Plant Disease January 2012 PD-80 Black Spot of Rose in Hawai‘i Scot Nelson Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences mong the plant diseases tissue around the spots turns yel- affecting roses (Rosa sp.) low, and this discoloration may inA Hawai‘i (Table 1), black spot eventually cover the entire leaf- is the most destructive and wide- let. Lesions enlarge slowly over spread. The plant-pathogenic several weeks, developing tan- fungus Diplocarpon rosae Wolf colored centers. Close inspec- (Marssonina rosae, asexual tion of older lesions reveals tiny stage) causes this familiar leaf black spore-producing structures spot disease throughout the called acervuli that produce world. These spots cause leaves white, slimy masses of spores. to die or fall prematurely, pro- Spots may coalesce to form large gressively weakening the plant blighted areas on the leaflets. and reducing the number of The pathogen may also infect blooms. stipules, pedicels, peduncles, Here we describe the patho- sepals, petals, and fruit. Infected gen, disease symptoms and canes have purplish lesions that epidemiology, and integrated later become black and blistered. management practices for rose Severely diseased leaflets die and fall from Highly susceptible cultivars may growers and home gardeners. plants prematurely. Lesions may also appear lose most of their leaves. on petioles and stems. Pathogen Epidemiology First reported in Sweden in 1815 and in the United States For spore germination and infection to occur, D. rosae in 1830, D. rosae now occurs in South America, China, requires either high relative humidity (95%) or free water Canada, Australia (Mangandi and Peres 2009), and on the surface of leaflets for at least seven hours (Watt throughout Europe. At least 11 races of the pathogen have 2010). Therefore, black spot disease in Hawai‘i is more been identified, each able to infect a set of rose varieties severe in the cooler, wetter regions. Spore-bearing struc- differentially (Whitaker et al. 2010). This indicates a tures form within two weeks after infection and release high level of pathogenic variability among populations spores that are mainly dispersed by wind and splashing of D. rosae. rain or by irrigation water. Spore germination is most favorable at 18°C (65°F), and symptoms appear within Disease symptoms 3 to 16 days of infection (Mangandi and Peres 2009). Round or irregularly shaped black spots up to 25 mm The disease develops most rapidly, however, at 24°C in diameter and with diffuse, fringed margins appear (75°F), while it is inhibited at 29°C (85°F) (Watt 2010). In on the upper surface of rose leaflets of any age. The temperate climates the fungus overwinters on canes and Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in co- operation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, under the Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96822. Copyright 2011, University of Hawai‘i. For reproduction and use permission, contact the CTAHR Office of Communication Services, [email protected], 808-956-7036. The university is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawai‘i without regard to race, sex, gender identity and expression, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or status as a covered veteran. Find CTAHR publications at www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/freepubs. UH–CTAHR Black Spot of Rose in Hawai‘i PD-80 — Jan. 2012 • Avoid working with plants when the foliage is wet to reduce the transfer of spores from plant to plant. • Avoid wetting foliage by sprinkler irrigation, or if this is impossible, irrigate during morning hours so the foliage can dry during the day. • Destroy wild, abandoned, or un- wanted roses that serve as sources of fungal inoculum. • Control weeds and provide good soil drainage to reduce relative humidity in the plant canopy. • Periodically apply preventive or Rose leaflets showing typical symptoms for black spot disease. Leaflet curative fungicides to prevent new tissue that is distal from lesions may turn yellow (right). infections or to arrest symptom de- velopment (see section on fungicides). fallen leaves. In Hawai‘i, however, the winters are mild, Disease-resistant roses and low temperatures rarely interrupt the disease cycle. Certain species of roses, and cultivars of old garden roses, have more resistance to black spot than some Disease management modern cultivars (Mangandi and Peres 2009). Cultivars In high-rainfall or humid areas with severe black spot, with thicker or waxier leaf cuticles are more resistant. combine cultural control practices with fungicide sprays Resistance to black spot has also been introduced into to achieve the most effective disease management. a number of modern cultivars by crossbreeding with R. wichuraiana, R. multiflora, R. cinnamomea, and R. pen- • Plant only top-quality, disease-free plants of dulina, which are all highly resistant or immune (Pataky resistant varieties (see next section). Use wider 1987). Other resistant species include R. arvensis, R. plant spacing in areas with high rainfall or high canina, R. kordesii, and R. moshata (Pataky 1987). The relative humidity. Choose rootstocks and scions expression of resistance (i.e., how difficult it is for the well adapted to Hawai‘i’s conditions. fungus to penetrate leaf tissues and the time required to • Select planting sites in open, sunny locations. This complete the disease cycle) may vary regionally due to allows air circulation to enhance leaf drying within differences in environment and races of the pathogen. canopies. Avoid planting near windbreaks. Resistance may be race-specific, meaning that it might be effective only against certain races of D. rosae. • Practice strict sanitation: Collect and compost or Zlesak et al. (2010) recently evaluated more than 70 bury diseased and fallen leaves; remove severely rose cultivars from different commercial classes for re- infected leaves from plants. sistance to black spot in Texas. They found nine cultivars • resistant to all three North American races of D. rosae Prune canes periodically to improve aeration in ® the canopy and remove sources of spores. (races 3, 8, and 9): Brite Eyes™, ‘Grouse’, Home Run , Knock Out®, Paprika™, Peachy Cream™, Pink Knock • Maintain plant vigor. Fertilize according to rec- Out®, Rainbow Knock Out®, and Yellow Submarine™. ommendations. Some other cultivars listed in the article were resistant 2 UH–CTAHR Black Spot of Rose in Hawai‘i PD-80 — Jan. 2012 to one or two of the races. Mueller et al. (2008) evaluated 24 Griffin Buck roses for resistance to D. rosae in Iowa, finding several cultivars to possess high levels of resistance: ‘Care- free Beauty’, ‘Aunt Honey’, ‘Honeysweet’, ‘Earthsong’, and ‘Pearlie Mae’. Wallis and Lewandowski (2011) listed the names of a number of varieties with high resistance to black spot. The names in bold font below were classified as well suited for cultivation in Hawai‘i in the CTAHR publication Rose growing in Hawaii (1972). The color of the bloom is in parentheses. Climbing roses The centers of older black spot lesions may turn whitish or tan colored. ‘Dortmund’, ‘Dublin Bay’, ‘Eden’, ‘John Adjacent lesions may coalesce to create symptoms of leaf blight and Davis’, ‘New Dawn’, ‘Pinkie’, ‘Prosper- curling. ity’, ‘Rambling Red’, ‘Red Climber’, ‘Royal Sunset’, ‘William Baffin’ City’, ‘Rainbow’s End’, ‘Red Cascade’, ‘Red Flush’, ‘Rose Gilardi’, ‘Simplex’, ‘Singles Better’, ‘Sweet Pickens’, Floribundas/grandifloras ‘Watercolor’, ‘Work of Art’ ‘Angel Face’, ‘Betty Prior’, ‘Carousel’, ‘Cathedral’, ‘Europeana’, ‘Fashion’, ‘First Edition’, ‘Gene Boerner’ Rugosa hybrids (pink), ‘Goldilocks’, ‘Impatient’, ‘Ivory Fashion’, ‘Love’, ‘Blanc Double de Coubert’, ‘F.J. Grookendorst’, ‘Frau ‘Mirandy’, ‘Montezuma’, ‘Pink Parfait’, ‘Prominent’, Dagmar Hartopp’, ‘Linda Campbell’, ‘Polyantha’, ‘Ru- ‘Queen Elizabeth’, ‘Razzle Dazzle’, ‘Red Gold’, ‘Rose gosa Alba’, ‘Rugosa Magnifica’, ‘Rugosa Rubra’, ‘Rose- Parade’, ‘Sonia’, ‘Sunsprite’ raie de l’Hay’, ‘The Fairy’, ‘Therese Bugnet’ Hybrid teas Shrub roses ‘Carla’, ‘Cayenne’, ‘Charlotte Armstrong’, ‘Chrysler ‘Alba Meidiland’, ‘All That Jazz’, ‘Baby Love’, ‘Belinda’s Imperial’ (red), ‘Duet’ (pink), ‘Electron’, ‘First Prize’ Dream’, ‘Caldwell Pink’, ‘Carefree Beauty’, ‘Carefree (red), ‘Forty-Niner’, ‘Granada’, ‘Miss All American Delight’, ‘Carefree Sunshine’, ‘Carefree Wonder’, ‘Dis- Beauty’ (pink), ‘Mr. Lincoln’ (red), ‘Olympiad’, ‘Pas- tant Drums’, ‘Else Pulsen’, ‘George Vancouver’, ‘Harri- ca l i’, ‘Pink Peace’ (pink), ‘Portrait’, ‘Pristine’, ‘Proud son’s Yellow’, ‘Katy Road Pink’, ‘Knock Out’, ‘Mrs. R.M. Land’, ‘Smooth Lady’, ‘Sutter’s Gold’, ‘Tiffany’ (pink), Finch’, ‘Prairie Harvest’, ‘Prairie Sunshine’, ‘Robusta’, ‘Tropicana’ (orange) ‘Sea Foam’, ‘Simon Fraser’, ‘Simplicity’, ‘Sir Thomas Lipton’, ‘The Fairy’, ‘Wanderin’ Wind’, ‘Winter Sunset’ Miniatures ‘Always a Lady’, ‘Angel Darling’, ‘Anytime’, ‘Apricot Other black-spot-resistant roses suited for the Midwest Twist’, ‘Baby Betsy McCall’, ‘Beauty Secret’, ‘Black US are listed by Beckerman (2007). Ja de’, ‘C ent er pie c e’, ‘Cinderella’ (white), ‘Cuddles’, ‘Deep Velvet’, ‘Green Ice’, ‘Gourmet Popcorn’, ‘Jennifer’, Fungicides registered in Hawai‘i for black spot ‘Linville’, ‘Little Artist’, ‘Loving Touch’, ‘Magic
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