Sout h Cot sw old Ram bler s’ Group New sletter February 201 1 Published each year in February, June and October. We look forward to hearing from you with stories, opinions, photos, poetry, art, funny tales, cartoons, appeals, you name it. Please contact the Editor, Mike Garner, by 7 May 2011 CHAIRMAN’S UPDATE BEFORE... ince I last sat at my computer tapping out a Chairman’s report for the Group Newsletter back in October there have Sbeen a number of developments. At the Group AGM, which was held at Rodborough Tabernacle, Ron Dowdeswell became Vice Chairman, replacing John Corry. Next year the meeting will be held at the same venue but on a Saturday. We are planning a walk beforehand with a guest speaker after the meeting. The Area AGM followed at the beginning of December. The business side of the meeting saw me appointed Area Chairman and it was followed by two very interesting speakers, James Blockley, National Trails Officer of the Cotswold Way and Richard Holmes of Cirencester Group who demonstrated his footpaths database. The coming year as you know will see a push for new members. There are a number of initiatives to watch out for including an arrangement for March whereby first year’s subs ...... ANDAND AFTERAFTER !!!! from any new member joining by the leaflet Direct Debit is paid to the Group for them to use for Ramblers charitable objectives locally. (P le a s e m a k e s u re th e c o d e o n th e b o tto m rig h t o f th e D ire c t D e b it fo rm is a lte re d to R 11G 3P). Also we are offering affiliated organisations a small payment for any of their members who also join the Ramblers. Other opportunities to watch out for are the Get Walking Weekend in May, the Welcome to Walking Weekend in July and the Stroud Walking Festival in September. Footpath work will also be an important part of our work. Watch out for the postcard campaign, aimed to show local authorities how important the footpath network is to people. Also we are keeping an eye on the events in the Forest of Dean and the possible sell off of some areas of it. See the website links in “ You may be able to use the attached photos in the the new Area News. newsletter. They show a footpath near Wotton-under- In addition I would once more like to remind you of the Edge before and after clearance last summer. The need for new Committee members. We do need some new blood footpath sign wasn't even visible when I started work! on the Committee and volunteers will be very welcome for what Cheers, Bob Frewin” can be a very rewarding experience. W e ll d o n e Bo b ; a n y o n e w is h in g to h e lp th is c o m in g s e a s o R ic h a rd D a v is n p le a s e c o n ta c t Bo b th ro u g h Be rn a rd Sm ith . WALKERS ARE WELCOME IN STROUD They sure are! Bernard Smith recently visited the Farmers Market in Stroud and collected a further 33 Signatures BHUTAN PRESENTATION EVENING in addition to all the ones we have collected on walks from Hello, I wondered if your members might be members and visitors. Bernard has handed in a total of 276 interested in attending the Mountain Kingdoms and Cotswold signatures. Stroud Town Council and others have collected yet Outdoor’s Bhutan Adventure Travel Evening on T u e s d a y 22n more signatures. d Fe b ru a ry a t 7.00p m and doors will be open from 6.45pm. The evening will include short presentations on where to go in Bhutan, what to see and do and what gear to take, with the main focus on trekking. There will also be lots of fantastic images to enjoy. We anticipate that it will end by 9.00pm. Places are FREE, but limited, so to reserve a place your members should email: [email protected] or call 01453 844400. We will be using Coots Cafe, next door to the Cirencester Water Park branch of Cotswold Outdoor. The criteria for applying for this status includes 250 signatures of The store will be open for shopping and your support for a small town and the endorsement of the Town members will be able to get 1 5% o ff any purchases on the Council. Full details here: night. The Mountain Kingdoms team will also be on hand to h ttp ://w w w .w a lk e rs a re w e lc o m e .o rg .u k /c rite ria .h tm l answer all your travel related questions. See the poster on So we look forward to Stroud joining the other 55 our Message Board places that are already part of this initiative. h ttp ://w w w .s o u th c o ts w o ld ra m b le rs .o rg .u k /m e s s a g e b o a rd Page 1 - www.southcotswoldramblers.org.uk VOLUNTEERS SO FAR 2010- 11 Fo o tp a th Ch a irm a n : Ron Dowdeswell 01453 759838 [email protected] Ch a irm a n : Fo o tp a th Se c re ta ry a n d Vic e Ch a irm a n : Richard Davis 01453 762373 [email protected] Christopher Gent 07917 473146 Vic e Ch a irm a n : [email protected] Ron Dowdeswell 01453 759838 [email protected] Fo o tp a th Co m m itte e M in u te s Se c re ta ry : G ro u p Se c re ta ry : John Corry 01453 845574 [email protected] Bernard Smith 01453 884013 [email protected] Fo o tp a th Cle a ra n c e G ro u p T re a s u re r: Bob Frewin Diana Davis 01453 762373 [email protected] Fo o tp a th Co m m itt e e M e m b e rs : M e m b e rs h ip Se c re ta ry ,Ne w s le tte r,W e b s ite ,B o o k Sa le s : Penny Fernando Bernard Smith Mike Garner 01453 873625 [email protected] Pre s s Se c re ta ry : L e d W a lk s Pro g ra m m e Co -o rd in a to r: Kathy Bullen 01453 860004 [email protected] Mike Garner 01453 873625 [email protected] G ro u p Co m m itte e M e m b e rs : L e d W a lk s Co lle c to rs th is tim e : John Corry Brian Kirkman JacquiPycroft 0 1666826139 M id w e e k J u ly - O c otb e r John McArdell Harold Wood John Geoghegan 01453 834141 W e e k e n d J u ly - O c to b e r FOCUS ON FOOTPATHS of these changes each year with associated site visits - all by T h e firs t in w h a t w e h o p e w ill b e a s e rie s o f re p o rts o n th e in v a lu a volunteers! b le w o rk o f So u th Co ts w o ld R a m b le rs ’ v o lu n te e rs : The site visit in this case highlighted that the diversion had been well carried out and properly waymarked. The The South Cotswold Group like many other groups in pictures below show the new footpaths and the correct the Ramblers undertakes a considerable amount of work on waymarks: behalf of the walking public that many members, let alone the general walking public, are not aware of. Most Groups have a Footpath Committee which puts Ramblers’ views on proposals to change our footpaths (at least ones that are a Public Right of Way) - this can be triggered by housing developments, farm buildings or a landowner becoming fed up with walkers traipsing across his lawn whilst he is trying to mow it! Here is a brief outline of one case that was worked on by South Cotswold members: Most footpath changes go through the process of application for change, consultations, modification ordered or rejected, and after a period of time if there are no objections R e p o rt fro m J o h n Co rry the change is confirmed. In this case the owners of a farm near Alderley MEMBERS MATTER! wanted to divert the footpath around their property for privacy and security reasons. The request was made in 2003. As it had no great effect upon walkers, and in fact may have improved the views on the footpath, the Ramblers made no objection. It’s very pleasing to keep meeting lots of new members on our walks and also welcoming others of you who have joined to support the aims of the Ramblers. Since October we have welcomed yet another 28 new members. Suggest to your friends that they join us (as I know T h e n e w rig h ts some of you do).
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