Way Edition HWfj! Hefield Stores Open to 9 P. M. TiH Christmas fa ... Origin of Christmas Carols Heard Here Is Lost in Antiquity nr1 T P 'r jp When ' the Littlefleld Salvation tlon," Wray explained. "Year af- on through and in for opera Army later yeais choir and it wrote the words efforts are forgotten bnt or other church, school or ter year tho music Is associated were revised and new to "Away In Manger" club words a but the his hymn has lived through the group3 of singers hero go with the spirit of giving and In were written for them. music he used was from an old out to sing generations to become a univer- their Christmas car- our hearts that Is a pleasant The words for "G Come All German folk song that already ols, they age-ol- d are following an experience." Ye Faithful" were written In 1841 bad been sung for generations. sal favorite. custom singing the same Origin In Legend by an English clergyman tune, 'Messiah' Outstanding songs Lct b.tt the Another medieval folk that have remained un- So It is .that again this Christ- music was derjved from an an- origin unknown, was the basis Wray, who Joined the seminary changed for generations . mas voices will be lifted In the cient Latin carol. The tune of for the most beloved of all music faculty eight years ago. J. Campbell Wray, director of same old hymns and carols but "Deck the Hall" Is so old that Christmas carols, "Silent Night." and has been the school of Sac- the school of Bacred music at many of the singers will not its history is lost in obscurity The carol as we know it today red Music director for the last Southwestern Baptist Theologi- realize that the origin of tho and all that is known of it is was put together, using the old four years, cites Handel's "Mes- cal Seminary In Fort Worth, music, and in some cases the that it came from Wales. "The folk tune, by a school master siah" as an outstanding exam- knows why this is a fact. words of the carols, is lost in First Noel" developed from a and an assistant priest in the ple of inspired Christmas music Aside from the deep religious the legend and folklore of cen- medieval French and English tiny Baravlan village of Obern-dor- f. that grips the heartB of tho list- significance Yule-tid- e of the occasion, turies ago. , shepherd's tune. Both the words They wrote it in an emer- eners, laymen and musicians music Is associated with Tho molodleB of most of tho nnd the music of "God Rest Ye gency and it was first sung as alike. the pleasure of giving of oneself best liked 'carols aro known to Merry Gentlemen," are the work a last resort on Christmas morn- "Though I hear its inspirlag: to make others happy, ho ex- have originated in the folk songs of a 16th Century English com- ing 1818. passages time and time again I plained recently. nnd legends of Europe and Eng- poser whose identity no longer And more than a century ago never fail to find in it new beau- "The Christmas carols lend land before and during the Mid- is known. a young French composer, ty and new Inspiration," he. Bald. themselves to a central themo dle Ages and their actual com- 'Away In a Manger' Adolphe Adam, who aspired to "Yet I have never heard it which produces a oneness of posers aro lost in the mists of In tho 16th Century Martin fame as a writer of grand opera, sung as I hear it deep inside of thought In emotion and trndl- - history. But theold airs lived Luther organized a children's composed "O Holy Night." His me." OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF LAMB COUNTY Member of the Associated Press i Bits of Color the Yule Scene LAMB COUNTY LEADER b an J his reindeor came to Littlefleld the last of the lain throughout tho rest of tho Yuletlde. VOLUME XXVII LITTLEFIELD, LAMB COUNTY, TEXAS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1950 NO. 86 I a'- - they arc on a painted and cutout panel that may bo lib' front windows of tho Southwestern Public Service Co, Ijl'belp Aunue, with Old Santa seated In his sleigh and Ijvtp the heads of Donner and Blltzen and their -- . A of Dunlap's and Madden-Wrlgh- t stores the Salvation riitmas kettles await the contributions of passers-b- y to k this Christmas a cheerier one for Llttlefleld's needy WorkGetsUnderWay Salvation Army officials here are depending- - upon these i:m for funds to supply Christmas dinner baskets to some ii, and to provide presents for the children at the Christ-Sunda- y night at the Salvation Army chapeL a with the tough or quick-growin- g beard passes to look at d!iplajr at the Reeso Drug Co. About tho foot of a silvery New : At Electric If grouped almost every make of electric razor. Plant Ground Broken holiday week will be tho last at tho Litflefield City wine Greer, secretary to Pollco Chief J. L. Walraven. Youth Center Is Monday at Site rar has Named resigned Supervisor effective January 1, when she and her iia Greer, a VA vocational education Instructor at the vet- - onal school here, will movo to Lubbock, where Mr. Greer South of Earth ajferred. LHS Faculty Herbert C. Martins Work on clearing the site for MtriuUy lighted trees and the Christmas decorations on the new $6,000,000 electric plant of Man Will Aid hornet In the south tide of town form a beautiful sight By Lawyers of the Southwestern Public Set-vic- e n should miss In thia Christmas season. Feted Company four miles south of !'i driving along Ninth street, or any of the other resl- - In Operations Earth got under way Monday. "ttt In this section of Littlefleld, will be agreeably aur-- At Country Club The start on the big new Lamb extent and " j$ jW'IK County project was made by work- artistry of the home decorations. H Ii S vf Garland Russell, Littlefleld high In HBI. men the home lighting and decoration contest of the Herbert C. Martin, who will be- hH school science instructor, has been under the direction of Buck' TGirdenii Club certainly had their work cut out for them. of Court $Pr Ross, who holds the contract to; come associate Justice tho appointed supervisor of activities of Civil Appeals, for tho seventh clear the site, and to construct a et for the new Lamb County Youth for all In road to it from Earth-Amher- males, regardless of nee. are the electric trains supremo judicial district, Amarillo, Center, which was formally open- the i of the highway. Firestone Store, White's Auto Store and tho Hart and Mrs. Martin were honored at ed last week. flay. Almost at any time a group may be seen watching Fifty acres will be cleared for a dinner Monday night at the iBBR W'''MlwiHpCi'T' IHIIIw98'av39Np 'B fe wMtftfr Announcement of the appoint- intlon. P?j plant Littlefleld Country Club, given by Ttiir ment was by Mancll the Itself and a parking area made Hall, adjacent to tho lawyers of the 64th Judicial president of the L'amb County it will be prepared tra- mow clinging der same to tho windows and strings of red and silver district and their wives. Youth, Inc., builders of the center, the contract. P we Christmas window of tho Engineer In On Start atmosphere at the ticket Mr. and Mrs. Martin aro leaving wtjjfrK- fH lHMS) r : uE t "vALyJi 9IbHE and Mrs. S. E. Ayres, president of follow-(Continue- Mr. Ross and J. A, Bottom oC Littlefleld prior to January 1 to tho Woman's Study Club, d mako their homo in Amarillo. on Page) Amarillo, resident engineer for tho Back project, were on if?051 attractive Christmas trees to bo seen In Littlefleld Arthur P. Duggan Jr. presided 4F hand to givo th lUllshments ,s signal t tho bus depot on Delano, operated in ns toastmaster. Tho address of for the beginning of tho I "'ia phase of it t'afe. There Marguerite Engman and Mary Short welcome was given by T. Wade New Duffy Residence first the actual construc- 'f - talents at decoration highly pleasing results. An- S tion work. with Potter nnd the principal address v. o PBv P'traCtlnC (lpsprvlnr ntin-tl- n- o In annwrnnma nf tll'n vMFf3r 3HeIPi Mr. Ross will ' " tnnv was mado by Judge E. A. Bills, Rv Adds to Amherst Scene construct a calicho Co. " """ " road to the plant who spoko in very high terms of C. A. Duffy, president of the site and also (Continued cover the parking area ca- on Back Page) Justlco Martin as a lawyer and a First National Bank in Amherst, with plans to move liche. Clearing of the sito nnd citizen. sometime in the the mado tho presenta Christmas holidays into a new construction of the road and JudKo Dills parking area is pen and pencil home now being completed In the expected to require I. tion of a beautiful about a month. of tho 64th Judlqial northwest section of that city, on Shaw sot in behalf A start is expected to Sponsors Bar association. the Earth highway. bo made District vj shortly after the first of the month responding, Mr. Martin thank- -Yi-i-- Tho attractive new residence of f In kW - on four-bedroo- the erection of a construction association for tho nlco K -I L the Duffy family is a ed the sHhHjSlvv.--ni; Vflr JHHBbh power line running out of Earth, mmm one one-hal- f story gift; declared that ho would miss SANTA CLAUS TEXAS STYLE ment store.
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