University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Associated Students of the University of Montana Montana Kaimin, 1898-present (ASUM) 1-30-1952 The onM tana Kaimin, January 30, 1952 Associated Students of Montana State University Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper Recommended Citation Associated Students of Montana State University, "The onM tana Kaimin, January 30, 1952" (1952). Montana Kaimin, 1898-present. 2763. https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper/2763 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM) at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Montana Kaimin, 1898-present by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. U.S. to Attempt Patching British, Egyptian Troubles THE MONTANA Washington, Jan. 29.—(IP)—Uncle Sam is going to try a hand at getting things patched up between Egypt and Great Britain. This news comes ^rom diplomatic officials in Washington. The officials say the United States will move soon to try to get the new Egyptian government of Premier Aly Maher Pasha ^KAIMIN and the British government of Prime Minister Winston Church­ ill around the conference table. Volume LIII Z400 Montana State University, Missoula, Montana Wednesday, Jan. 30, 1952 No. 54 Washington officials say the KAPPA TAU SENTINEL PIX United States won’t make any spe­ TO BE RETAKEN TODAY cific proposal for settling the dis­ Kappa Tau’s Sentinel pictures will be retaken at 7 p.m. today in pute. the Student Union lounge. Paul Macbeth: ‘Study in Middle Class As one official puts it: This coun­ Tschache, Hamilton, president of try, will try only “to get both sides the senior scholastic honor society, talking instead of fighting.” And has asked that all members be he adds, “Once they start talking, present, and that the men wear But Still a Remarkable Effort’ some kind of a solution can be suit coats and ties. worked out.” BY LUDWIG SCHUBERT stabbed. Which obviously is not create an Entirely convincing Lady British Foreign Secretary An­ When Shakespeare’s genius— the right thing to do in any living M acbeth. thony Eden spoke along the same ;ome 150 years after* the poet’s room. Director Leroy W. Hinze solved lines in the Htiuse of Commons UN Raises leath—was discovered by the Primary Fault the manifold theatrical problems today. Eden said he hoped Premier eading minds of continental What was wrong with this “Mac­ (as the witfch scenes, apparitions, Aly Maher’s new government Europe, his work was hailed as a beth” was primarily Macbeth him­ etc.) of the play very aptly, greatly would be willing to negotiated He rue expression of nature itself, as self. Mr. Glenn Reznor spoke assisted by the refreshingly mod­ also said he hoped something New Hopes he vehement and powerful drama Shakespeare’s verse beautifully, ern settings of David W. Weiss and could be worked out which would >f the clash of human emotions, but lacked any affinity to the sin­ Dean Johnson. Monroe C. De- grant Egypt both her national as­ [lie first translations into German ister figure of the Scottish thane, Jarnette wrote an equally modern pirations and guarantee the de­ For Truce ind French, clumsy as they were, and later king. He didn’t seem to musical score, which I, however, fense of the Suez Canal zone. feel not competent enough to Seoul, K orea, Jan . 29.—(OP)— nitiated a breathtaking intellec- be torn between ambition and Eden also said Britain will hold ual revolution which swept like conscience or to be “eaten” by the, judge. In these surroundings the United Press correspondent Arn­ costumes almost appeared to be a Egypt accountable for the loss of old Dibble cables from Korea to­ i blizzard into the well-kept gar- lust for power; he just appeared as British lives and damage to Brit­ lens, French style, of aristocratic an elderly husband with a nagging little bit too historic. night: “The United Nations high A Live Ghost ish property during riots in Cairo command believes a double- European art and thinking. The wife—a man who doesn’t quite last Saturday. >elated discovery of Shake- realize what he is doing and finds As a whole, there s6emed to be barreled attempt to reach a Korean peare helped to start a new epoch this experience somewhat dis­ a tendency to compensate the armistice will be successful.” vhich found its crown finally in comforting. He mentioned his ar­ lack of real, forceful emotions with Communist and Allied staff offi­ he genius of Goethe. rangement to have Banquo slain a certain over-dramatizing of Aide Denounces cers will meet again tonight at x»ss of Power as if he was planning to bring his stage action. No murder was Panmunjon to plunge into the Some 300 years after the poet’s wife a nice little birthday present, omitted, and Banquo’s ghost ap­ M cCarthy 6Lie’ heart of a blue-print for policing leath, in Missoula, Montana, and he spoke of the murder of King peared in flesh, blood-stained and a truce. Since Sunday, when they Shakespeare seems to have lost a Duncan as if he was describing a illuminated with a ghastly green. Washington, Jan. 29.—(IP)—White first began discussing the plan food deal of his power. The Mon- beautiful landscape under, the eve­ For heaven’s sake: why not have House aide Philleo Nash has denied proposed by the UN, the delegates ana Masquers staged his “Mac- ning sun. the audience conclude the ghost’s charges made by Sen. Joseph Mc­ have gotten a quarter of the way >eth” as if it w ere a dram a out Macduff Has Profile appearance from the stunned face Carthy that he was named in FBI through the 17-page document. >f a middle-class living room. I almost think that Dick Bars- of Macbeth? reports as a Communist and “close Dibble says “no man could say” Last night in Simpkins Little ness would have made a more con­ But even so, the production, in associate” of members of a Canad­ how soon it would be for a truce heater I observed no clash of vincing Macbeth. Because his my opinion, was a remarkable ef­ ian Red spy ring. to be approved. He says it’s be­ luman emotions, no “true expres- Macduff definitely had profile: a fort. Philleo Nash calls the charges lieved the Allies would not have introduced the detailed plan unless iion of nature,” and next to no ex- man of flesh and blood, real and CAMPFIRE LEADER a “contemptible lie.” He denies ever having been a member of the they thought the issues could be ilosive force. Instead, I found a inwardly flaming with emotion, TO MAKE SPEECH froup of nice and well-mannered one of those guys who roamed the Communist party and blamed his solved. Social welfare majors and With that in mind, a joint sub­ >eople who now and then lost their heaths of Scotland in the eleventh women physical education majors sister’s anti-McCarthy activities empers and got excited—usually century. for the senator’s blast. committee talking prisoner ex­ and minors are invited to hear change also meets again tonight to >ecause somebody had been Let me hasten to add another Nash says, “I have absolutely Martha F. Allen, national director talk about a companion plan on highlight of the production: the nothing to hide and never have of Camp Fire girls. She will speak that subject. very enjoyable performance at 4 p.m. on Thursday in Old Sci­ had.” Enrollment Drop Jack Shapira gave as the porter ence, room 109. Miss Allen is mak­ He says he suspects that Mc­ (“knock, knock”). Mr. Shapira, by ing a survey of Northwestern Carthy “has been stung” by a Geology Students Shown in Survey the way, had quite a crowded eve­ Camp Fire organizations, accord­ n e w ss paper advertisement de­ ning. Before and after the porter nouncing the senator. Nash’s sister A student residence survey for ing to Mrs. James Dew, assistant To Tour Mine interlude he was a dignified Ban- professor of physical education. was one of the sponsors. winter quarter, made by Gloria quo, and after Banquo’s death he Geology students will make a Vfeehan, secretary to the deem of reappeared as Siward, the general trip through the Leonard mine in ;tudents, shows that residence of the English forces. Butte this week end, according to lalls have taken a drop of 113 stu - Sherlock and Lundell Montana’s Macbeth Ray Olson, Missoula. lents. This quarter there are 669 Another fine piece of acting was The group of 23 students and two students living in the halls. done by Tom Sherlock (as Ross), faculty members will leave at Fraternity and sorority living while Art Lundell presented King 6 a.m., Feb. 1, and return that groups have remained about the Duncan and later the doctor, both evening. The trip is being spon­ same. Fraternities have gained 36 mild-mannered and suave. Mar­ sored by Sigma Gamma Epsilon, jver fall quarter’s total of 222. jorie Lovberg showed talent but professional geology fraternity. rhere are 205 women living in wasn’t quite strong enough to Olson, vice-president of the fra­ sororities this quarter. ternity, said the trip would include Six hundred fifty-four students tours of underground workings of ire living with their parents or Last Call for the mine, the geology offices, and in private homes in Missoula.
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