he Glenville Mereu COLLER * Pwblisfwi Wukly Bingman Is oly Rollers EA President Will Be Guest Of Head Cheerlead r College On Tuada , OctobeT 20 Jinle ~ 1111>~· H This W k G tAction In The eo~· ma, of Creoi.OD. wu tleciA!d bU4 ere ee bave a boll or • l•U• chHrltadtr tor 1!1e CoUece In a ors oa Tuaday, OC:t. •tudt!lll d eeUoo hdd Wfd.o- - S~vage Drive 20. when A. c. , ora, claY by tbt Btlldenl eoondL T At&brt7 • loe cii- presl~nt of lbe lla­ MU. s~·· UlllNnla roctor of w AJliUIOSA 1' Ill IIC!raP ~coDeCr.loO 11J <lonal £due11lon M­ be OeneY& ProeWr • .,pbomott' FoiiJid&UoD. ol &. ~ 11111 IIDIJ Roller court _ ...... ":: ooclalloll, comu Mre ot summ ~I"'YUle, &Ad Pt111 1 Ult camp tram ~ Jleldad more Lb&ll 10110 poom ' 10 aclclrus 1Ul 11 a. Oalner, trtllbm&O. ol OkotW elllD& 110W ~ ~ ln.pireel • "Qwlell of Ule Bal- ro usembly alldl­ Mia BIDIDW'· oal:r bold- &nd wlll rpea.l< In .-mb11 f'l:l- unr chttrltad<r !ram W claY m.orn1ll& al 11 o'c.loCL •• Dri"'·" c:ldtllll ""' mte. r::: ytar, reedr..S I~ rote~. N.r. won~ wW be bn>Uil>< 10 meo&a "" IIU calli~_!'- lo Dr. D. 1... Haqbl. aUpkd dUll ••>' -- prosldt!lll or w Col­ OA! oer 101 80 •o<H; Ml.sl Proc- lhr ColkP b7 Ule Y. W C. A. lege, who rec.enUJ lOr, 63. and Y M. C. \brollltl ~ 1-;',,~Ln~""':u ·rk.e , JalliDf • eomplel.ed a rrance­ The lbrtt oUitr c:&ncllcla!.H WilltrrDS While UCI SIUDa Dot­ ele.ct.ecl "Queen ol l:be HOlY BOl­ me.ots tor Mr. Flora•s wtr< IUr1 K.. &nlth, W ry K. ean, ho mllt bliD 11>1 p&A ler COurl SalYlliO Dr\ .." &I a appearance here. b&s wactey, and Jusnt Wtotfall. •wnm•r at c amp Mlnlwu.ca, meeuna ThlltllclaY. seen 1.0 It tbat Oil­ MI.Chii&D. OlenYille wUI be clltldfcl lniO mer County teac:h­ For Prld&Y nllht Ult Y • lite cliAirleu. eACh 10 be ~ era, aupe_rlnt.end.e.nta Rev. ~lr. Johnson voups pl&ru>i.nl an optD ,&IM(I by a p&lr of ctnd others have been mN><lnl lUI N.r. ,......_ On pledau. Court roembero b&YI 1 Gue l peaker Salurday t YtnloJ U1a 1'. catal­ been uolanecl 10 racuiiY ':,~~'::~n10 ~~.~;. r:eu wtu m 1 wlUI blm, IUICI &I 10 c&rrJ ~~:rap 10 the pUe who bJu been cleplct­ "Ood's MeUiod ol ReftlaUon" a o'clock Ulece 11111 be • tr.e AdflllD!IlratloD flall. ecl by m~ o y persoo.s wu the subJect or a de'fotlonal party lo rttlldmu In lbe ll)'la­ scrap molal eallroAttd to as ~ tht sn.n e, even­ led by the Rev. Oro'l'tr S. Jobn- nulwn. ••llh • 100 ,... wen rroro tbe ~empered preAidtot 60D In assembly W..S.nudaJ. Be SonclaY worrUIIJ, Ur, ....,_ b-enl or Kanawha HaU. TIU ol II. E. A." aid " I btll.. e \bat II ls not may be a • &Jiable 10 ~at lo a "11'14let VlciOI'Y Bell" occupies a posdble Cor the phJalcal world Sunda, ecbool clul. In \be P- loWard Ule rroni or tbe 10 know Ood without a renta­ t vtnlDI w Y'a are JPOIIIOI1DI pile. College Offers llon and I doubt II a man ca n a v.. per atr•lc• tram &:SO 10 Attention CaUed know Ood u.rougb nature." 1:15 o'clocL Y- people'a or­ Spe&lrlnc from tb.e nrst chap­ ranteauon4 In w chun:.bel Glenville Will To Changes In More Classes lor In Rebr<W$, Mr. Johnson bate bee.n lo¥1\A!d to atleDL Assembly Dates concluded that Ood ls revealecl At limos w!Un oolhlA& ela b throuah Jesu.s, through aclenc:e, ICh..S.uled, Wr. Uone wW be Hold Blackout Dean R. T . crawford reminds In Extension and throuab Ule Bible. uallablt for lntei'Tiewlnl IUICI students aocl faculty or w lol­ cowuetlna. lowlng changes In assembly Arrangement.a ror ten e.xten· 118 Persons Eating 1.n a recent lttt.-r, alt. war.. Wed. Night elat-es : slon classes to be taught by Col­ said, " 1 wlU plan 10 brinl alaDI From Wednesday, Oct. 14, lege instructors have · been In Kanawha HaU ol Ule cla.tl­ Collece and racultY aom• per.,nallcy at~ II a. m., 10 Friday • Ocl. 16, at made, announces Dr. R. T . opmtnl <tutaUnnn&lr*l u 1 un wW Join Olen\'llle and suburban 11 a. m. Speaker will beT. Aub­ Crawford, deao4 Mlsa Orace Loren!%, College cltllena IOmorrow nilht some.­ clone al olher <>olleCeL We are rey Mor.. , associate director ol Tho loUowtnc' three-hour clltUtlan, wei I.Oday 118 pe"*'n.t lntere.ll.ed In lea4erablp t.nlD- ume between 8 p. m . ancl 12 the A.merlcan YollUI FOWlcla- courses wW be gtven : Mr. Carey are eatlnC at Kanawha BnU. IIIIIIIDIII't 1o ataalnl a partial Ina. atlt dllc.o¥try, ~~~& plan­ Woofter, registrar and Bngu.h During; Ule past summer Ule niDI:. and •ocar.loG&I lole......,. blaCkout. u.o llrst 10 be beld tlo:';om Wednesday, OC:t. 21, at Instructor ls teaching Contem­ coou, under her cllrec:tlon. her* llllder u.e ClvUlan Ddense 11 a. m., 10 Tuesday, Ocl 20, at porary Literature and Rlsr.ory canntcl tbe following; : Twenty­ pfiiii'UII· 11 a. m. speaker will be Pres. 452 at Clay on Weclnesday se•en &allons or beets. thirtY Council Approves All lllbtt on the campua and A. C. Flora ol tM National Ed­ evrntngs, and at Spencer on gallon> or Jam. 108 gallon4 or all In Ule cllY ancl subu•bs ex­ ucation 1\.!Soclallon. Frlday evenings bt Is t€acblni apple butter, lorty gallons ot Budget for Mercury cept tbe maJor street llgbts will Classes schedulocl 10 meel Fri­ New Tes~ament Uteratu.re and kraut, nlnet.een gallons of be turDIII off or blackecl out day, oct. 16, at II a. m.. wiJI Sociology 40t. preat.rvet. 1111een ancl Tbe StUdt!llt Couocll, lo. 11.1 uul remain tD unlll the aU-clear meet Wednesday. OC:t. 14, at L1 Dr. J . C. Shreve, bead ol the gaUona de tomaiO rellsb. forty­ OC:tober 5 meeuna. ..t ulde • lliiDal II llten. a. m. Education department. ls teach­ two gallons or pear honey. and ~ portion or Ule actlrtty tH ..... a. Boggs. cbalr.man ol Classes to meet Tuesday. Oct. log a class In Conservation at twenty-one gallons of canned wblch Is to be applied 10ward lbe eouncy Delense councU. 20. u a. m ~ . will meet Wednes­ Grantsville on Friday night. apples. Ule expensea or publllblnl tbe _,.1 Ule alrD&I ror the blackout day, Oct. 21, at II a. m .. Mr. H. Y. Clark, lnstruciOr In FHty bushel• or ptllr3 were Mercury lor tbt ocbool )'ear. will come eometlme alter 8 p. m . Educo:tlon, wiJI teach a claos In brought rrom the COllege !arm Later the council'• acUon YU ud 11111 be relayed throucbout &llSS B.RAND MOVES . Educational Sociology at Ellza­ the put week. approved by Pres. D. L .R&u.abl. lbe city ancl suburbs •~ the lo­ INTO COLLEGE APARTMENT beth on Tuesday evenlogs. Rest ol the ezpenau ol Qle pa­ cal tlre llren and a slmUa• Dean Crawlord wUI leach BOOKS DONATED TO per wW be pald w\UI re,.nue IOlllld device at the Pittsburgh Raymond E. Freed, Instructor Physical Science and Miss Go\­ COLLEGE LIBRARY !rom rubscrlpUon r- ..,. and weat VIrginia oas station ln social stuclles, and Mrs. Freed dle c . Jam.es will teach a claos aclverllallls. OUier Items 10 be at Hays CitY. have moved• out of an apart­ In Problems ot the Family on Books have bet!ll recelted at Included In Ule blldcet of adi\'1- Hore for the partial btacllout ment on the seeond. .noor of Thursday evenings at SutiOn. the library lroro Dr. E. 0 . Rohr­ 'Y lees will be Bl•u &PI'l<"al. wUl be John T. Flynn, or Louis Bennett Hall. Belore en­ Two classes, Foil< Literature bough, Major C. L. Underwood. probablY tbJ. weell, and 11111 be Otarlllnuc. civilian Defense lOring bls training lor the Reel ot West VIrginia, and HlaiOry Mr. R. E. Freed, and ~he CoUege publlsbecl complete In a tater 11- cllalrman, Tblrd District. Flynn Cross, Mr. Freed wUl v1slt rela­ 452, may be taught at Summers­ book siOro. One book ls a cur­ sue or the Mercury. and local OCD leaders wDI check tives ln VIrginia. · yUle on Saturday mornings. Mr. rent bl~ . Esther Forbo's " Paul cartfuJIY on activities In order Tbe apartment vacated by Woolter wiU teacb bolb. If they Revere," announces M.Lss WU­ BOLT ROLLDII Oft 10 develop lurther plans Cor a Mr. Freed will be occupied bY are given. ltrmll. While. 11 NIW IOIIIIID8 co~mty-Wide blackout whlcb Mlss Willa Brand, who bas been wW be held October 21. Uvlog In the C. L. Orll!lth Senior June Wilson Crowned Queen Th.e loUowlnl ten men _. Pros. D. L. Haught lo assem­ apartment on court Street. Initiated lnt ol!U RolJ Roller­ blY Wednesday called students' Court the past: Wlnaion Bbel­ attenr.Jon to the approaching MISS KENNEY RETVJINS Of Glenville's 12th Home-l:oming IOn , Jack Luzader, Jake F!tzpat• blacllout and slre.aed Import­ TO CLASS WORK June Wilson ot Clarltsburg• this twelfth annual Rome- rick, ComoUus WWI.ama, OIU­ ance of eacb one's seelog that !ord a~atnaker , Jobn llcCutch­ there are no !Jip-ups.
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