Celebrating One Hundred and Twelve Years of Cedarism CedarThe Digest SSpring/Summerpring/Summer 22014014 VVolumeolume 4466 IIssuessue NNo.o. 1 SSupremeupreme TTallall CCedaredar BBarryarry LL.. SSheaheaffferfer Spring/Summer 2014 Volume 46 Issue No. 1 CedarThe Digest SSupremeupreme FForestorest OOfficersfficers A Note From Th e Editor Please send any articles, fl yers, and/or photos via e-mail at [email protected] or on a CD disk to Carol Henderson, Editor 8 Chester Court Milton, PA 17847 (570) 742-4164 For any comments, good or bad, you may also (L-R); Delvin L. Zeiders, SS, Robert E. Saul, SDSTC, Barry L. Sheaffer, STC, e-mail, write or call at the above information. Curtis R. Beam, JDSTC, John M. Almacy, ST Please note: Th e deadline for the next issue SSupremeupreme ForestForest DirectorsDirectors Fall/Winter will be July 31, 2014 Special thank you to Th e Cedar Digest Committ ee, PGTC Marshall Gevinson for the cover. (L-R) Front Row; Mark Brumaghim, SD No. 3, A. Ray Wingate, Jr., SD No. 2, Notice of Publication Van M. Jodon, SD No. 4, William L. Greene, SD No. 11, Clayton E. Weber, SD No. 7. (L-R) Back Row; J. Eric Becker, SD No. 5, James E. Erlinger, SD No. 6, THE CEDAR DIGEST is a publication of the Robert V. Bachman, SD No. 9, James R. Morrison, Jr., SD No. 10, Gerald Pokorny, SD No. 8. Missing from picture: William W. Ward, Jr., SD No. 1 Supreme Forest Tall Cedars of Lebanon of N. A. 2609 North Front Street Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 17110 TTallall CCedaredar FFoundationoundation Appointed Board of Directors Janis E. Stanton Director of Administration 2609 North Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17110 (717) 232-5991 (717) 232-5997 (fax) [email protected] (L-R) Front row: Walter J. Manhart, Reg. No. 4, Howard W. Buch, Jr., Secretary, William W. Ward, Sr., Chairman, Charles F. Lord, Sr., Treasurer (L-R) Back row William G. Moore, III, Reg. No. 6, Philip J. Vinch, Reg. No. 1, James O. Walmer, Reg. No. 3, Franklin Williams, Reg. No. 2, Arthur Pokorny, Reg. No. 8, and Duane V. Vanone, Reg. No. 7. Missing from picture is: Larry S. Stoudt, Reg. No. 5, Albert A. Cass, Reg. No. 9, and Robert E. Hall, Reg. No. 10 MMessageessage ffromrom TThehe SSupremeupreme TTallall CCedaredar BBarryarry LL.. SSheafferheaffer motes growth and will help Cedar Masons are the defi - to solidify the future of our nition of “fun, frolic and fraternity. fellowship”. To promote bbing membership, eco- Membership is the and exemplify those tenets Enomic conditions, low lifeblood of any organiza- among our Masonic broth- participation, rising costs, tion and the Tall Cedars of ers should be an easy task lack of interest and societal Lebanon is no exception. We for each of us. Your belief changes; all of which creates are currently experiencing in this Fraternity is the challenges that threaten our a surge in requests for the strength and the force that fraternity's very existence. formation of new Forests has continued it for over The only constant we can within and without our cur- one-hundred and eleven depend on appears to be rent boundaries. The Grow- years. Each of us has an in- change itself. While change ing Greener program has herent responsibility to grow can be scary, it is not to be been extended for another our Forests. My brothers we feared. “It has never been year, albeit with changes have a product to sell and done that way before”, is no to hopefully maintain the the product is our fraternity, longer an acceptable excuse program into future years. we need to share the “fun, for not attempting to move The 2014 Membership Com- frolic and fellowship” among forward. Embracing change mittee has been charged fellow Master Masons. is a hard task, but we need with the goal of developing For too long we have to accept change for the a sustainable membership been the victim of what chance to gain improve- recruitment program that can be perceived as the loss ment. Change for change will span several years. Ad- of our identity as The Tall sake is not advisable, but ditionally, they will propose Cedars of Lebanon. We are change that will strengthen modifi cations to the current more widely recognized as, and benefi t our fraternity Key Club program. “the guys in the funny hats” must be given an opportu- Brothers believe that who raise money for the nity to mature. If we are you can make a difference Muscular Dystrophy Asso- to move forward we need to by asking another brother ciation. We need to reclaim look for change that pro- to join our Fraternity. Tall our rightful position in the (Contd page 2).... [ 1 ] MMessageessage ffromrom TThehe SSupremeupreme TTallall CCedaredar ((Contd)Contd) great scheme of things. Before has become a sponsor of “Pop” ance. If your Forest always any of us were made a Tall Ce- Warner Football Cheerleaders operates in the “Closed Meet- dar, we were fi rst made a Mas- and will have a sponsor’s ban- ing” mode, trying the “Open ter Mason. Therefore, we need ner on the fi eld fence. That is Meeting” approach may be of to begin marketing ourselves as two examples of community value. Forests having members Tall Cedar Masons, working for involvement that equates to with children may see increased a cure for neuromuscular dis- good advertising. attendance if they invited the eases in cooperation with the Today’s youth are tomor- entire family to attend. Sched- Muscular Dystrophy Associa- row’s Tall Cedars of Lebanon; uling speakers on topics of tion. This may sound trivial to we need to enhance our sup- general interest to the member- some, but please consider it an port of these organizations. ship may help. Consider en- important fi rst step to enhanc- DeMolay, Jobs Daughters couraging members to speak on ing our image. Our fraternity and Rainbow Girls should be their careers or hobbies. Meet- has stressed Masonic Unity for considered important assets ings should be attractive to the many years, and there is no to every Masonic body. These brethren and thereby hopefully better way to express that uni- young people are eager to learn increase attendance. ty than by a simple change in and to participate with us in Together, as Tall Cedar Ma- the way we refer to ourselves. our ventures and they deserve sons we should have no trouble Our product is ourselves, our support and encourage- in believing that our Fraternity “Tall Cedar Masons”, and we ment. Every Forest should be can be changed for the better. need to advertise. Finding ways in contact with at least one Each of us has an inherent to advertising our product may Masonic youth group and of- responsibility to assist in the be as simple or as complex as fer their support. The level of growth and development of you wish and only limited by support need not be fi nancial, our Forests. your imagination. Encourage the youth are anxious to have During the coming year your Forest to become ac- members of the Masonic bodies please join with me in believing tive in your local community. attend their meetings. They that together we can make a Identifying opportunities that look forward to hearing words difference resulting in a strong- best exemplifi es the values of of encouragement and congrat- er fraternity with enhanced the Tall Cedars of Lebanon in ulatory comments on ritual purpose to fi nd a cure for those particular and Freemasonry work and the many projects affl icted by neuromuscular in general is the place to start. they successfully complete. diseases. Participation in the local com- We as Tall Cedar Masons need With belief in the benefi ts munity will bring attention to to develop relationships with of the Tall Cedars of Lebanon the Fraternity, additional sup- the Masonic youth because it and its teachings of “fun, frolic port for our charitable objec- is truly a win-win situation for and fellowship” and belief in tive and increased membership. both groups. your own ability to achieve, the During the Tall Cedars of Waning Forest Meeting at- Tall Cedars of Lebanon will Lebanon National Dine-out tendance is all too common succeed for many more years. Week for MDA, arrange to throughout the Tall Cedar In closing I ask each of you; have Tall Cedar Masons at the Kingdom. Using a popular Believe and Achieve. restaurants to greet the cus- term in today’s vernacular, tomers and to thank them for “think outside the box” may be FFraternallyraternally participating. A Florida Forest benefi cial to enhancing attend- [ 2 ] SSeniorenior DDeputyeputy SupremeSupreme TallTall CedarCedar Robert E. Saul Midwinter Conference. if just half our Cedars would Congratulations to Del become a fi rst line “signer”, Zeiders on your re-election and within the next 10-15 years we installation as Supreme Scribe would be membership “sol- I would fi rst like to thank each for 2014. Your dedication to vent”. Will you do your part? of you for your vote of confi - Cedarism and your offi ce is The easiest way to fi nd pro- dence and continued support. very much appreciated. spective members is to attend It is indeed an honor to serve Congratulations to Curt your Blue Lodge meetings and the Cedar Kingdom as Senior Beam, JDSTC and John Al- seek out just one master mason Deputy Supreme Tall Cedar. I macy, ST and welcome to the to ask to become a member of will do my best to uphold the Supreme Forest line.
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