Astronomical League 1 Introduction and Disclaimer I made this logbook as a convenient place to keep my observations for the Astronomical League's Lunar II Club, and I offer it free of charge to the amateur astronomy community. Please note that although this logbook includes spaces for all of the required observations, it does not include all of the detailed instructions needed to complete the observations. It is intended as a supplement to the official Lunar II observing list, and not a replacement for it. The official observing list can be downloaded freely from the Astronomical League at http://www.astroleague.org/al/obsclubs/lunarII/lunarII1.html . I took the cover image by afocal projection using an Orion XT6 Dobsonian reflector and a Nikon Coolpix 4500 digital camera. It is likely that typos or other errors crept in while I was putting this together. If you find any, please let me know and I will correct them for future versions of this logbook. Clear skies, Mathew Wedel [email protected] Table of Contents and Master Checklist DTM pages refer to to pages in Discover the Moon by Jean Lacroux and Christian Legrand, published by Cambridge University Press. Obsv. # Target DTM Page Logbook Page [ ] OBSV 1-3 Full moon sketch 132 7 Describe these targets [ ] OBSV 4 Alpetragius 80 8 [ ] OBSV 5 Arago 62 [ ] OBSV 6 Arago Alpha & Arago Beta [ ] OBSV 7 Aristarchus Plateau 114 9 [ ] OBSV 8 Baco 68 [ ] OBSV 9 Bailly 128 [ ] OBSV 10 Beer, Beer Catena & Feuillée 84 10 [ ] OBSV 11 Bullialdus, Bullialdus A & Bullialdus B 94, 98 [ ] OBSV 12 Cassini, Cassini A & Cassini B 70, 72 [ ] OBSV 13 Cauchy, Cauchy Omega & Cauchy Tau 50 11 [ ] OBSV 14 Censorinus (in eastern Mare Tranquilitatis) [ ] OBSV 15 Crüger 130 [ ] OBSV 16 Dorsae Lister & Smirnov (Serpentine Ridge) 12 [ ] OBSV 17 Grimaldi Basin outer and inner rings 122 [ ] OBSV 18 Hainzel, Hainzel A & Hainzel C 103 [ ] OBSV 19 Hercules, Hercules G, Hercules E 48 13 [ ] OBSV 20 Hesiodus A 85 [ ] OBSV 21 Hortensius dome field 106 [ ] OBSV 22 Julius Caesar (in Mare Vaporum) 14 2 Table of Contents and Master Checklist (continued) Obsv. # Target DTM Page Logbook Page Describe these targets [ ] OBSV 23 Kies 98 [ ] OBSV 24 Kies Pi 98 [ ] OBSV 25 Lacus Mortis (w/ crater Burg) 48 15 [ ] OBSV 26 Linne 70 15 [ ] OBSV 27 Lamont 62 [ ] OBSV 28 Mairan (btwn Procellarum and Imbrium) 16 [ ] OBSV 29 Mare Australe 38 [ ] OBSV 30 Mare Cognitum 98 [ ] OBSV 31 Mare Humboltianum basin 38 17 [ ] OBSV 32 Mare Insularum & Sinus Aestuum 88 [ ] OBSV 33 Mare Marginis 38 [ ] OBSV 34 Mare Smythii 38 18 [ ] OBSV 35 Mare Spumans [ ] OBSV 36 Mare Undarum [ ] OBSV 37 Marius Hills 120 19 [ ] OBSV 38 Mersenius 116 [ ] OBSV 39 Milichius Pi 106 [ ] OBSV 40 Mons Gruithuisen Gamma & Delta 112 20 [ ] OBSV 41 Mons Rümker (Rümker Hills) 118 [ ] OBSV 42 Montes Agricola 114 [ ] OBSV 43 Montes Cordillera 128 21 [ ] OBSV 44 Montes Foucault [ ] OBSV 45 Montes Rook 131 [ ] OBSV 46 Montes Recti, Teneriffe & Spitzbergen 104, 72, 86 22 [ ] OBSV 47 Mösting A 132 [ ] OBSV 48 Promontorium Archerusia (near Plinius) [ ] OBSV 49 Regiomontanus & Regiomontanus A 23 [ ] OBSV 50 Rabbi Levi (southeast quadrant) [ ] OBSV 51 Rima Aridaeus 66, 76 [ ] OBSV 52 Rima Cauchy 50 24 [ ] OBSV 53 Rima Hadley 74 [ ] OBSV 54 Rima Hesiodus 108 [ ] OBSV 55 Rimae Hippalus 68 25 [ ] OBSV 56 Rimae Janssen 52 [ ] OBSV 57 Rimae Triesnecker 76 [ ] OBSV 58 Ritter & Sabine 62 26 [ ] OBSV 59 Sacrobosco (west of Altai Scarp) [ ] OBSV 60 Schiller, Segner, Zucchius region 110 [ ] OBSV 61 Sinus Amoris (northeast Mare Tranqualitatis) 27 [ ] OBSV 62 Sinus Asperitatis 54 [ ] OBSV 63 Sinus Concordiae (south of Palus Somnii) [ ] OBSV 64 Sinus Lunicus (near Archimedes) 28 [ ] OBSV 65 Stadius & Stadius Catenae 88 [ ] OBSV 66 Taruntius 46 [ ] OBSV 67 Timocharis 84, 94 29 3 Table of Contents and Master Checklist (continued) Obsv. # Target DTM Page Logbook Page Describe these targets [ ] OBSV 68 Vallis Rheita 52 [ ] OBSV 69 Wargentin 126 [ ] OBSV 70 Wolf (in Mare Nubium) 30 Sketch these targets [ ] OBSV 71 Any polar crater (above or below 80 degrees) 30 [ ] OBSV 72 Clavius & its internal craterlets 100 31 [ ] OBSV 73 (counts as 2 OBSV: #72 & #73) [ ] OBSV 74 Davy Y 80, 90 [ ] OBSV 75 Delaunay (southeast of Arzachel) 32 [ ] OBSV 76 Mare Crisium 38 [ ] OBSV 77 Messier, Messier A & rays 46 33 [ ] OBSV 78 Montes Jura 104 [ ] OBSV 79 (counts as 2 OBSV: #78 & #79) [ ] OBSV 80 Müller and craterlet chains 80 34 [ ] OBSV 81 Thebit, Thebit A & Thebit L 90 [ ] OBSV 82 Vallis Alpes 72 35 Sketch or image these targets [ ] OBSV 83 "Earthshine" on lunar surface 35 [ ] OBSV 84 Limb feature(s) that depict libration effect 36 [ ] OBSV 85 (counts as 2 OBSV: #84 & #85) [ ] OBSV 86 Close conjunction w/ bright star or planet [ ] OBSV 87 Byrgius A near lunar sunrise (or sunset) 124 37 [ ] OBSV 88 Byrgius A near lunar midday 124 [ ] OBSV 89 Proclus near lunar midday 38 [ ] OBSV 90 Proclus near lunar sunset [ ] OBSV 91 Rupes Recta near lunar sunrise 90 39 [ ] OBSV 92 Rupes Recta near lunar sunset [ ] OBSV 93 Tycho near lunar sunrise (or sunset) 40 [ ] OBSV 94 Tycho near lunar midday Miscellaneous observations [ ] OBSV 95 Statio Tranquillitatis ("Tranquility Base") 41 [ ] OBSV 96 Another Luna, Lunakhod, or Apollo mission site [ ] OBSV 97 Another Luna, Lunakhod, or Apollo mission site 42 [ ] OBSV 98 Occultation of bright star, planet or moon. [ ] OBSV 99 Lunar eclipse 43 Optional targets (sketch or image) [ ] OPT A Daily phase/position change for 3 nights 44 [ ] OPT B Monthly path w/ respect to horizon landmarks 45 [ ] OPT C Apparent diameter at apogee/perigee 46 [ ] OPT D Solar eclipse 47 [ ] OPT E Lowland area with colored filter 48 [ ] OPT F Terminator passing over prominent feature 49 4 Observing Targets by Day of Lunar Cycle As above, numbers in parentheses refer to pages in Discover the Moon by Lacroux and Legrand. Day 3 [ ] OBSV 29, Mare Australe (38) [ ] OBSV 35, Mare Spumans [ ] OBSV 31, Mare Humboltianum (38) [ ] OBSV 36, Mare Undarum [ ] OBSV 33, Mare Marginis (38) [ ] OBSV 83, Earthshine [ ] OBSV 34, Mare Smythii (38) Day 4 [ ] OBSV 13, Cauchy, Omega & Tau (50) [ ] OBSV 61, Sinus Amoris [ ] OBSV 19, Hercules, G&E (48) [ ] OBSV 63, Sinus Concordiae [ ] OBSV 25, Lacus Mortis (48) [ ] OBSV 66, Taruntius (46) [ ] OBSV 50, Rabbi Levi [ ] OBSV 68, Vallis Rheita (52) [ ] OBSV 52, Rima Cauchy (50) [ ] OBSV 77, Messier, Messier A (46) [ ] OBSV 56, Rimae Janssen (52) Day 5 [ ] OBSV 14, Censorinus [ ] OBSV 48, Promontorium Acherusia [ ] OBSV 27, Lamont (62) [ ] OBSV 62, Sinus Asperitatis (54) Day 6 [ ] OBSV 5, Arago (62) [ ] OBSV 51, Rima Ariadeus (66, 76) [ ] OBSV 6, Arago Alpha & Beta [ ] OBSV 58, Ritter & Sabine (62) [ ] OBSV 8, Baco (68) [ ] OBSV 59, Sacrobosco Day 7 [ ] OBSV 4, Alpetragius (80) [ ] OBSV 57, Rimae Triesnecker (76) [ ] OBSV 12, Cassini, A & B (70, 72) [ ] OBSV 64, Sinus Lunicus [ ] OBSV 16, Dorsa Lister & Smirnov [ ] OBSV 74, Davy Y (80, 90) [ ] OBSV 26, Linne (70) [ ] OBSV 75, Delaunay (SE of Arzachel) [ ] OBSV 49, Regiomontanus & R. A [ ] OBSV 80, Müller & craterlets (80) [ ] OBSV 53, Rima Hadley (74) [ ] OBSV 82, Vallis Alpes (72) Day 8 [ ] OBSV 10, Beer, Catena & Feuillée (84) [ ] OBSV 67, Timocharis (84, 94) [ ] OBSV 22, Julius Caesar [ ] OBSV 81, Thebit, A & L (90) [ ] OBSV 32, Mare Insular./Sinus Aest. (88) [ ] OBSV 91, Rupes Recta near sunrise (90) [ ] OBSV 46, M. Teneriffe & Spitz. (72, 86) [ ] OBSV 93, Tycho near sunrise (92) [ ] OBSV 65, Stadius & Catenae (88) Day 9 [ ] OBSV 11, Bullialdus, A & B (94, 98) [ ] OBSV 30, Mare Cognitum (98) [ ] OBSV 23, Kies (98) [ ] OBSV 72, Clavius craterlets (100) [ ] OBSV 24, Kies Pi (98) Day 10 [ ] OBSV 18, Hainzel, A & C (103) [ ] OBSV 54, Rima Hesiodus (108) [ ] OBSV 21, Hortensius domes (106) [ ] OBSV 55, Rimae Hippalus (108) [ ] OBSV 28, Mairan [ ] OBSV 78, Montes Jura (104) [ ] OBSV 38, Milichius Pi (106) [ ] OBSV 89, Proclus near midday [ ] OBSV 46, Montes Recti (104) Day 11 [ ] OBSV 7, Aristarchus Plateau (114) [ ] OBSV 42, Montes Agricola (114) [ ] OBSV 38, Mersenius (116) [ ] OBSV 60, Schiller, Segner, Zuc. (110) [ ] OBSV 40, Mons Guithuisen Γ & ∆ (112) 5 Day 12 [ ] OBSV 17, Grimaldi basin rings (122) [ ] OBSV 41, Mons Rümker (118) [ ] OBSV 37, Marius Hills (120) [ ] OBSV 87, Byrgius A at sunrise (124) Day 13 [ ] OBSV 9, Bailly (128) [ ] OBSV 44, Montes Foucault [ ] OBSV 15, Crüger (130) [ ] OBSV 45, Montes Rook (131) [ ] OBSV 43, Montes Cordillera (128) [ ] OBSV 47, Mösting A (132) Day 14 [ ] OBSV 1-3, full moon sketch [ ] OBSV 99-100, lunar eclipse sketch [ ] OBSV 94, Tycho near midday Day 17 [ ] OBSV 90, Proclus near sunset Day 19 [ ] OBSV 88, Byrgius A near midday Day 22 [ ] OBSV 92, Rupes Recta near sunset 6 OBSV 1, 2, 3 Observe and sketch full moon Day 14 Sketch itself should be created only by observing the Moon, but maps or guidebooks may be used when labeling sketched features. Label all maria, prominent craters, and major rays by the crater name they originated from. 7 OBSV 4 Alpetragius (80) Day 7 Date: Time: Location: Equipment: Phase: Sky conditions: Description: OBSV 5 Arago (62) Day 6 Date: Time: Location: Equipment: Phase: Sky conditions: Description: OBSV 6 Arago Alpha & Arago Beta Day 6 Date: Time: Location: Equipment: Phase: Sky conditions: Description: 8 OBSV 7 Aristarchus Plateau (114) Day 11 Date: Time: Location: Equipment: Phase: Sky conditions: Description: OBSV 8 Baco (68) Day 6 Date: Time: Location: Equipment: Phase: Sky conditions: Description: OBSV 9 Bailly (128) Day 13 Date: Time: Location: Equipment: Phase: Sky conditions: Description: 9 OBSV 10 Beer, Beer Catena & Feuillée (84) Day 8 Date: Time: Location:
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