PAGE 10 THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES _JAN. 5, 1932 Lose Something? A Times Lost Ad Is the Surest Way to Recovery HELP WAITED MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE FINANCIAL THE TIMES _ Want Ad Headquarters 13 Help Wanted—Male 46 Money to Loan SENATOR LEWIS Transient Rates Radio Dial Twisters *™ Minimum spaced want ad accepted Is /— ' ■■■■■'' N two lines. Furniture Loans to Husband and Wife STATIONS OF THE NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMPANY Charge Cash BOYS WANTED —To sell and REMODELING SALE WEAF Network Number Insertions Per Line Per Line The Times Per Month BACKS STUDENT Network WJZ One Time .20 .19 deliver Indianapolis ONLY A FEW MORE! BRAND NEW 9-TUBE RADIOLAS 2% KTHS IMH WCFT, 97* WON 720 7l 1330 3 16 on KDKA m WJZ WBAJ 740 consecutive times .15 editions daily. Good, This Low Rate All Loans CROW 690 KVOO IMO WCKT 1490 WOT 7*o i WLS *7O WSB 6 times 13 .12 PINK KOA *3O RWK 1350 WDAF 610 WHAB *2O WLW 700 WSM 50 consecutive steady profits, valuable prizes Reg. $171.50 80 KPRC 920 KYW 1020 WEAF 600 WHO 1000 • WOC 1000 WTAM 1070 Model KBD VW) WBAL 1430 WENR *7O WTBO 500 I WOW ZfMl WTIC 1! Rooms, Etc. from time to time and an op- LOWEST IN CITY WAGE KSTP 1406 WBAF *OO WFAA **o I WJR 750 I WRVA 1110 WWJ 920 Charge Based on Two Lines. Loans to No MEASURE portunity for permanent in- S3OO. Extra Charges _ Charge Cash 2 lines, Payments on principal be *s one time 37 .35 come. Many great men of to- low can made 2 as *2 per month on * SSO STATIONS OF THE COLUMBIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM lines. 3 times 78 .72 *3 on loan- 2 lines, 6 times 1.13 day got their start selling news- *75 loan: *4 on *IOO loan: $S WABC *6O WBBM 770 i WRRC 6*o WOWO 1160 WCCO *lO ROM. 1260 1.00 ? 101,55 on *2OO loan: sl2 on *3OO loan. Draws Up Bill to Provide WPG 1100 i WMAO 670 WIAU 640 WFIW 940 CKAC 730 I CFRB 960 papers. Why not you? Apply 1130 KRLD 1040 WFBM 1230 WI.AC 1470 Uw, WBT 10*0 WJJD KMOX 1000 Discounts by letter to CITY CIRCULA- Indianapolis Public Welfare Pupils, Ads may be phoned in and charged if the Salaries for to TUESDAY advertiser is listed in the phone directory TION MANAGER, INDIANAP- Loan Association —9 P. M.— or is identified snd accepted by the credit most and finest :n Radio can you trn- —7 P. M—- —10:30 P. M.— department. OLIS TIMES. fSjjjlgPol 330 Occidental Bldg. RI. 3587 Aid CBS—Thp Bath Club. ; NBC (WEAF)—Dance or- CBS—Georgia Olsen's or- A DISCOUNT Superheterodyne eqmpper! :th LOC A I. ififttlßvyC OflßSgßp jMSti V Jobless. 1720) chestra Win- of ONE CENT FOR EACB v WON An Old Al- with Walter : chestra. LINE Is given to transient advertisers DISTANCE SWITCH TONE CONTROL fIBIHIQQfIQMWM (Copyright. Press) bum" ( ohell )810i—Pollacks VOLUME CONTROL.. AND 1932. bv United NBC (WJZ)—Russ Columbo WCCO or- paying their bill within ONE WEEK afte* i MEN and boys to hunt ann trap iurs. MR ILLUMINATED NBC WEAFt —Julia Sander- -1 chestra. billing. Advertisers are asked to ad- , MAGNIFIED DIAL . IMPROVED ELEC- CHICAGO, s.—Payment of son: Crumlt. orchestra. take will buy them. 1904 E. Wash. " Jan. Frank and NBC (WENR)—Denny's vantage of this discount. FREE TRIC DYNAMIC SPEAKER and many other V REDUCED YOUR PAYMENTS WMAQ I67oi—Concert or- or- WANTED—Two good salesmen. Apply MR. 1 WE LOAN *25 TO *3OO salaries to children and young folk —9:15 P. M.— chestra. refinements that assure brilliant perform- ■ v C ON AUTOS j chestra MARKLEY. 805 N- Illinois. and thrilling life-like tone. A R OR FURNITURE. I 21 'NBC (WJZ) —Bavarian band. Downey. Deaths, Lost and Found, Etc. ance, hand- ■ Pi under for going to school, to —7:15 P. M.— |CBS—Morton some cabinet in genuine walnut veneer W ■ S 1 Confidential Service. Legal Rates —9:30 P NBC (WJZ)—The Death Notices. Cards of Thanks. In Me- keep them from joining the ranks CBS—I,ymn'* band and .M.— Three Lodge 14 Help Wanted —Female CBS—Orchestra and Alex, j Doctors. moriams and Church Notices. Lost of gle* club. ana Pound ads are charged at a rate of BUCKEYE FINANCE CO. unemployed, is provided in a bill Grav. per voung women to sell popular priced 307 E New —7:30 P. M (670)—Dr. —19:45 P. M.— 10 cents line, FOUR York. Rj. 4974 to be in soon WMAQ Preston Situation Wanted, product to people in uptown offices. Con- introduced congress KTHS <lo4o)—Arlington or- ! Bradlev. CBS—Olsen'sorchestra. 2 Cents per Word on by Minimum 12 Words. stant demand and good commission ■ Senator James Hamilton Lewis chestra —9:45 P. SL- WGN 1720)—Wayne King’s may phoned sales. Selling experience unnecessary. ■adtos KYW (1020i—Specht's or- Want ads be in as late as Bldg., rtfftfcitbßE <Dem., 111.), it was learned today. OBS—Jack Miller. orchestra. 11:15 A. M. for publication in the 2:00 See MR, SADLER. 210 Jackson •• chestra. (WJZ)—Dream ”• 8:30 tomorrow morning. fITIJt V LOANS WGN i72oi—lnterlude. NBC Pic- M. Home Edition on the same day. .. Terms Low as $2 a The idea of the bill was orig- CBS —Kate Smith. ! Delivers Other EQUITABLE FINANCE 80. <7so)—Bubble WJR (750i—Mountaineer. turn. Phone Service 8 A. M. to 9 P. Daily. NATIONAL society wants woman leader WJR Blowers. NBC (WJZi—Paris Night M. 319 B Ohio St. MO.t inated by Casper L. Redficld. Chi- NBC <WJZi—Harmonies. —ll P. M.— for citv and state. Give full particulars Li. Bundesen. i Life. in first all replies. Loans *lO to S3OOin 24 cago attorney, inventor and author. WMAO 16701—Dr. —lO P. M.— KDKA (980) —Dream Pic- letter. Address hours! tures. Phone: RILEY 5551 Times Box A 299. PERSONAL FINANCE 00. Many economists and —7:45 P. M.— (930)—Sport $4 B PENNSYI VANIA educators, KDKA review. KYW (1020)—Don Pedro’s 200 BOYS—Earn extra money at spare ST RT *054 business men throughout the coun- CBS—Modern male chorus. KYW (1020) —Shorts. orchestra. time. Call Dr. 2758-W after 6 p. m. PEARSON PIANO Cos. WCCO (810) —Sahara sing- CBS—Bing Crosbv. 48 try CBS—Pollack’s orchestra. ANNOUNCEMENTS Automobile Loans have indorsed It. ers. WGY (790)—Fevton's orches- NBC (WEAF)—Rudy 128-130 N. PENNSYLVANIA ST. NBC i WJZ)—Sisters of the | tra. Vallee’s 1 16 Situations Wanted “We have more than 7.000.000 Skillet. NBC (WEAK)—Marion Har- orchestra. Death Notice* WMAQ (670)—Via Lago or- BOOKKEEPER, stenog.; exp.; exc. j persons between the ages of 14 and —* P. M.— ris. chestra (3 hours). 3 yrs. jWJR (750 —Chimes. ACKERMAN, MARY—R. R. 4. Box 293, ref.; age 24. Address Box No. A-400 21 who have and KYW (1020)—Agnews or-! —Amos ’n’ Andy P. widow of Adam, passed away 3. Times. left school gone NBC to —11:15 M—- at Jan. 36 Radios. Musical Instruments to work,’’ chestra. WENR. WFAA. WMAQ. !WBBM (770)—Around Funeral the home Wednesday. Jan. 6, RENTALS said Rcdfield today. CBS—Bcrnte’s orchestra. WHAS. the 2 p. m. Friends invited. New WRVA Town. Grown. (Madison Burial If we should shift them WBBM <77oi Sobgs; con- (11101—Sports. WGN (720)—Weems’ papers please copy). New Buescher Tenor lose your autc' from in- WTAM (1070)—Sport revue; orches- EADES BROS, in charge. rentaljl 22 Unfurnished Houses Saxo- 1 dutry to school and pay them for cert orchestra. tra. Others paid off. More NBC (WEAF) Musical studio. CLARK, GRANT W.—Age 65 years, beloved 17 Furnished Rooms LEXINGTON, 1706—7 rooms, bath, garage, phone, silver plate, gold bel!,J their work in the magazine \ —10:15 P. M.— —11:30 P. M husband of dandy money advanced. school, jobs they <WJZ) Orchestra.; Flora Clark father of Mrs. laundry, new hardwood floors, NBC KSTP (1460)—Orchestra ss]6 ’® Helen Clark Warner, Sunday, 323—Lovely front SIOO. are holding could be by mixed chorus. and SlSirßi (1460)—Danceorchestra. 3. died Jan. AUDUBON RJD., rm. furnace: A-l cond.: S3O. Dr. 6390. ) Cash at once. Cour- filled un- vocalists. KSTP pro- Funeral Wednesday. Jan. 5. 10 a. m., private home; twin beds; employed girls; ftm. at the residence, 1710 LOCKWOOD Selmer resondi- teous, quick employed adults. Unemployment —*:3o P. M.— CBS—Howard Barlow and 850 N. Denny Ave., 2 garage breakfast optional. Ir. 0541. Nice 7-rm. cottage. Clarinet, service. symphony. NBC (WENR)—Seymour p. m. a.t and sls. (1040)—Musical or- the CRONE FUNERAL HOME, & would cease and education would KTHS vari- (6101—”66’’ chestra. Cambridge City, BROADWAY. 1528—Nice warm room: use SCHMID SMITH, INC- REALTORS. tinned, formerly $175, now eties. WDAF Club. Ind. Burial Riverside gentlemen. Ri. I be improved.” NBC (WENR) Quarter P. cemetery. W. of shower: 2 2658. 1400—4-rm. double; mod- CBS—Romances of the sea. —11:45 M.— Friends invited. GEORGE down; private MARKET. E- The and hour. KYW USHER m charge. CENTRAL, 2936—Front rm. sl6. McGee. Li. 6028. Eve- Ta. 5867. S6O. money to pay the students WBBM (770) —Brooks WGN (720)—Dream ship. (1020)—Pedro’s or- entrance; good heat. Ha. 1891. Ross. ra FRANZ. HENRY P.—Age 56. McKIM. 218—4 rms.. modern, full oase- Convenient Terms be by all WGY (790)—Miles’ orches- wn|3 ',e?3> usso^'s orchestra. beloved hus- pd.; SAOtSBMS would raised assessing pay NBC (WEAF) Baritone; W 61 °( Nighthawk band of Anna, father of Henry, Robert COLLEGE.
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