Teesdole Mercury No. 6 4 3 0 Price 6 p Barnard Castle, Wednesday, 25th October, .1978 Established .1854 A quiet byway in Upper Teesdale Educational END OF SUMMER TIME exchange scheme October DURHAM COUNTY 25. Coffee Evening and Hairdress­ PARTY FOR GERMANY ing Demonstration by Trimmers A party of 20 young people in in Copley Village Hall, 7 p.m. 25. Barnard Castle and Teesdale the 16-20 age group will leave a Circuit Rally. County Durham next summer for 26. St. Mary’s (Parish Church Baz­ a ten-day stay in southern Ger­ aar, Parish (Halil, 2*30 p jn . many, after entertaining a party of 27. Bowes Ag. Soc. Dance, Morritt Arms. Angela Cherry. young Germans in their homes. 27. Copley V.H., Disco, Override, The home to home exchange 8 pan.—midnight. scheme is one of the most popular 28. Eggleston Village Hall Dom­ events organised by Durham Coun­ ino Drive, CANCELLED. ty Coiuncil’s education department. November Application forms can be obtained 1, 2, 3. Glaxo play: Wolfs Cloth­ from Christine Tipton at the Bar­ ing. nard Castle Y.M.C.A. in Birch 3. (Friday) Abbeyfield Coffee Road. M eaning. 3. Eppleby Village Hall, Old The exchange is arranged on a Tyme Dance, ‘The Two Bobs' home <to home basis and applicants 4. Frosterley V .H. Domino Drive. must be able to offer hospitality to 4. Startforth and Boldon Parish the visitors from Germany with Church Bonfire and Fireworks. 7 p jn . whom they will be staying. Sleep­ 10. {Barnard Castle Cricket Gkib ing accommodation must be in a Junior 'Disco. 8—'1>1-30. p.m. separate room, or if in a shared 13. (Mannequin Parade, St. Mary’i room in a separate bed. Parish HalL 25. Cotherstone Cancer Research Air Travel Christmas Fayre, Cotherstone The party from County Durham Village HalL will be accompanied by two adult 25. Barnard Castle Girl Guides' leaders. The group from Tubingen, Christmas Fayre in the Guide Room. Germany, will stay in County Dur­ ham from 23rd July to 4th August; December and the Durham group’s stay in 2. Startforth Church Christmas Germany will be from 4th August Fayre in Church HalL until 15th August, travelling by air 5,6,8. Teesdale School Staff Pan­ tomime. from Newcastle to Stuttgart. 8. Bowes Ag. Soc. Christmas The scheme is, of course, subsi­ Domino Drive and Dance. dised by ihe education authority, This picture taken at Lartington by the Mercury photo­ but successful applicants will be grapher makes a fine study in light and shade — an apt January 1979 reminder that clocks should be put back one hour on Sun­ 12. Fggtastone C ricket Gluib A nnual required to pay £50 travelling ex­ Dance A scene that Is typical of many farming hamlets in Upper Teesdale, with whitewashed penses and insurance and take day, 29th October, when British Summer Time ends and farmhouses, a fanner busy on his tractor, a boy playing and sheep and cattle grazing. This enough pocket money for their dark nights begin. Summer Time will start again at 2 a an. April Princess Anne is Etterggill, which usually gets fewer visitors than other places in summer as it is off the per sonal needs. on Sunday, 18th March, 1979, when clocks will have to be 29. Teesdale Country Fair. main road. Successful applicants will also be put forward one hour. Clocks normally go back on the day Picture: John Wilkinson. required to attend a residential to visit weekend preparatory course, to be following the fourth Saturday in October and forward on held at Stubb House, Winston, the day following die third Saturday in March. Horse box stolen C atterick during March and April next year. TUNNEL BREAKTHROUGH A programme of excursions and from quarry Princess Anne will visit the Royal social events will be arranged for Four men agree Stainton man Signals at Catterick Garrison next FROM EGGLESTON the German visitors, but as much A horse box valued at £600 was Wednesday. It will be her first offi­ •time as possible will be left for stole car licence Stolen last week from Huland cial visit to ’he Royal Corps of Sharnberry air shaft reached them to be entertained by the Dur­ after fight Quarry, Bowes, the property of Mr ham families. Signals since her appointment as Four men were bound over to J. M. Weannoufth, brick manufac­ Colonel -in -Chief of the Corps in keep the peace by Teesdale magis­ A Stainton man who admitted turer. after two years9 w o rk Jine, 1977. trates on Wednesday when charges stealing a tax disc from a car was The horse box was frequently The Princess will arrive at Dar­ After working for two years in deep mine conditions, Practical jokers of assault against aH of them were fined £40 at Teesdale magistrates loaned out to friends by Mr Wear- lington by royal train at about 10 workmen engaged on the Eggleston end of the Tyne-Wear- withdrawn. court on Wednesday. Edward Boyce, mouth and his son Edwin and a.m. The journey to Caitterick Tees Tunnel for the Kielder Dam project yesterday saw Concert for take heed 35, of 45 Stainton Village, said he workmen at the quarry were not Garrison will be made by car. daylight when they reached Shamberry air shaft, five miles William Thomas Lynn and Colin took the excise licence from a Mini unduly concerned at its absence Following her arrival at 1'1th Signal from the tunnel entrance at the riverside at Eggleston. Stoneleigh Young people throughout Tees­ Maddison were jointly charged with Van in Bowes. from its usual spot at the quarry. Regiment, Holies Barracks, she will And the men had good reason the dam which should have been dale are warned not to indulge in J assaulting Barry Dryden, of Zet­ The theft came to light, how­ Stoneleigh residents were enter­ The owner of the disc reported receive a royal salute and will in­ lo celebrate on rhe Eggleston works pranks that cause distress, especi­ land Road, and Paul Richard ever when a quarryman visited Mr completed in November 1979 would tained last week by a group of the the theft to the police and a few spect the Guard of Honour. She site yesterday for the operation had now continue until August 1980 ally to the elderly on the eve of Charles Hooper, of Marwood Drive, Jack Wearmouth’s home in Queen Ranger Girl Guides and Venture weeks later a policeman noticed will then watch a scries of typical been highly successful and it had largely because completion of the Guy Fawkes* Night. Barnard Castle. Street, Barnard Castle, to ask for Scouts, calling themselves The ■that a licence on a Rover car in military training activities and meet been completed slightly ahead of earth moving work will be delayed Teesdale police will keep a look­ Lynn, 31, of Short Street, Bishop (the loan of a hand fork. Mr Wear- Puiple Hamsters, led by the guide Bowes was disfigured. He checked soldiers of 1'ltih Signal Regiment. schedule. by one season. out for those who annoy residents Auckland, and Maddison, 25, of mouth asked what had happened leader, Mrs Metcalf. it and found that k belonged to After a short tree .planting cere­ Mr Jim Brown, leading 'the team ■with their behaviour. “We do not Alexander Terrace, Eveniwood, had to the fork at the quarry and was “On present information the A wide selection of musical items the Mini Van. mony the Princess ^rll depart for or consultant engineers engaged by ■wish to spoil the fun for young brought private prosecutions against told it was in the horse box. (tunnel, pumping station, and the were given and accompanied by 8th Signal Regiment, Vimy Bar­ the Northumbrian Waiter Authority people, but what might appear to Dryden and Hooper for assaulting Mr Boyce, the owner of the “And where is the horse box?” Bakethin Dam will be completed violin, banjo and guitar. racks, at approximately 11-30 a.m. to supervise the construction of the ■them as harmless pranks can cause them. An agreement was reached Rover was questioned and admitted asked Mr Weanmouth. “I don’t by November 1980. The water re­ Folk music and monologues were The programme at 8th Signal distress,” said a police spokesman. between all parties and the charges know,” said the quarryman, “Have work by the Tyne Tees Tunnel sources programme wild be met rendered by Mr B. Wakefield, who putting the licence on his car, when Regiment will be largely inside the “If there are instances of this nat­ were withdrawn. his own tax ran out. He had left you not loaned it out?” Company, said the American fudl- but the delays to the main dam was accompanied by his wife play­ trade training school where she wi ll ure this year we may have to take . All four men agreed to be his car parked in Bowes when R It was only then was jt realised face tunnelling machine had com­ will put back tfce development of ing the guitar. The residents greatly view static stands depicting trade action.” bound over in the sum of £70 for broke down. Boyce was also order­ that the horse box and the hand pleted the job ait a rate consider­ recreational facilities’*. enjoyed the evening. training and visit classrooms and ably faster than it could) have been one year. ed to pay £10 costs. fork had been stolen. The police workshops with pupils under in­ are investigating. done by blasting. struction. “It has been a great success,” he said.
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