1951 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 771 By Mr. CUNNINGHAM: we thank Thee for this day so significant S. Con. Res. 7. Concurrent resolution favor­ H. R. 2169. A bill for the relief of Lt. Col. in the life of our highly _este.emed and .ing the suspension of deportation of certain Hom er G. Hamilton; to the Committee on the aliens. Judiciary · dearly beloved Speaker whom we delight By Mr. HAYS of Ohio: to honor and upon whom we are be­ HOUR OF MEETING TOMORROW. H. R. 2170. A bill for the relief of Mrs. stowing the diadem of our heartfelt Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I Johanna Maria Lummer Valentine; to the praise and affection for his many years ask unanimous consent that when the Committee on the Judiciar y. of outstanding service and achievement. By Mr. McDONOUGH: House adjourns today it adjourn to meet We believe in no man's infallibility of tomorrow at 11 o'clock. H. R . 2171. A bill for the relief of Robert wisdom and judgment but we rejoice E. Robinson; to the Committ ee on the Ju­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to diciary. with one another as we contemplate the the request of the gentleman from Mas­ By Mr. MORRISON: glorious privilege of walk i n~ and work­ sachusetts? H. R. 2172. A bill for the relief of C. Paul ing with one .Jf our fellow citizens whose There was no objection. Phelps; to the Committee on Armed Services. integrity of character, lofty idealism, The SPEAKER. The Chair recog­ H. R. 2173. A bill for the relief of Herbert devotion to duty, and humility of spirit nizes the gentleman from Missouri [Mr. J. Eberts; to the Committee on the Judiciary. inspire us with confidence and courage CANNON]. By Mr. MULTER: as 'Ne also seek to ·serve our God, our H. R. 2174. A bill for the relief of Nissim THE LATE JOHN B. SULLIVAN Salim Tawil; to the Committee on the country, and all mankind. Judiciary. Grant that his own heart may be filled Mr. CANNON. Mr. Speaker, it is my By Mr. PRIEST: with joy and peace as he continues to sad duty to announce the death of our H. R. 2175. A bill for the relief of Addie accept the challenge of tasks which de­ colleague and friend, JOHN SULLIVAN. Dean Garner Scott; to the Committee on the mand the consecration of his noblest Last evening in his apa.rtment, work­ Judiciary. manhood. We pray ~hat at the close of ing after dinner as was his custom on By Mr. ROGER.3 of Florida: each day he may receive th~ benediction his official correspondence-while he was ( H. R. 2176. A bill for the relief of the Fort which Thou dost give unto the faithful. Pierce Port District; to the Committee on the in the act of designating a young man Judiciary. In the midst of our rejoicing we would of his constituency to the United States By Mr. HARDIE SCOTT: pause to pay tribute to the Christian life Military Academy at West Point, sud­ H. R. 2177. A bill for the relief of Desiderio and character of one of our associates denly, without premonition, his tired Fischer; to the Committee on the Judiciary. whose spirit Thou hast called from brain ceased to function. He was rushed By Mr. SHEPPARD: among us to dwell with Thee in heavenly to the naval hospital at Bethesda where H. R. 2178. A bill for the relief of Lee Lai blessedness. Grant unto the members of he died a few minutes after his arrival. Ha; to the Committ ee on the Judiciary. his bereaved family the consolation · of By Mr. SPRINGER: Mr. Spzaker, I am certain that he died H. R. 2179. A bill . for the relief of Ilona Thy grace. as he would have wished to die-in the Agoston; to the Committee on the Judiciary. To Thy name we ascribe all the praise harness-on the job-serving his people H. R. 2180. A bill for the relief of Mrs. for the. joys w~1ich cheer us and the and his country. Florence E. Homann and her son, John A. trials which teach us to put our trust It is perhaps an ex;>lanation of his un- · Villas; to the Committee on the Judiciary. in Thee. Amen. expected and untimely death, in the By Mr. THOMPSON of Texas: prime of life, at the height of his power, H. R. 2181. A bill for the relief of the Trust The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ terday was read and approved. the zenith of his accomplishments, that Association of H. Kempner; to the Committee he had always worked tirelessly, inde­ on the Judiciary. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE By Mr. WALTER: fatigably; that he did not spare him­ H. R. 2182. A bill for the relief of Julie A message from the Senate, by Mr. self; that he threw !1imself wholeheart­ Bettelheim and Evelyn Lang Hirsch;· to the Woodruff, its enrolling clerk, announced edly and unreservedly, with all of his Committee on the Judiciary. that the Senate had passed bills and extraordinary powers, into every task H. R. 2183. A bill for the relief of Kimiko concurrent resolutions of the following committed· to him-in the promotion of Furuya; to the Committee on the Judiciary. titles, in which the concurrence of the every enterprise entrusted to his care. By Mr. EATON: House is requested: lle gave of himself and his resources so H. R. 2184. A bill for the relief of Henri prodigally that in the noonday of life, Suderman; to the Committee on th~ Judi­ S. 15. An act to amend section 215 of the ciary. United States Code; the sun has gone down, ere it is yet By Mr. WALTER: S. 27. An act to prohibit the transporta­ night. H. Con. Res. 49. Concurrent resolution fa­ tion of obscene matters in interstate or for­ · His death deprives his State and the voring the grant of status of permanent resi­ eign commerce; Nation of the services of a man who has dence to certain aliens; to the Committee on S. 44. An act for the relief of John E. Turri long been intimately associr,ted and al­ the Judiciary. and Edward H. Turri; ways earnestly active in the political, S. 45. An act for the relief of Alfred E. the commercial, the social, and the fra­ PETITIONS, ETC. Bosche; S. 46. An act for the relief of Ruth Obre ternal life of .St. Louis and Washington. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions Dubonnet; In addition to every phase of national and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk S. 48. An act for the relief of Mr. and Mrs. legislation, and the field of the great and referted as fallows: Lucille Grassi; Committee on Interstate and Foreign 25. By Mr. PROUTY: Resolution of the Ver­ S. 51. An act for the relief of Arthur Hen­ Commerce in particular, of which he was mont General Assembly, relating to dangers rik Sorensen, Maren Anderson Sorensen, and an outstanding member, he was deeply of inflation and providing ways and means to minor child, Evelyn Sorensen; interested in and he had achieved nota­ prevent same; to the Committee on Ways S. 52. An act for the relief of Delfo Giorgi; ble progress toward congressional recog­ and Means. S. 53. An act for the relief of Vittorio Quilici; · nition of the development of the Jeffer­ 26. By Mr. BUSH: Petition of the Pearl R. son Memorial on the river front at St. Reed Union of the Woman's Christian Tem­ S. 54. An act for the relief of Stella Jean Louis. Although the war had inter­ perance Union, Hughesville, Pa., urging the Stathopoulou; enactment of legislation to keep alcoholic S. 56. An act for the relief of Francis Kueen fered, he had already secured assur­ beverages out of the armed services; to the San Thu, Mary Luke Thu, Catherine Thu, ances which bid fair to lead ultimately Committee on Armed Services. Victoria Thu, and Anne Bernadette Thu; to the adoption of that great develop­ S. 57. An act for the relief of Ertogroul me.nt. Osman and Mehmed Fahreddin; He was wholeheartedly concerned and S. 58. An act for the relief of Edulji Din­ vigilantly cooperative in the alleviation HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES shaw and his sister, Mrs. Bachoo Dinsha of the slum districts which are indige­ Woronzow; nous to every city, and to which St. Louis TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1951 S. 59. An act for the relief of Vernon Crudge; is no exception. And he never failed at The House met at 12 o'clock noon. S. 62. An act for the relief of Stefanos any opportunity to work here· on · the The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, Stefanou; tl.oor and in the committees and in local D. D., offered the fallowing prayer: S. 63. An act for the relief of Marie Louise and national civic organizations and Ardans; associations in the development of those O Th~u great God of all our. days and S. Con. Res. 6. Concurrent resolution favor­ blighted areas, especially in his efforts-to years, by whose mercies we are spared ing the suspension of deportation of certain make available appropriate housing · at and by whose power we are sustained, aliens; and low cost for the workers of his city. ·772 CONGI:tESSIONAL· RECORD-HQUSE JANUARY 30 He was, of course, interested in the Mr. KARSTEN of Missouri. Mr. Mr. CANNON. Mr. Speaker, I yield to war and its effect upon his city and his Speaker, I am shocked and grieved over the gentleman from Missouri [Mr.
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