y.-'t 1 Xj PAGE FOUR THE SEMI-WEEKLY MADISON COUNTY DEMOCRAT, LONDON, OHIO TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1933 rr.ent due the United States, and Pre­ Nov. 8—Berlin tied up by transpor­ Wouee passed thV Veteran^ bonus Dec. 13—Move by McFadden , fit Feb. 18—Friedrich August HI, for­ mier Tierriot resigned. tation workers' strike. payment bill. Pennsylvania to impeach President mer king of Saxony. Belgium decided to default its debt Nov. 6—German elections resulted in Five hundred million dollar home Hoover voted down by the house. Feb. 23—Mme. Johanna Gadski, payment to America. reichstag majority for no party. loan bank bill passed by house. Dec. 15—N. W. MaeChesney of Chi* Wagnerian soprano, in Berlin. Dec. 14—Germany returned to the Premier Mussolini of Italy granted June 16 — Hoover and Curtis re-nom« cago nominated for minister to Canada. Feb. 24—Dr. Willy Meyer, noted sur­ disarmament conference in Geneva. amnesty to political exiles. inated by Republican convention. Ev­ Dee. 17—Senati passed Philippine® geon, in Ne v York, J Chroflo'°3Y Dec. 15—Great Britain. Italy. Latvia. Juan B. Sacasa elected president of erett Sanders elected chairman of na­ Independence bill. Feb. 28—Dr. A. B. Chace, chancellor “1 Lithuania. Finland and Czechoslovakia tional committee. Dec. 19—President Hoover told con­ of Brown university, paid their war debt installments due Nov. 14—Hundreds slain in battle® Jun® 17—Senat® rejected the bonu® gress he was going to name commis­ March 6—John Philip Sousa, noted Two Persons Hurt the United States. France. Belgium, between Honduran rebels and govern­ bill. sion on war debts and would seek co­ band director. of the Year Poland, Hungary and Estonia did not ment troops. Jun® 2fi—House passed 100 million operation of President-Elect Rooseveltr March 7—Aristide Briand, French pay. Nov. 17—Chancellor Von Papen of dollar economy bill, including furlough Dec. 21—House passed bill legalizing statesman. In Auto Accident Germany and his cabinet resigned. plan for federal employees. 1.2 per cent beer. March 14—George Eastman, founder FOREIGN Nov. 20—Adolf Hitler was offered June 22—Governor Roosevelt called Railway wage reduction continued and chairman of board of Eastman Jan. 3—Mahatma Gandhi ordered civ­ chancellorship of Germany under con­ on Mayor Walker of New York city tor nine months by agreement. Camera company, in Rochester, N. Y. A well-planned honeymoon came to il disobedience campaign In India re­ ditions which he rejected, to answer charges against him. Dec. 23—Congress recessed for Christ­ March 18—Chauncey Olcott, Ameri­ Ian abrupt ending Saturday at Wil­ newed and was arrested. Nov. “G—Donal Buckley made gov* June 23—Senate passed Wagner two mas. can singer, in Monte Carlo. I Jan. 12—French cabinet resigned. ernor general of Irish Free State. billion doll ar relief bill. March 19—Former Congressman! son’s Corners, five miles north of Dec. 2—Gen. Kurt von Schleicher ap­ Richard Bartholdt, in St. L: uis. • Compitedby Jan. 14—Laval formed new French June 24—Senate voted farm board AERONAUTICS Jefferson, when the auto of the pros­ 1932 flabiiiet with Briand left out. pointed chancellor of Germany to form Wheat and cotton to Red Cross.. Jan. 83—Hawks flew from Mexico to March 22—Charles Livingston Bull, E.W. Pickard Jan. 21—Japanese diet dissolved. new government. June 27* —Democratic national con* Canada and return, 2,600 miles, in is naturalist and painter. pective bridegroom left the road and Rebellion broke out in Catalonia, Dec. 14—Premier Herriot of Franco vention opened in Chicago. hours 44 minutes. March 28—Leslie M. Shaw, former Spain. resigned when parliament voted not to J une 28— Federal economy bill Jan. 25—Eddie Stimson killed in secretary of the treasury, in Wash-' turned over in the ditch. If Jan. 23—Communistic uprising In pay war debt installment due United passed by the senate. Crash Rt Chicago. ington. Mrs. Jennie Shipman, 125 fl. Rich Salvador. States. June 29— Democratic----- ----- ------------ convention --------- March 4—Harmon trophy awarded April 1—Dr. Evan O’Neill Kane, not­ INTERNATIONAL Jan. 24—British convicts in Dart­ Dec. 15—-Edmund Schultes® elected adopted plank advocating repeal of to Gen. Italo Balbo of Italy as inter- ed surgeon, in Philadelphia. street, Mt. Gilead, the bride-to-be, suf­ moor penitentiary, England, mutinied president of Switzerland. Eighteenth amendment and, . pending national aviation champion for 19 31. Representative A. H. Vestal, Indi­ Jan. 2—Japanese troops occupied and burned part of tiie prison. Dee. 16—Huge plot..... against Argen­ repeal, legalization of beer and wine. May 12—Lou T. Keichers took off ana. in Washington. fered a broken leg between the knee Chinchow, Mauchui ia. tina government foiled and prominent July 1—Democrats nominated Frank­ April 2—Rose Coghlan. actress, at Jan. 9—Chancellor Bruening an­ Martial law declared ins" Salvador; from Harbor Grace, N. F., on solo and ankle, and a chin laceration. H. government troops defeated rebels. men arrested. lin D. Roosevelt for President on flight to Dublin and Paris. Harrison, N. Y. nounced Germany could no longer pay Dec. IS—Joseph Paul-Boncour formed April 11—Joseph Leiter, in Chicago. reparations. Jan. 2S—Chiang Kai-shek became fourth ballot. ’ May 13—Reichers forced down near C. Hoff, same address sustained cuts premier of China. new French cabinet. July 2—Democrats nominated John Ireland and rescued hy steamship April 14—William J. Burn®, detec­ Jan. 20—Lausanne conference on Dec. 24—Arturo Alessandri inaugu­ N. Garner for Vice President. Roose­ tive, at Sarasota. Fla. about the face and head. They were reparations postponed. Jan. 30—Finland repealed its pro­ Roosevelt. hiMtion ’aw. rated president of Chile. velt flew to Chicago and was formally May 20—Amelia Earhart (Mrs. G. P. April 18—Senator William J. Har­ brought to the Emergency hospital Jan. 25—Council of League of No­ ris, at Washington. tions met and China de mauded firm Feb. 11—Premier Mussolini paid his notified of nomination. Put nami began solo flight from Har. first visit to Pope July "—Emergency relief bill passed bor Grace to Faris. April 22—Gen. J. W. Keifer, former where surgical aid was given and then action against Japan. DOMESTIC speaker of the house, in Springfield, Russia and Boland signed a non­ Feb. 14—Ricardo Jiminez elected Jan. 4—Congress reassembled and re­ by house. May 21—Mrs. Amelia Earhart Put* president of Costa Rica. Prohibition party nominated W. D. nain landed near Londonderry, I re­ Ohio. removed to their home in the Pence & aggression treaty. ceived message from President Hoover April’ 24—Bishop Frank M, Bristol Jan. 28—Japanese marines seized Feb. 16—Pierre Laval’® French gov­ asking quick actio® on relief neaa- Upshaw* for President and F. S. Regan land, the first woman .ever to fly Blauser ambulance. ernment resigned. for Vice President. across the zttlantic alone. of Methodist church, in Montclair. N. J, Chines® quarter of Shanghai and ures. May 2—Lee Hammond, pioneer in They were en route to Kentucky to bloody battle began. De Valera’s Fianna Vail party won Jan. 8—Ambassador Dawe® an­ July 9—Senate passed Garner-Wag­ June 1—Army balloon No. 2, piloted Irish election. ner relief bill. by Lieutenants Paul and Bishop, won aviation, in Jacksonville, Fla. Jan. 29—China in ;League of Na­ nounced his coming retirement from May 4—Rear Admiral C. M, Chester, get married, after which they planned tions council invoked sir ong articles... Feb. 20—Augustin B. Justo Inaugu­ diplomacy. July 11—President Hoover vetoed national balloon race. rated president of Argentina. the relief bill. June 3—S. F. Hausner started flight U. S. N.. retired. to niakaa two weeks honeymoon, when of covenant against Japan. Jan. 9—Dwight F. Davis resigned as 12— Senate passed new relief May 6—1’uul Doumer, president of Jan. 30—Japanese* seized part of for­ Tardieu formed government for governor general of the Philippines July " ‘ from New York to Poland. eign section of Shanghai, despite pro­ France. bill. June 11—Hausner picked up at sea France. the accident occurred. and Theodore Roosevelt was named to July the John W. Scott, Chicago merchant. tests of other nations. Feb. 21—Soviet -----------Russia banished succeed him. 13— Relief bill passed by after floating eight days on his plane; The machine left the road at the United States ordered Asiatic fleet Trotzky and 36 others for all time. house. July 5—James Mattern and Bennett May 7—Maj. Gen. Enoch R. Crowder, Democrats selected Chicago for their July 15 . —President Hoover cut sal- in Washington. and regiment of infantry to Shanghai. Feb. 24—Spain’s first divorce law national convention. Griffin started round-the-world flight Wilson Corners curve, and turned over Feb. 1—Japanese warships shelled passed. aries of himself and his cabinet. from Harbor Grace, N. F. Albert Thomas, head of international Feb. 25—British parliament passed Jan. 11—Senate passed Reconstruc­ July 16—Congress passed home loan labor bureau, in Paris. twice, according to witnesses. The car the Nanking forts. tion Finance corporation bill. bank bill with inflation amendment, May 8—D. M. Ryersnn of Chicago, United States, Great Britain. France 10 per cent tariff bill. _ W. oceun In record time, landed at Bei­ was badly damaged. and Italy made concerted protest March 9—Eamon de Valera elected and adjourned. lin and departed for Moscow. steel magnate. Holmes of United States Supreme July 21—President Hoover signed May 13—Andreas Dippel, former against Japan's course in China, and president of Irish Free State. ceurt resigned. July 7—Mnttern and Griffin made offered plan for peace. Henry Pu-yi installed as head of emergency relief measure.
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