JUNE 20, 1998 Music Volume 15, Issue 25 £3.95 DM11 FFR35 Smash Hits! Alternative U.S. US$7 actSmashingPumpkins Da11.50 conquer the European Top 100 chart with their new Media. album Adore. we talk 1 3r-....4c1L-I.4(3. M&M chart toppers this week Italian stations protest overcriminal charges by Mark Dezzani 500 of the country's 2,500 local radio stations. MILAN - Italy's local radio trade Most spectacularly, the syndicated body, ANTI, has appealed to the Ital- domestic music network Radio Italia ian government's legal watchdog to SMI was ordered by a Milan tribunal investigate a series of court rulingsin February to pay a L2.45 billion European Radio To which have made it a criminal offence($1.44 million) fine to SIAE, plus MADONNA for stations to refuse royalty pay- L780 million ($459,000) in interest to Ray Of Lig ments to authors' rights society SIAE. cover back -payments dating from the Alejandro Sanz's fourth album (Maverick The appeal by ANTI to the sen-station's launch in 1983. Mos, which spent an unprece- ate justice committee follows an "RadioItalia SMI has always dented 21 straight weeks at No.1 avalanche of court verdicts againstrefused to recognise the authors' legal in the Spanish album charts, Inside M&M this week ANTI member stations, which haveright to compensation for having their has now become the country's been following their association's compositionsbroadcast,"explains best selling album of all time. advice in refusing to make royaltyMaria Grazie Deledda, the SIAE law- Warner Music Spain president BERTIN'S MUSIC MIX payments to the state-owned col-yer responsible for undertaking civil Saul Tagarro recently presented This week sees the start of a new lecting society. ANTIrepresents continued on page 21 the singer (above) with a special fortnightly feature in Music & award for an unprecedented 13 Media-Programmer Profile. Rad- platinumdiscs,representing ioContact/Brussels programme Music lobby turns up heat Spanish sales in excess of 1.3 andmusicdirectorJean -Lou million units since the album's Bertin explains the secret recipe by Emmanuel Legrand European Parliament, September 1997 release. behind the musical mix he con- also dedicated to the cocts every week for Wallonie's BRUSSELS - The European copyright directive. leading CHR network. Page 16 musicindustry'slobbying European music Kravitz looking machine isset to go into industry executives JARRING CHORDS overdrive during the next are increasingly confi- for radio return Electronicmusicpioneer few weeks. dent that the second Jean -MichelJarre (pic- The International Federa- IFPI Platinum Europe by Christian Lorenz tured) reveals how he's get- tionofthePhonographic awardsdinnerand ting interactive with his Industry (IFPI) is involved in show, which will be LONDON - Are You new album Odyssey a series of events which will attended by European Gonna Go My Way? Through02,andgives give it the opportunity to present to Commission president Jacques San - That's what Lenny details of his plans to per- European policy -makers issuester, will significantly raise the pro- Kravitz must want form a free outdoor concert which are crucial to the future of the fileof the industry. Sony Music toaskEuropean in Paris on July 14. Page 8 music industry, culminating in theEntertainmentEuropepresident radiostationson second Platinum Europe awardsPaul Russell, who ischairman of the eve ofthe RADIO'S NEW ADULT APPEAL dinner in Brussels on July 9. IPFI's communications committee, release of I Belong Modern Adult is the latest hot On June 17 there will be a ses-says it will help focus attention "not To You, the single radio format to emerge from the sion with MEPs in Strasbourg "tojust on artists, but also on the over- that Virgin is hop- U.S. But what exactly is it? Sean discusstheEuropean Commis-all European marketplace." ing will turn around Ross, editor of Music & Media's sion'sproposednewcopyright The ceremony, to be held in the the fortunes of his sister publication Top 40 Monitor, directive, and this will be followedAlbert Hall in Brussels, will honour current album, 5,Kravitz'sfirst describes more explicitly this new on June 30 by a hearing in Brus-artists who have sold more than new recording in three years. hybrid of Top 40 and AC. Page 7 sels with the legal committee of the continued on page 21 continued on page 21 AmericanRadioHistory.Com ESPEN LINDlucky for you AmericanRadioHistory.Com lucky for you TAKENThe BrilliantFROM THE DEBUTNew ALBUMSingle lED NEWS building strong businesses from niche markets, and even crossing over into the mainstream. Edel in Germany Music grew from a soundtracks mail-order business to become Upfront a truly global player; Play It Again Sam expanded out of Belgium into neighbouring countries with great success; Media. by Emmanuel Legrand, Music & Media editor -in -chief and Arcade built from the Netherlands a company which CallM&Mon: "Good news for indies!" That's (allegedly) how Richardhas evolved from TV compilations into a fully-fledged tel (+44) 171 323 6686 Branson reacted on hearing the news that PolyGram was A&R-driven record label. fax (+44) 171 323 2314/16 going to be sold to Seagram. Some may argue that these are the exceptions, but Editorial Whatever his more recent business sins may be (asknever have there been so many new indie initiatives in Editor in chief: Emmanuel Legrand Europe. In France, for example, former Virgin chairman Managing editor: Tom Ferguson the people who travel Virgin Rail in the U.K. what they News editor: Jonathan Heasman think about the company!), when it comes to the music Patrick Zelnik is slowly building his new company, Naive, Features/specials: Terry Heath while even Chris Blackwell is getting back to basics, trying Music business/talent editor: Christian Lorenz industry, Branson knows what he's talking about. Programming editor: Mike McGeever In its early days, Virgin grew by signing and develop-to recapture the original Island spirit with his new label. Charts 8c research ing acts in music genres that were not being touched by The point is not to compare Charts editor: Raul Cairo the majors-would you have signed Mike Oldfield, indies favourably with majors. Charts researchers: Menno Visser, Genesis and Tangerine Dream 25 years ago? And it made Both sides are beneficiaries of Siri Stavenes him his fortune. the new order. With the num- Production The situation these days is not totally dissimilar. The ber of key players getting Production manager: Jonathan Crouch Designer: Dominic Salmon market is concentrated into a handful of key players,smaller, independent labels whose speed of response to new developments is slowed will have a greater role to play Correspondents: in nurturing the acts who will Austria: Susan L. Schuhmayer - (43) 1 334 9608 by massive overheads and rigid structures. These com- Belgium: Marc Maes - (32) 3 568 8082 panies are extremely efficient at marketing music to (andeventually become best-selling Classical/jazz: Terry Berne -(34)9 3458 3791 artists, or in pioneering music Czech Republic: Michele Legge - for) the masses, but when it comes to reflecting what's (42) 2 248 75000 happening on the street, nothing beats the compactgenres enjoyed by the happy Dance Grooves: Gary Smith - (34) 9 3488 2180 structures of indie labels. few before they are endorsed Denmark: Charles Ferro - (45) 3391 9156 France: Remi Bouton (radio and music There are countless examples of European indiesby the wider public. business) - (33) 1 4586 8466; Cecile Tesseyre (artist profiles) - (33) 1 4909 0896 Germany: Ed Meza (radio) - (49) 4239782 Greece: Cosmas Develegas - (30) 935 65641 Italy: Mark Dezzani - (39) 184 292 824 The Netherlands: Robbert Tilli - (31) 20-672 2566 Emap protests over RMC tender Norway: Kai Lofthus - (47) 918 21 208 Spain: Howell Llewellyn - (34) 9 1593 2429; by Remi Bouton "One of the aims of the CSA is to defend The Emap France development Sweden: Keith Foster - (46) 8 366 228 the plurality of the radio landscape in manager is hoping for "a quick answer" SaIes and Marketing PARIS - Following the French govern-France, and this was not respected byfrom the Conseil d'Etat, but its rulings Director of advertising sales: Christine Chinetti ment's recent sale of the three -stationletting RMC go to established groups, on such cases can sometimes take International sales director: RMC Group tothe Sud Comm-rather than favouring the arrival of a years-and the RMC sale was complet- Ron Betist (UK, USA) - (31) 299 420274; mobile: (31) 653 194133 unicationsconsortium,publishing fourth [major] operator." ed on June 5. Sales executives: Christine Chinetti (G/S/A) - group Emap France is complaining (44) 171 323 6686; Igor Rooselaar (Benelux; Scandinavia) - (31) 299 420274 that it was treated unequally in the Francois Millet (France) - (33) 145 49 29 33 tendering process. Beth Dell'Isola (US Radio) - (1) 770 908 8373; Lidia Bonguardo (Italy, Spain, Greece, Emap says that it was not given the Portugal) - (39) 362 54 44 24. same information as the other bidders Sales & Marketing co-ordinator: about RMC's financial details, and has Claudia Engel International circulation director: filed an official complaint against both Tim Freeman the French government and broadcast- European circulation promotion manager: Paul Brigden ing authority the CSA to the Conseil Circulation manager: Sue Dowman d'Etat, which rules on administrative Circulation assistant: Dan Gennoe Financial controller: Kate Leech procedures and regulations in all mat- Accounts assistant: Christopher Barrett ters involving the government.
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