THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 39: ISSUE 114 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30,2005 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Seniors, administrators still divided over dome do it. We realize this is a dis­ was not released to students By MARY KATE MALONE appointment to tho senior earlier. News Wrircr class," 1\l'fleek-Graves said. ''I'll take the blame for it," Senior opposition has he said. "Honestly, I did not Though his of'l'ien in the grown sincn the procnss anticipate the huge reaction Main Building is loeatod just hogan on March 7. from the elass. Other times a f'nw f'loors bnlow tho statue "When I came back from the Dome has been re-gilded of' Mary and his nanw earries spring break and they had tho students have not been so with it tho titlo of' nxPeutive already started, I felt the upset." viee prnsidnnt, John 1\ffleek­ administration pulled a fast In the last few weeks, stu­ (;ravos sat at his dosk one. They could have polled dent government has stepped Tuesday al'tnrnoon and said student voices to gauge the in to try and stop the gilding t h a t lw e a n d o n o t h i n g to impad bnforn beginning the process. Senior class presi­ romovn thn seaf'folding sur­ procnss," senior Hob Van dent Darrell Scott told mem­ rounding the golden dome, Corder said. bers of the Couneil of dnspitn the intnnsn backlash 1\l'f'lnek-Graves apologized Hepresentatives at their of' tlw senior class. for the laek of communication meeting March 21 that he CLAIRE KELLEY!The Observer "If' thorn was any way to do and admitted that it was his Scaffolding surrounding the golden dome grew to reach the height thn prot:t~ss f'asll~r. we would mistake that the information see DOME/page 4 of the Virgin Mary statue during the Easter weekend. Students add on-calllpus jobs to daily studies College Ll11 iversi ty employs offers Iraq 3,611 in various posts support 1\y LISA SCHUlTZ Nt·w.,Wrill'r • Stut.lonts at Notrn Dame aro services known for tlwir hard work and dod irati on in tllP classroom. llowovor, tlw Univorsity also By COLLEEN KIELTY rot:ognizns tlwm as hard work­ NcwsWritrr PI'S outsido of' rlass - in on­ rampus jobs ranging from see­ While tlwir family, f'rinnds and rotary to sandwich artist. loved ones are serving in Iraq. Joyce Yatos, tlw assistant st.u­ members of the Saint Mary's dPnt. nmploynwnt. 1:oordinator community join tognthnr to olli~r for tho 0 f'f'i 1: I' of Stud n n t. support to OlW anot.lwr narh l':mployrnont, said from tho week in a group for st.udnnt.s intorost shown on tho who have loved onns in the mili­ Univorsity Job Board, Notrn tary. IJamn studonts som11 anxious to The support group is eo-spon­ work. CLAIRE KELLEY!The Observer sored by Saint Mary's Counsding "/\s soon as wn post a rHlW Sophomore Adam Cummil1s works the cash register in The Huddle Tuesday. Students fill and Carenr I>nvnlopmont and position ion tho board!, it's thousands of on-campus positions at the University. Campus Ministry, and it provides gono," sho said. students with a plaen to como to Tho onlirw rnsourco has been sham stories and have conversa­ in usn for about throo yoars Campus employment factors into financial aid packages offered tions with thosn experiencing and is toutot.l as tho best plaee similar situations. to start looking for an on-cam­ receive some form of financial to work - it's not a guarantee of Thn need for such a group was By MADDIE HANNA pus job. aid, the average amount is money," Russo said. "If you don't brought to tho attention of' For some students. employ­ Associate News Editor $23,000, with $2,300 being work. you don't get paid." Campus Ministry and Counseling mont is a noenssity, a reason granted as the maximum typical This means that students who and Carner Devnlopment by stu­ campus jobs aro highly sought. The opportunity to work is frn­ olli.w to work. are given the opportunity to denL<; and !'acuity. Both thn spon­ Sophomoro Molly Kealy has quently presented to Notre Dame To earn the $2,300, Russo said work in their financial aid off'ers sors of' tho group and f'aculty thnw jobs under work-study. students as part of a financial aid a student receiving the basic pay must seek out employment members knew of' students who Kealy, an /\lumni /\ssoeiation offer. said Joe Russo, director of rate would have to work about themselves when they get to have a loved one serving in t.hn mrlploynn, sorvns as tho assis- Finandal 1\id. 12 hours a week, 15 weeks a campus, but Russo said that stu- military. Husso said that for the nearly semester. For some students, it is a fami­ see JOBS/page 6 6,400 undergraduates who do "However, it's an opportunity see AID/page 6 ly member. Othnrs know friends from home who are serving in the armed fiu·ces. "We've all had a few studnnts who have f'rinnds or family serv­ ing in difliwnnt. capacities," said Dillon summer-long remodeling underway .Judy Fean, director of' Campus Ministry. power-washing the exterior Thn group bngan nwnting on By KATE ANTONACCI of the building, Dillon rector Mard1 15 and cont.imws to mont. Associate News Ediror Father Paul Doyle said. every Tuesday at 4::lo p.m. in tlw "This is loud work. Tho Campus Ministry room in tlw men have been very under­ Dillon llall began a 1ww Student Cnntnr at Saint standing. I tried to givn tho Mary's Collngn. makeovor on M<trch 3, a men an explanation before proeoss that will take "While our numbers haw hnnn eaeh step of this process," through tho summer to eom­ low, the responses wn havn Doyle said. "As of tonight or plet.o, but will leave the rncnivt'd arn appn~dativn," said tomorrow night they will mnn's dorm with new win­ Gina Christiana of' ThP have pownr-washed all or dows, updated bathrooms Counsnling and CarPnr Dillon llall nxcnpt tlw court­ Dnwlopnwnt Cnntnr·. and a laundry room. yard facing Alumni. Noisn is For the past few weeks, Thn group has rnc.nivnd ~~­ over with for the men of mails from students studying CLAIRE KELLEYrrhe Observer crews havn been pulling out Tarps protect bushes outside of Dillon Hall while the building loose mortar between the undergoes construction Tuesday. bricks and stones, while also see DILLON/page 8 see SUPPORT/pagc6 I I I j page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Wednesday, March 30, 2005 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: How ARE YOU ENJOYING THE WARM WEATHER? Do111e letdown Acting on emotion rarely results in a positive outcome. Since the adminis­ tration's letter reiterating the regilding and repairs to the Dome wouldn't halt Christian Brown John Mulvahill Matt Schulte Rebecca Jakubisin Teresa Kolf Thomas Thuruthiyil for graduation, emotions have run sophomore freshman senior freshman sophomore employee high for a number of seniors, includ­ O'Neill Carroll Dillon LeMans McGlinn South Dining Hall ing myself. Letting it sink in "Getting ready "Running "Starting up "!prayed the Tm walking "Jogging and during the past week, I've come to for the around spring practice rosary while slower to class." running around what bothers me bookstore barefoot. '' for Walsh laying out." campus. I like the most with the tournament." football." the green scaffolding that leaves on the will continue to ,, surround the Matt Lozar trees. University's land­ mark on arguably our most impor­ Senior Staff tant day at Notre Writer Dame. It has to deal with disappointment stemming from the way this situation has been han­ IN BRIEF dled by the administration. My problem goes further than sneak­ ing the beginning of this project past students who were on spring break The Notre Dame softball team when the last thing on our mind was will face off against Valparaiso Notre Dame. in a double header today at 4 My disappointment comes from the p.m. and 8 at Ivy Field. administration not showing it's doing everything possible to put the seniors The fourth annual girl's first. McDonald's All American high I refuse to drink the Kool-Aid being school basketball game will handed out by the administration take place tonight at 5 p.m. in insisting the schedule for this project the Joyce Center. can't be changed. I understand the repairs and regilding need to be done, Co-director of the Center for that's indisputable. Economic and Policy Research But why can't the schedule be Dean Baker will speak tonight in changed? a lecture titled "Social Security: Tell the senior class the project's cost The Phony Crisis." It will begin increases too much if overtime or at 7 p.m. in 126 DeBartolo Hall. working on weekends are unrealistic, making finances the major issue. Philip Sakimoto, former act­ Provide a detailed schedule showing ing director of NASA's Space why six months are necessary if the and Science Education and South Bend weather dictates each and Public Outreach program, will every day. Explain how having a gold­ give a lecture entitled "The en Dome is more important for that Universe and Everything In It" Michigan State game on Sept. 17 or tonight at 8 p.m.
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