Curriculum vit½ Carl Johan Hansson BORN: November 16, 1966, in Luleºa,Sweden, Swedish citizen EXAMINA: High School Diploma (\gymnasieexamen") at Tornedalsskolan High School, Ha- paranda 1985 High School Diploma (\gymnasieingenjÄor",4-ºarigmaskinteknisk gren), fourth year at Midskogsskolan High School, Luleºa1986 Bachelor of Science (\¯loso¯e kandidat") in Physics at Uppsala University, Jan- uary 1993 Licentiate in Physics (\teknologie licentiat"), LuleºaUniversity of Technology, May 1996 Doctor of Philosophy in Physics, Ph.D. (\teknologie doktor"), LuleºaUniversity of Technology, March 1998. Faculty opponent: Professor Boris Kopeliovich, Max-Planck-Institut fÄurKernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany Associate Professor in Physics (\docent"), LuleºaUniversity of Technology, June 2005. THESES: Licentiate in Physics (\teknologie licentiat"), LuleºaUniversity of Technology, May 1996. Title: \The Proton as a Laboratory for the Fundamental Structure of Matter" 1996:05 L, ISSN 0280-8242 Doctor of Philosophy in Physics, Ph.D. (\teknologie doktor"), LuleºaUniversity of Technology, March 1998. Title: \The Fundamental Structure of Matter" 1998:04, ISSN 1402-1544, ISRN: LTU-DT{98/4{SE Thesis advisor: Professor Sverker Fredriksson EMPLOYMENTS: Teacher in ¯rst and secondary school (\lºag-,mellan- och hÄogstadiet"),on an hourly basis (\vikarie"), Haparanda, Sweden, 1985-88 Teacher (full time) in Mathematics and Physics in secondary school (\hÄogstadiet"), Bºalsta,Sweden, Aug - Dec 1991 PhD student employment (\doktorandtjÄanst"),Department of Physics, Luleºa University of Technology, July 1993 to March 1998 Deputy Senior Lecturer (\vikarierande universitetslektor") at the Department of Physics, LuleºaUniversity of Technology, April-August 1998 Researcher at the Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Turin, Italy, 29 May to 27 June 1998 Co-arranger of, and guide at, the travelling CERN exhibition \E = mc2, when energy becomes matter" at the House of Technology exhibition center (\Teknikens Hus") in Luleºa,2 July to 13 September, 1998 Deputy Senior Lecturer (\vikarierande universitetslektor") at the Department of Mathematics, LuleºaUniversity of Technology, September 1998 to August 1999 Senior Lecturer (\universitetslektor") at the Department of Physics, GÄavleUni- versity, September 1999 to December 2000 (On leave Sept-Dec 2000 conducting 1 research at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, UC Berkeley USA) Senior Lecturer (\universitetslektor") at the Department of Physics, LuleºaUni- versity of Technology, January 2001- June 2005 Associate Professor (\docent") at the Department of Physics, LuleºaUniversity of Technology, June 2005-present MILITARY SERVICE: Swedish Air Force 1986-87 at Air Force Base F21, Luleºa COURSES/FURTHER EDUCATION: Pedagogical competence development \Summer Institute Alumni Reunion/workshop - Student assessment and evaluation in higher education", March 31 - April 1, 2005 (Council for the renewal of education/RºadetfÄorhÄogreutbildning, Sweden) Pedagogical competence development \Winter Institute 2005 - Learners for change", January 10-11, 2005 (Council for the renewal of education/RºadetfÄor hÄogreutbildning, Sweden) Pedagogical competence development \Summer Institute 2004 - Learners for change", June 6-11, 2004 (Council for the renewal of education/RºadetfÄorhÄogre utbildning, Sweden) Pedagogical competence development \UniversitetslÄararstÄamman(SULF)", Oc- tober 16-17, 2003 (Folkets Hus, Stockholm) \Introduction to FEMLAB", November 18, 2002 (Comsol AB, Stockholm) \Leadership" (Docentkursen), Fall-02 (LuleºaUniversity of Technology) \Pedagogy for university teachers (2 points)", Fall-01 (Dept. of Education, LuleºaUniversity of Technology) The 6th International Summer School, JyvÄaskylÄa,Finland, Course: \The Stan- dard Model to One Loop at Zero and Finite Temperature" August 5-16, 1996 Nordic School in High Energy Physics Phenomenology, Esbo, Finland, June 11- 17, 1994 \CAD/CAM", January-May, 1988 (Centek, LuleºaUniversity of Technology) TEACHING AND SUPERVISING EXPERIENCE: Academic Student Counsellor, Academic advisor for exchange students Department of Physics, LuleºaUniversity of Technology, Sep 2002-present Lecturing At the Department of Physics, LuleºaUniversity of Technology: Modern Physics (Aug - Oct 1993, 1994, Oct - Dec 1995) Experimental Methods (Jan - Mar 1994, Sep - Dec 2001) Relativity (Jan - Mar 1996, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004). Developed the course + teaching material in 1996, when it was given for the ¯rst time Astrophysics and Cosmology (Jan - Mar 1997, 1998, 2001, 2002, Apr-Jun 2003, 2004, 2005). Developed the course + teaching material in 1997, when it was given for the ¯rst time Atomic Physics (Mar - June 1998) Engineering Thermodynamics (Mar - June 1998) Waves and Thermodynamics (Mar - June 2001, 2002) Advanced Quantum Mechanics (Sep - Nov 2001, Oct-Dec 2002) Quantum Mechanics (Oct-Dec 2001, Aug-Oct 2002, 2003, 2004) Universum fÄorny¯kna/Physics for poets (Mar-June 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005). 2 Developed the course + teaching material in 2002, when it was given for the ¯rst time (Roughly 200 non-science students annually) Applied Quantum Mechanics (Apr-June 2002) Nonlinear Physics with Maple (Oct-Dec 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005). Developed the course + teaching material in 2002, when it was given for the ¯rst time Universum - en rundresa/Universe - a Grand Tour (Aug-Oct 2004, 2005). De- veloped the course + teaching material in 2004, when it was given for the ¯rst time Conceptual Quantum Physics (Jan-Mar 2005). Developed the course + teach- ing material in 2004, as it is given for the ¯rst time Relativity (Jan-Mar 2005). Developed this completely new course + teaching material in 2004 Mini-courses: Space-engineering (for high-school students, Oct 1-3 2003, March 22-23 2004) At the Department of Physics, Rostock University: Astrophysics (June 2002) At the Department of Mathematics, LuleºaUniversity of Technology: Algebra I (Sept - Dec 1998) Linear Algebra I (Oct - Dec 1998) Calculus I (Sept - Dec 1998) Algebra II (Jan - June 1999) Linear Algebra II (Jan - June 1999) Calculus II (Jan - June 1999) Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Jan - Mar 1999) Elementary Mathematics (\basºar")(Mar - June 1999) At the Department of Physics, GÄavleUniversity: Elementary Physics (\basºar")(Sept - Dec 1999, Jan - June 2000) Waves and Fields (Nov - Dec 1999) Thermodynamics (Jan - Mar 2000) Supervisor and Examiner for the LuleºaUniversity of Technology graduate diploma (M.Sc.) theses of: Erik WikstrÄom(\Langmuir probe studies on the Atmosphere of Titan", 2005) Mathias Hamberg (\Experimental investigations of dissociative recombination (DR) of N2O+", 2004) Amidº Hemmatian (\Implementation and usage of Maple in General Relativity", 2004) Kristin Wiklund (\Development of a semi-analytical method for calculation of the radial dose pro¯le for proton beams in the 0.5-1.0 MeV energy range", 2004) Karin Rylander (\Development of LBNP as stimulant for fMRI", 2004) Ann-Louise Stefansson (\Models for elementary particle masses", 2004) Andreas Engvall (\Relativistic stability analysis of cosmic compact objects", 2004) Christian TÄurk(\Spin in particle physics", 2003) Assistant research supervisor for the LuleºaUniversity of Technology graduate diploma (M.Sc.) theses of: Daniel EnstrÄom(\Astrophysical aspects of quark-gluon plasma", 1998) 3 Christina RÄonnberg (\Neutrino oscillations and decays", 1998) Assistant graduate student supervisor for the LuleºaUniversity of Technology PhD studies of: Daniel EnstrÄom(1998-99) Fredrik Sandin (Mar 2002-present) Erik Elfgren (Jun 2002-present) Tiia Grenman (July 2002-present) OFFICIAL COMMISSIONS, MERITS ETC: Referee for Physica Scripta, Physics Letters B Wallenberg PhD student travel grant (USA, Jan 1995) Main participant from LuleºaUniversity of Technology in the EC-collaboration \The Fundamental Structure of Matter" (1995-98) Research stipend (150.000 SEK) from the Foundation Blanceflor Boncompagni- Ludovisi, n¶eeBildt for conducting research at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab- oratory, UC Berkeley USA (Sept-Dec 2000) Responsible for coordinating the seminar series in the Natural Sciences at the University of GÄavle(1999-2000) Responsible for coordinating the seminar series in Physics at LuleºaUniversity of Technology (2001-present) MEMBERSHIPS: The Swedish Physical Society; Division of Elementary Particles, since 1993 The Swedish Astronomical Society, since 2001 Amnesty International, since 1987 The Swedish Organisation of University teachers (\SULF"), since 1993 TRAVELS AND TALKS: Exchange student (Uppsala U.) at the Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland, Aug - Dec 1989 Exchange student (Uppsala U.) at the University of Sussex, England, School of Mathematics and Physics, Jan - June 1991 Summer Symposium on Physics at the CERN Large Hadron Collider and As- troparticle Physics, UtÄo,Sweden, 25-27 Aug 1993 Workshop on Light-Meson Production in Nuclear Reactions, Uppsala, Sweden, 16-19 May 1994 Conference: Trends in Astroparticle Physics, Stockholm, Sweden, 22-25 Sept 1994 Conference: Quark Matter`95, Monterey, CA, USA, 9-13 January 1995. Pre- sented the poster \Diquark stars - True Lies?" Invited to visit Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, USA, by Professor Norman Glen- denning 13-20 January 1995 Planning meeting for EC collaboration, \The Fundamental Structure of Mat- ter", Coll`egede France, Paris, France, 26-31 March, 1995 Invited to INFN / University of Turin, Italy, by Professor Mauro Anselmino 4 June to 28 July 1995 TAN Astroparticle Summer School and Workshop, Thisted,
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