Department of the Navy, DoD § 700.1057 peace. In time of war or a national § 700.1057 Command of an air activity. emergency, such retired officers may, (a) The officer detailed to command a at the discretion of the Secretary of naval aviation school, a naval air sta- the Navy, be ordered to active service. tion, or a naval air unit organized for § 700.1053 Commander of a task force. flight tactical purposes shall be an offi- cer of the line in the navy, designated (a) A geographic fleet commander, as a naval aviator or naval flight offi- and any other naval commander, may cer, eligible for command at sea. detail in command of a task force, or (b) For the purposes of Title 10 U.S.C. other task command, any eligible offi- § 5942, a naval air training squadron is cer within his or her command whom not considered to be a naval aviation he or she desires. All other officers or- school or a naval air unit organized for dered to the task force or the task command shall be considered subordi- flight tactical purposes. The officer de- nate to the designated commander. tailed to command a naval air training squadron or an air unit organized for (b) All orders issued under the au- administrative purposes shall be a line thority of this article shall continue in officer of the naval service, designated effect after the death or disability of as a naval aviator or naval flight offi- the officer issuing them until they are cer, eligible for command. If a naval revoked by his or her successor in com- air training squadron has been des- mand or higher authority. ignated a multi-service training squad- (c) The powers delegated to a com- ron, the officer detailed to command mander by this article are not con- that squadron may be a line officer ferred on any other officer by virtue of from any armed service designated as the fact that he or she is the senior of- the equivalent of a naval aviator naval ficer present. flight officer and otherwise eligible to [64 FR 56062, Oct. 15, 1999, as amended at 68 command an aviation squadron or unit FR 2697, Jan. 21, 2003] under that officer’s pertinent service regulations. § 700.1054 Command of a naval base. (c) The officer detailed to command a The officer detailed to command a naval air activity of a technical nature naval base shall be an officer of the on shore may be an officer of the line line in the Navy, eligible for command in the navy not eligible for command at sea. at sea, but designated as a naval avi- ator or a naval flight officer or des- § 700.1055 Command of a naval ship- ignated for aeronautical engineering yard. duty. The officer detailed to command a (d) The officer detailed to command a naval shipyard shall be trained in the Marine Corps air unit organized for technical aspects of building and repair flight tactical purpose shall be an offi- of ships and shall have had substantial cer of the Marine Corps, designated as previous experience in the technical a naval aviator or naval flight officer. and management phases of such work. (e) Other than an air training squad- Such officer may have been designated ron, an officer of the Navy shall not for engineering duty. normally be detailed to command an aviation unit of the Marine Corps nor § 700.1056 Command of a ship. shall an officer of the Marine Corps (a) The officer detailed to command a normally be detailed to command an commissioned ship shall be an officer aviation unit of the Navy. Aircraft of the line in the Navy eligible for com- units of the Marine Corps may, how- mand at sea. ever, be assigned to ships or to naval (b) The officer detailed to command air activities in the same manner as an aircraft carrier, an aircraft tender, aircraft units of the navy and, con- or a ship with a primary task of oper- versely, aircraft units of the navy may ating or supporting aircraft shall be an be so assigned to Marine Corps air ac- officer of the line in the navy, eligible tivities. A group composed of aircraft for command at sea, designated as a units of the Navy and aircraft units of naval aviator or naval flight officer. the Marine Corps may be commanded 41 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:00 Aug 12, 2010 Jkt 220128 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220128.XXX 220128 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR § 700.1058 32 CFR Ch. VI (7–1–10 Edition) either by an officer of the Navy or an OFFICIAL RECORDS officer of the Marine Corps. § 700.1121 Disclosure, publication and § 700.1058 Command of a submarine. security of official information. The officer detailed to command a (a) No person in the Department of submarine shall be an officer of the the Navy shall convey or disclose by line in the Navy, eligible for command oral or written communications, publi- cation, graphic (including photo- at sea and qualified for command of graphic) or other means, any classified submarines. information except as provided in di- § 700.1059 Command of a staff corps rectives governing the release of such activity. information. Additionally, no person in the Department of the Navy shall com- Officers in a staff corps shall be de- municate or otherwise deal with for- tailed to command only such activities eign entities, even on an unclassified as are appropriate to their corps. basis, when this would commit the De- partment of the Navy to disclose clas- Subpart K—General Regulations sified military information except as may be required in that person’s offi- STANDARDS OF CONDUCT cial duties and only after coordination with and approval by a release author- § 700.1101 Demand for court-martial. ity designated by competent authority. Except as otherwise provided in the (b) No person in the Department of Uniform Code of Military Justice, no the Navy shall convey or disclose by person in the naval service may de- oral or written communication, publi- mand a court martial either on him or cation or other means except as may be required by his or her official duties, herself or on any other person in the any information concerning the De- naval service. partment of Defense or forces, or any § 700.1113 Endorsement of commercial person, thing, plan or measure per- product or process. taining thereto, where such informa- tion might be of possible assistance to Except as necessary during contract a foreign power; nor shall any person in administration to determine specifica- the Department of the Navy make any tion or other compliance, no person in public speech or permit publication of the Department of the Navy, in his or an article written by or for that person her official capacity, shall endorse or which is prejudicial to the interests of express an opinion of approval or dis- the United States. The regulations con- approval of any commercial product or cerned with the release of information process. to the public through any media will be as prescribed by the Secretary of the § 700.1120 Personal privacy and rights Navy. of individuals regarding their per- (c) No person in the Department of sonal records. the Navy shall disclose any informa- (a) Except as specifically provided in tion whatever, whether classified or this section, maintenance of personal unclassified, or whether obtained from records of individuals, and the release official records or within the knowl- of those records, shall be in accordance edge of the relator, which might aid or with the provisions of the Privacy Act be of assistance in the prosecution or and directives issued by the Secretary support of any claim against the United States. The prohibitions pre- of the Navy. scribed by the first sentence of this (b) Except as specifically provided in paragraph are not applicable to an offi- this section, the release of depart- cer or employee of the United States mental records to private parties shall who is acting in the proper course of, be in accordance with the provisions of and within the scope of, his or her offi- the Freedom of Information Act and di- cial duties, provided that the disclo- rectives issued by the Secretary of the sure of such information is otherwise Navy. authorized by stature, Executive Order 42 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:00 Aug 12, 2010 Jkt 220128 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220128.XXX 220128 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR.
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