E1580 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 20, 2012 RECOGNIZING THE REPUBLIC OF hind at the NPCA. Under his leadership, the IN RECOGNITION OF THE DEDICA- CHINA ON ITS 101ST ANNIVERSARY association launched new programs designed TION OF THE ALBANIAN CUL- to connect Returned Peace Corps Volunteers TURAL GARDEN HON. BRIAN HIGGINS to schools and community groups in the OF NEW YORK United States that are interested in learning HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES more about Peace Corps, established a men- OF OHIO Thursday, September 20, 2012 toring program to assist volunteers returning IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from overseas service, and provided alumni Thursday, September 20, 2012 Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in with continued service learning travel opportu- honor of Double Ten Day, the National day of nities to Peace Corps countries. Kevin also Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in recognition of the dedication of the Albanian the Republic of China. On October 10th, Tai- guided the NPCA into the digital age with the Cultural Garden, taking place on September wan will celebrate the 101st anniversary of Africa Rural Connect Program, which provides China’s military Wuchang Uprising, the start of 22, 2012. an online platform allowing global collaboration the Xinhai Revolution, which led to the col- The 254 acre piece of land that constitutes to advance small-scale agricultural develop- lapse of the Qing Dynasty, the end of 2,000 Rockefeller Park was donated to the City of ment initiatives in rural Africa, and NPCA Twit- years of imperial rule in China and ushered in Cleveland by John D. Rockefeller in 1896. The the Republican Era. ter Chat, a weekly online gathering of the Cleveland Croatian Cultural Garden is a two By the end of the 1683 century, Ching rulers Peace Corps community to discuss how to ad- acre piece of land within Rockefeller Park. The governed all of China. After the first three em- dress key issues of the day. Cleveland Cultural Gardens were founded in perors, the Ching Court began to decline, be- Kevin brought a unique skill set to the 1926 to create a memorial area for the diverse coming weak and corrupt. In response, a NPCA, drawing from his experience as Sen- ethnic groups that shape the region, and to group of national capitalists began inciting ator John Heinz’s Legislative Director, staff serve as a space for reflection on peace, co- uprisings. One of the leaders of this national- member at the Office of Management and operation and understanding. The Cultural istic group, Sun Yat-sen, spent much of his Budget, and Vice Chairman of USAID’s Advi- Gardens are currently a collection of more youth in the United States and wanted a sory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Assist- than 30 gardens which include African-Amer- Western-style government for his country with ance. He also served as Acting CEO of the ican, American Indian, British, Chinese, a parliament and separation of powers. After Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation, Ex- Czech, Estonian, and Slovenian gardens, the success of the uprisings, Sun Yat-sen be- ecutive Director of the Global Alliance for among others. came the first president of the Republic of Workers and Communities, and Vice President The planning and construction of the Alba- China, a post from where he promoted the of Policy and Business at the Asia Society. nian Cultural Garden started in 2007. Legisla- idea of a democratic society. Dr. Sun is now tion sponsoring its dedication was spear- remembered as the father of modern China. And uniting many of Kevin’s diverse abilities headed by Cleveland City Councilwoman When the Republic of China lost control is his commitment to volunteerism. In addition Dona Brady. Members of the Albanian Amer- over the mainland in 1942, the government re- to his Peace Corps service, Kevin played a ican Association of Cleveland, Ohio, Albanian treated to Taiwan where its constitution re- founding role in the formation of the Building Cultural Garden Committee, Jim McKnight and mains in command today. Taiwan is an exem- Bridges Coalition, a consortium of more than Kreshnik Xhiku were instrumental in creating plary standard of civil, liberal government in 200 leading organizations working collabo- the Albanian Cultural Garden. East Asia, and the Republic of China has ratively to promote the field of international The dedication of the Albanian Cultural Gar- stood shoulder to shoulder with the United volunteering. den will occur on September 22, 2012. In ad- States to defend and promote the very values Mr. Speaker, while I will miss collaborating dition to inaugurating the Albanian Cultural and ideals that inspired Dr. Sun and founded with Kevin at the NPCA, I wish him the very Garden, it will also commemorate the 100th year of Albanian Independence and dedicate the Republic all those years ago. best in his ongoing service to our country. the Mother Teresa memorial statue. Special Mr. Speaker, I thus urge my colleagues to Peace Corps Thailand is lucky to have him. acknowledge the Founding Father Sun Yat- guests of the dedication will include Albanian Sen and his vision to a democratic China, and President, Bujar Nishani; Albanian Ambas- f join me in congratulating the Republic of sador, Gilbert Galanxhi; Mayor Baftjar Zeqaj; China in Taiwan on its 101st anniversary. IN HONOR OF THE NATIONAL DAY and Mary, Mariano and Christian Gannon. f OF THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me (TAIWAN) recognition of the dedication of the Albanian PERSONAL EXPLANATION Cultural Garden. f HON. BARBARA LEE HON. DONNA M. CHRISTENSEN RECOGNIZING THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF CALIFORNIA OF LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF VIRGIN ISLANDS Thursday, September 20, 2012 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. ADAM SMITH Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Speaker, I was Thursday, September 20, 2012 OF WASHINGTON not present for rollcall votes 585–586. Had I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mrs. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, on Tai- been able to vote, I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ Thursday, September 20, 2012 on 585 and ‘‘no’’ on 586. wan’s National Day (October 10, 2012), I am f pleased to take this opportunity to wish the Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. Speaker, I leaders and people of Taiwan many happy re- rise to honor Lincoln High School, in Tacoma, IN HONOR OF KEVIN QUIGLEY turns. I look forward to continued bi-lateral re- WA, for its many achievements over the al- lations between Taiwan and the United States most one hundred years it has been open, HON. SAM FARR of America. and to congratulate all who work and study at Lincoln as they prepare to celebrate the OF CALIFORNIA Also, I would like to bid a personal farewell IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES school’s 100th anniversary. to Taiwan Ambassador, Mr. Jason Yuan. He Lincoln High School accepted its first stu- Thursday, September 20, 2012 has been reassigned as Taiwan’s Secretary- dents in 1914. Since then, the teachers at Lin- Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to General of the National Security Council. Dur- coln have educated thousands who would go honor the work of Kevin Quigley, outgoing ing his last four years in Washington, DC, Am- on to graduate, and the school has supported President of the National Peace Corps Asso- bassador Yuan has been instrumental in fos- many of its students by raising scholarship ciation. After nine years at the NPCA, Kevin is tering the strong relationship between the Tai- funds for future graduates. In the coming year, moving on to serve as Peace Corps Country wanese people and the Government of the Lincoln High School hopes to raise $100,000 Director in Thailand, the country where he United States. I wish Ambassador Yuan and in scholarship money to celebrate their cen- served as a Volunteer from 1976–1979. his family best wishes and a smooth transition tennial anniversary. This year’s fundraising will Kevin’s dedication to the Peace Corps com- in his new position, and I thank him for his build upon the successes during the school’s munity is evident in the legacy he leaves be- service. 75th anniversary, when $75,000 was raised to VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:45 Sep 21, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K20SE8.007 E20SEPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS September 20, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1581 support 12 graduating students. Lincoln High IN HONOR OF THE NATIONAL HONORING NASA LANGLEY’S 95TH School’s organizing committee has hosted var- MARINE SANCTUARIES ACT ANNIVERSARY ious fundraisers to connect students and com- munities through education. HON. ROBERT J. WITTMAN Mr. Speaker, it is with great pleasure that I HON. SAM FARR OF VIRGINIA honor Lincoln High School. Schools like Lin- OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES coln High School keeps students motivated Thursday, September 20, 2012 and active by ensuring that all are given the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES opportunity to have a bright future. Mr. WITTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Thursday, September 20, 2012 recognize the 95th Anniversary of NASA f Langley Research Center in Hampton, Vir- CONFIRMING FULL OWNERSHIP Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to re- ginia. In 1917, this nation’s first civilian aero- RIGHTS TO ARTIFACTS FROM flect on one of the most important pieces of nautical research laboratory was established ASTRONAUTS’ SPACE MISSIONS federal legislation impacting our coastal, great in Hampton, Virginia, by the National Advisory lakes and ocean resources stretching from Committee for Aeronautics as the Langley Me- SPEECH OF Fagatele Bay in American Samoa to the Mon- morial Aeronautical Laboratory.
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