth House, most of the dents are runaways, homeless, or have families. youth would wake up with nothing on come to the house through emergency The staff of The Valley Youth House Christmas morning. The items the chil- placement. The average stay lasts 13 started the gift-giving program in the dren ask for are so basic and selfless, days, during which time the youth 1990s. The faculty recognized the holi- necessities which many people overlook receives an education, attends group days as a universal time of joyfulness everyday. Cont. on page 2 (Youth) Colonel William L. Hendricks cre- men and women can conduct the cam- Toys for Tots ated the Marine Toys for Tots Founda- paign through the Marine Toys for Tots By: Jackie Bastidas tion in 1947. The idea for the campaign Foundation. Toys for Tots also partici- came from the Colonel’s wife, Diane. pates in foot races, golf tournaments, The U.S. Marine Corps Reserves Diane crafted a homemade doll and bicycle races and other voluntary created Toys for Tots with the humble asked her husband to find a company events “designed to increase interest in mission to give Christmas gifts to the to donate it to needy children. At the Toys for Tots, and concurrently gener- less fortunate. Through this extraordi- time, there was no such organization. ate toys and monetary donations.” nary program, the Reserves set a goal: Therefore, the couple decided to start From 1991 until 2008, the Marine “to deliver, through a new toy at Christ- one. That Christmas, Colonel Hen- Toys for Tots Foundation collected mas, a message of hope to less fortu- dricks and a group of Marines collected 81.3 million toys, valued at 487 million nate youngsters.” The non-profit public and distributed 5000 toys to underprivi- dollars locally. At the same time, 6.3 charity campaign helps underprivileged leged children. million dollars went to promotion and kids in the United States experience the Toys for Tots became known for support materials, which allowed Toys joy of Christmas. One of the Toys for the collection and distribution of for Tots coordinators to have more ef- Tots program’s objectives is to play an Christmas toys. During the months of fective local campaigns. active role in the development of our October, November, and December, In the Lehigh Valley, Toys for Tots nation’s most valuable resources, our people across the nation collect new, has branches in Allentown, Easton children. Another goal is to unite all unwrapped toys to donate to Toys for and Bethlehem. Upcoming events that community members and contribute to Tots. If communities do not have a support the campaign for the month of better communities as a result. Marine Corps Reserve Unit, authorized December include the Lehigh Valley 1 Cont. on page 3 (Tots) Youth (from page 1) I visited the shelter a few days ago to get The first year my family donated gifts to the Youth more information on their program. I walked House, I was in eighth grade. We adopted an 11- into the common area for the youth and saw year-old girl, who asked for nothing but scrapbook- kids sitting on chairs, arguing over what tele- ing supplies and a new journal. As I walked through vision show to watch. In the far corner, there Michael's with my mom, I couldn't understand why was a lit Christmas tree. A boy around my this girl only wanted a journal and some stickers. age sat closest to where I stood by the office. My mom threw all sorts of things into the cart: At some point during my visit, he stood up scissors, glue, stickers, everything imaginable that and left the house. He didn’t return until I had had to do with scrapbooking. I thought back to my already left. As I pulled away, I found myself Christmas list and wondered how two girls, so close filled with sadness for the kids. I hope they in age, could have totally different ideas of a good find whatever makes them happy. I hope they time. I was 13 and had yet to grasp the idea that find whatever they are looking for in life. there are people out in the world who aren't as privileged If you are interested in helping these children find what they are as I am. I have two parents with an income. I also have a looking for, or donating to these families this Holiday season, check house with heating in the winter, air conditioning in the out: www.valleyyouthhouse.org. Any amount of money, shopping, summer, and food, stocked year round. This girl did not help, and time, could change a child or family’s experience this have any of those things. winter. Happy Holidays! Top Five Christmas Movies By: Katelyn Gulotta Everyone has a favorite childhood Christmas movie. There is nothing better than drinking a hot cup of cocoa, sitting by the fire, and watching a Christmas movie on a cold, snowy night. The Top 5 Bestselling Christmas Movies on iTunes are Four Christ- mases, Elf, The Nightmare Before Christmas, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, and Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Placing first for the bestselling Christmas movie is Four Christmases, directed by Seth Gordon.Academy Award winner Reese Witherspoon (Kate) and Vince Vaughn (Brad) play a dating couple, forced to attend four family Christmas events. Through the process, Brad and Kate must confront many memories from their past. At each stop, their relationship slowly starts to unravel. However, by the end of the movie, they somehow make their relationship work. Coming in second place on the list is Elf, which premiered in movie theaters in 2003. Elf stars Will Ferrell who plays Buddy, a “human raised by elves,” who is sent to New York City because of his lack of elf skills and qualities. He then finds his long lost father, who has no idea he even had a child, and who just so happens to be on Santa’s “naughty list.” This lighthearted comedy is a great movie for a fun family night. The Nightmare Before Christmas comes in third place. In this classic, the pumpkin king of Halloween Town, Jack Skellington becomes bored with the same routine every year for Halloween. Thus, when he stumbles upon Chrismastown, he kidnaps Santa Clause and plans to give shrunken heads and other ghoulish gifts to kids for Christmas. This is a great movie if you are in the mood for an imaginative, mind-bending, feel-good movie. In many households, watching the National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, fourth on Itunes’s list, is a family Christmas tradition. The Griswolds partake in a Christmas Vacation, full of crazy adventures and unforgettable moments. Though having a squirrel get stuck in the Christmas tree and then attacking the family or frying a cat to a crisp are very unlikely, the National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is a great movie if you are looking to relax and have a good laugh. Squeaking its way into fifth place is Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christ- mas. Helping bring Dr. Seuss’s book alive is Jim Carrey, as the Grinch, and Taylor Momsen, as Cindy Lou Who. At the beginning of the movie, the Grinch has a heart that is two sizes too small. Little Cindy Lou Who takes his problem into her own hands and shows the Grinch what Christmas is really all about.
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