Contents AT is Turning Ten and We Want to Celebrate. Karl-Gunnar Olsson ___________ 2 How Did It All Start? The Background to the Architecture and Engineering Program. Ulf Janson _____________________________________________________________________ 6 “Totally Wonderfully Complex!” Students Reflect on AT. ________________________ 14 “It’s a Luxury to Work with a Group Like This.” The Teachers’ View of AT. __ 26 The Pathway is Worth our While. ___________________________________________________ 34 Turin with AT1. __________________________________________________________________________ 36 UK with AT2. ____________________________________________________________________________ 42 Switzerland with AT3. Morten Lund ________________________________________________ 48 Walking the City. _______________________________________________________________________ 56 “No Other School Has the Same Strength”. AT’s Bachelor’s Thesis. _______ 58 From Master’s Thesis to Research. _________________________________________________ 68 “The Culture of Creativity and Self-Confidence”. AT Internships Abroad. ___ 84 AT = Where Disparate Disciplines Come Together. Johan Dahlberg, Johanna Isaksson ______________________________________________________________________ 92 PS _________________________________________________________________________________________ 96 Boken AT tio år är producerad med stöd från Redaktör och texter om inte annat anges: Tack till sponsorerna: Stiftelsen Chalmers tekniska högskola samt Claes Caldenby COWI Chalmers Utbildningsområde Arkitektur och Engelsk översättning: John Krause Samrén & Månsson samhällsbyggnadsteknik. Särskilt tack till UOL Grafisk form: Marie Kalmnäs Sweco Mihail Serkitjis som under alla år gett AT Layout: Oscar Borgström White stöd och support. Tryck: Göteborgstryckeriet 2016 ISBN: 978-91-980990-6-5 Bild omslagets insidor: British Museum. Foto Ulf Janson. AT TEN YEARS 3 KARL-GUNNAR OLSSON, HEAD OF PROGRAMME AT is turning ten and we want to celebrate A Jubilee Book will tell our story, a up for responsible management of the to formally become architects or engi- common share of moments and acti- earth’s limited resources with artistic neers or both. But what is it really they vities, thoughts and reflections, from drive and determination. become? 10 years of Architecture and Engine- Architecture and Engineering is an ering, in short AT. A creative mixture of Freedom to choose education and an educational jour- strong professional cultures, a desire Every year a new group of ambitious, ney. Where sensibility, creativity and and an enthusiasm for searching out clever, and creative young people confidence draws its nourishment from and taking on the challenges of the comes to AT. We say to all of you on the powerful stories of good examples, future in architecture and engineering the very first day, and then remind Where the daily sketching – with pencil, of the built environment. AT is ten years you whenever we can, that AT is not a material models, and mathematical young. recipe for success or a mass program programming allows the unexpected of uniform instruction, but rather a alternatives to appear, Where patterns Roles are evolving journey in search of knowledge and from nature and science guide for The dominant paradigm of university skills that is unique to every individual efficient design, and where the being education today is that students choose who embarks on it. It has a compulsory in iterative design processes, with the a degree program and are educated foundation that is designed to guaran- whole in sight, develops the routines to work in a specific profession. That tee that students graduate with a high that secure for qualified proposals. paradigm has deep historical roots, of level of fundamental architecture and course, with programs linked directly engineering skills. But our students also Challenge the way we design and to traditional professional exams for have a great deal of freedom to choose build architects and engineers. In addition, what they passion for, and we are strong professional cultures have strongly committed to supporting those As I write this there is less than a developed over time, and these tend choices. The biggest risk they face is week left before the Smartgeometry to reinforce expectations for the roles the temptation to follow one another 2016 workshop and conference takes their members should play, and the too closely and allow their own ambition place at Chalmers. A large group of assignments they should take on. to be subsumed by another’s. AT students are involved as organizers Those expectations are persistent, but Our teachers and program admi- and participants. The result is found at they aren’t permanent: the roles and nistrators have the privilege of being the end of this book. This is how the self-images of the professionals in the with you students through what may conference is being presented: field of built environment have always be some of the most formative years of “Geometry is one of many systems been in the process of evolving, and your lives. You make important choices that are amenable to modeling. Archi- they will continue to do so. usually consciously, but fortunately also tectural design as a process should The structure of the AT program sometimes in a moment of inspiration, exploit the new potential available in takes a look into the future, an attempt following an impulse. Those choices will computing. To the new generations to disrupt the customs and taboos of impact you and the lives you live in the of designers, engineers and archi- our era. The concept is both a degree future. We want you to allow yourselves tects, mathematics and algorithms are program and a space for education to be swept up by inspiration, to em- becoming as natural as pen and pencil. that strives toward architecture and brace the decisions you make, do your As modern design has progressed and engineering’s fundamental knowledge, best, stand up for your thoughts and the tools and techniques have matured, skills and attitudes but is adapted to ideas, and be at peace with and proud Smartgeometry has emerged as a the expectations and needs of this of what you are able to accomplish. forum where the new critical language generation, and strives too toward the Supporting you in that is perhaps our of digital architecture can be formed. leading edge of material and techno- faculty’s most important job. The magic of Smartgeometry lies in its logical development, while standing The AT program prepares students curious mix of community and compe- INTRODUCTION tition, which conspires to inspire and utmaningar inom arkitektur och sam- provoke and challenge current design hällsbyggnadsteknik. AT är tio år ungt. methodologies.” The magic of AT lies in its distinc- Roller i förändring tive alchemy of strong community and Den idag gängse bilden av en univer- complementary cultures that together sitetsutbildning är att man väljer ett conspire to inspire, provoke, and chal- utbildningsprogram och utbildas till ett lenge the way we design and build. All yrke. Den bilden har förvisso en stark of us — students, alumni, and faculty historisk förankring hos utbildningar alike — have with our contributions to kopplade till traditionella yrkesexamina this anniversary book written the first som arkitekt och civilingenjörsexamen. chapter in the story of Architecture and Här har också över tid starka yrkeskul- Engineering. I get the feeling all of us turer utvecklats med förväntningar på are extremely curious what the next roller man ska ta och uppgifter man ska chapter will bring. lösa. Men detta är inte en evig sanning. Roller och självbilder i samhällsbygg- AT fyller 10 år och andet har genomgått och genomgår det vill vi fira ständig förändring. En jubileumsbok får bli vår berättelse, Utformningen av AT-programmet är där vi tillsammans delar med oss av en spaning in i framtiden, ett försök att ögonblick och händelser, tankar och bryta vår tidsandas vanor och ovanor. reflexioner, från 10 år av Arkitektur och Konceptet är en utbildning och ett rum teknik. En kreativ mix av starka yrkes- för bildning som söker sig mot arkitek- » Palazzetto dello Sport kulturer, en lust och ett engagemang turens och ingenjörskonstens grundläg- Pier Luigi Nervi – 1957 för att söka och ta sig an framtidens gande kunnande och förhållningssätt, Illustration: Jon Tibell AT TEN YEARS 5 Jon Tibell - 2009-04-16 men som möter vår tids människor, på Chalmers och med en stor grupp deras förutsättningar och behov och AT-studenter som ansvarar för och fronten inom material- och teknologiut- håller ihop arrangemanget. I slutet av veckling, och som med konstnärlig lust boken hittar ni resultatet. Så här pre- och vilja står upp för ansvarstagande senteras workshopen: för jordens ändliga resurser. ”Arkitekters utformningsarbete och ingenjörsdesign sker idag allt oftare Frihet till egna val genom digitala iterativa processer där Till AT kommer varje år en ny kull optimerade lösningar söks genom ambitiösa, duktiga och kreativa unga att olika alternativ ställs mot varandra människor. Till er säger vi redan första och utvärderas med hjälp av digitalt dagen, och påminner sedan allt som producerade prototyper och simulerade oftast: AT är inte ett recept och en miljöer och verkningssätt. För den nya massutbildning, utan en för varje individ generationens designer, ingenjörer och unik bildnings- och färdighetsresa. Det arkitekter, är matematik och algoritmer finns ett obligatorium utformat för att lika naturligt som papper
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