INDEX Abbreviations, list of, 318–19. Bury St Edmunds, mint, 204. ABDY, Richard, co-editor, Coin Hoards from the By-Laws of the British Numismatic Society, 311–17. British Isles 2012, 231–45. Byzantine coin, 257. ABRAMSON, T., ed., Studies in Early Medieval Coinage 2: New Perspectives, reviewed, 280–1. Calais, mint, 264. Ælfwald I of Northumbria, coin of, 260. Carolingian coins, 44, 263. Æthelheard, archbishop of Canterbury, coins of, 270. Charles I, coinage of, 122–3, 133–5, 140–4. Æthelred I of Northumbria, coins of, 260. CHEEK, Jeremy, Obituary. Laurence Brown, LVO Æthelred II, coins of, 271. (1931–2012), 296–7. Æthelred II of Northumbria, coins of, 268. Chester, mint, 55–6. Æthelstan I of East Anglia, coins of, 270. Chichester, mint, 215–16. Æthelweard of East Anglia, coin of, 261. Claudius I, coins of, copies, 9–10. Æthelwulf of Wessex, coins of, 261, 270–1. Clipped coins, 134–5. Alchred of Northumbria, coin of, 260. Cnut, coins of, 272. Alfred of Wessex, coins of, 50–1, 271. Coelwulf I of Mercia, coin of, 44. ALLEN, Martin, The mints and moneyers of England Coenwulf of Mercia, coins of, 44, 269–70. and Wales, 1066–1158, 54–120. Constantinian coinage, copies, 22–4. ALLEN, Martin, co-editor, Coin Hoards from the COOK, B.J., A new moneyer of the Short Cross British Isles 2012, 231–45. coinage from Wilton and some thoughts on the ALLEN, Martin, co-editor, Coin Register 2012, Wilton and Winchester mints in class 1a, 220–3. 246–77. COTTAM, E., DE JERSEY, P., RUDD, C. and ALLEN, Martin and DAUBNEY, Adam, A sixteenth- SILLS, J., Ancient British Coins, reviewed, century hoard of silver coins from Bardney, 278–9. Lincolnshire, 230. COTTAM, Geoff, review of V. Score et al., Hoards, Angels (coins), in literature, 121–32. Hounds and Helmets: A Conquest-period Ritual Anglo-Saxon coins, 29–53, 57–9, 210–20, 258–62, Site at Hallaton, Leicestershire, 279–80. 266–73, 280–5. Countermarked dollars, 175–91. Anglo-Saxon coins, fi nds, 29–45, 210–15, 258–62, COURTNEY, Yolanda, review of R.H. Thompson 266–73. and M.J. Dickinson, Sylloge of Coins of the Anglo-Scandinavian coins, 240, 261, 270, 283. British Isles 62. The Norweb Collection, Aston-Rowant hoard, 36–7. Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. Tokens of the British Isles 1575–1750. Part VIII. Middlesex and Baldred of Kent, coins of, 44, 270. Uncertain Pieces, 287–8. Bank of England dollars, 176–7. Cunobelinus, coins of, 2–7. Banknotes, 291–2. CURTEIS, Mark, review of E. Cottam, P. de Jersey, Barbarous Radiates, 15–19. C. Rudd and J. Sills, Ancient British Coins, 278–9. BARBER, P., review of B. Harding, An Introduction to Cuthred of Kent, coin of , 270. Commemorative Medals in England 1685–1746: Cynethryth of Mercia, coin of, 261. Their Religious, Political and Artistic Signifi cance, 293–4. Dandyprats, 227–9. Bardney hoard, 230. DAUBNEY, Adam, Maurice Johnson: an eighteenth- Bath, history of, 46–50, 52. century numismatist, 146–63. Bath, mint, 47–52, 215–16. DAUBNEY, Adam and ALLEN, Martin, A sixteenth- Beornwulf of Mercia, coins of, 261, 270. century hoard of silver coins from Bardney, Biddulph, Robert, 164–74. Lincolnshire, 230. Bidford-on-Avon, coin fi nds, 29–45. David I of Scotland, coins of, 275. BLACKBURN, M., Viking Coinage and Currency in DICKINSON, Michael, review of D.W. Dykes, the British Isles, reviewed, 283. Coinage and Currency in Eighteenth-Century BLAND, Roger, co-editor, Coin Hoards from the Britain: the Provincial Coinage, 288–91. British Isles 2012, 231–45. Diocletian, reform of the Roman coinage, 19–20. Brazil, coinage, 183–7, 190. DOTY, R.G., review of J.M. Kleeberg, Numismatic British Museum, Department of Coins and Medals, Finds of the Americas: An Inventory of American 192–202. Coin Hoards, Shipwrecks, Single Finds, and Finds BRITNELL, R., Markets, Trade and Economic in Excavations; O.D. Hoover, ed., Mark Newby’s Development in England and Europe, 1050–1550, St. Patrick Coinage, 292–3. reviewed, 285–7. Droitwich, salt trade of, 29–32. Brown, Laurence, obituary, 296–7. Dubnovellaunus, coins of, 2–3. Burgred of Mercia, coins of, 270. Dunwich, mint, 56. INDEX 321 Durham, mint, 56. —, Roman, 11–12, 14, 17–18, 232–9. DYKES, D.W., Robert Biddulph and his bull, 164–74. —, Anglo-Saxon, 36–7, 239–40. DYKES, D.W., Coinage and Currency in Eighteenth- —, 1066–1158, 55, 60–2, 240. Century Britain: the Provincial Coinage, —, 1158–1662, 133–45, 196–8, 230, 240–5. reviewed, 288–91. —, 1662 to twentieth century, 244–5. —, American, 292. Eadberht of Northumbria, coins of, 260. HOCKENHULL, Thomas, The British Museum and Eadmund, coins of, 271. the Blitz: the Department of Coins and Medals Eadmund of East Anglia, coin of, 270. in wartime, 192–202. Eadwald of East Anglia, coins of, 44. HODGE, Eric C., A poor host leaves a bad EAGLEN, R.J., Presidential Address 2011. What is the impression, 175–91. point of numismatics?, 203–9. HOOVER, O.D., ed., Mark Newby’s St. Patrick EAGLEN, R.J., President’s Review of the Year 2011, Coinage, reviewed, 292–3. 298–300. Eanbald I, archbishop of York, coin of, 260. India, coinage, 198–9. Eanred of Northumbria, coins of, 261, 268. Ipswich, mint, 283–4. Eardwulf of Northumbria, coin of, 260. Ireland, coinage of, 126–7, 143, 263. Ecgberht, archbishop of York, coins of, 260, 268. Iron Age coins, 1–7, 153, 203–4, 232–3, 250–1, 278–80. Ecgberht of Wessex, coins of, 44, 261, 270. Islamic coins, 263, 277. Economic history, 285–7. Edgar, coins of, 215–16, 261, 271. James I of England, coins of, 122–3, 133–5, 139–40, Edward the Elder, coins of, 47–50. 143–4. Edward the Martyr, coins of, 261–2, 271 James VI of Scotland, coins of, 143. Edward the Confessor, coins of, 272–3. Johnson, Maurice, 146–63. Edward I and Edward II, coins of, 196–8, 264. JONES, Ian and SUGDEN, Keith, The Prestbury Edward III, coins of, 264. Civil War hoard, 133–45. Edward VI, coins of, 136. Elizabeth I, coins of, 134–9, 143–4. KLEEBERG, J.M., Numismatic Finds of the Americas: England, mints and moneyers of 1066–1158, 54–120. An Inventory of American Coin Hoards, Enguerrand II de Créqui, bishop of Cambrai, coin of, Shipwrecks, Single Finds, and Finds in 264. Excavations, reviewed, 292. Epaticcus, coins of, 1–7. LAIGHT, R.J. and METCALF, D.M., Fifty sceattas Flanders, coinage, 263–4. from South Warwickshire, 29–45. France, coinage, 178–81. Leicester, mint, 55–6, 217–20. LEINS, Ian, co-editor, Coin Register 2012, 246–77. GHEY, Eleanor, co-editor, Coin Hoards from the Lincoln, mint, 161–2. British Isles 2012, 231–45. GIORDANO, J.S., Jnr., Portrait of a Prince: Coins, MACKAY, William, A Circumscription Cross Medals and Banknotes of Edward VIII, reviewed, halfpenny of Edgar from the Wilton mint, 295. 215–16. MACKAY, William, A Richard II crescent on breast HARDING, B., An Introduction to Commemorative halfgroat, 224–6. Medals in England 1685–1746: Their Religious, Mary I, coins of, 135–6. Political and Artistic Signifi cance, reviewed, Medals, 293–5. 293–4. Merovingian coins, 43, 257–8. Harold I, coins of, 272. METCALF, Michael, review of R. Naismith, The Harold II, coinage of, 57–9, 273. Coinage of Southern England, 796–865, 281–2. Harthacnut, coin of, 272. METCALF, Michael, review of R. Naismith, Money Henry I, coinage of, 55–7, 59–62, 65–6, 85–106, 204, and Power in Anglo-Saxon England. The 262, 273–4. Southern English Kingdoms 757–865, 282–3. Henry II, coins of, 220–3, 276–7. METCALF, D.M. and LAIGHT, R.J., Fifty sceattas Henry IV, coins of, 225. from South Warwickshire, 29–45. Henry VI, coin of, 264. Milton, John, 164–7. Henry VII, coins of, 227–9. MOCKFORD, Jack, review of R. Outing, The Henry VIII, coins of, 230. Standard Catalogue of the Provincial Banknotes Henry of Northumbria, coins of, 276. of England & Wales, 291–2. Herbert I, count of Maine, coin of, 263. Hermitage Museum, 284–5. NAISMITH, Rory, A reference to the location of a HIGGINSON, Philip, An unrecorded halfgroat type mint in Norman Leicester, 217–20. of Robert III of Scotland, 226–7. NAISMITH, R., review of T. Abramson, ed., Studies Hiberno-Scandinavian coin, 263 in Early Medieval Coinage 2: New Perspectives, Hoard containers, 144–5, 233–7. 280–1. Hoards, 11–12, 14, 17–18, 36–7, 55, 60–2, 133–45, NAISMITH, R., review of J.C. Sadler, The Ipswich 196–8, 231–45. Mint c. 973–c. 1210. Volume I: Eadgar to the End —, Iron Age, 232–3. of Aethelred II c. 973–c. 1016, 283–4. 322 INDEX NAISMITH, R., The Coinage of Southern England, 1837–1977. Volume 5. King George the Fifth 796–865, reviewed, 281–2. 1910–1936; J.S. Giordano Jnr., Portrait of a NAISMITH, R., Money and Power in Anglo-Saxon Prince: Coins, Medals and Banknotes of Edward England. The Southern English Kingdoms VIII; A. Whittlestone and M. Ewing, Royal 757–865, reviewed, 282–3. Commemorative Medals 1837–1977. Volume 7, NAISMITH, Rory and NAYLOR, John, New types King George the Sixth 1936–1952, 294–5. and fi nds for Offa of Mercia, 210–14. Single fi nds, 246–77. NAYLOR, John, co-editor, Coin Hoards from the Spalding Gentleman’s Society, 146–50, 152, 160, 162. British Isles 2012, 231–45. Stephen, coinage of, 56–7, 60, 62, 67–8, 107–17, 262, NAYLOR, John, co-editor, Coin Register 2012, 274–5. 246–77.
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