St. Mary’s CE (A) First School – Medium Term Topic Planning Key stage: 1 Cycle: 2 Term: Autumn Term Topic: “Rex” Food and Food Chains Literacy Focus Text: ‘Rex’ by Simon James ‘Baby Brains’ by Simon James Fascinators: Eggs “Whose egg is this?” Display animal eggs. Match captions/descriptions to eggs. Learning Challenge Year 1: Why would a dinosaur not make a great pet? Year 2: What are fossils? Programmes of Study Teaching objectives Teacher Input / Learning Activities Assessment Year 1 Assessment Year 2 Cross Curricular Key questions/ Link s vocabulary Pupils should be To explore early food Share text ‘Rex’ by Simon http://www.bbc.co.uk/edu Can the children name common Can the children name SMSC Moral taught to use their chains. James. cation/clips/z8hxpv4 birds, fish, amphIbians, reptiles common birds, fish, Spiritual Use clip to highlight the and mammals? amphibians, reptiles, Awe and wonder – watching observations and To identify and name Share model dino egg. fact that plants and mammals and invertebrates, a dinosaur egg hatch from its ideas to suggest common animals. What do we need to do to animals both need food to Can they identify the features of including pets? egg answers to help it to hatch? Watch. survive. Introduce terms these? questions. To sort animals into Take photos and guess carnivore, herbivore and Can the children use Animal fact files. groups. what might hatch. omnivore. Can the children recognise what vocabulary carnivore, Dinosaur poetry a carnivore, herbivore and herbivore and omnivore? Dinosaur adventure story Pupils should be Identify and name some omnivore eats? taught to: common examples. Can the children name and Identify and name a Power point – Food Chains Can the children create a simple sort a range of different Maths – Using Venn and variety of common Classify and sort animals food chain? animals into groups? Carroll Diagrams to sort animals that are into groups. using different criteria. Walking with Dinosaurs Can the children create a birds, fish, (BBC) Create range of different simple food chain? amphibians, Planet Dinosaur (BBC) food chains using reptiles, mammals pictures. and invertebrates. Play life cycles game. Identify and name a variety of common 1 St. Mary’s CE (A) First School – Medium Term Topic Planning Key stage: 1 Cycle: 2 Term: Autumn Term Topic: “Rex” Food and Food Chains Literacy Focus Text: ‘Rex’ by Simon James ‘Baby Brains’ by Simon James animals that are Discuss living and non- carnivores, living. Can the children complete life cycles of plants and herbivores and animals? omnivores. Describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals (birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature Explore different habitats. Can the children name some Can the children explain why and invertebrates, /habitats Explain using sentences habitats? some animals live where and including pets) why animals lived where they do? http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesiz they did. Discuss food Can they sort animals into the e/ks2/science/living_things/ and appearance. correct habitats? Identify that most plant_animal_habitats/read/ Can the children explain how 1/ Explore habitats of a Can they say why an animal some animals have adapted living things live in range of common may live in a certain habitat? to their habitats and habitats to which animals. Explain why environments? they are suited and animals live where they describe how do. Discuss how animals different habitats have adapted to survive. provide for the Why do animals live where Make a puppet dinosaur. Can the children say when basic needs of they live? What animals live Design, make and dinosaurs were on the different kinds of in fields, ponds etc? evaluate a clay dinosaur Earth? animals and plants, Write instructions for each and how they Dinosaur Time Period stage of the dinosaur Can the children design a 2 St. Mary’s CE (A) First School – Medium Term Topic Planning Key stage: 1 Cycle: 2 Term: Autumn Term Topic: “Rex” Food and Food Chains Literacy Focus Text: ‘Rex’ by Simon James ‘Baby Brains’ by Simon James depend on each Power Point. model making process. model of a dinosaur? other. Why are the Dinosaurs gone? Power Point Sketch dinosaurs Can the children use different materials to make Identify and name a Split pin dinosaurs models of dinosaurs? variety of plants and animals in their Split pin dinosaur Can the children use habitats, including skeletons different fixing techniques to make models of dinosaurs? micro-habitats . Describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals, using the idea of a simple food chain, and identify and name different sources of food. Pupils should be To explore significant Who was Mary Anning? Explrore website Can they make a timeline of Can the children explain in Maths – measures (making taught about: historical events. bbcc history Mary Anning Play game, quiz and Mary Anning’s life? full sentences what a fossil fossils) watch video. is? English – writing instructions the lives of To be able to talk What is a fossil? bbc class Can the children identify key significant about the past. clip - fossils Make jelly bean, facts about her life? Can the children explain who Awe and Wonder – exploring individuals in the chocolate fossils to Mary Anning was? real fossils, sketching fossils past who have To place events and reinforce how fossils were contributed to objects in created millions of years Can the children explain how 3 St. Mary’s CE (A) First School – Medium Term Topic Planning Key stage: 1 Cycle: 2 Term: Autumn Term Topic: “Rex” Food and Food Chains Literacy Focus Text: ‘Rex’ by Simon James ‘Baby Brains’ by Simon James national and chronological order ago. fossils were formed? international To recognise why Salt dough fossils. Can the children tell you achievements. people did things, why when Mary Anning was Some should be events happened and Sketch fossils. alive? used to compare what happened as a aspects of life in result Can the children retell some different periods Research Mary Anning important events in Mary To ask and answer Write diary entry - Mary Anning’s life? questions about the Anning. past. Crimean War Can the children explain who Florence Nightingale - http://www.woodlands- Florence Nighingale was? To know about the junior.kent.sch.uk/Homew lives of significant Florence Nightingale bbc ork/victorians/florence/ Can the children explain why men, women and history Use website to research Can the children say who she was famous? children drawn from Discuss who she was and facts about Florence Florence Nightingale was? the history of Britain why she was famous. Nightingale. Include Can the children retell some and the wider world questions for the children Can they explain how she important events in Florence Discuss how Florence to answer. helped people? Nightingale’s life? influenced nurses like Mary Describe some Seacole. Compare old and new Can they describe hospital Can the children describe features of the past. lamps. conditions in the past? hospital conditions in the Make an old lamp. past? Describe what old photographs can tell about people in the Speaking and Listening past. Activity. Show children a photo of a Crimean War Ask and answer hospital scene. 1 child to questions about report back for someone people and life in the else to draw. Repeat with past. other children in the 4 St. Mary’s CE (A) First School – Medium Term Topic Planning Key stage: 1 Cycle: 2 Term: Autumn Term Topic: “Rex” Food and Food Chains Literacy Focus Text: ‘Rex’ by Simon James ‘Baby Brains’ by Simon James To explore how group. domestic ways of life have changed. Write letter describing the terrible conditions in the Scutari hospital. Pupils should be To research people Redfern Cottage Visit taught about: and places in own Discussion - Showers are Can the children say who Mary Can the children explain who locality. better than baths’. ‘You Howitt was? Mary Howitt is? significant historical should only bath once a events, people and How did people keep clean week’. Can they retell some important Can the children say where places in their own 100 years ago? events in Mary Howitt’s life? Mary Howitt was from? locality. Look at a range of ‘Keeping Look at ‘doing the Clean’ images. Include past washing’ worksheet. Can the children describe how Can the children retell some and present. Describe differences and life was different in the past? important events in Mary Pair Share: What can you similarities. Cut and stick Howitt’s life? see in each picture? How is appliances to the this different from your appropriate kitchens. house today? Why is it 5 St. Mary’s CE (A) First School – Medium Term Topic Planning Key stage: 1 Cycle: 2 Term: Autumn Term Topic: “Rex” Food and Food Chains Literacy Focus Text: ‘Rex’ by Simon James ‘Baby Brains’ by Simon James important to keep clean and Look at ‘bath time’ Can the children describe wash them selves? worksheet. how life was different Hot seat bath time activity. Use ‘kitchen range’ sheet 50years ago or 100 years Pair Share: Would they like to label parts and uses. ago? to share a bath in the past? Writing activity - Which Why/why not? would you prefer to use and why? Emphasise Video 2 In the kitchen using the connective Video 15-Bath time. ‘because’ to explain reasoning. Mary Howitt Redfern Cottage Visit Who is Mary Howitt? Research. To explore and Read text ‘Bonfire Night’ Answer question – “Who Can the children talk about the Can the children ask and SMSC Moral understand events Who went to a bonfire? was Guy Fawkes?” key events of the Gunpowder answer questions about the that took place Why do we have bonfire plot? past? English - Bonfire Night poem beyond living memory night? How are we going to Fireworks pictures – wax (New Star Science p24 and that is significant find out? resist Can they use onomatopoeia? set of little books) nationally.
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