Catalogue of Synopses of International S&T Cooperation (INCO) projects on challenges in Fisheries, Coastal Zones, Wetlands and Aquaculture acpacpacpacp acpacpacpacp acpacpacpacp acpacpacpacp acpacpacpacp acpacpacpacp ISSN 1025-3971 Interested in European research? Research*eu is our monthly magazine keeping you in touch with main developments (results, programmes, events, etc.). It is available in English, French, German and Spanish. A free sample copy or free subscription can be obtained from: European Commission Directorate-General for Research Communication Unit B-1049 Brussels Fax (32-2) 29-58220 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http://ec.europa.eu/research/research-eu EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Research Directorate D - International Cooperation Unit D/1 - International Dimension of the Framework Programme E-mail: [email protected] European Commission Office [SDME05/83] B-1049 Brussels Fax (32-2) 29-[69824] II EUROPEAN COMMISSION Catalogue of Synopses of International S&T Cooperation (INCO) projects on challenges in Fisheries, Coastal Zones, Wetlands and Aquaculture Nuria Estrella Santos and Cornelia E. Nauen (Editors) Directorate-General for Research 2008 International Cooperation EUR 23618 EN EUROPE DIRECT is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union Freephone number (*): 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 (*) Certain mobile telephone operators do not allow access to 00 800 numbers or these calls may be billed LEGAL NOTICE Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use which might be made of the following information. The views expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. A great deal of additional information on the European Union is available on the Internet. It can be accessed through the Europa server (http://europa.eu). Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008 ISBN 978-92-79-10409-1 DOI 10.2777/3227 © European Communities, 2008 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Printed in Belgium PRINTED ON WHITE CHLORINE -FREE P A P ER IV Abstract This catalogue is a compilation of information sheets on 91 collaborative research and research support proj- ects on fisheries, aquaculture, coastal zone and wetland issues, which were supported by successive INCO Programmes since 1994. The projects responded to calls for proposals in the 4th, 5th and 6th Research Framework Programmes (FPs, respectively 1994-1998, 1998-2002, and 2002-2006) in the context of specific international cooperation and were competitively selected for funding. There were a total of 634 contractors (298 team participations from Europe and 336 of INCO partner countries) for a total FP investment of more than EUR 66 million. Each project sheet contains extensive information about the project, its partners and results, thus providing a map of scientific excellence. For bibliographical purposes this catalogue should be cited as follows: Estrella Santos, N. and C.E. Nauen (eds.), 2008. Catalogue of synopses of International S&T Cooperation (INCO) projects on challenges in fisheries, coast- al zones, wetlands and aquaculture. ACP-EU Fish.Res.Rep., (17):292 p. V VI TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1 International Workshop on Information Systems for Pol- Sustainable management of icy and Technical Support in renewable marine resourc- Fisheries and Aquaculture 28 es - a comparative study of management systems and NATFISH markets in Northwest Afri- Natural variability of a coast- can cephalopod fisheries 5 al upwelling system and small pelagic fish stocks 31 Impacts of Environmental Forcing on Marine Biodiver- SEAWEED Africa sity and Sustainable Man- Underpinning sustainable agement of Artisanal and ecosystem management Industrial Fisheries in the of seaweed resources in Af- Gulf of Guinea 7 rica: expanding the seaweed database 33 ECOPATH Placing fisheries resources LowValueFish in their ecosystem context: Improving the Utilisation cooperation, comparisons and Quality of Low-Value and human impact 10 Fish by Processing 36 FISHSTRAT KNOWFISH Strategies for partitioning Knowledge in fisheries man- the productivity of Asian agement 38 reservoirs and lakes between capture fisheries and aqua- FISHGOVFOOD culture for social benefit and Fisheries Governance and local market without nega- Food Security: North and FISHERIES tive environmental impacts 14 South in Concert 42 LAKE MALAWI CONSDEV The trophic ecology of the Coherence of Conservation demersal fish community and Development Policies of of Lake Malawi/Niassa, Cen- Coastal and Marine Protect- tral Africa 17 ed Areas (West Africa) 46 ENVIFISH TREMKIT Environmental conditions Development of a diagnostic and fluctuations in recruit- tool for the detection of fish- ment and distribution of borne trematodes 49 small pelagic fish stocks 19 ENJEUX Sustainable development La recherche halieutique et le of continental fisheries: a développement durable des regional study of policy op- ressources naturelles ma- tions and policy formation rines de l’Afrique de l’Ouest: mechanisms for the Lake Quels enjeux? 54 Chad Basin 23 EIFAC CHINAFISH Symposium on Inland Fish- Chinese Freshwater Fishes: eries Management and the Training and workshop on Aquatic Environment, Wind- Research Priorities in Fish ermere, United Kingdom, 12 Biology and Informatics at - 15 June 2002 56 the Aquatic Frontier 26 VII Gender Control of bacterial regrowth Room to Manoeuvre: Gender in water supply distribution and Coping Strategies in the systems in water-short Eu- Fisheries Sector 58 ropean and Mediterranean countries 83 Damage of coral reefs by recreational activities - res- INVASS toration strategies and the The impact of invasive grass development of novel mark- species on the structure, ers for environmental stress 62 function and sustainable use of coastal and inland Development of methodolo- sand dune ecosystems in gies for the assessment and Southern Africa 85 COASTAL ZONES management of groundwa- ter resources and risks in PREDICT coastal zones 64 Prediction of the resilience and recovery of disturbed GROFLO coastal communities in the Anthropogenically induced tropics 87 changes in groundwater outflow and quality, and the Toxic Cyano Bacteria functioning of Eastern Afri- Occurence of toxic cyanobac- can nearshore ecosystems 67 teria waterblooms - impact on water environments and Interdisciplinary methodol- potential human health risk. ogies for the sustainable use Environmental, physiologi- and management of coastal cal and genetic mechanisms resource systems: EU-ASEAN involved in toxins production 90 coastal transect applications 69 Assessment of mangrove CUU-LONG degradation and resilience The Cuu-Long project on the in the Indian subcontinent: Mekong Delta – Vietnam Pi- the cases of Godavari estu- lot phase 1996-1998 72 ary and South-west Sri Lanka 93 MEAM COASTIN Macrobenthos of Eastern Af- Measuring, monitoring and rican mangroves - life cycles managing sustainability: and reproduction biology of The coastal dimension 96 exploited species 75 Appropriate marine re- Sustainable environmental source management and management strategies in conflict resolution in island South China - towards 2000 ecosystems. Test case: ma- and beyond - a case study in rine invertebrates and the Shenzhen 78 co-existence of conserva- tion, tourism and fisheries Water management, land interests 99 development and economic diversification in Southeast ESTABLISH Asian deltas 81 Estuarine Specific Trans- port and Biogeochemically linked interactions for se- lected heavy Metals and Ra- dionuclides 102 VIII Caspian Scientific Network 105 REEFRES PUMPSEA Developing ubiquitous prac- Peri-urban mangrove forests MMM tices for restoration of Indo as filters and potential phy- Meeting on mangrove mac- Pacific reefs 130 toremediators of domestic robenthos 108 sewage in east Africa 164 SPEAR BIOSET Sustainable options for peo- MUGIL Biodiversity and Sustain- ple, catchment and aquatic Main Uses of the Grey mul- able Exploitation in Tropical resources 132 let as Indicator of Littoral Coastal Ecosystems 110 environmental changes 169 TRANSMAP CoralReef Transboundary networks of CROSCOG Policy options for the sus- marine protected areas for Cross Sectoral Commons tainable use of coral reefs integrated conservation and Governance in Southern Africa 171 and associated coastal eco- sustainable development: systems 112 Biophysical, socio-economic and governance assessment ECOSUD in East Africa 139 Estuaries and coastal areas. Basis and tools for a more CENSOR sustainable development 114 Climate variability and El Niño Southern Oscillation: CATCHMENT2COAST Implications for natural Research into modelling of coastal resources and man- the impacts of river catch- agement 144 ment developments on the sustainability of coastal MANGROVE resources, which support Mangrove ecosystems, com- urban and rural economies: munities and conflict: de- the case study of Maputo veloping knowledge-based Bay – Incomati River 118 approaches to reconcile multiple demands 147 ECOFISH Enhancing the outreach of ECOST aquatic biodiversity and Ecosystems, Societies, Con- ecosystem research in sup- silience, Precautionary prin- port of the transition to- ciple: Development of an wards global sustainability 121 assessment method of the societal cost for best fish- ECOMANAGE ing practices
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